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Synopsis: The historical war action movie "Rise of Tang Dynasty 1 大唐天下之揭竿而起" tells that in 617 AD, Yang Guang(Emperor Yang of Sui) came to Jiangdu with his courtiers, concubines, and imperial bodyguards, living an extravagant lifestyle. In even less than half a year, the peasant uprising had been picking up momentum when he was still indulged in praise and accompanied by music and dancing. Li Mi spread the call to arms that elaborated on 10 major accusations of Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty to the world, “His guilt is too legion to inscribe on all bamboo stripes of Zhongnan Mountain. And the pernicious influence is too evil to be washed off by even the Donghai sea.”, according to the Denunciation. Influenced by the article, Li Shimin donated his money widely and met Pei Ji, deputy palace supervisor of Jin Yanggong, and Liu Wenjing, magistrate of Jinyang County privately. Together, they formulated a strategy to overthrow the Great Sui Dynasty. Li Yuan was too cautious to make up his mind to do justice. Facing the threat of the court, Li Yuan, inspired by Li Shimin, decided to rise and do justice and overthrow the Sui Dynasty. In 617 AD (the thirteenth year under the reign title of Daye), Li Yuan established a general office in Taiyuan, claiming to be the Great General. He assigned Li Yuan as the Left Commander in Chief, Li Shimin the Right Commander in Chief, and appointed Pei Ji as Zhangshi(secretary-general), Liu Wenjing as Sima(minister of war) ... Since then, the rise of the Tang Dynasty of Li started.

故事简介: 古装历史战争电影《大唐天下之揭竿而起 Rise of Tang Dynasty 1》讲述公元617年,隋炀帝杨广带着他的群臣、嫔妃、禁卫来到江都,尽享奢靡。不到半年光景,就在他歌舞为伴、赞誉相随之时,农民起义已成燎原之势。 李密将檄文传送天下,历数隋炀帝十大罪状。檄文中说:罄南山之竹,书罪无穷,决东海之波,流恶难尽!李密的檄文让李世民感叹不已。 李世民广散钱财,私下结识晋阳宫副宫监裴寂和晋阳令刘文静,制定了推翻大隋王朝的方略。李渊谨小慎微,迟迟定不了举义的决心,李渊面对朝廷的威胁,在李世民的感召下,决定起兵举义,推翻大隋王朝。 大业十三年,李渊于太原立大将军府,自认大将军。封李建成为左领军大都督,李世民为右领军大都督,任命裴寂为长史,刘文静为司马……自此,大唐李氏王朝的开创,迈出了第一步。

出品 Studio: 北京斯奇正维 Siqi Zhengwei Culture, 山东心聚毅辉 Xinju Yihui Film, 永康三冠影业 Sanguan Film.
制片人 Produced by: 刘戈建 Liu Gejian, 张辉力 Zhang Huili.
导演 Directed by: 王文杰 Wang Wenjie, 张辉力 Zhang Huili.
编剧 Screenplay by: 张辉力 Zhang Huili.
主演 Starring: 沈晓海 Shen Xiaohai, 刘文治 Liu Wenzhi, 刘奕君 Liu Yijun, 鲍国安(87版曹操) Bao Guoan, 张子健 (李元芳) Zhang Zijian.
题材 Genres: 古装 历史 #ChineseHistory 战争 #WarMovie 动作 #ActionMovies

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1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, Moxi Shorts Channel 模晰短剧频道:

4, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The martial arts action movie "Drunken Fist Su Qier 醉拳蘇乞兒" tells the story of Su Can (Su Qier), born in a family of officers and had a love for martial arts since he was a child. When he went to the capital to get the martial arts exam, he was framed with banned drugs. Su Gui was also accused of favoritism and fraud, leading to the destruction of Su Can's family. After that, his master in the beggars' group, Liu Jiang helped him recover from his injury, and taught him Drunken Fists martial arts. In the end, Su Can, with the help of his confidante, Shen Ruyu, and his master, finished off his enemies and avenged his family.

故事简介: 古装武侠动作电影《醉拳苏乞儿 Drunken Fist Su Qier》讲述苏灿出身官吏世家,自幼酷爱舞枪舞棍,上京考取武状元时不料被人陷害服用了禁药,苏贵也被指控徇私舞弊,导致苏灿家破人亡。直到他师父丐帮刘僵帮助他恢复了伤势,并传授了他醉拳武功。最后苏灿在红颜知己沈洳玉和师父的帮助手刃仇人。

出品 Studio: 杭州书琴文化 Shuqin Culture.
制片人 Produced by: 柏舒漫 Bo Shuman.
导演 Directed by: 李大川 Li Dachuan.
编剧 Screenplay by: 张晏尘 Zhang Yanchen
主演 Starring: 程启蒙 Cheng Qimeng, 周洛伊 Zhou Luoyi.
题材 Genres: #武侠 #martialarts #action #动作 #actionmovies #wuxia

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1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, Moxi Movie Trailers Channel:

4, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The martial arts action film "Dragon Gate Posthouse 6 龍門驛站之秋娘淚" tells the tragic story of Qiu Niang, the owner of Tianya Wine Shop, who moved to Yueya Town two years ago and was willing to kill people in order to keep her husband. Qiu Niang was a smart and attractive woman, but because she could not conceive, she feared that her husband Fang Youde would one day return to his ex-wife Liu Furong. In order to keep her hard-earned home, Qiu Niang did everything she can, even going so far as to kill to do so. However, as fate would have it, Furong, who was looking for Youde, her husband, came from thousands of miles away to the wine shop. Qiu Niang discovered that her husband was still in love with his ex-wife and went into a frenzy. She imprisoned Youde and Furong, forcing her husband to make a final choice. When seeing that her husband and ex-wife were willing to sacrifice their lives to save each other, Qiu Niang finally came to her senses and finally committed suicide to cleanse herself of her sins.

故事简介: 古装武侠动作电影《龙门驿站之秋娘泪 Dragon Gate Posthouse 6》讲述两年前搬到月牙镇的天涯酒坊老板娘秋娘,为了挽留住丈夫而不惜杀人的悲惨故事。秋娘是个聪慧而有魅力的女人,然而由于秋娘无法怀有身孕,她担心丈夫方友德总有一天会回到前妻柳芙蓉身边。为了保住这个来之不易的家,秋娘无所不用其极,甚至不惜为此杀人。可是,命运的安排令千里寻夫的芙蓉来到酒坊。秋娘发现丈夫依然深爱着前妻,于是陷入疯狂之中。她囚禁了友德和芙蓉,逼迫丈夫做出最后的选择。而当秋娘看到丈夫和前妻为了拯救彼此,竟然不惜牺牲性命之时,秋娘终于幡然醒悟,最终自杀洗刷自己的罪恶。

出品 Studio: 东阳奇月星空文化传媒 Dongyang Qiyue Xingkong Media.
制片人 Produced by: 闫晓强 Yan Xiaoqiang.
导演 Directed by: 潘文杰 Man Kit Poon, 朱锐斌 Yui-bun Chu.
编剧 Screenplay by: 邵洋 Shao Yang, 黄浩华 Ho-Wa Wong.
主演 Starring: 张智霖 Julian Cheung, 刘家辉 Chia Hui Liu, 文颂娴 Annie Man, 赵柯 Zhao Ke, 米扬 Mi Yang.
题材 Genres: #wuxia #武侠 #action #动作 #martialarts #武侠片 #actionmovies #武侠电影 #actionfilm

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1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official :

4, 模晰青春情感影院 Moxi Youth & Love Theater

5, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The war & wuxia martial arts action movie "The Bloody Blade of King Lanling 蘭陵王之泣血刀鋒" is about the legendary story of the Langling King, Gao Changgong, who led the army of North Qi Kingdom and defeated the army of North Zhou Kingdom. After the war, King Lanling met a girl, Mulan and returned the palace. Otherwise, the Grand Master He Shikai used magic arts to hoodwink the emperor and tried to seize the throne. At last, the King Lanling successfully uncovered the plot and saved the country.

故事简介: 古装战争动作电影《兰陵王之泣血刀锋 The Bloody Blade of King Lanling》影片讲述了骁勇善战的兰陵王(叶项明饰)打败了入侵北齐的北周大军,回朝时邂逅了民间女子木兰(焦娜饰),并在几次事件后与其渐生情愫。回朝后其生死兄弟,副将刘桃枝(孟飞饰)被国师和士开(李子雄饰)引诱叛变,先后共同害死了其身边的大将斛律光(梁家仁饰)和大王爷高孝瑜,兰陵王自身也被陷害入狱。最终兰陵王运用智慧和武力化解了危机,拯救了国家。

出品 Studio: 纳莱影视 Na Lai Pictures.
制片人 Produced by: 冯良浩 Feng Lianghao
导演 Directed by: 刘学见 Liu Xuejian.
编剧 Screenplay by: 郭宏翔 Guo Hongxiang.
主演 Starring: 叶项明 Ye Xiangming, 焦娜 Jiao Na, 梁家仁 Ka-Yan Leung, 李子雄 Li Zixiong, 孟飞 Meng Fei.
题材 Genres: 古装 Ancient Costume, 武侠 Wuxia Martial Arts, 动作 Action.

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3, Moxi Shorts Channel 模晰短剧频道:

4, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

0 Views · 1 year ago

[Full Movie] 合约妈妈 My Kid's Contract Mom | 甜宠爱情电影 Sweet Love & Romance film HD

出品 Studio: 西安开始幸福影业 Start Happiness Film, 北京九马影业 Nine Horse Film.
制片人 Produced by: 白凌云 Bai Lingyun.
导演 Directed by: 王利鸽 Wang Lige.
编剧 Screenplay by: 鸽子姐 Gezi Jie, 高伯伦 Gao Bolun.
主演 Starring: 封柏 Feng Bo, 李佳璇 Li Jiaxuan, 刘研 Liu Yan.
题材 Genres: #爱情 #Romance #甜宠 #sweet #love #sweetlove

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1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official :

4, 模晰青春情感影院 Moxi Youth & Love Theater

5, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The youth campus romance love story movie "The Girl 2 Peach Era 校花駕到 2 蜜桃時代" is also named as "At the Age of Seventeen 十七要不要". When Ai Meili went to college, she decided to form a band and aimed to win the National Campus Musical Competition, then her roommates Su Mi, Wu Yimeng and another handsome boy Wen Zhuo joined the team. They have to defeat the famous Young Rose Band on their road to the final winner. Also they faced the friendship and love during this journey of youth.

故事简介: 校园青春爱情电影《校花驾到2蜜桃时代 The Girl 2 Peach Era》亦名《十七要不要 At the Age of Seventeen》讲述了青春少女艾美丽(范薇饰演)升入大学后和好姐妹以及梦中男神组建乐队的故事,一段勇敢追逐青春、爱情、友谊和梦想的校园生活就此展开。天生胆小、五音不全的艾美丽升入大学,决定组建一支乐队。性格麻辣的好姐妹苏米(石靖怡饰演)、练拳击的女汉子吴一萌(李玲饰演),以及艾美丽童年时代的梦中情人文卓(文卓饰演)加入进来,四人一起向全国校园音乐大赛发起冲击。一段关于、爱情、友谊的校园生活就此展开。在这个过程中,他们经历了各种各样的事,品尝到了成长的滋味。艾美丽克服了天性,唱响了自己的歌,收获了自己一直不敢去面对的爱情。

出品 Studio: IFG 互联网电影集团
制片人 Produced by: 陈焕章 Chen Huanzhang, 程睿 Cheng Rui.
导演 Directed by: 马成成 Ma Chengcheng.
编剧 Screenplay by: 周旦 Zhou Dan.
主演 Starring: 文卓 Wen Zhuo, 范薇 Fan Wei, 李玲 Li Ling(1931女子偶像组合), 石靖怡 Shi Jingyi, 张冬 Zhang Dong.
题材 Genres: 校园 Campus, 青春 Youth, 爱情 Romance LoveStory.

频道内容介绍 Introduction of Channels & Contents
1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, Moxi Shorts Channel 模晰短剧频道:

4, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The Kung Fu Action Movie "烈火狼之笼斗 The Fire Wolf" is one of the best Chinese action movies. When the former MMA champion, Fang Yihuo, was framed and sent to prison by Boss Jin, his young brother Fang Yishui launched a revenge plan and joined the competition. Unfortunately, he was beaten to brain death by a King's player, Qian Kun. After Fang Yihuo was released from prison, he decided to participate in the competition with the name of his brother and continue his brother's revenge plan.

故事简介: 格斗功夫动作电影《烈火狼之笼斗 The Fire Wolf》讲述了 昔日MMA拳王方义火在金爷等人的陷害下进入监狱服刑,其双胞胎弟弟方义水发誓为其报仇,用计接近金爷妹妹金瑶瑶,实现了在金爷手下打拳的愿望,但这一切早被金爷手下阿鬼洞察,方义水被打成植物人,方义火得知弟弟情况后,暴怒,就等出狱后为弟弟报仇,怎奈天不遂人愿,更大的阴谋在等着方义火…

出品 Studio: 美优美田传媒 MYMT Media
导演 Director: 吴吞 Wu Tun, 王新刚 Wang Xingang
主演 Starring: 谢孟伟 Xie Mengwei, 高依依 Gao Yiyi, 王永强 Wang Yongqiang
题材 Genres: #动作 #action #功夫 #kungfu #格斗

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0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The Action Movie "Fist of Operatic Legend 6 京武侠影" is about a kung fu fighting story. During Republic of China period, Japanese Army occupied Beijing, China. A Chinese Agent Team kept fighting against Japanese Army in the occupied territories. Yuan Zhiyong lost his memories in a fighting competition and was caught by Japanese Army. At this time, a Japanese female agent Qing Zi pretended to be his fiance and gave him another Japanese Agent identity, Sasaki. At last, Yuan Zhiyong and his agent team ruined the Biochemical Lab of Japanese Army, because he never lost his memories and identity!

故事简介: 动作电影《京武侠影 Fist of Operatic Legend 6》讲述意外落入日本人手中的地下党抗日武工队成员袁志勇假装失忆接受日本人为他安排的新身份,表面上他接受着自己是日本女特务武藤青子的未婚夫这层身份,暗地里与武工队成员蓝馨儿共同调查日军营中关于生化武器的秘密,两人化解层层危急历经万难在郭兴、阿布等人的协助下成功摧毁日军生化仪器。

出品 Studio: 新时空影业 New Sky Film.
制片人 Produced by: 白家璘 Wang Jialin.
导演 Directed by: 李乾铭 Li Qianming, 繆建辉 Miao Jianhui.
编剧 Screenplay by: 陈湃涌 Chen Paiyong.
主演 Starring: 李乾铭 Li Qianming, 洛晨舒 Luo Chenshu, 张春仲 Zhang Chunzhong.
题材 Genres: 动作 Action, 功夫 Kung Fu.

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1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, Moxi Shorts Channel 模晰短剧频道:

4, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The comedy drama movie "The Goddess College 女神學院" is known as the female version of "The Truman Show". The film tells that Yu Li is a golden producer in TV programs. He created an unprecedented real reality show "The Goddess College" to live broadcast the whole process of the heroine becoming a goddess from a loser, in which all people from the dean and professors to the students are acted by professional actors, except the heroine. In order to make his daughter Yu Moon famous, Yu Li sent her to the Goddess College. After she entered the college, Moon was exposed before the audiences across the country day and night. She became more and more famous but knew nothing about it. In order to keep the show popular, Yu Li even arranged a romantic love for Moon. At last, Moon gradually discovered some clues, and an activity to reveal the truth begins...

故事简介: 喜剧剧情电影《女神学院 The Goddess College》被誉为女版《楚门的世界》,影片讲述余力是纵横卫视的金牌制作人,他创办了电视节目史上第一个真正的真人秀节目“女神学院”。为了让女儿成名,余力将女儿月亮送进女神学院,从进入学院的那一刻,月亮一夜成名,进入了全国观众的视线。然而女神学院里所有的人物都是节目组请来的演员,对此月亮全然不知。在节目播出一段时间后,由于遇到同行业其它节目的打压,余力为了让节目持续火爆,他绞尽脑汁,甚至主动为月亮安排了一段浪漫的爱情故事。然而纸里包不住火,精明的月亮逐渐发现了一些端倪,由此一场揭露真相的活动就此展开……

出品 Studio: 大宋如歌影业 Dasong Ruge Films, 上海克龙影业 Kelong Films
制片人 Produced by: 李春海 Li Chunhai, 邱婉婷 Qiu Wanting, 朱惠民 Zhu Huimin, 李强书 Li Qiangshu.
导演 Directed by: 李克龙 Li Kelong.
编剧 Screenplay by: 李克龙 Li Kelong.
主演 Starring: 姚橹 Yao Lu, 廖蔚蔚 Liao Weiwei, 葛天 Ge Tian, 书亚信 Shu Yaxin.
题材 Genres: #剧情 #喜剧 #drama #comedy #剧情片 #dramamovies #剧情电影 #dramafilm #喜剧片 #喜剧电影 #comedymovie

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2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official :

4, 模晰青春情感影院 Moxi Youth & Love Theater

5, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The kung fu fight action movie "Raptors Attack 猛龍出擊" tells the story of Zhang Zilong and the blind Li Wenhui who grew up in an orphanage since childhood. Zhang Zilong was deeply loved by the martial arts coach Xu Jinyang because of his extraordinary talent in martial arts. He recommended Zilong to his mentor, coach Dai Yuhai, and hoped that his mentor could train Zilong to become a generation of boxing champions; Li Wenhui also became an outstanding TCM massage therapist through hard work. In the face of various setbacks in life, Zilong and Wenhui supported each other and did not bow to fate. In the end, Zhang Zilong broke through and won the gold belt of the international boxing champion, kept his promise, and reaped his love.

故事简介: 格斗功夫动作电影《猛龙出击 Raptors Attack》讲述张子龙和双目失明的李文慧自幼在孤儿院长大,李文慧处处得到了张子龙的照顾,彼此互生情愫。张子龙因武术天赋异禀,深得武校教练徐锦阳的喜爱,他把子龙推荐给自己的恩师戴玉海教练,希望恩师可以把子龙培养成一代拳王;李文慧经过努力成了一名出色的中医推拿师。面对生活的种种挫折,子龙和文慧彼此扶持没有向命运低头,最终张子龙突破自我拿下了国际拳王金腰带,信守了承诺,也收获了久违的爱情。

出品 Studio: 广东猛龙出击文化传媒 Raptors Attack Media, 深圳环亚映画 Huanya Films.
制片人 Produced by: 张水波 Zhang Shuibo, 庄黎 Zhuang Li, 赖杰 Lai Jie.
导演 Directed by: 陆革命 Lu Geming.
编剧 Screenplay by: 陆革命 Lu Geming.
主演 Starring: 何翔 He Xiang, 程媛媛 Cheng Yuanyuan, 王佳宁 Wang Jianing, 博弘 Bo Hong.
题材 Genres: #动作 #Action #功夫 #kungfu #动作片 #actionmovies #功夫片 #动作电影 #actionfilm

频道内容介绍 Introduction of Channels & Contents
1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official :

4, 模晰青春情感影院 Moxi Youth & Love Theater

5, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The romance drama movie "Forever Love 星星都喜歡你" is about a sweet love story of the new actress Bai Ange who lost her memory after a car accident. She not only owed a huge debt, but also suffered from physical problems, and sometimes dizziness. In order to survive, she contacted Gu Heng, the ill man who "faked injury", and found that she was not dizzy when he was around. The two signed a marriage contract for different purposes, and began to live together in chaos. While trying her best to realize her dream, she overcame the psychological barrier to survive, but she was informed by her husband who hugged and kissed her to terminate the contract in advance. This was intolerable.

故事简介: 偶像甜宠爱情剧电影《星星都喜欢你 Forever Love》讲述了新人演员白安歌车祸后失忆,不但欠下巨债,身体还出现bug,时不时眩晕,为了活下来,她和“碰瓷”自己的病秧子顾恒接触发现不晕了,两人出于不同目的签订契约婚姻协议,开始了兵荒马乱的同居生活。她一边拼尽全力实现自己的梦想,一边克服心理障碍好好活下来,但是却被和自己“亲亲抱抱举高高”的老公通知提前结束协议。是可忍,孰不可忍。

出品 Studio: 北京光合星空文化 StarLight Fusion Culture.
制片人 Produced by: 赵子墨 Zhao Zimo, 渠树娟 Liang Shujuan.
导演 Directed by: 王艺洁 Wang Yijie.
编剧 Screenplay by: 渠小树 Qu Xiaoshu, 阎小茹 Yan Xiaoru.
主演 Starring: 郑玉佳 Zheng Yujia, 陈冠峄 Chen Guanyi, 刘逸夫 Liu Yifu, 胡雅绮 Hu Yaqi, 徐玉龙 Xu Yulong.
题材 Genres: #爱情 #Romance #甜宠 #sweet #甜宠爱情剧

频道内容介绍 Introduction of Channels & Contents
1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official :

4, 模晰青春情感影院 Moxi Youth & Love Theater

5, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The Overbearing Boss and Cinderella style sweet romance movie "The Overbearing Love 2 腹黑上司我要了" tells the story of Jing City Regal Club being a gathering place for top business people, and all graduates yearn for a job in it. The brave and outspoken girl Xuan Xuan tried her best, finally passed the interview of the club manager Zheng Yiqun, and officially got the job. She worked hard to deal with Zheng Yiqun's difficult demands, just to meet the bosses of Rongfa Shares and Lane Technology as soon as possible. In fact, she is a reporter for a magazine who once reported an article about the insider transaction between the two companies, but the magazine was shut down because of that article. She still wouldn't back down. At this time, all the evidence pointed to the Regal Club, so she was determined to dig out the truth. She and Zheng Yiqun battled back and forth, but she did not know that she was under Zheng Yiqun's calculations all along, and it was Zheng Yiqun who closed the magazine back then. Xuan Xuan tried her best to get closer to the truth, but she always went astray. The strange thing was that Zheng Yiqun knew that it was not good for him, but he always led her to the right way toward the truth. Xuan Xuan finally found out the truth: As it turned out, she was being maliciously used by a business opponent, and Zheng Yiqun closed the magazine to protect her. It turned out that Zheng Yiqun had seen her a year ago, and he saw his former self in this stubborn little girl. He worked hard and hoped that Xuan Xuan would grow up through her own efforts. It is better to teach a person how to fish than to give them one. Xuan Xuan finally understood that the love of this boss is very special.

故事简介: 霸道总裁与灰姑娘式偶像甜宠爱情电影《腹黑上司我要了 The Overbearing Love 2》讲述晶城富豪俱乐部是一个顶级商务人士的汇聚地,所有毕业生心之向往。正义敢言的少女宣萱拼尽全力,终于通过俱乐部经理郑逸群的面试,正式入职。她努力应对郑逸群的百般刁难,只为尽快见到荣发股份和莱恩科技两家公司的老板。其实,她是一个杂志记者,曾报道过一篇关于两家公司的交易黑幕,却导致杂志社惨遭关门,她不甘心,这时所有证据指向富豪俱乐部,于是她决心挖出黑幕真相。她与郑逸群斗智斗勇,却不知道这一切都在郑逸群的算计中,当年让杂志社关门的正是郑逸群。宣萱想尽办法接近真相,却总是走偏,奇怪的是郑逸群明知对自己不利,却总给她引路。终于宣萱查到真相:原来自己被商业对手恶意利用,郑逸群关掉杂志社也是为了保护她。原来,郑逸群早在一年前就见过她,他在这个固执小姑娘身上看到了曾经的自己。他费劲心思,希望宣萱通过自己的努力来成长,授人以鱼不如授人以渔,宣萱终于明白这个腹黑上司的爱很特别。

出品 Studio: 非比寻常影视 Phoebe Media.
制片人 Produced by: 王秀珍 Wang Xiuzhen.
导演 Directed by: 黄超 Huang Chao.
编剧 Screenplay by: 王纯乐 Wang Chunle, 邱钧雅 Qiu Junya.
主演 Starring: 陶思源 Tao Siyuan, 满昱彤 Man Yutong, 景乐 Jing Le, 邵胜杰 Shao Shengjie.
题材 Genres: 偶像 #甜宠 爱情 #Romance Love.

频道内容介绍 Introduction of Channels & Contents
1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, Moxi Shorts Channel 模晰短剧频道:

4, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The comedy romance movie "The Virgin Man 扒光地球人" tells that 30-year-old Zhang Kai originally led a boring and ordinary life, but fell into an unprecedented crisis because his virgin identity was inadvertently exposed. When life was in trouble, Zhang Kai met a special alien visitor Teddy. Teddy comes from a planet four solar systems away with a civilization which is very similar to the earth. Because of a wrong evolutionary experiment, the planet has only male life, the population is gradually decreasing, and it is on the verge of extinction. So Teddy was sent to the earth to experiment with women, but Teddy must be attached to a virgin before he can have sex with women. Eager to get rid of the virgin troubles, Zhang Kai agreed to cooperate with Teddy, and they began a Women-hunting Journey. Since then, all kinds of funny things have happened one after another, and all kinds of women have appeared one after another...

故事简介:喜剧爱情电影《扒光地球人 The Virgin Man》讲述30岁的张开原本过着无聊又平凡的生活,但由于他的处男身份无意中被曝光而陷入了前所未有的危机。生活亮起红灯之时,张开遇到了一个特别的外星来客泰迪。泰迪来自距地球四个太阳系空间距离的一个星球,拥有与地球极其类似的文明。因为一次错误的进化实验,导致星球只有男性生命,人口逐渐减少,濒临灭亡。于是泰迪被派到地球与女性进行结合试验,但是泰迪必须附身在处男身上才可以与女性发生关系。急于摆脱处男困扰的张开答应了与泰迪的合作,两人开始了一段“破处之旅”,自此各种搞笑的事情接连发生,各式各样的女人接连登场.....

出品 Studio: 上海有仙则名 You Xian Ze Ming Film, 北京九马影业 Nine Horses Film.
制片人 Produced by: 王艨贤 Wang Mengxian.
导演 Directed by: 贾炳奇 Jia Bingqi.
编剧 Screenplay by: 贾炳奇 Jia Bingqi.
主演 Starring: 程驰 Cheng Chi, 陈倩 Chen Qian, 汪浩然 Wang Haoran.
题材 Genres: 喜剧 Comedy, 爱情 Romance LoveStory.

频道内容介绍 Introduction of Channels & Contents
1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, Moxi Shorts Channel 模晰短剧频道:

4, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The War Action Movie "I am Chinese 我是中國人" is about a story during The Second World War. Haisheng was a young man of Chinese Taiwan. But during the war, Taiwan was occupied by Japan. He was affected by Japanese Militarism and joined the vanguard team to Chinese Mainland, fighting together with his foster-brother, Yomamoto Ichiro. But when Haisheng saw the Japanese soldiers kill Chinese citizens. He was going to escape back to Taiwan when he met four college girls who pullouted from Chinese Northeast and went to Nanjing City. Haisheng saved and protected them and fought against with Yomamoto and a special Japanese Team.

故事简介:战争动作电影《我是中国人 I am Chinese》讲述二战期间,受日本军国主义思想影响的中国台湾青年海生(李乾铭饰),作为日本特别纵队的一员赴中国大陆参战。期间海生目睹了日军残杀中国平民的暴虐行径,想要逃回家乡。这时,海生遇到宁毓等四个女孩,迫于无奈答应送宁毓她们去已经被日军占领的南京城。一路上海生保护着宁毓他们,还要躲避特别纵队队长山本一郎的追杀,四个女孩中的三人相继死去,最终有日本血统的樱子也看清了日本军人的真实面目。海生奋力掩护樱子逃出重围。

出品 Studio: 奥奇文体策划 Ao Qi Film.
制片人 Produced by: 李乾铭 Li Qianming.
导演 Directed by: 刘观伟 Ricky Lau [中国香港]
编剧 Screenplay by: 李士杰 Li Shijie, 郑运昌 Zheng Yunchang, 吴文 Wu Wen, 郭思遥 Guo Siyao.
主演 Starring: 李乾铭 Li Qianming, 颜丹晨 Yan Danchen, 张岩 Zhang Yan, 梁又琳 Liang Yolin [中国台湾], 周蕾 Zhou Lei, 董晓娇 Dong Xiaojiao, 黄一飞 Jatfei Wong.
题材 Genres: 战争 War.

频道内容介绍 Introduction of Channels & Contents
1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, Moxi Shorts Channel 模晰短剧频道:

4, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The Kung Fu action movie "The Southern Fist Kid 南拳小子" tells the story of two brothers, Awei and Xiaodong, who lived by the sea since they were young, and were taught Southern Fist Kungfu by their grandfather. Then the two brothers went to school in the city and heard the story about the "Righteous Warrior". With the help of their grandfathers, several Southern Fist Kids work together to catch the robbers with the police.

故事简介: 功夫动作电影《南拳小子 The Southern Fist Kid》讲述阿伟、小东两兄弟自小生活在海边,由爷爷教授南拳功夫,后来两兄弟到市区上学,听说了关于“义侠”的故事,几位南拳少年齐心协力在爷爷的帮助下,和警方联手智斗劫匪的故事。

出品 Studio: 浙江尚云影视 Shangyun Films, 浙江星派文化 Xingpai Media.
制片人 Produced by: 张咏皓 Zhang Yonghao, 何洋 He Yang.
导演 Directed by: 李振飞 Li Zhengfei.
编剧 Screenplay by: 汪乐华 Wang Lehua.
主演 Starring: 王子豪 Wang Zihao, 张凯一 Zhang Kaiyi, 宋佳馨 Song Jiaxin, 张春仲 Zhang Chunzhong.
题材 Genres: #动作 #Action #功夫 #kungfu #动作片 #actionmovies #动作电影 #actionfilm #功夫片 #kungfumovies #kungfufilm

频道内容介绍 Introduction of Channels & Contents
1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official :

4, 模晰青春情感影院 Moxi Youth & Love Theater

5, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The comedy wuxia action movie "The Battle Between Chefs 廚霸江湖" is about a legendary story in the ancient Chinese cuisine world. A group of chefs became famous in the kitchen circle because they integrated Kung Fu into their cooking skills to make delicious food, the world called it - Kung Fu Chefs. In the next hundred years, various martial arts sects fought continuously for the title of "The Chef God". In order to defend his homeland, Kung Fu boy Xiaojili made a bet with Weiji, the first disciple of "The Chef God" Liu Fanen, to compete in the National Cuisine Competition held in the capital. A battle between dark cuisine representing grassroots cuisine and haute cuisine delicacies from mountains and seas also kicked off.

故事简介: 古装武侠喜剧动作电影《厨霸江湖 The Battle Between Chefs》一个在古代的中华料理界的传说故事,有一派厨师因将武功融入厨艺当中做出绝味美食在厨坛名声大噪,世人称之为—武厨。而后百年间,各武厨门派为争夺“天下第一厨”之称而斗争不断。为了保卫家园,功夫少年小吉利与“天下第一厨”六扇恩的大弟子味极立下赌约,在京城召开的天下料理大赛上一决高下。一场关于代表草根美食的黑暗料理和山珍海味的高级料理之战也随之拉开序幕。

出品 Studio: 奇月星空影业 Moon & Star Picture, 小仓电影 Cang Studio.
制片人 Produced by: 杨永清 Yang Yongqing.
导演 Directed by: 毕基 Bi Ji.
编剧 Screenplay by: 方岚 Fang Lan, 汤筱晶 Tang Xiaojing, 米拿 Mi Na.
主演 Starring: 王宥钧 Wang Youjun, 刘名凯 Liu Mingkai, 靳锦 Jing Jin, 黄子星 Huang Zixing.
题材 Genres: #喜剧 #comedy #动作 #action #武侠 #wuxia

频道内容介绍 Introduction of Channels & Contents
1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official :

4, 模晰青春情感影院 Moxi Youth & Love Theater

5, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The movie "一隻賈小蝶 Goodbye Miss Loser" is about a time-travelling comedy story. Jia Xiaodie is a silly girl in the work. One day she was fired and got a magic camera by chance. When she pressed the shutter, she had a chance to transport to different time: her past high school time, her new CSO career, her parents' youth ages...When she finally came back to her real life, she understood much about the life and decided to create her new future...

故事简介: 电影《一只贾小蝶 Goodbye Miss Loser》讲述 一名平淡无奇的职场小白,一台赋有魔力的穿越相机,在一次看似巧合却又好似命中注定的情况下让两者相遇,开始了一场场啼笑皆非的穿越之旅。享受过虽然梦幻但却虚无的百变人生之后,贾小蝶巡回真我、珍惜当下,开启了勇敢面对未来的人生新篇章。

出品 Studio: 九马影业 Nine Horses Flim.
制片人 Produced by: 王利民 Wang Limin.
导演 Directed by: 巴晨旭 Ba Chenxu.
编剧 Screenplay by: 佟大发 Dong Dafa.
主演 Starring: 陈丹妮 Chen Danni, 吴晓龙 Wu Xiaolong, 崔菁格 Cui Jingge.
题材 Genres: 喜剧 Comedy, 穿越 Time-travel, 青春 Youth.

频道内容介绍 Introduction of Channels & Contents
1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, Moxi Shorts Channel 模晰短剧频道:

4, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The Action Movie “The Iron Detective 暗黑破壞王” is about a detective comic story. Xiang Xiang is a jerk detective who loves his goddess A'zi. Hammer, a silly girl, meets Xiang Xiang and asks him to find his old brother, who was missing half month ago. Xiang Xiang accepted this high reward order, with which he can purchase his goddess A'zi. Unexpectedly he finds that A'zi is related to Elephant Gang...

故事简介: 喜剧动作电影《暗黑破坏王 The Iron Detective》讲述香香是一个不务正业有怪癖的私家侦探,喜欢的女神叫阿紫,铁锤是一个性格呆板的二货女,她哥哥是大象帮老大姥姥的得力干将,半个月之前失踪,生死不明,绝望之时铁锤找到了自称宇宙最强、地球最帅、睫毛最长、嘴唇最性感的私家侦探香香,香香看重铁锤出手大方,为追阿紫便假装答应帮忙,然而阿紫为拜托讨厌的另一位追求者,便让香香冒充自己男朋友来到自己家中,却无意中发现阿紫手臂上的大象纹身,在最失落之时是铁锤来安慰了他,于是香香答应一起去营救铁锤哥哥,收集了犯罪证据,然而却不知已经被阿紫发现,大象帮姥姥知道此事后决意报复铁锤和香香,于是一场与黑帮的生死搏斗由此展开

出品 Studio: IFG 互联网电影集团, Time Media 沈阳时光传媒
导演 Director: 刘定 Liu Ding
主演 Starring: 耿博文 Geng Bowen, 孙湘宜 Sun Xiangyi
题材 Genres: #动作片 #ActionFilm 喜剧 #Comedy

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2, 圈影圈外电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

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5, 模晰精品电影英语频道 Moxi Best Movie Channel English Sub

6, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The adventure action movie "巨蟒 Snake 大蛇 The Python" tells the story of Pei Yuan and others who hunt snakes for a living to hunt the pythons and fight against the villains. Pei Yuan and the villagers killed the evil leader accidentally. In order to protect the villagers, Pei Yuan bravely fought against the evil forces, and killed the giant python that harmed the villagers.

故事简介: 探险动作电影《Big Snake 巨蟒 The Python》讲述了以捕蛇为生的裴元等人围捕巨蟒及与反派势力抗争的故事。主人公裴元和村民们不甘于被压迫而做出抗争,裴元失手杀掉了作恶的伙长。为了保护村民裴元勇于直面内心的恐惧,勇敢的与恶势力作抗争,并杀死祸害村子的巨蟒。

出品 Studio: 淘梦影业 Tmeng Pictures.
制片人 Produced by: 李艳平 Li Yanping.
导演 Directed by: 代艺霖 Dai Yilin.
编剧 Screenplay by: 方岚 Fang Lan.
主演 Starring: 孙耀威 Sun Yaowei, 姜萌轩 Jiang Mengxuan, 脑门额尔德尼 Naomen EerDeNi
题材 Genres: #动作 #Action #探险 #adventure #snake #snakevideo #大蛇

频道内容介绍 Introduction of Channels & Contents
1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official :

4, 模晰青春情感影院 Moxi Youth & Love Theater

5, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The Special Forces War Action Movie "使命營救" : A Chinese Special Force Team lands on the mission site to arrest the mysterious arms organization AIC in black and international drug dealers who are trading in the deep jungle, and rescue the kidnapped rich Chinese businessman. However, they are trapped by the men in black, which leads to the death of the vice captain. The self-reproached captain Ma Feng leaves the Special Force team and lives a muddled life. More than ten years later, Tonga, the leader of the terrorist organization who comes back with hatred, cooperates with the men in black and aims Ma Feng and his daughter Ma Xiaojie. A suspenseful clash is going to happen...

故事简介: 特种兵战争动作电影《使命营救》 讲述一对中国特工小队空降任务地点,抓捕正在丛林深处交易的神秘军火组织AIC黑衣人和国际毒贩,并拯救被绑架的中国富商,然而却中了黑衣人的圈套,导致了副队长的牺牲,自责的队长马峰退出了特工组,过起了浑浑噩噩的生活;十几年后带着仇恨而来的恐怖组织头目汤加和当年的黑衣人合作,盯住了马峰和他的女儿马小洁,一场精彩对决即将上演...

出品 Studio: 北京华语盛世 Hua Yu Sheng Shi Media, 光墨文化 Gammar Media.
制片人 Produced by: 何梦新 He Mengxin
导演 Directed by: 贾真 Jia Zhen
编剧 Screenplay by: 贾真 Jia Zhen
主演 Starring: 王雷方 Wang Leifang, 巴萨 Basa
题材 Genres: 战争 War, 军事 Military, 动作 Action

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6, Moxi Movie Channel English

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The Science Fiction and Action Movie "The Perfect Gene 完美基因" is about the story in future, Kehua Group developed a chip that can substitute human brain. If this chip is implanted into the human brain, the implantee could execute a designated sequence, according to a preexisting program...

故事简介: 科幻动作电影《完美基因 The Perfect Gene》讲述了随着社会进步,信息大爆炸时代的到来,亲子关系中的教育问题已经可以被芯片所取代。在父母的高期望下,孩子们被植入一枚“万能芯片”,进化成“完美人类”。但是在亲情的得与失中,到底孰轻孰重?

出品 Studio: 建业嘉和 Jianye Jiahe, 鑫美传媒 Xinmei Media
导演 Director: 郭东旭 Guo Dongxu
主演 Starring: 范家其 Fan Jiaqi, 魏炜 Wei Wei, 贺熙遥 He Xiyao, 朱启慧 Zhu Qihui, 迟漠寒 Chi Mohan
题材 Genres: 动作 #Action, 科幻 #ScienceFiction

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4, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

6, Moxi Movie Channel English

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The movie "Campus Mystery 筆仙魔咒" is about a suspense and thriller story. Song Duoduo is a fresh girl of a medical college. She frequently has a same dream in which she and other three people are playing a pen spirit game, with masks on their faces. She also joined a ghost story club where she made friends and had some thriller activities. One day before the examination, she and other three members went to a beautiful and natural island for fun. But when she was there, she felt that the scenery was so familiar to her. Then series horror things happened...

故事简介: 电影《笔仙魔咒 Campus Mystery》讲述某医学院心理学系大一新生宋朵朵(游乐儿 饰),不知为何近一段时间经常做一个三个带着面具之人请笔仙的恐怖噩梦,醒着时也偶尔会看见溺死的女鬼。朵朵和好友白妮(杨曼玉 饰)参加了一个名为鬼话夜谭的社团,这一天她和罗京(陶醉 饰)、齐小川(陈炳强 饰)等人接收了社团的新任务,那就是前往废弃的医学院教学楼寻找白色头骨。夜幕降临,朵朵和白妮相约来到这个恐怖的所在,据说当年有一位学姐曾在此自杀,尸体泡在了福尔马林里,自此之后该校舍闹鬼的说法便不胫而走。在寻找头骨的过程中,朵朵遭遇白衣女鬼,从而受到莫大惊吓。考试前夕,几位好朋友相约来到南岛解压,而各种遭遇促使着他们请来笔仙搜索真相……

出品 Studio: 泽西年代影业 Jersey Film, 永康冬青影业 Dongqing Film, 模晰文化传媒 Moxi Media.
制片人 Produced by: 关尔 David Kuan.
导演 Directed by: 关尔 David Kuan.
编剧 Screenplay by: 周唯 Zhou Wei, 梁潇潇 Liang Xiaoxiao, 朱孛 Zhu Bei.
主演 Starring: 游乐儿 Yoyo, 陈炳强 Chen Bingqiang, 杨曼玉 Yang Manyu, 陶醉 Tao Zui, 叶思彤 Ye Sitong.
题材 Genres: 悬疑 Suspense, 惊悚 Thriller.

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2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, Moxi Shorts Channel 模晰短剧频道:

4, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The historical war action movie "Rise of Tang Dynasty 1 大唐天下之揭竿而起" tells that In 617 AD, Yang Guang(Emperor Yang of Sui) came to Jiangdu with his courtiers, concubines, and imperial bodyguards, living an extravagant lifestyle. In even less than half a year, the peasant uprising had been picking up momentum when he was still indulged in praise and accompanied by music and dancing. Li Mi spread the call to arms that elaborated on 10 major accusations of Emperor Yang of Sui to the country, “His guilt is too legion to inscribe on all bamboo stripes of Zhongnan Mountain. And the pernicious influence is too evil to be washed off by even Donghai sea.”, according to the Denunciation. Influenced by the article, Li Shimin donated his money widely and met Pei Ji, Deputy Palace Supervisor of Jin Yanggong, and Liu Wenjing, Magistrate of Jinyang County privately. Together, they formulated a strategy to overthrow the Great Sui Dynasty. Li Yuan was too cautious to make up his mind to do justice. Facing the threat of the court, Li Yuan, inspired by Li Shimin, decided to rise and do justice to overthrow the Sui Dynasty. In 617 AD (the thirteenth year under the reign title of Daye), Li Yuan established a General-in-Chief's office in Taiyuan, claiming to be the General-in-Chief. He assigned Li Jiancheng as Chief Commander of Left, Li Shimin Chief Commander of Right, and appointed Pei Ji as Zhangshi(Secretary-General), Liu Wenjing as Sima(Chancellor of War) ... Since then, the rise of the Tang Li Dynasty started.

故事简介: 古装历史战争电影《大唐天下之揭竿而起 Rise of Tang Dynasty 1》讲述公元617年,隋炀帝杨广带着他的群臣、嫔妃、禁卫来到江都,尽享奢靡。不到半年光景,就在他歌舞为伴、赞誉相随之时,农民起义已成燎原之势。 李密将檄文传送天下,历数隋炀帝十大罪状。檄文中说:罄南山之竹,书罪无穷,决东海之波,流恶难尽!李密的檄文让李世民感叹不已。 李世民广散钱财,私下结识晋阳宫副宫监裴寂和晋阳令刘文静,制定了推翻大隋王朝的方略。李渊谨小慎微,迟迟定不了举义的决心,李渊面对朝廷的威胁,在李世民的感召下,决定起兵举义,推翻大隋王朝。 大业十三年,李渊于太原立大将军府,自认大将军。封李建成为左领军大都督,李世民为右领军大都督,任命裴寂为长史,刘文静为司马……自此,大唐李氏王朝的开创,迈出了第一步。

出品 Studio: 北京斯奇正维 Siqi Zhengwei Culture, 山东心聚毅辉 Xinju Yihui Film, 永康三冠影业 Sanguan Film.
制片人 Produced by: 刘戈建 Liu Gejian, 张辉力 Zhang Huili.
导演 Directed by: 王文杰 Wang Wenjie, 张辉力 Zhang Huili.
编剧 Screenplay by: 张辉力 Zhang Huili.
主演 Starring: 沈晓海 Shen Xiaohai, 刘文治 Liu Wenzhi, 刘奕君 Liu Yijun, 鲍国安(87版曹操) Bao Guoan, 张子健 (李元芳) Zhang Zijian.
题材 Genres: 古装 历史 #ChineseHistory 战争 #WarMovie 动作 #ActionMovies

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1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, Moxi Shorts Channel 模晰短剧频道:

4, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

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Synopsis: The martial arts action film "Hero Moxiao" tells a story that a young hero Mo Xiao grew from a naughty boy to a real hero.

故事简介: 武侠动作电影《小英雄墨萧》讲述少年英雄墨萧由一名顽皮小子,到街坊们赞不绝口的侠客成长故事。

出品 Studio: 陕西乐煌影业 Lehuang Film, 非比寻常影视 Phoebie Media.
制片人 Produced by: 刘超 Liu Chao, 白浪 Bai Lang.
导演 Directed by: 白浪 Bai Lang
主演 Starring: 彭子轩 Peng Zixuan, 欧阳羽飞 Ouyang Yufei, 任毅 Ren Yi, 林夕 Lin Xi, 焦伟 Jiao Wei, 陈焕名 Chen Huanming.
题材 Genres: 古装 #武侠 Wuxia #MartialArts 动作 #Action

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1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, Moxi Shorts Channel 模晰短剧频道:

4, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The wuxia martial arts action movie "Swordsman Legend 门客之雷被传" is about a legendary swordsman Lei Bei in Western Han Dynasty.

故事简介: 古装武侠动作电影《门客之雷被传 Swordsman Legend》讲述西汉初年燕王卢绾被人陷害,举家逃往匈奴而客死他乡,数年后燕王妃带儿女逃回大汉,正值吕后病逝,燕王妃举家蹊跷死去,而唯一孙子卢被被护卫霸丕救走。从此卢被隐姓埋名,苦练武学,几年后霸丕、女儿西米、驸马项赢相继遇难,卢被和丝鸿(霸丕孙女)在后山幸免于难,卢被发誓报仇,然而此时,危险临近,对方并无离去,卢被带着丝鸿在逃跑中跌入山谷之中,偶然发现大秦刺客长空的陵墓以及长空的残剑、飞雪的剑术和他自己的枪法秘籍。卢被从此练剑习枪,丝鸿也渐渐长大,卢被一味的严格要求丝鸿学习技艺。丝鸿因卢被的压力,被逼迫习武。卢被终于练会长空的武功,行侠仗义,留名于雷标,取义矛法霹雳霸气之意。一日,卢被在酒肆中听到两个醉客谈起当年的往事,卢被跟踪二人,但苦无所获。回山之时自己大意却发现丝鸿丢失,四处寻找不到,内心充满懊悔。卢被终于查明自己皇族被陷害的真相,然而真凶已经被淮南王刘长刺死,卢被将剩余凶手手刃后,化名雷被,前往辟阳侯和淮南王属地。偶然之际,巧遇失踪的丝鸿,却碍于自己的身份无法前去相认,当来到了当年自己被霸丕带离的地方,卢被终于决定,将丝鸿带回后,从此隐居山林,而雷被的名号,在江湖上成了传说......

出品 Studio: 浙江甬城影业 Yong Cheng Film.
制片人 Produced by: 张李奎 Zhang Likui, 张海江 Zhang Haijiang, 高源 Gao Yuan, 李刚 Li Gang.
导演 Directed by: 张海江 Zhang Haijiang.
编剧 Screenplay by: 高源 Gao Yuan, 吴越 Wu Yue.
主演 Starring: 郭涛 Guo Tao, 嘉男海林 Jiannan Hailin, 赵梓涵 Zhao Zihan, 于子宽 Yu Zikuan.
题材 Genres: 古装 Ancient Costume, 武侠 Wuxia Martial Arts, 动作 Action.

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1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, Moxi Shorts Channel 模晰短剧频道:

4, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The First-Run Military Action film Movie "The King of Soldiers 單兵之王" is about a special force story: The Wolf is the leader of an international criminal group. His wife, Zhou Wenfang was captured by the police of China. The Wolf sent elite mercenaries to save her several times, and they were wiped out by Chinese special forces. As last, the Wolf sent out his most powerful team: Leopard and the Four Kings. On the other side, The King of the soldiers, Long Hun, was also recalled to special forces team...

故事简介: 首映特种兵军事动作电影《单兵之王 The King of Soldiers》讲述 国际犯罪集团“屠龙佣兵团”老大野狼的妻子周文芳,在中国失手被中国警方擒获。为了救出妻子,野狼几次派出精英雇佣兵前去营救,都被中国特种兵消灭了。不得已,野狼派出了自己手下最强大的雷豹和四大金刚,再次来营救周文芳。雷豹没有直接进行营救行动,而是绑架了多名重要人质,威胁警察局李局长将周文芳释放。其中一名人质是李局长的女儿欣欣。中国军方同时派出精英特种兵龙魂和他的三名下属猎鹰、天猴、山狼前去营救人质...

出品 Studio: 雅风国际影视 Yafeng International Films.
制片人 Produced by: 李晓晖 Li Xiaohui, 申军锋 Shen Junfeng, 李蔚 Li Wei.
导演 Directed by: 刘雅风 Liu Yafeng
编剧 Screenplay by: 刘加明 Liu Jiaming, 李晓晖 Li Xiaohui.
主演 Starring: 刘雅风 Liu Yafeng, 邹蕊蔓 Zou Ruiman, 杨志涛 Yang Zhitao, 王琪瑞 Wang Qirui, 谭志平 Tan Zhiping
题材 Genres: #动作 #Action #军事 #military #特种兵 #specialforces #动作片 #actionmovies #动作电影 #actionfilm

频道内容介绍 Introduction of Channels & Contents
1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official :

4, 模晰青春情感影院 Moxi Youth & Love Theater

5, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The suspense crime film "Goodbye Stranger 再見陌生人" tells that Song Yawen, a policewoman serving the people and justice, finds out a serial human trafficking gang is involved when she is investigating a child trafficking case. She finds that her childhood playmate who were once dependent on her in the welfare home is also involved. After going through various hardships, she finally brings the entire human trafficking gang to justice. When the whole incident seems to be ended perfectly, Song Yawen unexpectedly finds that things are not as simple as she imagined...

故事简介: 悬疑犯罪电影《再见陌生人 Goodbye Stranger》主要讲述一位正义的人民警察宋雅雯在追查一起儿童拐卖案件时,牵扯出一个连环拐卖团伙,并发现幼时在福利院相依为命的玩伴牵扯其中,在历经各种艰辛后,终于将整个拐卖团伙绳之以法。当整个事件看似完美结束的时候,宋雅雯却意外发现 事情并没有想象中那么简单……

出品 Studio: 大唐文化 Tang's Bro Culture. 安徽鑫美传媒 Xinmei Media.
制片人 Produced by: 唐康 Tang Kang, 黄磊 Huang Lei.
导演 Directed by: 唐煌 Tang Huang.
编剧 Screenplay by: 龚建 Gong Jian, 汤咏静 Tang Yongjing.
主演 Starring: 吴启华 Wu Qihua 胡原君 Hu Yuanjun, 陈昌旷 Chen Changkuang, 王建军 Wang Jianjun, 杨澜 Yang Lan, 徐志飞 Xu Zhifei.
题材 Genres: #犯罪 #Crime #悬疑 #suspense

频道内容介绍 Introduction of Channels & Contents
1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, Moxi Shorts Channel 模晰短剧频道:

4, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The Movie "Find You Finally 謝謝能被你遇見" is about a campus love story. Lan Yu was a slovenly boy. But after he meets a girl Zhang Xueyin, He becomes a very very handsome boy. And more unexpectedly, when Zheng Feng, the brother of Zhang Xueyin, gets into trouble. Lan Yu gives a call to the top rich family…

故事简介: 电影《谢谢能被你遇见 Find You Finally》讲述了一个校园爱情故事。兰屿,一个曾经邋遢的男生,没想到得到爱情滋润后的他却是一个超级大帅哥,更没想到的是,当女朋友张雪尹的弟弟张峰遇到困难时,真实的他却是本市首富的唯一儿子!!

出品 Studio: 索玛文化 Soma Culture.
制片人 Produced by: 黄娟娟 Huang Juanjuan.
导演 Directed by: 梁海 Liang Hai.
编剧 Screenplay by: 梁海 Liang Hai.
主演 Starring: 刘德彬 Liu Debin, 刘泓倩 Liu Hongqian, 高靖函 Gao Jinghan, 陈翔瑞 Chen Xiangrui.
题材 Genres: 校园爱情 Campus Romance, Love Story.

频道内容介绍 Introduction of Channels & Contents
1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, Moxi Movie Trailers Channel:

4, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The Action Movie "賭神 2020 God of Gamblers 赌神" is about a gambling competition story. Gao Fan was an ordinary boy till he met a gambling legend, Mo Qingming and became his apprentice. When Gao Fan defeated four greatest gambling kings over the world, He disappeared mysteriously with his girlfriend Xiang Jiang. Some days later, Gao Fan received a golden invitation plate, and news that his uncle 3rd was kidnaped by the Golden City. This time, Gao Fan will face the Famous Japanese Gambling King...

故事简介: 动作剧情电影《賭神 2020 God of Gamblers 赌神》讲述了默默无闻的小人物高凡被一代赌神莫清明传授一身绝学,登顶新生代赌神之后却激流勇退、告别赌界,最终成为赌界的一个传奇,然而变身酒吧老板的高凡表面看似已告别从前的是是非非,一心一意跟女朋友经营酒吧,平凡度日,实则心中一直埋藏着一个惊天秘密,背地里偷偷苦练赌技,希望有朝一日去除心病。直到有一天,女友的哥哥无意间卷入了一场赌局,而随之而来的是一枚生死局的黄金令牌。为拯救亲人,也为了却心病,高凡历尽波折进入黄金赌城,一场血雨腥风的生死赌局就此展开……

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1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, Moxi New Movie Trailers 2021:

4, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

6, Moxi Movie Channel English

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Synopsis: The adventure movie "Wild Beast 荒野巨獸" tells the story of the year 2100, in the mysterious wilderness and extreme cold forest area, there are primitive deep forests so dense, and ice and snow so cold that dangers hide inside. In this extremely cold wilderness forest land, a meteorite from the planet Garkal 2 with outer space cosmic power fell down on the ground. This meteorite has a mysterious power that can cause other creatures to mutate. But this power is found and improved by scientists, they can eliminate the mutation power brought by the meteorite and turn it into a solution to solve various diseases of diverse organisms and benefit mankind. The scientific expedition team led by Professor Wen went to this wilderness and extremely cold forest area to find this meteorite to eliminate this crisis, but the evil team led by Lie Kun is also looking for this meteorite for the wealth it would bring. Yet no one thought of the meteorite changing the characteristics of creatures, and these creatures have become extremely dangerous. Can Professor Wen face the double crisis of the evil team led by Lie Kun and dangerous creatures, and find the meteorite to solve this crisis?

故事简介:探险电影《荒野巨兽 Wild Beast》讲述2100年,在神秘的荒野极寒森林地带,到处是茂密的原始深林,和寒冷的冰雪,里面暗藏危机。在这片极寒荒野森林地带有一块带有外太空宇宙力量的加卡尔2号星球的陨石坠落于此,这种陨石具有神秘的力量可以将其他生物变异,但是通过科学家将其找到并技术改良,可以消除陨石带来的变异力量,化为解决多样性生物各种疾病造福人类的解决方案。文教授所带领的科考队前往了这片荒野极寒森林地带寻找这颗陨石来消除这场危机,但是邪恶的烈昆集团也在寻找这颗陨石给他们带来财富,但是谁都没有想到陨石改变了生物的特性,这群生物变的危险重重,文教授他们能否面对邪恶的烈昆集团和危险生物的双重危机,找到陨石解决这场危机?

出品 Studio: 眸画影视 Mouhua Film, 木子弓数字科技 Muzigong Digital.
制片人 Produced by: 孟煜超 Meng Yuchao, 张光辉 Zhang Guanghui.
导演 Directed by: 徐衍 Xu Yan.
编剧 Screenplay by: 殷江将 Yin Jiangjiang, 徐衍 Xu Yan.
主演 Starring: 戴洱滨 Dai Erbin, 张天怡 Zhang Tianyi, 简叶 Jian Ye, 陈传凯 Chen Chuankai, 吴兆勇Wu Zhaoyong.
题材 Genres: 探险 Adventure, 科幻 Science Fiction.

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1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, Moxi Movie Trailers Channel:

4, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The martial arts action movie "刺客榮耀 Assassin Glory 荊軻" tells a story at the end of the Warring States period, seven states fought for dominance. The nobles from each state sent brave warriors to duel in the Tiger Arena to resolve various disputes. The warrior from Wei was the minister of war and gained his reputation for defending his country against invaders. However, after he is framed and the country falls in ruin, he picks up with weapons and armor to fight again.

故事简介: 古装武侠动作电影《刺客荣耀:荆轲 Assassin Glory》以战国末期为背景,讲述了在七雄鼎立时期,各国贵族以派出虎士在“虎圈”之中决斗为媒介,解决各种争端。而卫国虎士庆卿,官任司马,万人之上,在卫国危难之际,亦挺身而出,横扫各方,从而名扬天下。但惨遭奸人陷害,国破家亡,落魄流浪,从人生巅峰跌落至人生谷底。最终,他毅然奋起反抗,重披战甲,决战天下的故事。

出品 Studio: 淘梦影业 Tmeng Pictures
制片人 Produced by: 吕维 Lv Wei, 李艳平 Li Yanping, 马烨 Ma Ye.
导演 Directed by: 张哲 Zhang Zhe.
编剧 Screenplay by: 张哲 Zhang Zhe.
主演 Starring: 谢苗 Mo Tse, 付小仙儿 Fu Xiaoxian, 廖威廉 Liao Weilian, 刘添月 Liu Tianyue, 张春仲 Zhang Chunzhong.
题材 Genres: #动作 #Action #武侠 #martialarts #wuxia

频道内容介绍 Introduction of Channels & Contents
1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official :

4, 模晰青春情感影院 Moxi Youth & Love Theater

5, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

0 Views · 1 year ago

故事简介 Synopsis: 乡村爱情电影《村里来了个洋媳妇 My African Bride》讲述谢小军和非洲媳妇璐璐回到山村老家,小军妈妈李翠花却安排儿子与大学生村官沈莹相亲,反对儿子和黑人姑娘的婚事。村集体的化工厂发生污水泄漏事故,水坝被污染。小军和璐璐看见青山绿水被污染,建议关停化工厂。告诫大家:青山绿水就是金山银山。为了达到拖延儿子和璐璐的婚事,他们不惜举行了一场假葬礼,黑人姑娘按照非洲部落习俗在喜丧现场,跳起了非洲舞蹈“唤醒”了假死的二大爷,村里人倒因此喜欢上了这个非洲姑娘。小军看到了好兄弟李枫和初恋沈莹要好上了,心情复杂做出来武断的处理方式,璐璐没有埋怨小军,和沈莹通过交心畅谈,成了好朋友。村里全体村民股东大会,决定关停化工厂,转而大力发展旅游,以及山货深加工企业。为了再次阻止小军和璐璐的婚礼,李翠花和小玲把璐璐拍的村企业污染的照片传到了网上,村民知道这件事以后要赶走璐璐。小军也很气愤,璐璐难过的离开了。李翠花最后良心发现,向小军承认是自己让小玲上传的照片。悔恨的小军追回来璐璐,李翠花也接受了非洲的媳妇。两个人在村里举办了一场盛大的中式婚礼。农产品加工厂开业,李枫跟沈莹牵手成功,璐璐成了村里旅游大使。璐璐和小军决定留村里发展,共同建设美丽乡村。

出品 Studio: 河北任意飞传媒 Renyifei Media.
制片人 Produced by: 范江浩 Fan Jianghao.
导演 Directed by: 任意飞 Ren Yifei.
编剧 Screenplay by: 任意飞 Ren Yifei.
主演 Starring: 卢誉文 Lu Yuwen, 伟小丽 Michala Nanje Brook (Ghana), 赵骏 Zhao Jun
题材 Genres: #爱情 #Romance #乡村 #countryside #love

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1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official :

4, 模晰青春情感影院 Moxi Youth & Love Theater

5, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The action movie "Fist of Operatic Legend 5 京武火龍" is the fourth episode of the series movies about an Peking Operatic legend, Yuan Zhiyong, who keeps fighting against Japanese Invading Army during the Second World War.

故事简介: 功夫动作电影《京武火龙 Fist of Operatic Legend 5》是讲述京剧传奇武生袁志勇的“京武”系列电影的第五部。袁志勇是京剧武生,白天以唱戏为生隐藏身份,晚上化身为火龙大侠,配合抗日游击队集结力量,军民团结一心一致抗日,他操着一 口京腔,用幽默诙谐的语言与日本人调侃斗智斗勇,把日本人搞得晕头转向,每 一次风口浪尖的对决,总能转败为胜。他武功超群,为了减少伤亡,经常只身一 人潜入日本军统区奋勇杀敌,单刀赴会解救同胞,在危难之时英勇战斗奋勇杀敌。 起因是由于袁志勇因在东北抗日与日本人周旋杀死日本军部的指挥长官(中野樱 子的父兄)等军政要员,因而踏上了一边逃亡一边抗日的隐姓埋名的生活所到的 这一站是荔波。樱子也到荔波追查袁志勇的踪迹伺机寻仇。两人殊死搏斗,最终袁志勇战胜六武士。

出品 Studio: 新时空文化传媒 New Ppace-Time Culture, 深圳奥琪文体 Aoqi Film.
制片人 Produced by: 罗文彪 Luo Wenbiao.
导演 Directed by: 刘观伟 (中国香港) Liu Guanwei.
编剧 Screenplay by: 莫婉君 Mo Wanjun.
主演 Starring: 李乾铭 Li Qianming, 房露 Fang Lu, 刘羽琦 Liu Yuqi, 张春仲 Zhang Chunzhong, 李翠翠 Li Cuicui, 陈真希 Chen Zhenxi.
题材 Genres: 动作 Action.

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1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, Moxi Shorts Channel 模晰短剧频道:

4, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The Movie "The Magic School 魔力學院之我是麻瓜" is about a fantasy story in a magical school, where generations of elemental magicians were trained. Their mission is to seal the evil Dark Messenger (An Ying). However, there is a traitor in this generation. In order to get more power, the Wind Elemental Magician agreed a soul deal with the Dark Messenger and released it. So the war between the magicians and the Dark Messenger begin...

故事简介: 电影《魔力学院之我是麻瓜 The Magic School》讲述了一座古老而神秘的魔法学院,培育了一代又一代的元素魔法师,他们的使命就是封印邪恶的暗黑使者。然而这一代的元素魔法师中出现了一个叛徒,为了获得更加强大的力量,风之元素魔法师与暗黑使者签订了灵魂契约,将其释放了出来!为了拯救元素失衡的地球,魔法师与暗黑使者的战争拉开了帷幕……

出品 Studio: 方泉影业 Fang Quan Media.
导演 Director: 魏杰 Wei Jie.
编剧 Writer: 魏杰 Wei Jie, 陈雨涵 Chen Yuhan.
主演 Starring: 高成龙 Gao Chenglong, 刘津伶 Liu Jinling, 郜玄铭 Gao Xuan Ming, 张洛晨 Zhang Luochen, 李三帅 Li Sanshuai, 张恩齐 Zhang Enqi.
题材 Genres: 魔幻 #Fantasy Mystery, 青春 #Youth

频道内容介绍 Introduction of Channels & Contents
1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, Moxi Movie Trailers Channel:

4, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: Romance Movie "The Girl 校花驾到之极品校花" is about a campus love story. Ai Meili is a silly girl who enters college rely on luck and becomes the only girl of the Paleontology Department. Another rich and beatiful girl, Annie also comes to this college from abroad, for her dreamlover, Yu Haoran. In the final "Campus Girl Competetion". Can Ai Meili defeat the rivals and gain her love?

故事简介:校园爱情电影《校花驾到之极品校花 The Girl》讲述了一个神经超大条的女孩华丽蜕变的故事。艾美丽( #赵奕欢 饰)以古生物系唯一一名女性的身份好不容易“混进”了校花大赛,只为让男神林逸轩(立威廉饰)可以注意到自己。可是校草郁浩然(姜潮饰),却又对自己多加照顾及保护。校花大赛中还有白富美女神安妮米朵(文梦洋饰)作为对手。一场逆袭的青春校园喜剧就此展开。

出品 Studio: IFG 互联网电影集团
导演 Director: 管晓杰 Guan Xiaojie, 牛森 Niu Sen, 马东华 Ma Donghua.
主演 Starring: #赵奕欢 Zhao Yihuan, 文梦洋 Wen Mengyang, 姜潮 Jiang Chao, 立威廉 Leon Jay Williams (Singapore)
题材 Genres: #爱情 #Romance #校园 #Campus

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7, 模晰电影新视点频道 Moxi Movie Highlights Channel

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The historical war action movie "Mulan Hua 花木蘭" tells the legendary story of a girl warrior Hua Mulan. During the Southern and Northern Dynasties, Roulan invaded the Central Plains. Faced with her elderly father, Mulan Hua decides to join the army instead. A girl who first entered the military camp has many inconveniences in life, but Mulan worked hard and finally protected her country with her fellows.

故事简介: 古装战争动作电影《花木兰 Hua Mulan》讲述南北朝时期正值征兵之际,花家女木兰面对年老的父亲决定代父从军,一位女子初入军营生活方面多有不便,但要强的木兰付出努力加倍训练,将军李戎(李茂 饰)对她很是欣赏,然而,在战争中我方军队寡不敌众时,木兰与李戎里应外合,大破敌军,两人通过战争时日的相处也产生了情愫。

出品 Studio: 海宁臻乐传媒 Zhenyue Media.
制片人 Produced by: 张黎 Zhang Li.
导演 Directed by: 李雨夕 Li Yuxi.
编剧 Screenplay by: 孙金鼎 Zhang Jinding, 陈曦白 Chen Xibai.
主演 Starring: 刘楚玄 Liu Chuxuan, 李茂 Li Mao.
题材 Genres: #动作 #Action #战争 #war #古装 #legend

频道内容介绍 Introduction of Channels & Contents
1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official :

4, 模晰青春情感影院 Moxi Youth & Love Theater

5, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The movie "Mysterious Savage and Ancient Treasure 神秘野人之上古寶藏"is about an adventure story about the mysterious savage and ancient treasures in a forest.

故事简介: 探险电影《神秘野人之上古宝藏 Savage and Treasure》讲述地质勘查师郑杰,长期在外修路架桥,元旦时他休假来百宝寨旅行却意外发现了上古神灵和神秘宝藏。郑杰一行人在寻宝过程中面临各种艰难险阻,在百宝寨的寻宝过程中,主人公面对盗取宝藏的犯罪份子,不畏强暴,凭着誓与邪恶斗争到底的决心,变得勇敢而强大。

出品 Studio: 武汉眸画影视 Mouhua Film.
制片人 Produced by: 黄中军 Huang Zhongjun, 胡马飞 Hu Mafei.
导演 Directed by: 徐衍 Xu Yan, 耿峥 Geng Zheng.
编剧 Screenplay by: 耿峥 Geng Zheng.
主演 Starring: 王晓东 Wang Xiaodong, 张天怡 Zhang Tianyi, 林航 Lin Hang, 吴兆勇 Wu Zhaoyong.
题材 Genres: 探险 Adventure.

频道内容介绍 Introduction of Channels & Contents
1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, Moxi Movie Trailers Channel:

4, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The campus romance movie "Yakuza Campus 極道校園" is about a love story of Jiang Yidong (Chen Shangze) and Chen Xiner (Li Mengmeng) who are the heirs of two family. They return to school with their own missions. One is a domineering young master and the other is a tough girl. The encounter between the two on campus triggered a hilarious romantic story.

故事简介: 校园爱情电影《极道校园 Yakuza Campus》讲述了两个家族继承人江一东(陈尚泽饰)和陈心儿(李萌萌饰)带着各自的任务重返校园,一个是霸道少爷,一个是野蛮女友,两人在校园的相遇引发了一段爆笑的浪漫故事。

出品 Studio: 北京奇月星空文化传媒 Beijing M&S Media.
制片人 Produced by: 崔铁龙 Cui Tielong.
导演 Directed by: 明焱 Ming Yan.
编剧 Screenplay by: 张驰 Zhang Chi.
主演 Starring: 陈尚泽 Ivan Chen, 李萌萌 Li Mengmeng, 崔心心 Cui Xinxin, 田川 Tian Chuan.
题材 Genres: #爱情 #romance #喜剧 #comedy #校园 #campus

频道内容介绍 Introduction of Channels & Contents
1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official :

4, 模晰青春情感影院 Moxi Youth & Love Theater

5, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The adventure action movie "Dragon Hunting Mystery 尋龍詭事" tells a story during the period of the Republic of China, when great powers invaded and warlords scuffled. A man, Mu Fengchen, who claimed to be a descendant of Chi You, won a precious scripture that recorded the ancient battle for the throne——the Shennong Treasure Box. At the same time, the pavilion owner who guarded the Shennong Treasure Box passed away, and when he was dying, he entrusted his two disciples, Qian Xun and Mo Xuan, to retrieve the Shennong Treasure Box and prevent it from falling into the hands of Mu Fengchen. But unexpectedly, the Shennong Treasure Box that everyone was looking for was obtained by Jiang Chengzi, a patriotic military officer who confiscated foreign cultural relics. With malicious intent and covetous eyes, Jiang Chengzi, who has national integrity and lofty aspirations, is going to sell the Treasure Box and use the money in exchange to build a modern arsenal for the Chinese. But at this time, Mu Fengchen led his men to snatch the Shennong Treasure Box. In the process of fighting for the box, Jiang Chengzi was rescued by Qian Xun and Mo Xuan, and the three became friends. In order to retrieve the Shennong Treasure Box, they fought together and embarked on the journey of chasing the murderer and seizing the treasure.

故事简介: 探险动作电影《寻龙诡事 Dragon Hunt》讲述民国时期,列强入侵,军阀混战,一名自称蚩尤后人的男子木风尘夺得一本记载着有关远古逐鹿之战的宝物——神农宝盒的经书。于此同时,守护神龙宝盒的阁主离世,弥留之际嘱托两名弟子千浔和莫玄千万要找回神农宝盒,不能让它落入木风尘手中。但没想到,大家苦苦寻找的神农宝盒被清缴外国文物的爱国军官姜城子所得,姜城子阴差阳错得到宝盒,知其宝贵却不知其来历与用途,面对列强对中国的不怀好意和虎视眈眈,胸怀民族气节和远大抱负的姜城子准备将宝盒变卖,用换来的钱兴建中国人自己的现代兵工厂。而此时,木风尘却带领手下前来抢走神农宝盒,在争夺宝盒的过程中,姜城子被千浔和莫玄所救,三人成为好友,为了找回神农宝盒,三人结伴同行,共同踏上了追凶夺宝的征程。

出品 Studio: 武汉纳莱影视 Nalai Pictures
制片人 Produced by: 王瑞 Wang Rui,李世林 Li Shilin.
导演 Directed by: 蓝志伟 Francis Lam.
编剧 Screenplay by: 陈然 Chen Ran, 李哲睿 Li Zherui.
主演 Starring: 李晨浩 Li Chenhao, 张子璇 Zhang Zixuan, 崔永炫 Cui Yongxuan, 高雄 Eddy Ko, 侯晓 Hou Xiao.
题材 Genres: #动作 #Action #探险 #adventure #动作片 #actionmovies #动作电影 #actionfilm

频道内容介绍 Introduction of Channels & Contents
1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official :

4, 模晰青春情感影院 Moxi Youth & Love Theater

5, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The action movie "Fist of Operatic Legend 4 京武大俠" is the fourth episode of the series movies about an Peking Operatic legend, Yuan Zhiyong, who keeps fighting against Japanese Invading Army during the Second World War.

故事简介: 功夫动作电影《京武大侠 Fist of Operatic Legend 4》是讲述京剧传奇武生袁志勇的“京武”系列电影的第四部。袁志勇刺杀藤田刚以后,逃到东北沈阳。而中野良木的另一个女儿,黑虎门第一高手中野樱子也为父寻仇来到沈阳。袁世勇在东北境内重操旧业,重组了袁家班以唱戏为生。原东北军的一名营长孙殿奎在东北军离开后形成地方势力,日本侵略军和东北抗联都在极力拉拢他。袁志勇凭借神社社长松田圣子的爱慕,最终帮助孙发魁救回被日本侵略军关押的父亲。大战之后袁志勇再次逃离东北沈阳,而中野樱子也追踪而至,敬请关注“精武英雄”系列电影第五部《京武火龙》。

出品 Studio: 新时空文化传媒 New Ppace-Time Culture, 深圳奥琪文体 Aoqi Film.
制片人 Produced by: 李乾铭 Li Qianming. 白家璘 Bai Jialin.
导演 Directed by: 李东皓 Li Donghao.
编剧 Screenplay by: 崔麟 Cui Lin, 张子明 Zhang Ziming.
主演 Starring: 李乾铭 Li Qianming, 王璐瑶 Wang Luyao, 刘羽琦 Liu Yuqi.
题材 Genres: 动作 Action.

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1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, Moxi Shorts Channel 模晰短剧频道:

4, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The martial arts action movie "Kung Fu Detective 大宋名捕" is about a story in early years of Song Dynasty, Niu Batian was the chief captor of Wan City. One day, A KungFu Rapist sneaked into the city. Many beautiful girls were abused. Niu was ordered to investigated these cases. Step by step he found the city magistrate was the suspect and a secret organization behind the cases...

故事简介: 古装武侠动作电影《大宋名捕 Kung Fu Detective》讲述皖城总捕头牛霸天当官有数十年,不料一日,皖城来了一个花翎飞盗(采花大盗),影响皖城百姓的生活。县令卫大人一直勒令牛霸天赶紧捉拿花翎飞盗,但是久久捉不到。没想到,这个县令就是传说中的花翎飞盗…

出品 Studio: 安徽鼎兴 Ding Xing Film.
制片人 Produced by: 薛少 Xue Shao.
导演 Director: 薛少 Xue Shao.
编剧 Screenplay by: 薛少 Xue Shao.
主演 Starring: 刘小乔 Liu Xiaoqiao, 何佳伟 He Jiawei.
题材 Genres: #动作 #Action #武侠 #martialarts #动作片 #actionmovies #动作电影 #actionfilm

频道内容介绍 Introduction of Channels & Contents
1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official :

4, 模晰青春情感影院 Moxi Youth & Love Theater

5, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The fantasy, adventure & martial arts action movie "The Legend of Mermaid 東海人魚傳" tells a story in accient time, in order to seek longevity, the emperor sent his confidant Eunuch Gao Dehai and Imperial Guard Yan Lie to find the immortal springs in East Sea. On the way, the fleet was attacked by a dragon and the warship was destroyed. Fortunately, the mermaid Xiyin appeared in time to save everyone. Under Gao Dehai's order, everyone was forced to explore the dangerous deserted island, encountering rare creature attacks many times on the way, and Yan Lie and Xiyin also gradually fell in love with each other in times of adversity...

故事简介: 奇幻探险动作电影《东海人鱼传》讲述在古代,皇帝为求长生,特遣心腹太监高德海并锦衣卫镇抚使严烈,率舰队前往东海寻求不老泉。途中舰队遇蛟龙袭击,战船被毁,幸得鲛人汐音及时出现救下众人。在高德海的命令下,众人被迫探秘危险重重的荒岛,途中多次遭遇罕见生物袭击,而严烈和汐音也在一次又一次的患难与共中情愫渐生……

出品 Studio: 淘梦影业 Tmeng Pictures.
制片人 Produced by: 林毅 Lin Yi.
导演 Directed by: 崔炎龙 Cui Yanlong.
编剧 Screenplay by: 崔炎龙 Cui Yanlong, 陈萍萍 Chen Pingping.
主演 Starring: 梁霆炜 Liang Tingwei, 邱诗媛 Qiu Shiyuan, 徐少武 Xu Shaowu, 王钦 Wang Qin, 吕宇 Lv Yu.
题材 Genres: #奇幻 #fantasy #探险 #adventure #动作 #Action #武侠 #martialarts

频道内容介绍 Introduction of Channels & Contents
1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official :

4, 模晰青春情感影院 Moxi Youth & Love Theater

5, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The comedy action movie "New Shanghai Bund 2 上海灘之旗袍俠," tells a treasure hunting story in Shanghai during the Republic of China.

故事简介: 喜剧动作电影《上海滩之旗袍侠 New Shanghai Bund 2》讲述了在民国时期,慈禧内衣曝惊天宝藏图,黄包车夫马小明一夜之间被卷入国宝争夺战,成为警司陆羽之死的唯一目击证人,为求保命无奈加入特工两人组,与寡言少语的警察辛龙,有勇无谋的壮汉张大力一起查案,为了一箭双雕,既能混入 上海滩 名流圈寻找国宝下落,又能接近心爱的大歌星李采儿,马小明白天伪装成法国富商之子胡来周旋在名流与李采儿间探听消息,晚上化身成名媛胡飞花练习“菊花宝典”,阴错阳差成了李采儿的闺蜜……

出品 Studio: 光墨文化 Gammar Media
导演 Director: 明焱 Ming Yan
主演 Starring: 刘锦 Liu Jin, 白柳汐 Bai Liuxi, 何志龙 He Zhilong, 鄢志强 Yan Zhiqiang, 杨棕喆 Yang Zongzhe
题材 Genres: #喜剧 无厘头 Comedy, 爱情 Romance #动作 Action

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2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, Moxi New Movie Trailers 2021:

4, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

6, Moxi Movie Channel English

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The Movie "Gone With Hero 怪醫刀客 " is one of the Best Chinese Martial Arts Action Movie. 14 years ago, Hua Luo was a hot-blooded warrior who enforced justice on behalf of Heaven. But he fell into a trap of Wang Cheng and killed magistrate by mistakes. Then he left and lived in seclusion as a doctor with the magistrate's young daughter, Sun Yan. 14 years later, thieves spread like wildfire, A strange disease outbreaks in the county. After investigating, Hua Luo found it was related to the new county magistrate, Wang Cheng who was also the real murderer 14 years ago. In order to save Sun Yan, Hua Luo has to put on his warrior suit again and have a final fight with Wang Cheng again...

故事简介: 电影《怪医刀客 Gone With Hero》讲述 医术高超的华洛,年轻时热衷于行侠仗义,化身为“十字刀客”四处屠杀恶人,但因十四年前县令灭门案,被王承陷害成杀人凶手,从此放弃做杀手专心行医,抚养县令遗孤孙琰,一心想治好孙琰的眼盲赎罪。十四年后黄巾军起义,天下大乱,在一个叫谯县的小城内,某天小城突发邪病,名医华洛的药童因此丧命,华洛断定邪病与一种叫斯泰龙的蜥蜴血有关,而华洛也在寻找此物作为药引为自己的女徒弟治病。他逐渐查明真相,凶手竟是当年陷害自己的匪徒。为惩治为非作歹、滥杀无辜的匪徒,拿到药引,华洛换上自己侠义刀客的真实身份,与对方拼死一战。

出品 Studio: 非比寻常 Phoebe Media
导演 Director: 侯国涛 Hou Guotao
主演 Starring: 骆达华 TAT-WAH LOK, 李栋 Li Dong, 吴丹尼 Wu Danni, 孙健豪 Sun Jianhao
题材 Genres: 武侠 Martial Arts, 动作 Action

频道内容介绍 Introduction of Channels & Contents
1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, Moxi Movie Trailers Channel:

4, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The fantasy romance movie "The Mermaid 美人魚" tells a story of marine biology researcher Yang Fan who fell into the sea while chasing a mermaid and was saved by a mermaid named Xiaoyu who dressed as a human. After experiencing the hardships of exploitation, doubt, deception and confession, Yang Fan and Xiaoyu fell in love and finally saved each other.

故事简介: 奇幻爱情电影《美人鱼 The Mermaid 》讲述了海洋生物学研究员杨帆在追捕人鱼时坠海,被扮成人形的美人鱼小雨相救,在经历利用、怀疑、欺骗、坦白等磨砺后,杨帆和小雨相爱,并最终相互拯救的故事。

出品 Studio: 奇树有鱼 Qishu Youyu Media 青岛心源置业 Xinyuan 精鹰传媒 JY Media
制片人 Produced by: 李思文 Li Siwen, 童伟 Tong Wei.
导演 Directed by: 童伟 Tong Wei.
编剧 Screenplay by: 何三七 He Sanqi.
主演 Starring: 林妍柔 Stella Lin, 应岱臻 Ying Daizhen, 克拉拉 Claral Lee, 彭十六 Peng Shiliu.
题材 Genres: #奇幻 #Fantasy #爱情 #Romance

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1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official :

4, 模晰青春情感影院 Moxi Youth & Love Theater

5, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The comedy wuxia action movie "The Battle Between Chefs 廚霸江湖" is about a legendary story in the ancient Chinese cuisine world. A group of chefs became famous in the kitchen circle because they integrated Kung Fu into their cooking skills to make delicious food, the world called it - Kung Fu Chefs. In the next hundred years, various martial arts sects fought continuously for the title of "The Chef God". In order to defend his homeland, Kung Fu boy Xiaojili made a bet with Weiji, the first disciple of "The Chef God" Liu Fanen, to compete in the National Cuisine Competition held in the capital. A battle between dark cuisine representing grassroots cuisine and haute cuisine delicacies from mountains and seas also kicked off.

故事简介: 古装武侠喜剧动作电影《厨霸江湖 The Battle Between Chefs》一个在古代的中华料理界的传说故事,有一派厨师因将武功融入厨艺当中做出绝味美食在厨坛名声大噪,世人称之为—武厨。而后百年间,各武厨门派为争夺“天下第一厨”之称而斗争不断。为了保卫家园,功夫少年小吉利与“天下第一厨”六扇恩的大弟子味极立下赌约,在京城召开的天下料理大赛上一决高下。一场关于代表草根美食的黑暗料理和山珍海味的高级料理之战也随之拉开序幕。

出品 Studio: 奇月星空影业 Moon & Star Picture, 小仓电影 Cang Studio.
制片人 Produced by: 杨永清 Yang Yongqing.
导演 Directed by: 毕基 Bi Ji.
编剧 Screenplay by: 方岚 Fang Lan, 汤筱晶 Tang Xiaojing, 米拿 Mi Na.
主演 Starring: 王宥钧 Wang Youjun, 刘名凯 Liu Mingkai, 靳锦 Jing Jin, 黄子星 Huang Zixing.
题材 Genres: #喜剧 #comedy #动作 #action #武侠 #wuxia

频道内容介绍 Introduction of Channels & Contents
1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official :

4, 模晰青春情感影院 Moxi Youth & Love Theater

5, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The wuxia martial arts action movie "True Legend King of Beggars 蘇乞兒之武功蓋世" tells a story of Su Qier, one of the Ten Tigers of Guangdong, who fought against the Ax Gang and the gangsters in the late Qing Dynasty, and finally established a sect to spread martial arts.

故事简介: 古装武侠动作电影《苏乞儿之武功盖世 True Legend King of Beggars》讲述清朝末年,广东十虎苏乞儿决战斧头帮与江湖大盗,最后创立门派,传播武术的故事。

出品 Studio: 影趣影业 Funny Films.
制片人 Produced by: 房映华 Fang Yinghua, 郭绪光 Guo Xuguang.
导演 Directed by: 房映华 Fang Yinghua, 杨子鸣 Yang Ziming.
编剧 Screenplay by: 李胜学 Li Shengxue, 崔冬辰 Cui Dongchen.
主演 Starring: 许明虎 Xu Minghu, 金宁 Jin Ning, 徐少强 Norman Chui Shiu Keung, 袁祥仁 Yuen Cheung-yan, 黄一山 Gabriel Wong Yat Shan, 何达 He Da, 陈宇星 Chen Yuxing, 徐伟栋 Xu Weidong.
题材 Genres: #动作 #Action #武侠 #martialarts #动作片 #actionmovies #动作电影 #actionfilm

频道内容介绍 Introduction of Channels & Contents
1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official :

4, 模晰青春情感影院 Moxi Youth & Love Theater

5, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The martial arts & romance film “Dragon Gate Posthouse 9 龍門驛站之奇緣” tells a love story beyond time, space, life and death. Ma Dalu helped the scholar Fang Jun open a private school in the Crescent Town. Three months later, the school was almost closed down because there was no student at all. Fortunately, a girl named Zhuer of unknown origin gave a hand. Zhuer was very clever and was very concerned about Fang Jun. Unfortunately, Fang Jun still loved his ex-fiancée Shen Yan, who had abandoned him. He expected that she change her mind. However, Shen Yan had Fang Jun murdered in order to marry into a rich and powerful family. Fang Jun's life was on the line, Zhuer saved Fang Jun's life at expense of her five hundred years of practice. Fang Jun recovered from the dead and finally understood who was his true love. However, Zhuer had only seven days…

故事简介: 古装武侠爱情电影《龙门驿站之奇缘 Dragon Gate Posthouse 9》讲述了一段为爱超越时空和生死的奇缘。马大路帮助读书人方俊在月牙镇开设了间私塾,只是三个月无有学生,险些落得关门大吉。幸得一个来历不明的女孩珠儿相助,才得以解困。珠儿灵慧异常,对方俊更是关切备至。可惜方俊依然心系抛弃自己的未婚妻沈燕,期待其回心转意。然而,沈燕为了顺利嫁入豪门,竟然狠心向方俊下毒手。方俊命悬一线,珠儿不惜以五百年的修行挽回方俊的生命。方俊死而复生,终于明白谁才是真爱,然而,珠儿在人间只有短短七日的时间了。

出品 Studio: 东阳奇月星空文化传媒 Dongyang Qiyue Xingkong Media.
制片人 Produced by: 闫晓强 Yan Xiaoqiang.
导演 Directed by: 潘文杰 Man Kit Poon, 何洛 He Luo.
编剧 Screenplay by: 邵洋 Shao Yang.
主演 Starring: 张智霖 Julian Cheung, 刘家辉 Chia Hui Liu, 文颂娴 Annie Man, 赵柯 Zhao Ke, 王洋 Wang Yang, 王丽坤 Wang Likun, 桑伟淋 Sang Weilin.
题材 Genres: #wuxia #武侠 #love #爱情 #romance #爱情片 #lovestory #爱情电影

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1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official :

4, 模晰青春情感影院 Moxi Youth & Love Theater

5, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The historical war action movie "Rise of Tang Dynasty 2 大唐天下之帝王末路" tells that in 617 AD, Li Yuan uprose in Taiyuan and won the support of the people of Taiyuan. People actively volunteered for the Righteous Army and the soldiers of the army soon increased to more than 70 thousand. In July of the lunar calendar, Li Yuan, the General-in-Chief, appointed Li Jiancheng as Chief Commander of Left, Li Shimin as Chief Commander of Right and led more than 30 thousand soldiers and war horses to occupy Chang’an in the west to recover the world peace and order. Knowing the rebellion of Li Yuan, Emperor Yang of Sui was furious. He ordered Yu Shiji to send an army to encircle and suppress Li Mi. Meanwhile, the righteous forces popped up everywhere so that the army of the Court was unable to send any troops to deal with Li Yuan. Therefore, Yu Shiji had bitter grievances against the order in his mind. Yang You, Prince Dai of Sui, ordered Qv Tutong and Song Laosheng to halt the righteous forces in Hedong and Huoyi respectively. The righteous forces arrived at the Gate of Huoyi which was a place easy to defend and hard to attack. By adopting a series of stratagems, Li Shimin tempted Song Laosheng out of the city and wiped out his army outside of the city, occupying Huoyi in one fell swoop. Following up the victory, the Righteous Army occupied Linfen, Longmen, and other places. After reaching the banks of the Yellow River, they were warmly welcomed by the people from both sides of the Yellow River. Then they bypassed Hedong and came to the gate of Chang’an. The Sui army was frightened under this circumstance. Taking a page from Liu Bang, Li Yuan set some ground rules and won the heart of the people in Chang’an once he arrived there. Most soldiers and guardians in Jiangdu were from the central Shaanxi plain. Seeing that Emperor Yang of Sui couldn’t return to Chang’an, they gathered to revolt. In March of the lunar calendar in 618 AD, Emperor Yang of Sui was killed by the rebels in Jiangdu. Since then, the Sui Dynasty, a great dynasty that flourished for a while, has fallen.

故事简介: 古装历史战争电影《大唐天下之帝王末路 Rise of Tang Dynasty 2》讲述公元617年,李渊在太原举义,得到太原民众的大力支持,百姓踊跃应征,义军很快发展到七万余人。这年农历七月,大将军李渊任命李建成为左军都督,李世民为右军都督,带领三万人马西征长安,平定天下,重整社稷。隋炀帝得知李渊背叛朝廷,大发雷霆,责令虞世基派兵围剿李渊。虞世基有苦难言,各地义军此起彼伏,朝廷根本无力派军队对付李渊。长安的代王杨侑派屈突通和宋老生分别在河东、霍邑阻击义军。义军兵临霍邑城下。霍邑易守难攻,李世民用连环计将宋老生引诱出城,在城外消灭了宋老生的军队,一举占领霍邑。义军乘胜前进,陆续占领了临汾、龙门等地,兵至黄河岸边,黄河两岸的百姓踊跃欢迎义军!义军绕过河东,兵临长安城下,隋军已成惊弓之鸟。李渊效仿汉刘邦,对军队约法三章。义军进入长安,得到百姓拥戴。江都的禁军将士大多是关中人,见隋炀帝无力返回长安,聚集叛乱。公元618年农历三月,隋炀帝被叛军杀死,死于江都。自此,一个盛及一时的庞大王朝——隋朝就此终结……

出品 Studio: 北京斯奇正维 Siqi Zhengwei Culture, 山东心聚毅辉 Xinju Yihui Film, 永康三冠影业 Sanguan Film.
制片人 Produced by: 刘戈建 Liu Gejian, 张辉力 Zhang Huili.
导演 Directed by: 王文杰 Wang Wenjie, 张辉力 Zhang Huili.
编剧 Screenplay by: 张辉力 Zhang Huili.
主演 Starring: 沈晓海 Shen Xiaohai, 刘文治 Liu Wenzhi, 刘奕君 Liu Yijun, 鲍国安(87版曹操) Bao Guoan, 张子健 (李元芳) Zhang Zijian.
题材 Genres: 古装 历史 #ChineseHistory 战争 #WarMovie 动作 #ActionMovies

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3, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official :

4, 模晰青春情感影院 Moxi Youth & Love Theater

5, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The Tomb Adventure film "Code Phoenix 火凰之古墓王陵龍頭杖" is about a tomb adventure story.

故事简介: 盗墓探险电影《火凰之古墓王陵龙头杖 Code Phoenix》讲述文萱是林云大学考古系的学霸,是考古系著名教授——戚教授的得力助手。文萱虽然成绩优异,但是家庭贫困,平日里也是勤工俭学。一次文萱从学校赶回老家,陪同父母会扫墓。扫墓结束后,文萱的父亲像往常一样,与其它村民一样上山采药。 这时周围不断有人挖出各种古代的一些瓶器还有一些玩物,文萱的父亲酷爱研究这些,一看便知道是大晋时期的玩物,大家嚷嚷着发财了,便纷纷挖了起来。身边陆陆续续有人挖出东西,文萱的父亲却一直没挖到。就在他羡慕不已时,发现了一个青色的盒子,盒子里赫然躺着大晋时期的龙头杖。 文萱的父亲下意识是将东西交给国家,但是他想起了文萱,希望可以卖掉它给文萱一个好的生活环境。犹豫之间有人挖出了两具尸体,村民受到惊吓,慌乱之下报了警,而文萱的父亲则偷偷藏起龙头杖,趁没人溜了出去。 警察到了现场后发现了大量的文物后,疏散人群,并请来了文萱学校著名的考古教授—戚教授来考察文物。戚教授让文萱留下来共同研究,却发现墓区排列为北斗七星的样子。一行人就此研究了起来。 文萱的父亲随着人群离开后,却被闻讯而来的盗墓贼杜强拦下,杜强一眼看出文萱父亲手上的龙头杖是真的,便暗示想要花大量价格买他手上的盒子,文萱的父亲犹豫不决,杜强留下自己的联系方式,便离开了。 回到家后的父亲坐立难安,看着龙头杖的盒子有些发愣,告别了文萱的母亲,便只身一人到了县城里。刚刚入城的父亲便被杜强一行人交易地点。这时,文萱的父亲突然改变主意,不想要贩卖掉文物,这时,杜强一行人和父亲起了争执,失手打死了文萱的父亲。杜强灵机一动,将文萱的父亲和假的龙头杖一起,丢在第七墓室里。 另一边,还在墓室里不断挖掘研究的文萱和戚教授,却突然接到报案说,文宣的父亲失踪了。警察在最后的一个墓穴中找到文萱的父亲,已经死去多时,也找到了遗失的文物—龙头杖。警察推断,文萱的父亲因为白天挖到文物,心中贪欲起,所以想要进入古墓盗取龙头杖,却不小心将性命丢在了哪里。文萱从小受到父亲的教育是保护文物,自然是不肯相信这一套说辞。 觉得事后有阴谋的文萱,为自己取了一个代号叫火凰,盗取目前最难的一个积沙古墓。积沙古墓是墓穴里最难盗取的,而火凰则一下盗取了两个,这使得火凰这个称号一下就火了起来,盗墓团伙的三大势力对于火凰这个人才趋之若鹜。文萱则趁机打入文物贩子的圈子中,打听了很多关于龙头杖的消息,慢慢发现龙头杖和泽龙一行人有说不清楚的关系。文萱借用火凰的称呼,嚣张的行事方式,引起更大的关注,也悄悄的一路顺藤摸瓜,找到了盗墓老大泽龙,并说出自己就是前些日子盗取积沙古墓的火凰。 而泽龙这边,在手下杜强拿到龙头杖后,下一个目标便是想要得到东晋王陵了。他们正处在无计可施时,火凰却活跃在他们眼前,并一再保证盗取东晋王陵不是难事。泽龙原本打算按兵不动,却没想要火凰自己找上门来。泽龙觉得一切都太过巧合了,文萱知道泽龙在试探自己后,表现出贪财的感觉,而泽龙也了解到文萱家庭的贫困,放松了警惕。 文萱这时候刻意放出龙头杖展览的消息,却得到泽龙们的不屑,甚至说出现在展览的是假的。泽龙拿出玉签,希望文萱能帮忙破译东晋王陵的秘密。文萱为了进一步取得泽龙的信任,请来戚教授帮忙演戏,假意威胁戚教授。两人一起从玉签中,翻译出东晋王陵的秘密。 泽龙很是高兴,放出消息说自己即将要盗取这个大的古墓,却引来盗墓团伙剩余两方势力的注意。泽龙和两方人马沟通后,打算一起动手。文萱悄悄背着泽龙一行人,通知了警方。当天三方人马,在文萱的带领下进入到古墓里,就在即将要走到大厅的地方后,涌出一批警察,将这行人全部抓捕。 文萱这时说出实情,说已经查清,泽龙他们用龙头杖陷害她父亲的消息。这次也是她联合警方和戚教授一起,给泽龙一行人下的圈套。文侦队对文萱进行褒奖,并破格录取文萱,让文萱加入文侦队,代号火凰。

出品 Studio: 上海凡酷文化 Funcola Media.
制片人 Produced by: 赵佳玉 Zhao Jiayu.
导演 Directed by: 陈斌 Chen Bin.
编剧 Screenplay by: 陈斌 Chen Bin.
主演 Starring: 李晓彤 Li Xiaotong, 王丽军 Wang Lijun, 郑泽宇 Zheng Zeyu, 张金华 Zhang Jinhua, 王旭强 Wang Xuqiang, 赵佳玉 Zhao Jiayu.
题材 Genres: 探险 Adventure, 盗墓 Tomb.

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4, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The martial arts action film "Dragon Gate Posthouse 10 龍門驛站之狼武士" is about a legend about the Wolf Cavalry that Ma Dalu always heard at the Dragon Gate Posthouse. The wandering ragged Cavalry came and went like a shadow at night and those with weapons would be killed. All citizens and officials were scare of them, while Feng Siniang expected to meet them. Ten years ago, her fiance, General Xv Pengfei, went to the battlefield, lost the war, and disappeared then. Siniang believed he didn't die, so blowing the conch, she was waiting for her fiance's showing up again.

故事简介: 古装武侠爱情动作电影《龙门驿站之狼武士 Dragon Gate Posthouse 10》讲述在龙门驿站多年,马大路经常听到了一个关于狼兵的传奇。荒漠里,一队衣衫褴褛的狼兵横行无忌,神出鬼没,他们只在夜间行动,专门劫杀握有武器的人。对于这群狼兵,关内关外的官民闻之变色,避之唯恐不及。然而,封四娘却期盼着有朝一日,能遇到这些狼兵。原来十年前,她的新婚丈夫徐鹏飞将军领兵出征,却全军覆没,生死不明!四娘始终坚信鹏飞未死,常常吹着一只海螺贝,呼唤着丈夫的归来。

出品 Studio: 东阳奇月星空文化传媒 Dongyang Qiyue Xingkong Media.
制片人 Produced by: 闫晓强 Yan Xiaoqiang.
导演 Directed by: 潘文杰 Man Kit Poon, 朱奕龙 Yilong Zhu.
编剧 Screenplay by: 邵洋 Shao Yang, 黄浩华 Ho-Wa Wong.
主演 Starring: 张智霖 Julian Cheung, 刘家辉 Chia Hui Liu, 文颂娴 Annie Man, 赵柯 Zhao Ke, 莫少聪 Max Mok Siu Chung, 曾莎 Zeng Sa, 彭波 Peng Bo.
题材 Genres: #wuxia #武侠 #action #动作 #martialarts #武侠片 #actionmovies #武侠电影 #actionfilm

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3, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official :

4, 模晰青春情感影院 Moxi Youth & Love Theater

5, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The Fantasy Action Movie "Immortal Universe 1 奇门诡秘之古井深渊" is about a strange village in the mountain. Xu Jinglou has been living there in peace for 20 years. One day he had a strange dream and forecasted a villager's death which caused by a strange monster in the well. Then the world seems to change to another one, step by step, more and more secrets are revealed. This world is not as simple as he thought...

故事简介:玄幻动作电影《奇门诡秘 Immortal Universe 古井深渊》主要讲述了民国年间,在西南茂密森林深处的一座宁静村庄里,度过了20年安逸生活的徐镜楼,因一个偶然的怪梦而被打破平静的生活。曾经身边的亲人、朋友都因这个梦而变得面目全非、不复以往。当身边原本老实的亲人都变成了另一幅模样,一个深埋20年的秘密逐渐被揭开,徐镜楼逐渐明白世界远远没有双眼看到的那么纯粹简单,隐藏是为了躲避,还是为了守护,理念的不同造就社会的动乱,甚至血流成河。当徐镜楼第一次知道三十六门,就是三十六邪门歪道……当撕开面具,展露出来的是他们为了打破宿命而引发的斗争,他的人生也将从此发生翻天覆地的变化……

出品 Studio: 梦圆华夏影业 Meng Yuan Hua Xia, 中韵博艺 Zhong Yun Bo Yi
制片人 Produced by: 陈冬宁 Chen Dongning, 冯俊杰 Feng Junjie.
导演 Director: 王凯阳 Wang Kaiyang, 邵嗣文 Shao Siwen.
编剧 Screenplay by: 安建斌 An Jianbin.
主演 Starring: 肖聪 Xiao Cong, 秦立洋 Qin Liyang, 赵文琪 Zhao Wenqi, 刘沛 Liu Pei
题材 Genres: #玄幻 #fantasy #动作 #action

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3, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official :

4, 模晰青春情感影院 Moxi Youth & Love Theater

5, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The youth movie "Turn Back to Me 路過六月" is about a school love story between Jiang Man and Mo Yu.

故事简介: 校园青春电影《路过六月 Turning Back to Me》讲述高三来临,姜㵘在兄弟们的鼓舞下用学校广播向暗恋女孩墨鱼表白,反而让墨鱼无地自容,两人的关系回到原点,失恋中的姜㵘将伤痛都发泄在拳头上,而同时父母的压力、与朋友的矛盾都压到姜㵘身上,导致成绩直线下降。新学期开始,一直默默担心姜㵘的墨鱼主动缓和两人之间的关系,姜㵘也终于意识到高考对自己的重要性。墨鱼落榜,送别姜㵘时主动表明情愫。两人究竟能不能走到一起呢?

出品 Studio: 骅兰影视 Hua Lan Film, 非比寻常影视 Pheobe Media.
制片人 Produced by: 王振宇 Wang Zhenyu.
导演 Directed by: 陈民东 Chen Mindong.
编剧 Screenplay by: 蜉蝣 Fu You.
主演 Starring: 刘韬 Liu Tao, 熊媛媛 Xiong Yuanyuan.
题材 Genres: 青春 Youth, 校园 School.

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1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, Moxi Shorts Channel 模晰短剧频道:

4, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The Chinese “Tomb Raider” adventure film “Mojin Commandants, The Palace of Eternal Life 摸金校尉之長生殿” is about the last Mojin Commandant in the jianghu, Hu Jianguo, who ran an antique shop with his best friend but was abducted by a mysterious group and asked by them to find the lost Palace of Eternal Life. During the journey, Hu was involved in different powers and faced with dangers and risks in the ancient tomb. Finally, he settled all the difficulties to protect the historical relic and crack down on the illegal tomb raiders.

故事简介: 盗墓探险电影《摸金校尉之长生殿 Mojin Returns to The Palace of Eternal Life》讲述江湖上最后一个摸金校尉传人胡建国,和好朋友胖子开一家古玩店,后来被神秘力量劫持去寻找失落的长生殿,胡建国周旋在诸多势力之中,也在古墓中遭遇各种危机,但是最后都一一化险为夷,也保护了文物,最后回到生活中,打击了犯罪分子。

出品 Studio: 安徽北影人传媒 Anhui Bei Ying Ren Media.
制片人 Produced by: 包磊 Bao Lei.
导演 Directed by: 包磊 Bao Lei.
编剧 Screenplay by: 包磊 Bao Lei.
主演 Starring: 张柯 Zhang Ke, 钱思怡 Qian Siyi, 李拓一 Li Toyi.
题材 Genres: #探险 #adventure #盗墓 #tomb #tombraider

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1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official :

4, 模晰青春情感影院 Moxi Youth & Love Theater

5, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The Action Movie "Operation Tomahawk 战斧行动" is about a story like infernal affairs. Two undercover cops get into an antiquities smuggling ring. they killed a sister of the gang head in a fight. but the head escaped. Some years later, the gang head finds that one cop finally. He wants to avenge his sister and the police plan to arrest the criminal head at the last time.

故事简介:警匪动作电影《战斧行动 Operation Tomahawk》 讲述了公安记者岳明一篇关于警察抚养线人女儿成长的辛酸而又温情的经历的报道,却险些给陆建平带来杀身之祸,也引来了潜伏十年的文物走私集团头目石凯前来替姐姐石兰复仇的故事。影片中,正义与邪恶展开决斗,警察与罪犯殊死较量。

出品 Studio: 宇晅影视 Yu Xuan Film, 鑫美传媒 Xin Mei Media
导演 Director: 徐炜翔 Xu Weixiang
主演 Starring: 郝平 Hao Ping, 武小渊 Wu Xiaoyuan, 蒋欣悦 Jiang Xinyue, 周雨铭 Zhou Yuming
题材 Genres: #动作 #Action

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0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The action & drama film "The Super Top Bet 超能賭霸" tells a story of Ye Tianxuan, a new winner who mysteriously disappears after a large gambling game. Qing Yan, the owner of the Secret Gambling Pavilion, ordered his subordinate Hei Zong to look for Ye Tianxuan, but Hei Zong accidentally brought back Mengmeng, who possessed supernatural powers. With the secret in her heart, Mengmeng finally became a super Gambling Tyrant by virtue of her extraordinary perseverance and wisdom.

故事简介: 动作剧情电影《超能赌霸 The Super Top Bet》讲述了新晋赌霸叶天玄,在一次大型赌局后离奇失踪。秘赌阁阁主青魇命手下黑宗寻找叶天玄,结果黑宗误打误撞将身怀特异功能的梦梦带了回来。梦梦怀揣着心中的秘密,最终凭借超凡的毅力喝智慧,成为了超能赌霸。

出品 Studio: 北京稻草人 Scarecrow Films, 光影奇迹 Guang Ying Miracle Film, 包氏影业 Baos Film.
制片人 Produced by: 连垒战 Lian Leizhan.
导演 Directed by: 刘昱辰 Liu Yuchen.
编剧 Screenplay by: 苏悦年 Su Yuenian.
主演 Starring: 张玲 Zhang Ling, 周末 Zhou Mo, 王波文 Wang Bowen, 赵予琦 Zhao Yuqi.
题材 Genres: #action #actionmovies #动作 #剧情 #drama #dramamovies #剧情片 #动作片

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1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official :

4, 模晰青春情感影院 Moxi Youth & Love Theater

5, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The comedy movie "The Water Margin Inn 水滸客棧" is about a time-travel story. Three idots were transpoted to Water Margin in Song Dynasty by chance. They needed to find a secret "Water Margin Book" to transport back without few clues. They had to settle down in a Water Margin Inn, selling theri labor to make a life. Then they met the legendary persons at that time: Song Jiang, Li Kui, Yan Qing etc. and aslo a beautiful girl waitress Liu Ruoxi, Finnally a romantic love came and they had to make a choice to leave or stay...

故事简介: 穿越喜剧电影《水浒客栈 Water Margin Inn》讲述宋将兄弟三人在一次触电意外来到了宋朝的大街上,还碰到了偶像燕青和李逵与官兵打斗热闹之后撤走。无奈的三人为了生计三人使劲了各种招数,却在城门附近的告示上看到了神奇的通缉令,并且遇到了前任女友娜娜。三人跟着柳若曦走进了水浒客栈,并借水浒客栈招人之际,进入了水浒客栈。三人为追柳若曦各施策略,同时为客栈良好的经营出谋划策,尽心尽力。期间他们又遇到神秘人物的飞砖传书,提示三人书在他那里。不料,客栈对面的醉仙楼老板白富眉一直想搞垮水浒客栈独霸生意,不断的挖走水浒客栈的伙计,并且还时常惦记着客栈里的柳若曦,并且使出多种手段要搞垮水浒客栈,但在宋将几人的多种努力让白富眉一败涂地。然而正当大家皆大欢喜时,神秘人的出现再次激起所有人的风怒,恶战之时,及时雨宋江、燕青、李逵的到来挽救了水浒客栈,但是柳若曦却不幸倒在了神秘人的飞镖之下。

出品 Studio: 北京博源恒通影视 Boyuan Henhtong Film, 互联网电影集团 IFG.
制片人 Produced by: 张亮 Zhang Liang.
导演 Directed by: 史冰 Shi Bing.
编剧 Screenplay by: 史冰 Shi Bing.
主演 Starring: 毛乐 Mao Le, 张靖涵 Zhang Jinghan, 肥龙 Fat Dragon, 曹元泰 Cao Yuantai, 刘婉婷 Liu Wanting.
题材 Genres: 喜剧 Comedy, 穿越 Time-Travel.

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1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, Moxi Shorts Channel 模晰短剧频道:

4, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The fantasy action movie "Return of The Monkey King 混世四猴之神猴歸來" tells a story of hope and miracle. "As long as you believe, there will be hope" - these words make Ba Haixing, a little girl rescued by Lingming Stone Monkey, regard him as an idol. However, Lingming Stone Monkey's missed appointment made Ba Haixing disappointed in him. She grew up to be a liar, but unexpectedly she meet her former idol again. How will the infatuated female liar and the patron saint who lost his power face and solve the mistakes they made under the conspiracy of Mu Shen Ju Mang to disrupt the world? As long as you believe, there is hope. Where there is hope, miracles can be created.

故事简介: 玄幻动作电影《混世四猴:神猴归来 Monkey King》讲述“只要相信,就会有希望”——这句话让被灵明石猴拯救的小女孩巴海星视他为偶像。然而灵明石猴的失约使巴海星对他失望,长大成为骗子的她,没想到会再重遇昔日的偶像。痴心错付的女骗子,和失去法力的守护神,将如何在木神句芒祸乱人间的阴谋下共同面对并解决他们犯过的错,造下的业?只要相信,就会有希望。有希望,就能创造奇迹。

出品 Studio: 上海新龙门影视 New Dragon Gate Film, 淘梦影业 Tmeng Picture.
制片人 Produced by: 任莎 Ren Sha, 郭润泽 Guo Runze, 钟志鹏 Zhong Zhipeng.
导演 Directed by: 李伟基 Li Weiji.
编剧 Screenplay by: 李哲睿 Li Zherui.
主演 Starring: 周柏豪 Pakho Chau, 柴蔚 Chai Wei, 苑琼丹 Yuen King-Tan.
题材 Genres: #动作 #Action #玄幻 #Fantasy

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1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official :

4, 模晰青春情感影院 Moxi Youth & Love Theater

5, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The fantasy action movie "Martial Universe 2 武動乾坤之九重符塔 Nine-Storey Amulet Pagoda (Nine Talisman Tower)" is the second episode of the Martial Universe Series Movie. After Lin Dong obtained the power of the Immemorial Stone and revive the Lin family, he was invited by Master Yan to come to Yan City with his younger sister Qingtan. Unexpectedly, he was involved in a bigger storm. In order to obtain the Immemorial Stone in Lin Dong's body, Wei Tong, the leader of the Bloody Garment Sect, took Qingtan away. To save Qingtan, Lin Dong had to join forces with Xuan Su, the President of the Megabuck Trade House. At the same time, Yue Shan, the Chief of the Blood-wolf Gang, is also secretly making moves. A bloody storm is about to unfold in Yan City.

故事简介: 玄幻动作电影《Martial Universe 2 武动乾坤: 九重符塔 Nine-Storey Amulet Pagoda (Nine Talisman Tower)》讲述了林动获得祖石力量重振林家之后,受岩大师的邀请,与妹妹青檀来到了炎城之中,殊不料他却因此被卷入了一场风波之中。血衣门门主魏通为了获得林动体内祖石而将青檀劫走,林动为救青檀不得不与万金商会会长宣素联手,与此同时血狼帮帮主岳山也在暗中蠢蠢欲动,一场腥风血雨即将在炎城之中展开。

出品 Studio: 天翼文化 E-Surfing Culture, 平治影视 Ping Zhi Film.
制片人 Produced by: 颢东 Hao Dong, 常斌 Chang Bin, 姚玲 Yao Ling, 王晓娟 Wang Xiaojuan, 朱天娇 Zhu Tianjiao.
导演 Directed by: 霍穗强 Huo Suiqiang.
编剧 Screenplay by: #天蚕土豆 Tiancan Tudou, 岳子坤 Yue Zikun.
主演 Starring: 王珞嘉 Wang Luojia, 夏茉 Xiaohu Mo, 王寒阳 Wang Hanyang, 张语宸 Zhang Yuchen, 张亚奇 Zhang Yaqi, 黎真安 Ni Zhenan, 李觅尔 Li Mier, 周卓 Zhou Lun, 姜国钧 Jiang Guojun.
题材 Genres: #动作 #Action #玄幻 #Fantasy #武动乾坤 #martialuniverse

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1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official :

4, 模晰青春情感影院 Moxi Youth & Love Theater

5, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

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故事简介 Synopsis: 校园惊悚恐怖电影《笔仙惊魂3 Death is Here 3》讲述了一个探险故事。生物系校花高沫陷入一片迷惘与恐惧之中——因为她的眼睛能通灵看到鬼。在学校自习室、女生厕所、图书馆和深夜的校园,她的眼睛总是不期然地撞见一个神秘的红衣生物在游荡。假期来临之际,高沫与海蓝、张宇等一群热爱户外旅行的大学生驴友聚在一起,六名大学生在向导阿吉的带领下开始了刺激的深山之旅……虽然种种死亡的征兆预示着这注定是一场夺命之旅,但众人还是没有听从向导的劝告,在好奇心的驱使下,玩起了一个古老的招灵游戏——笔仙。至此,通向地狱的大门再度被打开,来自异度空间的邪灵带来了死亡的诅咒,杀戮的梦魇正式开始,笔仙的升级诅咒根本无法破除!不死不休。

出品 Studio: 泽西年代影业 Jersey Film.
制片人 Produced by: 刘鸿 Liu Hong, 廖李斌 Liao Libin.
导演 Directed by: 关尔 David Kuan.
编剧 Screenplay by: 梁潇潇 Liang Xiaoxiao, 朱孛 Zhu Bei.
主演 Starring: 余心恬 Yu Xintian, 郭艳 Guo Yan, 郭鑫 Guo Xin, 郎鹏 Lang Peng, 付曼 Fu Man, 薛斐 Xue Fei.
题材 Genres: 惊悚 Thriller, 恐怖 Horror, 探险 Adventure, 青春 校园 Campus.

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1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, Moxi Movie Trailers Channel:

4, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The wuxia martial arts action film "Fong Sai-Yuk 方世玉之勝者為王" tells a story of Fang Shiyu. He vowed to tell the truth to the world after being slandered and imprisoned in a case of murder and robbery. With the help of his companion and mother Miao Cuihua, he recovered the treasure for his master and got rid of a corrupt official for the country.

故事简介: 古装武侠动作电影《方世玉之胜者为王 Fong Sai-Yuk》讲述了方世玉在不幸被卷入杀人抢劫的案件被污蔑入狱之后,发誓要将真相告知于天下,在同伴及母亲苗翠花的帮助下,替老师追回了宝物,同时也替国家除掉了一个贪官污吏的故事。

出品 Studio: 北京飞力鸟传媒 Fei Li Niao Media.
制片人 Produced by: 钟聪海 Zhong Conghai, 杨光 Yang Guang, 赵伟杰Zhao Weijie, 李澭翔 Li Yongxiang.
导演 Directed by: 杨小波 Yang Xiaobo.
编剧 Screenplay by: 史强 Shi Qiang.
主演 Starring: 吴逸迦 Wu Yijia, 何佳宁 He Jianing, 一龙 Yi Long, 周小飞 Zhou Xiaofei, 大洋(美国) David Williams (US).
题材 Genres: #武侠 #MartialArts #Wuxia #动作 #Action

频道内容介绍 Introduction of Channels & Contents
1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, Moxi Shorts Channel 模晰短剧频道:

4, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The Martial Arts Action Movie “无影” is about a story in Ming Dynasty when Hideyoshi, the Japanese General, sent the army to invade Korea. The King of Korea then sent the princess to ask the suzerain, China Ming Dynasty, for help. But on her way to China, she was chased by Japanese killers. At the critical moment, a maverick killer Wu Ying saved her. And then just for a promise, Wu Ying tried his best to protect her to the capital and died for it...

故事简介:武侠动作电影《無影》讲述一个遗世独立的特殊杀手无影,在接单完成货物运送的时候,箱子内居然多出一个神秘的朝鲜公主。冷硬碰上绕指柔,碰撞出不一样的情感花火。 一路前行,无影打败日本杀手,躲开大明官兵,以自己一死,护公主周全 。

出品 Studio: 鸿文传媒 Hong Wen Media, 威振国际 Ying Film
导演 Director: 张力 Zhang Li
主演 Starring: 郑家彬 Zheng Jiabin, 王微 Wang Wei
题材 Genres: 动作 Action, 功夫 Kung Fu, 武侠 MartialArts WuXia, 古装 Ancient Costume

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0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The Fantasy Action film "The Millenium Fox Demon 千年狐妖之赤狐" is also named as "媚狐傳 Fox Legend". It's said that in ancient times, Changbai Mountain was an active volcano. Every time it erupted, people were destroyed. The god could not bear the sight and left a tear which turned into a water pearl and fell on top of the mountain. Then it turned into a pool of spring water and put out the lava. Some time later, a fox Lian'er was born in the mountain. At the beginning, her master used Water Spirit Pearl to help her to became human. but the Fire Spirit broken the seal and escaped. The Lian'er went down the mountain and looked for the Fire Spirit...

故事简介: 玄幻动作电影《千年狐妖之赤狐》亦名《媚狐传》,传说远古时期长白山实乃一座活火山,每次喷发都会生灵涂炭,天神不忍此景,流下了一滴眼泪,化作水灵珠落在山顶,形成一座天池压住了火山熔岩,从此火山不再喷发,而长白山也变得生机勃勃,花草遍布。不知何时山中诞生一灵狐,历经千年修行,守护神兽玉林私自借助水灵珠之力帮白狐化为人形,名白莲。而封印下的熔岩内诞生的一个火灵,趁机脱离封印,逃窜至人世间。白莲初开人智,不知人间险恶,非要下山寻回火灵,师尊玉林大妖耳提面命,再三告诫,世间多险恶,更有捉妖师最为危险。下山后的白莲,沉迷于人间的热闹繁华,渐渐忘记师尊的告诫,一次大意之下,被人所伤……

出品 Studio: 华颂影视 Hua Song Film.
制片人 Produced by: 黄镜源 Huang Jingyuan, 斯文 Si Wen, 江俊 Jiang Jun.
导演 Directed by: 刁璐璐 Diao Lulu.
主演 Starring: 余梦寒 Yu Menghan, 蔡荣 Cai Rong, 武佳轩 Wu Jianxuan, 王璇 Wang Xuan.
题材 Genres: 魔幻 Fantasy 动作 Action.

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1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, Moxi Shorts Channel 模晰短剧频道:

4, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The martial arts action film "龍門鎮客棧 Longmen Town Inn" tells that the peerless swordsman master Wolong, tired of gratitude and hatred, established Longmen Town in the depths of the desert, specially accommodating people who want to live in seclusion, making Longmen Town a "paradise" for people who practiced kung fu. Longmen Town stands alone in the desert. No one knows its specific location. There is only one Longmen Town Inn welcoming guests from the outside, which is the only entrance to Longmen Town. Wei Pingan, a small figure in this world, wants to live a glorious life of "fish leaping over the dragon's gate". He meets his confidant Luo Xiaoman in Longmen Town. Under the influence of love, Wei Pingan has the courage to take responsibility after making a big mistake. For the sake of justice and the common people, he does not hesitate to "destroy his relatives" who are his biological father and brother, and finally becomes a real hero.

故事简介:古装武侠动作电影《龙门镇客栈 Longmen Town Inn》讲述绝世高手卧龙剑仙因厌倦江湖恩仇,在大漠深处创建龙门镇,专门收留金盆洗手的江湖人士,使龙门镇成为武林人士向往的“桃花源”。龙门镇孤悬沙漠,没人知道具体方位,唯有一家龙门镇客栈在外迎客,那便是龙门镇唯一入口。武林小人物魏平安一心想要过上“鱼跃龙门”的辉煌人生,在龙门镇遇到了自己的红颜知己洛小满。在爱的感化下,魏平安在酿成大错之后勇于承担责任,为了江湖正义和黎民苍生,不惜“大义灭亲”对抗自己的生父和兄弟,最后成为真正的武林英雄。

出品 Studio: 杭州书琴文化 Shuqin Culture,上海瀚赢文化 Hanying Culture.
制片人 Produced by: 柏舒漫 Bo Shuman, 雷晨钰 Lei Chenyu, 李文洁 Li Wenjie.
导演 Directed by: 殷清泽 Yin Qingze.
编剧 Screenplay by: 黎辉 Li Hui, 孟露 Meng Lu.
主演 Starring: 程启蒙 Cheng Qimeng, 钱思怡 Qian Siyi, 张维威 Zhang Weiwei, 潘彦妃 Pan Yanfei, 吕思含 Lv Sihan.
题材 Genres: #武侠 #wuxia #MartialArts #动作 #Action

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1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, Moxi Movie Trailers Channel:

4, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The Action Movie "Veyron Action 威龍行動" is about a story of two young men, Wu Haowei and Kong Yilong who own a security company. But they failed the mission to protect Boss Chen three years ago. Then three years late, Boss Chen's daughter, Nonan asks them to attend a special action with the payment of 500 million Yuan: to kill the murder of her father and take the money back...

故事简介: 喜剧动作电影《威龙行动 Veyron Action》通过小人物吴浩威如何拖延林老板携赃款潜逃的过程,展现在复杂的时代背景下,小人物如何战胜心中贪念,见义勇为,战胜邪恶的精神面貌。面对突如其来的巨款,一时心生贪念,人皆有之,小保镖吴浩威也不例外。

出品 Studio: 佛山华升文化 Huasheng Film, 合肥先歌传媒 Xiange Media, 安徽鑫美传媒Xinmei Media.
制片人 Produced by: 罗文进 Roman.
导演 Directed by: 胡锦棠 Hu Jingtang.
编剧 Screenplay by: 李炯楷 Johnny Li, 李淑萍 Supreme Li.
主演 Starring: 许华升 Xu Huasheng, 黄汝富 Huang Rufu, 梁亮 Liang Liang, 卢大雨 Lu Dayu, 马榞 Yelo Ma, 凯西 Cathy, 张曼莉 Kitty Zhang.
题材 Genres: 喜剧 Comedy, 动作 Action.

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1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, Moxi Shorts Channel 模晰短剧频道:

4, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

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Synopsis: The fantasy movie "Prince Seahorse, The Prince's Wedding Dress 海馬王子之王子的嫁衣" tells the story that the seahorse empress Tianqing was preparing the inheritance ceremony for her only son Tianyi, when Tianyin, Tianyi's uncle, took the opportunity to assassinate her, making the ceremony fail to complete. Zhu Zhe (a tuna) helped the prince Tianyi escape from the palace. Tianyi was extremely gifted and not consumed with hatred, even if he encountered the betrayal. He grew up quickly and learnt to assume his responsibility. Finally, with the help of his friends and his love, he defeated the enemy and reclaimed the throne.

故事简介: 奇幻仙侠电影《海马王子之王子的嫁衣 Prince Seahorse, The Prince's Wedding Dress》讲述 海马女皇天晴为独子天一准备传承仪式,皇叔天阴趁机暗算天晴,使得天一的传承仪式未能完成,老臣诸哲(金枪鱼)带着王子天一逃离皇宫。天一天赋极高,遭遇宫变,却没有被仇恨所吞噬!迅速的成长,学会了责任与担当。最终在好友和爱人的帮助下,击败了敌人,夺回了皇位。

出品 Studio: 上海远信影视 Yuanxin Film.
制片人 Produced by: 高友和 Gao Youhe.
导演 Directed by: 邬汝彬 Wu Rubin, 杨建武 Yang Jianwu.
编剧 Screenplay by: 许晖 Xu Hui, 罗勇 Luo Yong.
主演 Starring: 张倬闻 Zhang Zhuowen, 李依晓 Li Yixiao, 谢文轩 Xie Wenxuan, 高光泽 Gao Guangze, 冯芷墨 Feng Zhimo, 简远信 Jerry.
题材 Genres: #奇幻 #仙侠 #Fantasy

频道内容介绍 Introduction of Channels & Contents
1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, Moxi Shorts Channel 模晰短剧频道:

4, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The martial arts action movie "The Chivalrous Couple 玉面蛟龍" is about a story in China Song Dynasty. Song's army was defeated by Liao's army which made Liu Jiyuan, the former North-Han emperor, increased the ambition to recover his empire. So he sent an acrobatic team to Qi county to connect all the secret forts and ask for information. Then the acrobatic team was hunted by three strange forces because they saved three persons on the trip. At the critical time, the Jianghu warriors fought together and broke the conspiracy.

故事简介: 古装武侠动作电影《玉面蛟龙 The Chivalrous Couple》讲述北宋与辽国一战中战败,以刘少然为首的万佛武行五人被北汉皇帝刘继元当做棋子,以卖艺为名进入宋国境内重镇淇县刺探国情,因途中救下身世各异的三人,一石激起千层浪,引得宋辽两国势力共同追杀。危在旦夕间,面对国仇家恨与情感的冲突,江湖儿女杀出重围破除了北汉旧臣试图颠覆大宋的阴谋。

出品 Studio: 正奇影业 Zhenqi Film, 非比寻常影视 Phoebe Media
制片人 Produced by: 徐剑 Xu Jian.
导演 Directed by: 吴正豪 Wu Zhenghao
编剧 Screenplay by: 天歌痕 Tian Geheng 单杰 Shan Jie, 悬河 Xuan He.
主演 Starring: 崔煜林 Cui Yulin 陈韦然 Chen Weiran #徐少强 #NormanChui
题材 Genres: #武侠 #MartialArts #动作 #Action

频道内容介绍 Introduction of Channels & Contents
1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official :

4, 模晰青春情感影院 Moxi Youth & Love Theater

5, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The fantasy action movie "Subduing Demons in Song Dynasty 大宋伏魔錄之蘭若寺" tells a love story between scholar Ning Caichen and Fox Demon Nie Xiaoqian. It's also a Subduing Demons story of Monster Hunter Yan Chixia and Swordsman Xiahou.

故事简介: 影片描述书生宁采臣和狐妖小倩的爱情故事,捉妖师燕赤霞和剑客夏侯斩妖除魔故事,鼓舞了年轻人勇于探索实践,有追求幸福勇气,有探索未来勇气,有吃苦耐劳精神。惊险刺激的剧情,激励了年轻人热情的梦想,遇到一个自己真心相爱的人不容易,通过男女主角的爱情故事,告诉观众爱情是美好的也是尤其可贵,无论贫富差距还是地位不同,都不是爱情的障碍物,爱情是伟大的是不可抗拒,鼓舞了年轻人对爱情的追求,对友情的守护,对坏人的打击以及要有一颗除魔卫道的心。影片最后更是表达了读书人的品行高尚,无论自己是弱小还是强大,都要有一颗真诚的心,鼓舞了年轻人对美好事物的热爱,对坏人的打击,激励年轻人勇于实现自身价值观,学习不怕吃苦精神。

出品 Studio: 青岛大脸冲冲影业 Dalian Chongchong Films, 安徽北影人文化 Bei Ying Ren Media.
制片人 Produced by: 许健 Xu Jian.
导演 Directed by: 包磊 Bao Lei.
主演 Starring: 梁家仁 Ka-Yan Leung, 黄一飞 Jatfei Wong, 潘春春 Pan Chunchun, 张柯 Zhang Ke, 钱思怡 Qian Siyi.
题材 Genres: #动作 #Action #爱情 #Romance #玄幻 #Fantasy

频道内容介绍 Introduction of Channels & Contents
1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official :

4, 模晰青春情感影院 Moxi Youth & Love Theater

5, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The martial arts action film "Dragon Gate Posthouse 8 龍門驛站之生死閣" tells a story of Song Feicheng, a strange man who solves problems by exchanging items. In his Life and Death Pavilion, there are eyes, hands, arms, and even the soul that people exchanged for fulfilling their wishes. After Huniu's inexplicable disappearance, Ma Dalu also went to the Life and Death Pavilion to ask for help, but unexpectedly met Chu'er who hadn't seen him for a long time there. Dalu and Chu'er have long been deeply in love, but only one of Chu'er and Huniu can survive. On the condition of saving the lives of the sisters Chu'er, Song Feicheng threatened Dalu to hijack the little princess from Ningwang's mansion, which has power all over the world. Dalu was desperate, so he had to agree. By chance, the good princess agreed to follow the road to see Song Feicheng. However, Song Feicheng has other plans, and everything he does is to redeem the heinous mistake he made thirty years ago.

故事简介: 古装武侠动作电影《龙门驿站之生死阁 Dragon Gate Posthouse 8》讲述了一个以交换物品为代价,为人排忧解难的江湖奇人宋飞城,在他的生死阁内存放着人们为达成愿望所交换的眼睛、手、胳膊、甚至是灵魂。马大路在虎妞莫名其妙的失踪后,也前往生死阁求助,却意外地在那里见到了久违的楚儿。大路和楚儿早已情根深种,无奈,楚儿和虎妞只能存活一个。宋飞城以解救楚儿姐妹的性命为条件,要挟大路从权倾天下的宁王府中劫持小郡主。大路走投无路,只得应允。机缘巧合之下,善良郡主答应随大路前去见宋飞城。然而,宋飞城另有所图,他所做的一切都是为了挽回三十年前犯下的弥天大错。

出品 Studio: 东阳奇月星空文化传媒 Dongyang Qiyue Xingkong Media.
制片人 Produced by: 闫晓强 Yan Xiaoqiang.
导演 Directed by: 潘文杰 Man Kit Poon, 朱锐斌 Yui-bun Chu.
编剧 Screenplay by: 邵洋 Shao Yang.
主演 Starring: 张智霖 Julian Cheung, 刘家辉 Chia Hui Liu, 文颂娴 Annie Man, 赵柯 Zhao Ke, 曹议文 Cao Yiwen, 肖英斌 Xiao Yingbin, 何中华 He Zhonghua.
题材 Genres: #wuxia #武侠 #action #动作 #martialarts #武侠片 #actionmovies #武侠电影 #actionfilm

频道内容介绍 Introduction of Channels & Contents
1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official :

4, 模晰青春情感影院 Moxi Youth & Love Theater

5, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The martial arts action film "Dragon Gate Posthouse 5 龍門驛站之蝴蝶飛" tells a forgotten and beautiful love story. The martial arts heroes Meng Fei and his wife Tian Yue, the 'Flying Butterflies', were mistakenly used by the West Factory to steal government silver in Tongguan. Afterwards, the West Factory killed people who participated, and Meng Fei was assassinated by Qin Da. He was poisoned by the world's strangest poison, the 'Thousand Silkworm Poison' and passed away. Refusing to believe her lover was dead, Tian Yue carried her husband on her back and traveled thousands of miles to seek medical treatment in the Crescent Moon County. Lady Feng was moved by Tian Yue's unwavering love for Meng Fei in face of death and went to the mountains to search for a famous doctor's antidote. However, Qin Da led his army to the Dragon Gate Posthouse and vowed to eliminate the Tian Yue and her husband. In order to save this couple who never gave up in face of life and death, everyone at the posthouse fell into a crisis they had never faced before.

故事简介: 古装武侠动作电影《龙门驿站之蝴蝶飞 Dragon Gate Posthouse 5》讲述了一段被人遗忘的凄美爱情。江湖侠侣‘蝴蝶飞’孟飞和妻子田月,误被西厂利用,盗取潼关官银。其后,西厂杀人灭口,孟飞惨遭秦达暗算,身中天下奇毒‘千蚕虫’,阖然而逝。不相信爱人已死,田月背着丈夫跋山涉水,千里迢迢赶往月牙镇求医。封四娘感动于田月对孟飞致死不渝的深情,远赴深山为其寻找名医解药。然而,秦达率大军来到龙门驿站,誓要剿灭田月夫妇。为了救这对生死不弃的爱侣,驿站众人陷入从未面临过的生死危机中。

出品 Studio: 东阳奇月星空文化传媒 Dongyang Qiyue Xingkong Media.
制片人 Produced by: 闫晓强 Yan Xiaoqiang.
导演 Directed by: 潘文杰 Man Kit Poon, 朱锐斌 Yui-bun Chu.
编剧 Screenplay by: 邵洋 Shao Yang.
主演 Starring: 张智霖 Julian Cheung, 刘家辉 Chia Hui Liu, 文颂娴 Annie Man, 赵柯 Zhao Ke, 李进荣 Li Jinrong, 杨钫涵 Yang Fanghan.
题材 Genres: #wuxia #武侠 #action #动作 #martialarts #武侠片 #actionmovies #武侠电影 #actionfilm

频道内容介绍 Introduction of Channels & Contents
1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official :

4, 模晰青春情感影院 Moxi Youth & Love Theater

5, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The martial arts action film "Dragon Gate Posthouse 2 龍門驛站之旱天雷" tells a story about tolerance and redemption. With the help of Ma Dalu, the crazy girl Chuer came to the Dragon Gate Posthouse to look for her long-lost father, Sky Strikes. To everybody's surprise, her father is the owner of the Posthose, Shi Gandang. Back then, Sky Strikes, who was the supervisor and executioner of the Ministry of Punishments, chased and killed the family of the wronged general for thousands of miles, betraying his conscience. In front of the Dragon Gate Posthouse, a bloody slaughter took place, the general died, and the whereabouts of a pair of sons and daughters were unknown. However, Sky Strikes committed a lot of crimes, resulting in the murder of his pregnant wife and the destruction of his family. Ma Dalu didn't believe that the upright Sky Strikes would do such harmful things. He went back to twenty years ago through a psychic master, and witnessed the truth about the tragic death of the Great General. Shi Gandang took Chuer back to his hometown, but unexpectedly found that there was another daughter, Tigress, but Chuer disappeared again.

故事简介: 古装武侠动作电影《龙门驿站之旱天雷 Dragon Gate Posthouse 2》讲述了一个关于宽容与救赎的故事。疯疯癫癫的女孩楚儿在马大路的帮助下,来到龙门驿站,寻找失散多年的父亲旱天雷,不想踏破铁鞋,旱天雷就是驿站的掌柜石敢当。当年,身为刑部监斩官的旱天雷昧着良知,千里追杀被冤屈的大将军全家。龙门驿站前,一场血腥杀戮,大将军身死,一双儿女下落不明。而旱天雷罪孽深重,导致怀孕的妻子被害,家破人亡。马大路不相信正直的旱天雷会做出伤天害理之事。他通过一个通灵的大师回到二十年前,亲眼目睹了大将军惨死的真相。而石敢当带着楚儿返回故乡,却意外地发现还有一个女儿虎妞,只是楚儿又不见了。

出品 Studio: 东阳奇月星空文化传媒 Dongyang Qiyue Xingkong Media.
制片人 Produced by: 闫晓强 Yan Xiaoqiang.
导演 Directed by: 潘文杰 Man Kit Poon, 朱锐斌 Yui-bun Chu.
编剧 Screenplay by: 邵洋 Shao Yang, 黄浩华 Ho-Wa Wong.
主演 Starring: 张智霖 Julian Cheung, 刘家辉 Chia Hui Liu, 文颂娴 Annie Man, 赵柯 Zhao Ke, 汤镇业 Kent Tong Chun Yip, 林家栋 Gordon Lam Ka Tung, 朱晏 Zhu Yan.
题材 Genres: #wuxia #武侠 #action #动作 #martialarts #武侠片 #actionmovies #武侠电影 #actionfilm

频道内容介绍 Introduction of Channels & Contents
1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official :

4, 模晰青春情感影院 Moxi Youth & Love Theater

5, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The martial arts action film “Dragon Gate Posthouse 4 龍門驛站之嚎月” tells a poignant legend about dignity and love. On the night of a full red moon, a stunning woman seduced a man into the house with her beautiful charisma. Then, the her husband appeared and killed the man, and a wolf howling sound came from the house. For this legend, Feng Sinia did not take it seriously. She anxiously searched for her sister Jiang Yunyan who had disappeared due to leprosy, and Yunyan's fiancé Duan Rong vowed to find her, regardless of whether she was sick or not. However, at this moment, Yun Yan's true lover Hou Feng was caught in a dilemma as the only way to cure Yun Yan was to sleep a hundred men. Should he go to die with her together, or let go of his dignity to watch his beloved woman to sleep other men?

故事简介: 古装武侠动作电影《龙门驿站之嚎月 Dragon Gate Posthouse 4》讲述了一个关于尊严和爱情的凄美传奇。红色的月圆之夜,一个绝色的女子用美色勾引男人入屋内,然后,女子的丈夫出现,杀死男人,并传出狼嚎般的声音。对于这个传说,封四娘不以为然,她焦急地寻找着因患麻疯病而失踪的义妹江云烟,而云烟的未婚夫段容誓要找到云烟,不管她是否有病,都不离不弃。然而此时,云烟真正的恋人侯锋却陷入两难选择,因为救治云烟唯一的办法就是‘买疯一百’。是与其共赴黄泉,还是放下比自己的生命更宝贵的尊严,眼看着心爱的女人买风治病。

出品 Studio: 东阳奇月星空文化传媒 Dongyang Qiyue Xingkong Media.
制片人 Produced by: 闫晓强 Yan Xiaoqiang.
导演 Directed by: 潘文杰 Man Kit Poon, 朱锐斌 Yui-bun Chu.
编剧 Screenplay by: 邵洋 Shao Yang, 黄浩华 Ho-Wa Wong.
主演 Starring: 张智霖 Julian Cheung, 刘家辉 Chia Hui Liu, 文颂娴 Annie Man, 赵柯 Zhao Ke, 冯绍峰 William Feng, 李德旗 Li Deqi, 张竟 Zhang Jing.
题材 Genres: #wuxia #武侠 #action #动作 #martialarts #武侠片 #actionmovies #武侠电影 #actionfilm

频道内容介绍 Introduction of Channels & Contents
1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official :

4, 模晰青春情感影院 Moxi Youth & Love Theater

5, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The comedy action film "Super Cop 超級戰警" tells the story that the female killer Felina was ordered to assassinate a rich businessman and got ambushed. When she fled, she found her car stolen by a thief. The ridiculous robbers led by Cai Datou drove the stolen car to rob a bank, but met the gang of Xie Baoshan, the top of the super ten bandits. The two sides fought and both sides were hurt. Cai Datou ran away with Wang Tiedan in a hurry, and all the people on the way to escape came to the scene. They encountered a bunch of bizarre and humorous events, which engendered a series of funny adventure trips.

故事简介: 喜剧动作电影《超级战警 Super Cop》讲述了女杀手菲莉娜奉命刺杀富商遭到伏击,逃亡的时候发现自己的车子被贼偷走,逗比劫匪蔡大头一伙开着偷来的车去抢银行,却遇到了十大悍匪之首的谢宝山团伙,双方火拼,两败俱伤,蔡大头带着王铁蛋仓皇出逃,逃亡的路上各路人马粉墨登场,相继遇到了一系列匪夷所思幽默诙谐事件,由此引发了一连串搞笑逗比的冒险之旅。

出品 Studio: 横店鑫杰影视 Xinjie Films, 温州佰分传媒 Baifen Media, 温州鑫业网络 Xinye Network.
制片人 Produced by: 刘明亮 Liu Mingliang, 张志宏 Zhang Zhihong.
导演 Directed by: 刘湛 Liu Zhan.
编剧 Screenplay by: 刘湛 Liu Zhan.
主演 Starring: 孙蛟龙 Sun Jiaolong, 朱嘉镇 Zhu Jiazhen, 王道铁 Wang Daotie.
题材 Genres: #动作 #Action #喜剧 #Comedy

频道内容介绍 Introduction of Channels & Contents
1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official :

4, 模晰青春情感影院 Moxi Youth & Love Theater

5, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The movie is adapted from a famous Chinese fairytale "Fairy Couple 天仙配" and all characters were acted by kids. This folk tale is about the love story of Dong Yong and the Princess Seven. The plot of the movie weakens the love between them, and focuses on showing the truth, goodness and beauty of human nature.

故事简介: 神话爱情电影《宝贝有戏之小仙女》亦为少儿演员版的《天仙配 Fairy Couple》,该片改编自董永和七仙女的民间故事,剧情弱化了男女之间的情愫,着重展现人性的真善美。

出品 Studio: 甘肃丝路花雨影视 Silu Huayu Films.
制片人 Produced by: 冀春伟 Ji Chunwei, 戴明明 Dai Mingming.
导演 Directed by: 何立峰 He Lifeng.
编剧 Screenplay by: 赵添田 Zhao Tiantian, 左津 Zuo Jin, 舒洁 Shu Jie, 黄琼 Huang Qiong.
主演 Starring: 钟奕儿 Zhong Yier, 周芷莹 Zhou Zhiying, 陶奕希 Tao Yixi, 周漾玥 Zhou Yangyue, 王梓璇 Wang Zixuan, 郭飞歌 Guo Feige, 赵紫涵 Zhao Zihan, 曹赫文 Cao Hexin, 田蕙铭 Tian Huiming.
题材 Genres: #神话 #fairytales #爱情 #Romance #lovestory

频道内容介绍 Introduction of Channels & Contents
1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official :

4, 模晰青春情感影院 Moxi Youth & Love Theater

5, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The Sci-Fi Action & Romance Movie "史前超人" is about a love story. Fifteen thousand years ago, Atlantean civilization sunk into the vast ocean. before that, the little prince of Atlantis were sent out in a box. Then a new round of civilization was born in the dust on the Earth. In Chinese Ming Dynasty, General Tang Wenlan got that box and fostered that kid Tang Lv. Atlantean Tang Lv kept looking for a mysterious cube in hundreds of years. In the year 2018, Tang Lv and a female reporter Zhu Anan meet, What will happen and how they fight against the dark power behind...


出品 Studio: 泽西年代影业 Jersey Film, 模晰文化 Moxi Media.
制片人 Produced by: 关尔 David Kuan, 廖李斌 Liao Libin, 张建中 Zhang Jianzhong.
导演 Directed by: 关尔 David Kuan.
编剧 Screenplay by: 梁潇潇 Liang Xiaoxiao, 朱孛 Zhu Bei.
主演 Starring: 陈天淼 Chen Tianmiao, 侯佩姗 Hou Peishan.
题材 Genres: #科幻 #sciencefiction #爱情 #romance #love #动作 #action

频道内容介绍 Introduction of Channels & Contents
1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, Moxi Movie Trailers Channel:

4, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The martial arts action film "Dragon Gate Posthouse 1 龍門驛站之太陽花" tells a story about revenge and redemption. A crazy woman who was beaten to death 20 years ago seems to have returned to Moon Town, vowing to exterminate all those who persecuted her in those years. Moon Town immediately fell into a bloody situation, endangering everyone. At the same time, a crazy girl appeared in Moon Town. Was she a human being or a ghost? Had she committed the murder cases? It was investigated by Ma Dalu, a postman who lived in Dragon Gate Posthouse. Chen Kai, a good friend of Da Lu, and Yang Yang, a maid of philanthropist Mo, the richest man in the town, fell in love with each other. They hoped one day to cultivate a sunflower which represents hope and happiness. However, Chen Kai had another secret story, and the blood feud that had oppressed him for 20 years made him unable to let go. Finally, he extended his hand of revenge to philanthropist Mo.

故事简介: 古装武侠动作电影《龙门驿站之太阳花 Dragon Gate Posthouse 1》讲述了一个关于复仇和救赎的故事。二十年前被毒打至死的疯妇似乎重回月牙古镇,誓要将当年迫害她的人赶尽杀绝。月牙镇顿时陷入血雨腥风之中,人人自危。同时,一个疯疯癫癫的女孩出现在月牙镇,她是人是鬼,命案是否她所犯下,龙门驿站的邮差马大路对此展开调查。大路的好友陈开和镇中首富莫善人的婢女杨阳相爱,他们期望有朝一日能种出一片代表希望和幸福的太阳花。然而,陈开却另有隐情,压在他头上二十年的血海深仇使他无法释怀,最终,他将复仇之手伸向莫善人。

出品 Studio: 东阳奇月星空文化传媒 Dongyang Qiyue Xingkong Media.
制片人 Produced by: 闫晓强 Yan Xiaoqiang.
导演 Directed by: 潘文杰 Man Kit Poon, 朱锐斌 Yui-bun Chu.
编剧 Screenplay by: 邵洋 Shao Yang, 黄浩华 Ho-Wa Wong.
主演 Starring: 张智霖 Julian Cheung, 刘家辉 Chia Hui Liu, 文颂娴 Annie Man, 赵柯 Zhao Ke, 杨镒 Yang Yi, 赵婷 Zhao Ting, 申军谊 Shen Junyi.
题材 Genres: #wuxia #武侠 #action #动作 #martialarts #武侠片 #actionmovies #武侠电影 #actionfilm

频道内容介绍 Introduction of Channels & Contents
1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official :

4, 模晰青春情感影院 Moxi Youth & Love Theater

5, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The adventure action movie "The Dragon Hunter 異獸之捕龍令" tells a story happened in the late Qing Dynasty. A biological expedition led by Qin Xiaofeng's father was attacked by a mysterious dragon in Kunmai Mountain and all members disappeared. His father's friend Xu Yuansheng called a dragon hunting team and Qin Xiaofeng was among them for finding the dragon and saving his father. Then strange things happened frequently along the way. The dragon hunters were killed one after another by the octopus monsters, ghosts, evil trees, corpse ticks and the dragon. They even killed each other because of fear. Also Qin Xiaofeng was kidnapped by a mysterious tribe in the chaos, when he got to know the murder and conspiracy behind the trip...

故事简介: 探险动作电影《异兽之捕龙令 The Dragon Hunter》讲述清末年间,秦晓风父亲带领的生物考察队遭神秘怪龙袭击,全员失踪。父亲挚友徐元生天价赏金召集一支鱼龙混杂的捕龙队入山,秦晓风同往寻龙救父。一路上诡事频发,捕龙勇士们在巨型章鱼怪的疯狂掠食下九死一生,又在荒野秘境中遭遇伥鬼作祟古树食人,尸蜱虫吸血恶龙捕杀等危机,恐惧让他们自相残杀。秦晓风等人在混乱中被神秘部落绑架,却意外得知了这趟屠龙之行暗藏的复仇杀机。等待他们的,究竟是恶龙还是神龙?造成这场残暴屠杀的幕后黑手究竟是谁?一场人龙对抗的浩劫即将撕开阴谋的假面……

出品 Studio: 杭州戏格传媒 Xige Media.
制片人 Produced by: 席雨晴 Xi Yuqing, 汤雅婷 Tang Yating.
导演 Directed by: 羊柳 Yang Liu, 黄维中 Huang Weizhong.
编剧 Screenplay by: 陶思维 Tao Siwei, 席雨晴 Xi Yuqing.
主演 Starring: 朱杰 Zhu Jie, 释彦能 Shi Yanneng, 黄昊月 Huang Haoyue.
题材 Genres: #动作 #Action #adventure #探险

频道内容介绍 Introduction of Channels & Contents
1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official :

4, 模晰青春情感影院 Moxi Youth & Love Theater

5, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The youth campus romance love story movie "The Girl 2 Peach Era 校花駕到 2 蜜桃時代" is also named as "At the Age of Seventeen 十七要不要". When Ai Meili wnet to college, she decided to form a band and aimed to win the National Campus Musical Competition, then her roommates Su Mi, Wu Yimeng and another handsome boy Wen Zhuo joined the team. They have to defeat the famous Young Rose Band on their road to the final winner. Also they faced the friendship and love during this journey of youth.

故事简介: 校园青春爱情电影《校花驾到2蜜桃时代 The Girl 2》亦名《十七要不要 At the Age of Seventeen》讲述了青春少女艾美丽(范薇饰演)升入大学后和好姐妹以及梦中男神组建乐队的故事,一段勇敢追逐青春、爱情、友谊和梦想的校园生活就此展开。天生胆小、五音不全的艾美丽升入大学,决定组建一支乐队。性格麻辣的好姐妹苏米(石靖怡饰演)、练拳击的女汉子吴一萌(李玲饰演),以及艾美丽童年时代的梦中情人文卓(文卓饰演)加入进来,四人一起向全国校园音乐大赛发起冲击。一段关于、爱情、友谊的校园生活就此展开。在这个过程中,他们经历了各种各样的事,品尝到了成长的滋味。艾美丽克服了天性,唱响了自己的歌,收获了自己一直不敢去面对的爱情。

出品 Studio: IFG 互联网电影集团
制片人 Produced by: 陈焕章 Chen Huanzhang, 程睿 Cheng Rui.
导演 Directed by: 马成成 Ma Chengcheng.
编剧 Screenplay by: 周旦 Zhou Dan.
主演 Starring: 文卓 Wen Zhuo, 范薇 Fan Wei, 李玲 Li Ling(1931女子偶像组合), 石靖怡 Shi Jingyi, 张冬 Zhang Dong.
题材 Genres: 校园 Campus, 青春 Youth, 爱情 Romance LoveStory.

频道内容介绍 Introduction of Channels & Contents
1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, Moxi Shorts Channel 模晰短剧频道:

4, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The fantasy movie "The Vampires 吸血鬼鬼盲盒" tells the story of two young girls boarding a hulk and opening three blind vampire boxes, and then a story about "best friends" begins.

故事简介: 奇幻电影《吸血鬼鬼盲盒 The Vampires》讲述两个小姐姐登上废船开启了三个吸血鬼鬼盲盒,一个关于“挚友”的故事就此开启。

出品 Studio: 武汉禾米影视 Wuhan Hemi Film.
制片人 Produced by: 张之微 Zhang Zhiwei.
导演 Directed by: 张之微 Zhang Zhiwei.
编剧 Screenplay by: 张之微 Zhang Zhiwei.
主演 Starring: 杨馥羽 Yang Fuyu, 圣微 Sheng Wei, 王学习 Wang Xuexi, 微渺 Wei Miao, 夜喵 Ye Miao.
题材 Genres: #fantasy #玄幻 #vampire #吸血鬼

频道内容介绍 Introduction of Channels & Contents
1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official :

4, 模晰青春情感影院 Moxi Youth & Love Theater

5, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The wuxia martial arts action movie "A Security of the Ming Dynasty 大明錦衣衛2" tells the story of Li Yi, whose wife was killed three years ago. He buried his name and secretly searched for the murderer. Unfortunately, there was no clue for three years. Three years later, Li Yi's friend Zhou Xin finally helped him find the name of his wife's murderer, but just as the two met, Zhou Xin was assassinated by a mysterious killer. Before dying, Zhou Xin handed Li Yi a box. Ji Gang, the commander of the Royal Guards, was the mastermind of the assassination. After learning that Li Yi had taken key evidence, he turned to catching Li Yi. On the other hand, Cao Jian, the Royal Guards' Vice Commander, also targeted the number one suspect, Li Yi, while investigating the cause of Zhou Xin's death. Standing on the cusp of the storm, Li Yi had to avoid Ji Gang's chase and Cao Jian's hunt while painstakingly searching for the murderer of his wife.

故事简介: 古装武侠动作电影《大明锦衣卫2 A Security of The Ming Dynasty》讲述三年前,李毅的妻子被人杀害后,他隐姓埋名追查凶手。但可惜,三年来始终毫无线索。三年后,李毅的好友周新终于帮他查到杀妻凶手的姓名,但就在两人见面时,周新却被神秘杀手暗杀。临死前,周新交给李毅一个盒子。 锦衣卫指挥使纪纲是这次暗杀的主谋,在他得知李毅拿走了关键证据后,转而追杀李毅。另一方面,锦衣卫同知(副指挥使)曹坚也在调查周新死因时将目标锁定在头号嫌疑人李毅身上。站在风口浪尖上的李毅只得一边躲避着纪纲的追杀和曹坚的追捕,一边费尽心血寻找杀妻凶手。

出品 Studio: 北京淘梦影业 Tmeng Pictures.
制片人 Produced by: 吴静 Wu Jing, 佑在 You Zai.
导演 Directed by: 薛文华 Xue Wenhua.
编剧 Screenplay by: 佑在 You Zai, 徐维壹 Xu Weiyi.
主演 Starring: 应昊茗 Ying Haoming, 修杰楷 Xiu Jiekai, 李炜 Li Wei, 南笙 Nan Sheng, 吴恙 Wu Yang.
题材 Genres: #动作 #Action #wuxia #武侠 #动作片 #actionmovies #动作电影 #actionfilm #martialarts

频道内容介绍 Introduction of Channels & Contents
1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official :

4, 模晰青春情感影院 Moxi Youth & Love Theater

5, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The fantasy action movie "Martial Universe 1 武動乾坤之涅槃神石 The Immortal Stone of Nirvana" is about a story of a young hero Lin Dong, who fought for the freedom of his clan and against the oppession of Lei's family in Qingyang Town. Lin Dong obtained the Immemorial Stone by chance and became a martial arts master overnight. While he was fighting with the competitors at the Kungfu Gladiator Contest, he was also secretly targeted by various forces due to the Immemorial Stone. So here comes the wonderful story...

故事简介: 玄幻动作电影《Martial Universe 武动乾坤: 涅槃神石 The Immortal Stone of Nirvana》讲述了少年英雄林动不满恶霸雷氏父子欺辱,于是为了宗族自由勇闯青阳镇狩猎大会。林动在机缘巧合下获得神秘的祖符,于是一夜之间成为武林高手,他在狩猎大会上大杀四方的同时,也因祖符秘密的泄漏而被各方势力暗中盯上,一场权谋同自由的较量火热对撞……

出品 Studio: 平治影视 Ping Zhi Film, 天翼文化 E-Surfing Culture.
制片人 Produced by: 颢东 Hao Dong, 常斌 Chang Bin, 姚玲 Yao Ling, 王晓娟 Wang Xiaojuan, 杨翱 Yang Ao, 朱天娇 Zhu Tianjiao.
导演 Directed by: 霍穗强 Huo Suiqiang.
编剧 Screenplay by: #天蚕土豆 Tiancan Tudou, 岳子坤 Yue Zikun.
主演 Starring: 王珞嘉 Wang Luojia, 张亚奇 Zhang Yaqi, 李觅尔 Li Mier, 黎真安 Ni Zhenan, 程涛 Cheng Tao, 张集骏 Zhang Jijun, 昆仑 Kun Lun, 周卓 Zhou Lun, 付赫安琪 Fuhe Anqi.
题材 Genres: #动作 #Action #玄幻 #Fantasy #武动乾坤 #martialuniverse

频道内容介绍 Introduction of Channels & Contents
1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official :

4, 模晰青春情感影院 Moxi Youth & Love Theater

5, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The fantasy action movie "The Skin Painter 畫皮師" tells the story of the aura between the heaven and the earth. During the thousands of years of vicissitudes, countless mysterious and treacherous groups have been bred. Demons and demons eat weak human beings for their own greed, and some people with special abilities were born among the human beings who strived to survive. Among them, there are even people who can turn decay into magic. With just a paintbrush, they can reshape people's muscles and bones, change their appearance and appearance, and are called painters in the world. Painted skin masters have followed ancient precepts since ancient times, and one master and one apprentice secretly passed on the magic of painting skin. Until the last generation of skin painters encountered a monster who relied on cannibalism to maintain its appearance, which triggered a battle between good and evil . Fang Ji (played by Cai Juntao), a painter of this generation, and his apprentice Mu Yiqian (played by Rui Weihang) traveled all over the world to practice medicine and rescue people, and encountered a sudden case of extermination of skin when passing through Longhu Town. Mu Yiqian was mistakenly taken into the Yamen as a suspect. Fang Ji accidentally rescued Shan Shan (played by Yin Ling), the only survivor in the pickpocketing case, while investigating the case, and then met Liang Youyan, a demon catcher who was also investigating the case. (Zhao Weilin). As the truth of the case was uncovered, Fang Ji discovered that a secret past thirty years ago was hidden behind this incident.

故事简介: 古装玄幻动作电影《画皮师 The Skin Painter》讲述天地之间灵韵万生,沧海桑田的数千年中,孕育了无数玄妙而诡谲的族群。妖、魔为一己贪念蚕食弱小的人类,力求生存的人类中随之诞生了一些拥有特殊能力的人。其中更有可化腐朽为神奇之人,仅凭一支画笔,便可为人重塑筋骨,易容改貌,世间称之为画皮师。画皮师自古以来都遵循着古训,一师一徒秘传着画皮的法术。直到最后一代画皮师遇到一种靠食人脸皮来维持容貌的妖,由此引发了一场人与妖的正邪大战。这一代的画皮师方祭(蔡俊涛饰)与徒弟穆一骞(芮伟航饰)一起游历四方行医救人,在途径龙湖镇时遇到了一桩突发的扒皮灭门案。穆一骞误被做嫌疑犯抓进了衙门,方祭在调查案件时偶然救下了扒皮案中的唯一幸存者珊瑚(尹玲饰),随后又遇到了同样在调查此案的捉妖师梁佑言(赵威霖饰)。随着案件真相的揭开,方祭发现这次事件的背后竟然隐藏着三十年前的一段秘密往事。

出品 Studio: 东阳奇月文化传媒 Dongyang Moon & Star Media.
制片人 Produced by: 崔铁龙 Cui Tielong.
导演 Directed by: 田少波 Tian Shaobo.
编剧 Screenplay by: 昱敬 Yu Jing, 张驰 Zhang Chi.
主演 Starring: 蔡俊涛 Cai Juntao, 尹玲 Yin Ling, 芮伟航 Rui Weihang, 赵威霖 Zhao Weilin, 王蕾 Wang Lei, 邢雨静 Xing Yujing.
题材 Genres: #动作 #action #玄幻 #fantasy

频道内容介绍 Introduction of Channels & Contents
1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official :

4, 模晰青春情感影院 Moxi Youth & Love Theater

5, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The Kung Fu Action Movie "The Final Blade 最後的錦衣衛 " is about a wonderful story. It has been one of the most-sought after artifacts for almost 400 years. But the mystical "glazed chicken cup" hasn't been seen for some time. That is, until an item turns up at an auction bearing a striking resemblance to it. Hunter Archaeology Company CEO and archaeologist David Huang (Haibo Chang) is so convinced it's the real deal that he orders his henchman to steal it, rather than pay the potential 200m Yuan price-tag. But their nefarious plans are interrupted by not only the surprise arrival of a Jin Guard, but also a young design student Li Mo Xun (Qi Shen), who recognizes the guard from an incident in his childhood. Obsessed with finding out his real identity, Li Mo Xun tracks him down to a noodle shop. Unfortunately he's not the only one monitoring the cup's hereabouts and possessor.

故事简介: 功夫动作电影《最后的锦衣卫 The Final Blade》讲述 清朝初期,锦衣卫攻入王府,取得琉璃鸡缸杯。1986年,锦衣卫指挥使贺凡为保护儿子贺星云,在古庙惨遭寻宝猎人David杀害,鸡缸杯遗失到湖中。后被渔夫偶然所得。时至今日,琉璃鸡缸杯重出市面,David偷到鸡缸杯,蒙面人出手抢夺,这一过程正好被迷恋锦衣卫的李莫寻撞见。李莫寻认出了蒙面人正是锦衣卫传人贺星云。李莫寻每天前往贺星云的面馆接近贺星云。贺星云的女儿贺小夕被社会小混混欺负,被李莫寻所救,两人相识。李莫寻依然每天来到面馆,坚持不懈,最终打动贺星云,收其为徒,传授锦衣卫的功夫,并解开了琉璃鸡缸杯隐藏的巨大宝藏的秘密。学艺过程中,李莫寻和贺小夕关系渐好。小混混再次找到贺小夕报仇,功夫小成的李莫寻出手,却暴露了锦衣卫的身份。David发现后带着日本女忍者成功绑架了贺星云。李莫寻在舍友阿凯的帮助下用鸡缸杯换回了贺星云。David带着鸡缸杯,将要揭开巨大宝藏,李莫寻、贺小夕、阿凯三人前往古庙阻拦David。一场大战后,李莫寻三人成功保护明代宝藏,化身最后的锦衣卫。

出品 Studio: 威振国际影视 Ying Film Production
导演 Director: 杨振豪 Willie Ying
主演 Starring: 申琦 Qi Shen, 张颖颖 Gina Zhang, 石天龙 Dragon Shek, 常海波 Haibo Chang
题材 Genres: #action #动作 #动作片 #actionmovies #动作电影 #功夫 #kungfu #kungfumovies

频道内容介绍 Introduction of Channels & Contents
1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, Moxi Movie Trailers Channel:

4, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The martial arts action movie "Eighteen Arhats of Shaolin Temple 少林寺十八羅漢" tells a story in the 33rd year of Jiajing Emperor of the Ming Dynasty (1554), at the behest of the Emperor 18 Shaolin kung fu monks (using the long stick as the weapon) headed by Monk Wujue take off to the south to help defend the empire’s shores against the Japanese Pirates invasion. Shortly upon their arrival on the Jiangsu-Zhejiang frontline the monks encountered a team of Japanese Pirates and rescue the civilians held hostage from the enemy. The twin brother of the commander of the pirates Seton is killed in the battle. The monks leading the refugees flee to Feiyu Fortress seeking protection, where the garrison, dreading the ferocious Japanese Pirates, have taken flight. The monks decide to stay and stoke up at the fortress. Learning his twin brother was killed by the monks, Seton slaughters local monasteries and vows to kill off all the monks. He sends the bulk of his army to Feiyu Fortress where mostly are women and the elderly. The monks’ mission was to teach Shaolin Kungfu to the soldiers on the front line, yet they remain with the civilians at the fortress to protect them from a carnage. They successfully hold off the invaders in their first round of attack, but the defense plan failed subsequently following the rash moves by Wuzheng, one of the younger monks. Several other monks are since butchered. After learning that the fortress has been guarded by a body of monks, Seton immediately dispatches his ninja troops to carry out a raid in the build-up to the final battle. Colonel Cao from the Ming army had been passing himself as one of the refugees and trying to talk the monks into retreating. Now he is gripped by shame and pitches in with the defense and successfully repels the ninjas. Livid at the successive failures to capture the fortress, Seton sends out all his troops to avenge the death of his brother and wipe out the monks. At this decisive moment, the monks form the tactical staff formation to deter the frenzied enemy offensive so that the civilians could escape unharmed.

故事简介: 古装武侠动作电影《少林寺十八罗汉 Shaolin Temple, Eighteen Arhats》讲述明朝嘉靖三十三年,以悟觉和尚为首的少林十八棍僧接到皇上的御诏,奉旨南下帮助沿海共同抗击日本海盗。江浙前线,长途奔波后还未来得及修整的棍僧们与日本海盗一番打斗,救下一众百姓,日本海盗首领小西藤的孪生弟弟被棍僧所杀。棍僧带领难民一路前往飞鱼隘口,寻求隘口守军的帮助,谁知飞鱼隘口的明军听闻日本海盗的凶残早已逃离。棍僧们只好先在此歇脚。得知孪生兄弟被和尚所杀,小西藤血洗当地寺庙,誓要杀光所有和尚。悟觉等人浑然不知小西藤已派出主力部队攻打飞鱼隘口,棍僧们原本的任务只是教授明朝部队少林武功,但此时隘口中仅存的都是老弱妇孺,如果离开可以自保,但隘口必将生灵涂炭。棍僧们当即决定留在隘口帮助村民抵抗日本海盗,生死存亡之际,十八棍僧共同抵挡了日本海盗的第一次进攻。原本的防守计划因师弟悟正的冲动所失败,还因此导致几位师兄弟被日本海盗残忍杀害。日本海盗首领小西藤得知防守隘口的守军竟是一帮少林和尚,随即派出了忍者部队进行偷袭,以便发动最后的决战。藏于难民之中的明军将领曹校尉一直奉劝和尚们赶紧撤离,可少林棍僧们的表现却让曹校尉自行惭愧,最终帮助棍僧们抵挡住可忍者部队的偷袭。两次进攻失败彻底激怒了小西藤,派出全部兵力誓要攻下飞鱼隘口,杀掉和尚们为弟弟报仇。最后关头,棍僧们为了掩护百姓们撤离,摆出了棍阵,以肉身阻止了日本海盗的疯狂进攻,成功让百姓脱离危难。

出品 Studio: 奇树有鱼 Qishu Youyu Media, 传影文化 Chuanying Media, 精鹰传媒 JY Media.
制片人 Produced by: 罗婧婧 Luo Jingjing, 思文 Si Wen, 有为 You Wei, 项炜斌 Xiang Weibin, 姚劲虎 Yao Jinhu.
导演 Directed by: 张著麟 Zhang Zhulin, 李希杰 Li Xijie.
编剧 Screenplay by: 画龙 Hua Long.
主演 Starring: 谢苗 Xie Miao (Miu Tse), 谷尚蔚 Gu Shangwei, 龙杨杨 Long Yangyang, 胡世群 Hu Shiqun, 杨甜甜 Yang Tiantian, 徐绍航 Xu Shaohang, 杜冠儒 Du Guanru.
题材 Genres: 古装 武侠 #MartialArts 动作 #Action

频道内容介绍 Introduction of Channels & Contents
1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, Moxi Shorts Channel 模晰短剧频道:

4, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The wuxia martial arts action movie "New Fong Sai-Yuk, Battle in The Cliff City 新方世玉之決戰危城 " tells the story of Fang Shiyu and his father Fang De who escorted silk to Hangzhou to attend a market during the Qianlong period. The local bully Lei Laohu in Hangzhou rampaged through the town. At the market, he got his eyes on the Qiu family who came all the way from Cliff City to perform. In order to buy Qiu's daughter Qiu Ming, Leihu beat Qiu's father to death. Fang Shiyu, who saw the injustice happening in front of him, stepped in and killed him instead. Li Xiaohuan, Leihu's wife, heard the news and caught revenge. Fang Shiyu is outnumbered and falls off a cliff. In order to keep the Fang family out of trouble, he and Qiu Ming changed their names and stayed in the Cliff City clothing store temporarily. But their life in Cliff City was not peaceful. Not only were there bullies in the market everywhere, but they were also in cahoots with the bandits headed by Zhang Jinhong who had been entrenching the Cliff City for a long time. The people of Cliff City suffered greatly. Fang Shiyu and Qiu Ming formed an affection towards each other. Together with Qiu Ming, they beat the City Guard led by Duan Five to the ground. After that, Fang Shiyu was nominated by the people as the new leader of the City Guard to fight against Zhang Jinhong...

故事简介: 武侠动作电影《新方世玉之决战危城 New Fong Sai-Yuk, Battle in The Cliff City》讲述乾隆年间,方世玉随其父方德押送丝绸前往杭州参加集会,杭州当地恶霸雷老虎横行乡里,在集会上相中自崖城一路卖艺来到杭州的秋氏父女,为强抢秋氏之女秋茗,雷老虎打死秋父,路见不平的方世玉出手阻挠并反致其于死地。雷老虎之妻李小环闻讯带人寻仇,方世玉寡不敌众坠入悬崖。为不拖累方家,他和秋茗改名换姓暂留崖城制衣店,但在崖城的日子过的并不太平,以段五为首的崖城保安队掌控着崖城人的生死,不仅到处欺行霸市,还与常年盘踞崖城以张锦洪为首的悍匪互相勾结,崖城百姓深受其害。方世玉与秋茗互生情愫,并与秋茗联手将段五保安队一行人打的满地找牙,同时被百姓推举为新任保安队长打算和张锦洪做抗争…

出品 Studio: 河北鼎尊文化传媒 Ding Zun Media.
制片人 Produced by:郭维 Guo Wei, 尹帅 Yin Shuai.
导演 Directed by: 刘亚瑟 Liu Yase.
编剧 Screenplay by: 钭大福 Dou Dafu, 刘亚瑟 Liu Yase.
主演 Starring: 白那日苏 Bainai Risu, 苏月 Su Yue, 徐少强 Norman Chui, 孙蛟龙 Sun Jiaolong, 陈之辉 Chen Zhihui.
题材 Genres: 武侠Wuxia Martial Arts, 动作 Action.

频道内容介绍 Introduction of Channels & Contents
1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, Moxi Shorts Channel 模晰短剧频道:

4, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The horror movie "校花詭異事件" is about a campus love story. Susu is the Campus Girl of Huaxi University. One day when Susu was wandering in the park, she found a girl in front of her. But after that girl turned around she found it's an old women's horrible face. Then when Susu was on a tour, she found all ways were closed because of the flood. She had to settle at a mysterious inn where series supernatural events happened. No one at the inn believed her but a photographer Lin Feng. During the days with Lin Feng, Susu found her had fallen love with him and the scenes, the feeling were so familiar. At last, Susu found out the truth...

故事简介: 恐怖和爱情电影《校花诡异事件》讲述华西学院的苏苏(赵奕欢饰)是一个校花。一天,她行走在校园小径上,看到一个穿着校服的女生走在前面,苏苏追上问路的时候,发现这位女生竟然是一位面容诡异的老妪。此后,苏苏遇到的灵异事件更是层出不穷,尤其是当苏苏有一次旅游遇到山洪封山,不得不住进一家地图上没有的神秘旅店之后。
层出不穷的诡异事件无时无刻不在折磨着苏苏脆弱的神经,可除了摄影师林枫外,根本没有人相信苏苏眼睛里看到的东西。苏苏经历的这些灵异事件真的是在我们熟悉的这个时空中发生的吗? 神秘莫测的结局又揭示出女主角遗忘了一段什么样的经历呢?

出品 Studio: 泽西年代影业 Jersey Film, 模晰文化 Moxi Media.
制片人 Produced by: 刘鸿 Liu Hong, 陈青 Chen Qing, 廖李斌 Liao Libin.
导演 Directed by: 关尔 David Kuan (Guan Er).
编剧 Screenplay by: 梁潇潇 Liang Xiaoxiao,朱孛 Zhu Bei.
主演 Starring: 赵奕欢 Zhao Yihuan (Chloe Zhao), 王一 Wang Yi.
题材 Genres: #恐怖 #horrorstories #惊悚 #thriller #爱情 Romance #love .

频道内容介绍 Introduction of Channels & Contents
1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, Moxi Movie Trailers Channel:

4, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The kung fu action movie "殺出太平鎮" takes the period of the Republic of China as the background time. It was rumored that Taiping (Peace) Town was a City of Sin where murderers and bandits gathered. Tian Long was in charge here. He had Four Assassins and as long as they were defeated, Tianlong's power could be destroyed. Yao Tingsen, the captain of Jiang City police station, wanted to go to Peace Town to eradicate the evil force, in fact, it was far from as simple as what he thought...

故事简介: 功夫动作电影《杀出太平镇》讲述民国年间,传言太平镇是个“罪恶之城”,杀人犯、土匪等都聚集于此,而天龙是这里的掌权者,他的手下有四大金刚,只要打败了这四大金刚,天龙的势力就能瓦解。江城警署大队长姚廷森欲前往天平镇铲除恶势力,承受着妻子与兄弟相继死去的痛苦仍然同黑恶势力斗争的故事。

出品 Studio: 梓阳文化传媒 Ziyang Media.
制片人 Produced by: 石军 Shi Jun, 杜松磊 Du Songlei.
导演 Directed by: 刘子赫 Liu Zihe.
编剧 Screenplay by: 郭帅 Guo Shuai, 张晶伟 Zhang Jingwei, 刘子赫 Liu Zihe.
主演 Starring: 言杰 Yan Jie, 赵聪 Zhao Cong, 何翔 He Xiang.
题材 Genres: 动作 #Action 功夫 #kungfu 警匪 Law Enforcement.

频道内容介绍 Introduction of Channels & Contents
1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, Moxi Movie Trailers Channel:

4, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The horror Movie “筆仙驚魂”ia about a story on campus. Four arts and drama students, rented a house with a courtyard in the suburbs. It's an old building with an ancient feel in it. It's an eerie place. The locals avoided this place. During a quiet night, the electricity stopped. The four young men and women decided to play a game of Bunshidaba or Bi Xian (Pen Cents). Then a series of mysterious thing happened after that...

故事简介:校园恐怖电影《笔仙惊魂》讲述艺术院校学生小武(翟文斌 饰)、慕凡(王一 饰)、柳丝丝(何杜鹃 饰)、凌菲儿(柴碧云 饰)驱车来到位于郊外,租住了当地的四合院。这是一座古色古香但是颇为阴森的老宅,周围的住户似乎对此也多有忌惮,欲言又止。夜深人静,四合院突然断电。四个青年男女无聊至极,决定玩传说中的禁忌游戏笔仙。但是无所畏惧懵懂无知的小武竟然问起了笔仙的死因,之后也未将笔仙送走。在此之后,诡异的事情接连发生,半夜从远处传来的戏曲念白,挂满死猫的树,柳丝丝深更半夜的恐怖举止……如是种种,无一不在搅扰着年轻人们的神经。恐怖的究竟是这个院落还是毫无形状的笔仙,抑或是一场阴谋……

出品 Studio: 泽西年代影业 Zexi Times Film.
制片人 Produced by: 明秋成 Ming Qiucheng, 刘鸿 Liu Hong.
导演 Directed by: 关尔 David Kuan.
编剧 Screenplay by: 周唯 Zhou Wei, 梁潇潇Liang Xiaoxiao, 朱孛 Zhu Bei.
主演 Starring: 何杜鹃 He Dujuan, 翟文斌 Di Wenbin, 王一 Wang Yi, 柴碧云 Chai Biyun. 午马 Ng Ma.
题材 Genres: #笔仙 #恐怖 #horrorstories #horrormovies #恐怖电影

频道内容介绍 Introduction of Channels & Contents
1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, Moxi Movie Trailers Channel:

4, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The fantasy action movie "Cherish The World 封神:畫聖歸來" tells a story in the Kaiyuan period, Tang Dynasty, "the capital of the gods" Luoyang, where the ancient artifact "Fengshen Brush" is hidden in the picture of "A Thousand Miles of Buzhou Mountain", a relic of the former emperor Wu Zetian. Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty ordered Wu Daoxuan, the "painter sage", to restore the picture of "A Thousand Miles of Buzhou Mountain", but the painting was stolen from Wu Daozi. During the process of searching for the painting, he learned of the connection between "A Thousand Miles of Buzhou Mountain" and the ancient artifact "Fengshen Brush". Wu Daozi Unraveling the secret of the ancient artifact "Fengshen Pen" at the critical moment, a shocking conspiracy intended to overthrow Datang.

故事简介: 古装玄幻动作电影《封神:画圣归来 Cherish The World》讲述开元年间,“神都”洛阳,先皇武周生前遗物《千里不周山》图隐藏着上古神器“封神笔”所在。唐玄宗命“画圣”吴道玄修复《千里不周山》图,画作却在吴道子手中失窃,寻画过程中得知《千里不周山》与上古神器“封神笔”之间的联系,吴道子在千钧一发之际解开了上古神器“封神笔”的秘密,一场意图颠覆大唐的惊天阴谋。

出品 Studio: 淘梦影业 Tmeng Pictures.
制片人 Produced by: 石秀坤 Shi Xiukun.
导演 Directed by: 秦凯 Qin Kai.
编剧 Screenplay by: 贾夕 Jia Xi
主演 Starring: 龚小钧 Gong Xiaojun, 黄一琳 Huang Yilin, 李肖宁 Li Xiaoning, 张春仲 Zhang Chunzhong, 殷叶子 Yin Yezi, 何中华 He Zhonghua.
题材 Genres: #动作 #Action #玄幻 #fantasy #动作片 #actionmovies #动作电影 #actionfilm

频道内容介绍 Introduction of Channels & Contents
1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official :

4, 模晰青春情感影院 Moxi Youth & Love Theater

5, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The thriller and horror movie "Human Bone Curse 人骨邪咒" is also named as "Bone China 骨瓷". It tells a story of a pure and kind-hearted girl, Qihua whose fiance, Qingwen fell into the sea and died in an accident. Following the suggestion of her bestie Jiajia, Qingwen's ashes were burned into a human bone vase. Since then, Qihua can always feel the signs of Qingwen's continued existence at home. Qingwen's soul seems to have returned to her, but gradually the situation has gotten out of control, and various supernatural horrors have occurred in Qihua's house one after another...

故事简介: 惊悚恐怖电影《人骨邪咒之骨瓷 Human Bone Curse, Bone China》讲述单纯善良的绮华的未婚夫青文因事故坠海身亡,悲痛欲绝的绮华为了与青文长相厮守,听取了闺蜜的意见,效法民间传说巫术,将青文的骨灰烧制成人骨花瓶。自此,绮华时刻能感到青文继续存在家里的迹象,青文的魂魄似乎又回到了绮华身边,但逐渐事态失控了,绮华家里接连出现各种灵异恐怖事件……

出品 Studio: 大娱影业 Dayu Film, 千年影业 Millenium Film.
制片人 Produced by: 陈玉冰 Chen Yubing.
导演 Directed by: 林华全 Lin Huaquan.
编剧 Screenplay by: 林华全 Lin Huaquan.
主演 Starring: 周海媚 Kathy Chau, 林伟 Vincent, 王婉中 Wang Wanzhong, 洪晓静 Hong Xiaojing, 陈奕龙 Chen Yilong, 王佑硕 Wang Youshuo.
题材 Genres: #惊悚 #Thriller #恐怖 #Horror

频道内容介绍 Introduction of Channels & Contents
1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, Moxi Shorts Channel 模晰短剧频道:

4, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The movie "Campus Mystery 筆仙魔咒" is about a suspense and thriller story. Song Duoduo is a fresh girl of a medical college. She frequently has a same dream in which she and other three people are playing a pen spirit game, with masks on their faces. She also joined a ghost story club where she made friends and had some thriller activities. One day before the examination, she and other three members went to a beautiful and natural island for fun. But when she was there, she felt that the scenery was so familiar to her. Then series horror things happened...

故事简介: 电影《笔仙魔咒 Campus Mystery》讲述某医学院心理学系大一新生宋朵朵(游乐儿 饰),不知为何近一段时间经常做一个三个带着面具之人请笔仙的恐怖噩梦,醒着时也偶尔会看见溺死的女鬼。朵朵和好友白妮(杨曼玉 饰)参加了一个名为鬼话夜谭的社团,这一天她和罗京(陶醉 饰)、齐小川(陈炳强 饰)等人接收了社团的新任务,那就是前往废弃的医学院教学楼寻找白色头骨。夜幕降临,朵朵和白妮相约来到这个恐怖的所在,据说当年有一位学姐曾在此自杀,尸体泡在了福尔马林里,自此之后该校舍闹鬼的说法便不胫而走。在寻找头骨的过程中,朵朵遭遇白衣女鬼,从而受到莫大惊吓。考试前夕,几位好朋友相约来到南岛解压,而各种遭遇促使着他们请来笔仙搜索真相……

出品 Studio: 泽西年代影业 Jersey Film, 永康冬青影业 Dongqing Film, 模晰文化传媒 Moxi Media.
制片人 Produced by: 关尔 David Kuan.
导演 Directed by: 关尔 David Kuan.
编剧 Screenplay by: 周唯 Zhou Wei, 梁潇潇 Liang Xiaoxiao, 朱孛 Zhu Bei.
主演 Starring: 游乐儿 Yoyo, 陈炳强 Chen Bingqiang, 杨曼玉 Yang Manyu, 陶醉 Tao Zui, 叶思彤 Ye Sitong.
题材 Genres: 悬疑 Suspense, 惊悚 Thriller.

频道内容介绍 Introduction of Channels & Contents
1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, Moxi Shorts Channel 模晰短剧频道:

4, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The fantasy action movie "Martial Universe 2 武動乾坤之九重符塔 Nine-Storey Amulet Pagoda (Nine Talisman Tower)" is the second episode of the Martial Universe Series Movie. After Lin Dong obtained the power of the Immemorial Stone and revive the Lin family, he was invited by Master Yan to come to Yan City with his younger sister Qingtan. Unexpectedly, he was involved in a bigger storm. In order to obtain the Immemorial Stone in Lin Dong's body, Wei Tong, the leader of the Bloody Garment Sect, took Qingtan away. To save Qingtan, Lin Dong had to join forces with Xuan Su, the President of the Megabuck Trade House. At the same time, Yue Shan, the Chief of the Blood-wolf Gang, is also secretly making moves. A bloody storm is about to unfold in Yan City.

故事简介: 玄幻动作电影《Martial Universe 2 武动乾坤: 九重符塔 Nine-Storey Amulet Pagoda (Nine Talisman Tower)》讲述了林动获得祖石力量重振林家之后,受岩大师的邀请,与妹妹青檀来到了炎城之中,殊不料他却因此被卷入了一场风波之中。血衣门门主魏通为了获得林动体内祖石而将青檀劫走,林动为救青檀不得不与万金商会会长宣素联手,与此同时血狼帮帮主岳山也在暗中蠢蠢欲动,一场腥风血雨即将在炎城之中展开。

出品 Studio: 天翼文化 E-Surfing Culture, 平治影视 Ping Zhi Film.
制片人 Produced by: 颢东 Hao Dong, 常斌 Chang Bin, 姚玲 Yao Ling, 王晓娟 Wang Xiaojuan, 朱天娇 Zhu Tianjiao.
导演 Directed by: 霍穗强 Huo Suiqiang.
编剧 Screenplay by: #天蚕土豆 Tiancan Tudou, 岳子坤 Yue Zikun.
主演 Starring: 王珞嘉 Wang Luojia, 夏茉 Xia Mo, 王寒阳 Wang Hanyang, 张语宸 Zhang Yuchen, 张亚奇 Zhang Yaqi, 黎真安 Ni Zhenan, 李觅尔 Li Mier, 周卓 Zhou Lun, 姜国钧 Jiang Guojun.
题材 Genres: #动作 #Action #玄幻 #Fantasy #武动乾坤 #martialuniverse

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2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official :

4, 模晰青春情感影院 Moxi Youth & Love Theater

5, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The Wuxia Martial Arts Action Movie "Gone With Hero 怪醫刀客 The Bladesman" is one of the Best Chinese Wuxia Martial Arts Action Movie. 14 years ago, Hua Luo was a hot-blooded warrior who enforced justice on behalf of Heaven. But he fell into a trap of Wang Cheng and killed magistrate by mistakes. Then he left and lived in seclusion as a doctor with the magistrate's young daughter, Sun Yan. 14 years later, thieves spread like wildfire, A strange disease outbreaks in the county. After investigating, Hua Luo found it was related to the new county magistrate, Wang Cheng who was also the real murderer 14 years ago. In order to save Sun Yan, Hua Luo has to put on his warrior suit again and have a final fight with Wang Cheng again...

故事简介: 古装武侠动作电影《The Bladesman 怪医刀客 Gone With Hero》讲述 医术高超的华洛,年轻时热衷于行侠仗义,化身为“十字刀客”四处屠杀恶人,但因十四年前县令灭门案,被王承陷害成杀人凶手,从此放弃做杀手专心行医,抚养县令遗孤孙琰,一心想治好孙琰的眼盲赎罪。十四年后黄巾军起义,天下大乱,在一个叫谯县的小城内,某天小城突发邪病,名医华洛的药童因此丧命,华洛断定邪病与一种叫斯泰龙的蜥蜴血有关,而华洛也在寻找此物作为药引为自己的女徒弟治病。他逐渐查明真相,凶手竟是当年陷害自己的匪徒。为惩治为非作歹、滥杀无辜的匪徒,拿到药引,华洛换上自己侠义刀客的真实身份,与对方拼死一战。

出品 Studio: 非比寻常 Phoebe Media
导演 Director: 侯国涛 Hou Guotao
主演 Starring: 骆达华 TAT-WAH LOK, 李栋 Li Dong, 吴丹尼 Wu Danni, 孙健豪 Sun Jianhao
题材 Genres: #古装 #武侠 #Wuxia #MartialArts #动作 #Action

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6, Moxi Movie Channel English

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The kung fu & fantasy action movie "The Mask of Shura of Fire Cloud 火雲邪神之修羅面具" is about the story of the Fire Cloud Demon, who is the protector of the city. These people have both the body of ordinary people and the power of gods, and they act "between humans and gods". They have their own rules: innocent people must not be slaughtered. In addition to the Fire Cloud Demon, which represents "justice", there is another Black Feather Gang that represents "evil" in this world. Eighteen years ago, the Black Feather Gang infiltrated the territory of the old Fire Cloud Demon, Xicheng Yong, stole the Shura Mask, and used the Shura Mask to release the Evil Lord. At that time, the Evil Lord was just a baby. The old Fire Cloud Demon adopted the baby so that the Evil Lord would not do evil in the future, and taught him to be a good man, becoming his successor. The little Evil Lord finally controlled the power of the mask and became the successor of the old Fire Cloud Demon, continuing to guard the city.

故事简介: 功夫玄幻动作电影《火云邪神之修罗面具 The Mask of Shura of Fire Cloud》讲述的是:火云邪神,是这个城市的保护神。他们既有平凡人的躯体也有神的法力,游走在“人和神之间”,他们有自己的规矩:绝不可以屠戮无辜百姓。除了代表“正义”的火云邪神,这个世界还有另一股代表“邪恶”的黑羽会。十八年前,黑羽会潜入了老邪神西城勇的地盘,盗走了修罗面具,利用修罗面具放出魔神,当时魔神只是个婴儿,老邪神为了魔神日后不作恶收养了婴儿,教他好好做人,成为小邪神。小邪神最后控制了面具的力量成为老邪神的接班人,继续守护城市。

出品 Studio: 淘梦影业 Tmeng Pictures.
制片人 Produced by: 常斌 Chang Bin, 吴静 Wu Jing, 任莎 Ren Sha, 姚玲 Yao Ling, 王林 Wang Lin.
导演 Directed by: 钟智行 Frankie Chung.
编剧 Screenplay by: 张炭 Charcoal Tan, 李哲睿 Li Zherui.
主演 Starring: 梁小龙 Bruce Leung Siu Lung, 元华 Yuen Wah, 元秋 Yuen Qiu, 李俊麟 Li Junlin, 杨博潇 Yang Boxiao, 潘跃 Pan Yue, 何佳琪 He Jiaqi.
题材 Genres: #kungfu #动作 #Action #玄幻 #功夫 #fantasy #动作片 #actionmovies #fantasymovie #动作电影 #actionfilm

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2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official :

4, 模晰青春情感影院 Moxi Youth & Love Theater

5, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The war & wuxia martial arts action movie "The Bloody Blade of King Lanling 蘭陵王之泣血刀鋒" is about the legendary story of the Langling King, Gao Changgong, who led the army of North Qi Kingdom and defeated the army of North Zhou Kingdom. After the war, King Lanling met a girl, Mulan and returned the palace. Otherwise, the Grand Master He Shikai used magic arts to hoodwink the emperor and tried to seize the throne. At last, the King Lanling successfully uncovered the plot and saved the country.

故事简介: 战争与武侠动作电影《兰陵王之泣血刀锋 The Bloody Blade of King Lanling》影片讲述了骁勇善战的兰陵王高长恭(叶项明饰)打败了入侵北齐的北周大军,回朝时邂逅了民间女子木兰(焦娜饰),并在几次事件后与其渐生情愫。回朝后其生死兄弟,副将刘桃枝(孟飞饰)被国师和士开(李子雄饰)引诱叛变,先后共同害死了其身边的大将斛律光(梁家仁饰)和大王爷高孝瑜,兰陵王自身也被陷害入狱。最终兰陵王运用智慧和武力化解了危机,拯救了国家。

出品 Studio: 纳莱影视 Na Lai Pictures.
制片人 Produced by: 冯良浩 Feng Lianghao
导演 Directed by: 刘学见 Liu Xuejian.
编剧 Screenplay by: 郭宏翔 Guo Hongxiang.
主演 Starring: 叶项明 Ye Xiangming, 焦娜 Jiao Na, 梁家仁 Ka-Yan Leung, 李子雄 Li Zixiong, 孟飞 Meng Fei.
题材 Genres: 古装 Ancient Costume, 武侠 Wuxia Martial Arts, 动作 Action.

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1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, Moxi Shorts Channel 模晰短剧频道:

4, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The Movie "Prehistoric Superman 史前超人" is about a science fictional action and love story. Fifteen thousand years ago, Atlantean civilization sunk into the vast ocean. before that, the little prince of Atlantis were sent out in a box. Then a new round of civilization was born in the dust on the Earth. In Chinese Ming Dynasty, General Tang Wenlan got that box and fostered that kid Tang Lv. Atlantean Tang Lv kept looking for a mysterious cube in hundreds of years. In the year 2018, Tang Lv and a female reporter Zhu Anan meet, What will happen and how they fight against the dark power behind...


出品 Studio: 泽西年代影业 Jersey Film, 模晰文化 Moxi Media.
制片人 Produced by: 关尔 David Kuan, 廖李斌 Liao Libin, 张建中 Zhang Jianzhong.
导演 Directed by: 关尔 David Kuan.
编剧 Screenplay by: 梁潇潇 Liang Xiaoxiao, 朱孛 Zhu Bei.
主演 Starring: 陈天淼 Chen Tianmiao, 侯佩姗 Hou Peishan.
题材 Genres: 科幻 Science Fiction, 爱情 Romance, Love Story, 动作 Action.

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1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, Moxi Movie Trailers Channel:

4, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The documentary drama film "Resonate With Many 一呼百應" is about a story of the Lockdown life during the COVID-19 in Wuhan City 2020. It's also the first war between Human and Covid-19 virus. We finally won the first battle in Wuahn and gained much experience against the virus, under the support and help from people all over the world.

故事简介: 纪实电影《一呼百应 Resonate With Many》讲述为防止新冠病毒扩散,武汉市实施封城。因为父亲感染新型冠状病毒去世,在国外工作的吴谋回国参加葬礼而被困在国内。担心丢了工作的吴谋在得知短时间内离开中国无望后,便决定退而求其次,在疫情期间做轰动性的好事以树立自己在公司高层心目中的形象,从而保住工作。正是因为这次好事,他在疫情中看到了亲人生病住院却还在坚守岗位的警察,看到了因为防护服短缺,不顾自己生命安危将防护服重复利用的医生,看到了放弃过年与亲人相聚的机会,不远千里驰援的逆行者,吴谋的内心备受触动。当他看清楚所处的国外公司不过是一个以经济商业出发,毫无道德观的企业之后,毅然决然的放弃了高薪职位,选择留在国内,组建志愿者团队,与国人一起打赢这场硬仗。在吴谋的号召下,志愿者队不断壮大,大家积极为政府部门捡漏补缺、为抗疫一线医护人员的服务保障作用发挥得越来越好,所有人对战胜病毒疫情充满信心。

出品 Studio: 浙江美视众乐影视 Zhejiang Media Trust Film.
制片人 Produced by: 梓华 Zi Hua. 叶统 Ye Tong.
导演 Directed by: 郑世龙 Zheng Shilong.
编剧 Screenplay by: 周枫平 Zhou Fengping.
主演 Starring: 李滨 Li Bin, 费馨洁 Fei Xinjie, 大力 Da Li, 魏震 Wei Zhen, 赵晓苏 Zhao Xiaosu, 王莫涵 Wang Mohan.
题材 Genres: 纪实 Documentary, 剧情 Drama.

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1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, Moxi Shorts Channel 模晰短剧频道:

4, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The martial arts & romance film “Dragon Gate Posthouse 9 龍門驛站之奇緣” tells a love story beyond time, space, life and death. Ma Dalu helped the scholar Fang Jun open a private school in the Crescent Town. Three months later, the school was almost closed down because there was no student at all. Fortunately, a girl named Zhuer of unknown origin gave a hand. Zhuer was very clever and was very concerned about Fang Jun. Unfortunately, Fang Jun still loved his ex-fiancée Shen Yan, who had abandoned him. He expected that she change her mind. However, Shen Yan had Fang Jun murdered in order to marry into a rich and powerful family. Fang Jun's life was on the line, Zhuer saved Fang Jun's life at expense of her five hundred years of practice. Fang Jun recovered from the dead and finally understood who was his true love. However, Zhuer had only seven days…

故事简介: 古装武侠爱情电影《龙门驿站之奇缘 Dragon Gate Posthouse 9》讲述了一段为爱超越时空和生死的奇缘。马大路帮助读书人方俊在月牙镇开设了间私塾,只是三个月无有学生,险些落得关门大吉。幸得一个来历不明的女孩珠儿相助,才得以解困。珠儿灵慧异常,对方俊更是关切备至。可惜方俊依然心系抛弃自己的未婚妻沈燕,期待其回心转意。然而,沈燕为了顺利嫁入豪门,竟然狠心向方俊下毒手。方俊命悬一线,珠儿不惜以五百年的修行挽回方俊的生命。方俊死而复生,终于明白谁才是真爱,然而,珠儿在人间只有短短七日的时间了。

出品 Studio: 东阳奇月星空文化传媒 Dongyang Qiyue Xingkong Media.
制片人 Produced by: 闫晓强 Yan Xiaoqiang.
导演 Directed by: 潘文杰 Man Kit Poon, 何洛 He Luo.
编剧 Screenplay by: 邵洋 Shao Yang.
主演 Starring: 张智霖 Julian Cheung, 刘家辉 Chia Hui Liu, 文颂娴 Annie Man, 赵柯 Zhao Ke, 王洋 Wang Yang, 王丽坤 Wang Likun, 桑伟淋 Sang Weilin.
题材 Genres: #wuxia #武侠 #love #爱情 #romance #爱情片 #lovestory #爱情电影

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1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official :

4, 模晰青春情感影院 Moxi Youth & Love Theater

5, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The fantasy movie "See The White Snake Again 雙世白蛇" is about a time-traveling story that combines prehistoric mythology with the Legend of the White Snake.

故事简介: 古装穿越玄幻电影《双世白蛇 See The White Snake Again》是一部将洪荒神话与白蛇传结合的古装玄幻喜剧网络电影。远古时创世神伏羲、女娲以及天帝之间因为天师(鲲鹏)的挑唆,天帝与伏羲互生嫌隙。使用轩辕剑将伏羲与女娲重伤,二人双双转世。女娲抛下伏羲琴与女娲石交给自己的萌宠子青(青蛇)。转世到现代的伏羲是一个没钱没权的底层人物,名叫许小明。在现代生活不如意的他,机缘巧合穿越到了白素素(女娲转世)所在的小镇——千华古村。不小心误入香艳楼的女更衣室,随机应变的他只能跟着舞女一同戴上面具跳舞,因此也被困在花寨中。爱上了白素素,结识了子青(青蛇)、赵铃儿(女娲石化作人型)。为了争夺子青身上携带的伏羲琴,发生了系列的故事。最后真相大白,许小明就是伏羲转世,但是也逃脱不了天帝的追杀。谁知真正的挑唆者---天师赶到,使用轩辕剑刺杀了天帝。许小明伏羲之力觉醒,将天师变成了疯子。子青,白素素死去,天帝身受重伤。赵铃儿女娲石的身份揭晓,她有起死回生的能力但必须牺牲自己的生命,她牺牲自己解救了大家。

出品 Studio: 淘梦影业 Tmeng Picture.
制片人 Produced by: 王景 Wang Jing.
导演 Directed by: 秦凯 Qin Kai.
编剧 Screenplay by: 情殇孤月 Qingshang Guyue, 王景 Wang Jing.
主演 Starring: 龚平 Gong Ping, 顾靖 Gu Jing, 张春仲 Zhang Chunzhong.
题材 Genres: #玄幻 #fantasy #穿越 #timetravel

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1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official :

4, 模晰青春情感影院 Moxi Youth & Love Theater

5, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The fantasy movie "Prince Seahorse, The Prince's Wedding Dress 海馬王子之王子的嫁衣" tells the story that the seahorse empress Tianqing was preparing the inheritance ceremony for her only son Tianyi, when Tianyin, Tianyi's uncle, took the opportunity to assassinate her, making the ceremony fail to complete. Zhu Zhe (a tuna) helped the prince Tianyi escape from the palace. Tianyi was extremely gifted and not consumed with hatred, even if he encountered the betrayal. He grew up quickly and learnt to assume his responsibility. Finally, with the help of his friends and his love, he defeated the enemy and reclaimed the throne.

故事简介: 奇幻仙侠电影《海马王子之王子的嫁衣 Prince Seahorse, The Prince's Wedding Dress》讲述 海马女皇天晴为独子天一准备传承仪式,皇叔天阴趁机暗算天晴,使得天一的传承仪式未能完成,老臣诸哲(金枪鱼)带着王子天一逃离皇宫。天一天赋极高,遭遇宫变,却没有被仇恨所吞噬!迅速的成长,学会了责任与担当。最终在好友和爱人的帮助下,击败了敌人,夺回了皇位。

出品 Studio: 上海远信影视 Yuanxin Film.
制片人 Produced by: 高友和 Gao Youhe.
导演 Directed by: 邬汝彬 Wu Rubin, 杨建武 Yang Jianwu.
编剧 Screenplay by: 许晖 Xu Hui, 罗勇 Luo Yong.
主演 Starring: 张倬闻 Zhang Zhuowen, 李依晓Li Yixiao, 谢文轩 Xie Wenxuan, 高光泽 Gao Guangze, 冯芷墨 Feng Zhimo, 简远信 Jerry.
题材 Genres: 奇幻 仙侠 Fantasy.

频道内容介绍 Introduction of Channels & Contents
1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, Moxi Shorts Channel 模晰短剧频道:

4, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

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