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0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: Movie "Desire Caution 欲戒" is about a romance story. At the Valentine's Day night, Bai Yunfei delivers flowers to a couple of lovers. But the girl is right his ex-girlfriend, He Meili. Then their romanctic school time was remembered. When He Meili was introduced to the mother of her current boyfriend. The mother refused her because Meili is a girl from contryside. How these complex love relationship will go?

故事简介: 电影《欲戒 Desire Caution》讲述了情人节的上午,男主角白云飞受鲜花店的安排快递一份鲜花,却发现收花的人是自己的初恋女友何美丽,由此引出一段少年时期美丽而曲折的爱情故事。晚上,何美丽去现任男朋友王力扬家时,因为自己是农村出身,遭到了王力扬母亲的极力反对,何美丽被拒之门外。王力扬因为母亲的观念,与母亲大吵一架,在出门寻找何美丽时,意外发生了车祸,一个美满的家庭瞬间崩溃。然而,这一切并没有结束。

出品 Studio: 嘉华盛视
导演 Director: 赵成才 Zhao Chengcai
主演 Starring: 李蒙蒙 Li Mengmeng, 王紧 Wang Jin, 董朋 Dong Peng, 郭文丽 Guo Wenli, 刘萍 Liu Ping
题材 Genres: #Romance #爱情, #Drama 剧情

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2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, Moxi Movie Trailers Channel:

4, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The Fantasy Romance Movie "My Magic Fairy Wife 我的魔法仙妻" tells that Wu Shuang, Wu Yan and Wu Qiong are three sisters of WuXian clan in the Magical World. They come to Mortal world to find their true love, with their grandma's order. Just when they meet and woo their target boys, the Octopus Deveil followed them and came to the Mortal World...

故事简介: 玄幻爱情电影《我的魔法仙妻 My Magic Fairy Wife》讲述拥有魔法的三姐妹无双、无艳、无琼来到人间寻找真爱,因为奶奶将繁衍后代的责任交给了她们。无双对老好人梁仁一见钟情,但梁仁却觉得无双是怪人,可爱的无双通过卖可怜住进了梁仁家。性感的无艳在酒吧遇到了正在撩妹的咎士帅,果断亲吻了他。单纯的无琼遇到了捉妖大师张扬,拜访学艺的同时也动起了少女心。三姐妹都展开了猛烈的爱情攻势,此时八爪魔王也悄悄靠近了她们。

出品 Studio: 上海鼎烁影业 Ding Shuo Pictures
导演 Director: 马乐 Ma Le
编剧 Writer: 方泓仁 Fang Hongren, 华英 Hua Ying
主演 Starring: 徐子鹿 Xu Zilu, 祝向阳 Zhu Xiangyang, 毕雪 Bi Xue, 刘晋钊 Liu Jinzhao, 张垚祎 Zhang Yaoyi, 李牧 Li Mu.
题材 Genres: 魔幻 Fantasy Mystery, 爱情 Romance, 喜剧 Comedy

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4, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The first run Movie "The Chinese Style Widow 中国式寡妇" is about the marriage life and desire of the left-home women in countryside.

故事简介: 首映电影《中国式寡妇》讲述的是农村留守妇女在丈夫外出打出时婚姻生活状况。

出品 Executive Producer: 林建顺 Lin Jianshun
导演 Director: 林建顺 Lin Jianshun
主演 Starring: 王坚定 李梦洋 江宜谦 张文 张德生 崔可 秦俊杰
题材 Genres: 剧情 Drama 婚姻 Marriage Couple 农村 Countryside

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5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

6, Moxi Movie Channel English

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The Romance Movie "The Spice Girlfriend" is about a sweet love story of an overbearing boss, An Chenmo, and his spice girlfriend, Nuoxi.

故事简介:霸道总裁系列电影《大牌宠妻是辣妹 President and Spice Girl》讲述了英俊 霸总 安晨莫与寒门奋斗美女诺西之间的爱情故事。

出品 Studio: 天津云端传媒 Cloud Media.
制片人 Produced by: 李晓伟 Li Xiaowei.
导演 Directed by: 尹铁 Yin Yi
编剧 Screenplay by: 李浩然 Li Haoran, 穆爽 Mu Shuang.
主演 Starring: 陆钧彦 Lu Junyan, 张果一赫 Zhangguo Yihe,
题材 Genres: #爱情 #romance #甜宠 #sweetlove #sweet #霸道总裁 #霸总 #overbearingboss

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2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official :

4, 模晰青春情感影院 Moxi Youth & Love Theater

5, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The Global First Run Movie "Things to Come 七月之后" is about Jiang Xinyue, a clever and pretty girl, grew up in a small town, fell in love with her classmates of high school, Wu Luoqi. But after graduating, a tragedy struck, for saving her, Wu Luoqi was put into prison. But they still love each other and make phone call every month. Leaving the small town, Jiang Xinyue come to the university, located in the big city, Shenzhen. There she meet three men, a boss of a company, a handsome senior and a rich second generation, there is also the binning of her sad stories.

故事简介: 首映文艺爱情电影《七月之后 Things to Come》讲述出生在偏远小城的蒋新月,在她很小的时候母亲便去世了,她由父亲蒋伟文一人拉扯大。蒋伟文平时酷 爱饮酒,对蒋新月的关心也不够细腻,由于母爱以及父爱的缺失,使得蒋新月从小个性就偏独立,但内心深处却很缺乏安全感也充满了对爱的渴望。所以中学时代伍洛七的出现,满足了她当时对于关爱和安全感的需求,并于高考之前,两人正式确立了恋爱关系。随着大学时代的到来,蒋新月从偏远小城来到了繁华的大都市。在很短的时间内,蒋新月的视野迅速得 到了扩展,并在大学校园内遇到了她第一次发自内心想爱的人——学长于志明。但当时于志明已经有了女朋友,所以蒋新月便把这种爱恋藏在了自己的内心深处。之后由于父亲蒋伟文无法正常给蒋新月负担生活费,懂事的蒋新月开始兼职做家教勤工俭学。因此她认识了林岸,林岸是个成熟又有魅力的成功男士,他给予了蒋新月比较细腻而充足的关爱。 渐渐的,蒋新月对林岸有了一种亦父亦友的感觉,林岸不仅能够给予蒋新月想要的关爱,也帮助蒋新月 解决了很多实际的问题。蒋新月无形中逐渐对林岸有了一种依赖,并在雷电交加的夜晚,蒋新月献出了 自己的处子之身…

出品 Produced: 世纪荧河 九马影业
导演 Director: 连子 Lian Zi
主演 Starring: 金颖 JinYing, 孟蔚 Meng Wei, 王小伟 Wang Xiaowei, 宋星翰 Song Xinghan
题材 Feature: #校园 Campus, 爱情 #Romance, #青春 Youth

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5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

6, Moxi Movie Channel English

0 Views · 1 year ago

故事简介 Synopsis: 电影《夜班司机 Night Shift Driver》讲述 丈夫意外去世后,张嘉琪独自带着女儿艰难度日。在好友江峰的帮助下,利用空余的时间在一家网约车公司做夜班司机贴补家用。初出茅庐的张嘉琪在兼职的第一个晚上便遇上了醉酒的程金,差点受到侵犯。为了不想让家人担心,张嘉琪决定息事宁人。谁知,张嘉琪收到网约车公司的通知,自己被乘客投诉暴力伤人。沉默的证人,无法辩解的真相,黑暗悄然来临……

出品 Studio: 安徽白羊星 Aries Star Film
导演 Director: 潘东 Pan Dong
主演 Starring: 王安琪Wang Anqi, 徐浩然Xu Haoran, 宋少成 Song Shaocheng
题材 Genres: #剧情 #Drama

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2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

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4, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

0 Views · 1 year ago

Movie 首映电影 | Sleeping Beauty, English Subtitles 睡美人 | Drama film 剧情片 Full Movie HD

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5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

6, Moxi Movie Channel English

0 Views · 1 year ago

Background: In The Famous Chinese Novel "Water Margin 水浒" & "Jin Ping Mei 金瓶梅", Pan Jinlian (潘金莲) is married Wu Dalang, the elder brother of Wu Song. Wu Dalang is short and ugly, while Pan Jinlian is renowned for her beauty; as a result, many people feel that the couple are a mismatch. Pan Jinlian, dissatisfied with her marriage, has an extramarital affair with Ximen Qing, a handsome womaniser in town. Wu Dalang eventually discovers the affair, but Pan Jinlian and Ximen Qing murder him by adding poison to his food. They bribe the coroner to conceal the true cause of his death. Wu Song grows suspicious of his brother's death. He carries out his own investigations and discovers the truth…… This movie is another view.

故事简介: 电影《我是潘金莲 I'm Pan Jinlian》讲述 潘金莲自幼可怜,对人生已经放弃,直到遇到了武松,深深爱的无法自拔,她知道终有一天会有人杀了她,但她希望那个人是武松。潘金莲并不是一个荡妇,她有她自己对爱情的忠贞。心如孤岛,囚我终老。

出品 Studio: 星火兄弟影业 Star Firework Brothers Picture.
导演 Director: 贾凯 Jia Kai.
主演 Starring: 姚静 Yao Jing, 圣心瞳 Sheng Xintong, 申孟玉 Shen Mengyu, 石鹏渤 Shi Pengbo, 周雪珍 Zhou Xuezhen.
题材 Genres: 剧情 Drama, 爱情 Romance, LoveStory.

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1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, Moxi Movie Trailers Channel:

4, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

0 Views · 1 year ago

[Trailer] 大明锦衣卫2 A Security of The Ming Dynasty | 古装武侠动作电影 Martial Arts Action film HD #shorts

Synopsis: The wuxia martial arts action movie "A Security of the Ming Dynasty 大明錦衣衛2" tells the story of Li Yi, whose wife was killed three years ago. He buried his name and secretly searched for the murderer. Unfortunately, there was no clue for three years. Three years later, Li Yi's friend Zhou Xin finally helped him find the name of his wife's murderer, but just as the two met, Zhou Xin was assassinated by a mysterious killer. Before dying, Zhou Xin handed Li Yi a box. Ji Gang, the commander of the Royal Guards, was the mastermind of the assassination. After learning that Li Yi had taken key evidence, he turned to catching Li Yi. On the other hand, Cao Jian, the Royal Guards' Vice Commander, also targeted the number one suspect, Li Yi, while investigating the cause of Zhou Xin's death. Standing on the cusp of the storm, Li Yi had to avoid Ji Gang's chase and Cao Jian's hunt while painstakingly searching for the murderer of his wife.

故事简介: 古装武侠动作电影《大明锦衣卫2 A Security of The Ming Dynasty》讲述三年前,李毅的妻子被人杀害后,他隐姓埋名追查凶手。但可惜,三年来始终毫无线索。三年后,李毅的好友周新终于帮他查到杀妻凶手的姓名,但就在两人见面时,周新却被神秘杀手暗杀。临死前,周新交给李毅一个盒子。 锦衣卫指挥使纪纲是这次暗杀的主谋,在他得知李毅拿走了关键证据后,转而追杀李毅。另一方面,锦衣卫同知(副指挥使)曹坚也在调查周新死因时将目标锁定在头号嫌疑人李毅身上。站在风口浪尖上的李毅只得一边躲避着纪纲的追杀和曹坚的追捕,一边费尽心血寻找杀妻凶手。

出品 Studio: 北京淘梦影业 Tmeng Pictures.
制片人 Produced by: 吴静 Wu Jing, 佑在 You Zai.
导演 Directed by: 薛文华 Xue Wenhua.
编剧 Screenplay by: 佑在 You Zai, 徐维壹 Xu Weiyi.
主演 Starring: 应昊茗 Ying Haoming, 修杰楷 Xiu Jiekai, 李炜 Li Wei, 南笙 Nan Sheng, 吴恙 Wu Yang.
题材 Genres: #动作 #Action #wuxia #武侠 #动作片 #actionmovies #动作电影 #actionfilm #martialarts

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3, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official :

4, 模晰青春情感影院 Moxi Youth & Love Theater

5, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

0 Views · 1 year ago

故事简介 Synopsis: 电影《迷罪之古镇怨情 Grudge in Old Town》讲述民国古镇中段家少爷段天铭因参加推翻清朝封建统治的革命离开了家,突然接到讣告爷爷去世了。段天铭带女友回家奔丧,可是女友被镇上一位道士诬陷为“妖孽”带来了不详之气,会祸害全族。全族人要烧死段少爷女友,此时种种怪事接连发生,段少爷的爷爷遗体神秘失踪,段少爷的父亲也神秘死亡,美女仆人的投怀送抱,一切的疑惑的解开和拯救女友安全压在了段天铭的身上。

出品 Studio: 武汉眸画影视 Mouhua Film.
制片人 Produced by: 何超 He Chao, 胡文静 Hu Wenjing, 陈钟毓 Chen Zhongyu.
导演 Directed by: 徐衍 Xu Yan.
编剧 Screenplay by: 徐衍 Xu Yan.
主演 Starring: 房鑫 Fang Xin, 唐菲 Tang Fei, 林航 Lin Hang, 全春生 Quan Chunsheng, 熊怡 Xiong Yi.
题材 Genres: 剧情 Drama, 民国 ROC.

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1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, Moxi Movie Trailers Channel:

4, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The comedy romance movie "The Virgin Man 扒光地球人" tells that 30-year-old Zhang Kai originally led a boring and ordinary life, but fell into an unprecedented crisis because his virgin identity was inadvertently exposed. When life was in trouble, Zhang Kai met a special alien visitor Teddy. Teddy comes from a planet four solar systems away with a civilization which is very similar to the earth. Because of a wrong evolutionary experiment, the planet has only male life, the population is gradually decreasing, and it is on the verge of extinction. So Teddy was sent to the earth to experiment with women, but Teddy must be attached to a virgin before he can have sex with women. Eager to get rid of the virgin troubles, Zhang Kai agreed to cooperate with Teddy, and they began a Women-hunting Journey. Since then, all kinds of funny things have happened one after another, and all kinds of women have appeared one after another...

故事简介:喜剧爱情电影《扒光地球人 The Virgin Man》讲述30岁的张开原本过着无聊又平凡的生活,但由于他的处男身份无意中被曝光而陷入了前所未有的危机。生活亮起红灯之时,张开遇到了一个特别的外星来客泰迪。泰迪来自距地球四个太阳系空间距离的一个星球,拥有与地球极其类似的文明。因为一次错误的进化实验,导致星球只有男性生命,人口逐渐减少,濒临灭亡。于是泰迪被派到地球与女性进行结合试验,但是泰迪必须附身在处男身上才可以与女性发生关系。急于摆脱处男困扰的张开答应了与泰迪的合作,两人开始了一段“破处之旅”,自此各种搞笑的事情接连发生,各式各样的女人接连登场.....

出品 Studio: 上海有仙则名 You Xian Ze Ming Film, 北京九马影业 Nine Horses Film.
制片人 Produced by: 王艨贤 Wang Mengxian.
导演 Directed by: 贾炳奇 Jia Bingqi.
编剧 Screenplay by: 贾炳奇 Jia Bingqi.
主演 Starring: 程驰 Cheng Chi, 陈倩 Chen Qian, 汪浩然 Wang Haoran.
题材 Genres: 喜剧 Comedy, 爱情 Romance LoveStory.

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1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, Moxi Shorts Channel 模晰短剧频道:

4, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The First Run Art Movie "The Third Eye 後窗驚魂之第三隻眼" is about a peeping story. It’s another view of love between modern young people. It's also known as "Butterfly in the Dark"

故事简介: 首映电影《后窗惊魂之第三只眼 The Third Eye》亦名《暗房中燕尾蝶 Butterfly in The Dark》讲述了现代青年男女不同的爱情观。王宇泽饰演的李察,是一个有着社交恐惧症,不愿意与旁人有过多的肢体接触,却通过偷窥来满足自己的内心情感的发泄的可怜人。

出品 Studio: 上海鼎烁影业 Ding Shuo Pictures
导演 Director: 王宾 Wang Bin
主演 Starring: 王宇泽 Wang Yuze, 曹佳惠 Cao Jiahui, 方倪 Fang Ni, 王子行 Wang Zihang
题材 Genres: 文艺 Art, 爱情 Romance LoveStory

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1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, Moxi Movie Trailers Channel:

4, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The Action Movie "Veyron Action 威龍行動" is about a story of two young men, Wu Haowei and Kong Yilong who own a security company. But they failed the mission to protect Boss Chen three years ago. Then three years late, Boss Chen's daughter, Nonan asks them to attend a special action with the payment of 500 million Yuan: to kill the murder of her father and take the money back...

故事简介: 喜剧动作电影《威龙行动 Veyron Action》通过小人物吴浩威如何拖延林老板携赃款潜逃的过程,展现在复杂的时代背景下,小人物如何战胜心中贪念,见义勇为,战胜邪恶的精神面貌。面对突如其来的巨款,一时心生贪念,人皆有之,小保镖吴浩威也不例外。

出品 Studio: 佛山华升文化 Huasheng Film, 合肥先歌传媒 Xiange Media, 安徽鑫美传媒Xinmei Media.
制片人 Produced by: 罗文进 Roman.
导演 Directed by: 胡锦棠 Hu Jingtang.
编剧 Screenplay by: 李炯楷 Johnny Li, 李淑萍 Supreme Li.
主演 Starring: 卢大雨 Lu Dayu, 马榞 Yelo Ma, 凯西 Cathy, 张曼莉 Kitty Zhang.
题材 Genres: 喜剧 Comedy, 动作 Action.

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3, Moxi Shorts Channel 模晰短剧频道:

4, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

0 Views · 1 year ago

故事简介 Synopsis: 电影《山村诡怨 Ghost Village》讲述 一盗窃团伙四人在交易货物的途中,误入一荒芜山村。车辆抛锚,道路被毁,废弃的房屋,从未存在过的小女孩,多情的寡妇,时有时无的凄凉哭声,在山村两天的夜里不断上演,一连串恐怖的事件。情欲,背叛,兄弟反目成仇,现实与人心中的鬼接连出现,恐怖惊悚的故事和体验,引发出人的欲望和贪婪。不料,有一场更精心的预谋在等着他们...

出品 Studio: 安徽鼎兴 Ding Xing Film
导演 Director: 郭倩 Guo Qian
主演 Starring: 宁海, 杜文洁, 安瑞阳, 段斌
题材 Genres: #恐怖 #Horror, 惊悚 #Thriller

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1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, Moxi Movie Trailers Channel:

4, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

0 Views · 1 year ago

故事简介: 剧情电影《代驾血迷 The Chauffeur》讲述身为乐队主唱的强子,历经了一场车祸,乐队一名成员在车祸中丧生。从此,无奈的强子当了一名代驾补贴家用。在代驾中,又遭到昔日情敌宋基的巨额敲诈,为保住饭碗,强子选择了忍气吞声。但并未使宋基停止敲诈勒索,他还利用自己的女友小莫,色诱国土局蓝处长进行权钱交易。身为强子老婆的严丽娟得知冤情,挺身而出,借助法律手段成功为强子讨回了公道和尊严。最后在老婆的鼓励下,强子和昔日的队友重组乐队,让自己创作的励志歌曲广受年轻人的喜爱和乐坛权威的青睐。在歌迷的热情追捧中,强子和他的乐队认识到:我们即便处于社会底层和忙忙碌碌的谋生之中,也要去追求理想,争取人生的突破!

Synopsis: The drama film "The Chauffeur 代駕血迷" tells the story of a chauffeur Qing, who was the lead singer of a famous band, but involved in a car accident in which a member of the band was killed. Since then, the helpless Qiang has become a driver to support the family. One day, he was extorted by his former rival Song Ji. In order to keep his job, Qiang chose to swallow his voice. Song Ji also used his girlfriend, Xiao Mo, to seduce Director Lan of the Land Bureau to conduct power and money transactions. Yan Lijuan, Qiang's wife, learned of the grievance, stepped forward, and successfully recovered justice and dignity for Qiang with the help of legal means. Finally, with the encouragement of his wife, Qiang and his former teammates reorganized the band, so that the inspirational songs he created were widely loved by young people and favored by music authorities. In the enthusiastic pursuit of fans, Qiang and his band realized that even if we are at the bottom of society and busy making a living, we must pursue ideals and strive for breakthroughs in life!

出品 Studio: 上海钟磁文化 Zhongci Culture.
制片人 Produced by: 孙炯亮 Sun Jiongliang.
导演 Directed by: 张文龙 Zhang Wenlong.
编剧 Screenplay by: 张文龙 Zhang Wenlong.
主演 Starring: 石毅 Shi Yi, 李晓薇 Li Xiaowei, 程子铭 Cheng Ziming, 陶立新 Tao Lixin, 张秀婷 Zhang Xiuting.
题材 Genres: #剧情 #drama #剧情片 #dramamovies #剧情电影

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1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official :

4, 模晰青春情感影院 Moxi Youth & Love Theater

5, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The Drama Movie "Miracle Namiya 解憂雜貨铺" is about a magic store which can fulfill people's wishes. Si Chao returned from overseas. An accidental chances his life and makes him return to youth. He decides to start a new life again. During this time journey , he rethought his family and life. Eventually he found his own problems and found the true meaning of life.

故事简介:电影《解忧杂货铺 Miracle Namiya》 讲述一个重生的故事,在这个世界上,有人制造忧愁,有人被忧愁左右。在纷繁浩渺的大千世界里,忧愁像一种魔咒,使人禅絮沾泥。直到先贤以惊人的智慧,神秘的手段,建立了阴阳宫,观自然现象,推因果法则,占天地,为有缘之人,排忧解难,红尘易逝,随着时代发展,阴阳宫,几经更替,便成了如今的解忧杂货铺。海外归来的司超因为一个偶然的机会成为了解忧杂货铺的有缘人,在解忧杂货铺店主的帮助下,司超重返青春,本想开始崭新的生活,却在机缘巧合之下与原来的生活又产生了交集。在这段时光之旅中,他重新审视自己的生活以及家庭,并从中发现了自己的问题,找到了生活的真谛。

出品 Studio: 万朋文化 Van Peng Media
导演 Director: 富淞皓 Fu Songhao
主演 Starring: 大兵 Da Bing, 张博楠 Zhang Bonan, 许言 Xu Yan
题材 Genres: #剧情 #Drama

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6, Moxi Movie Channel English

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The movie "Return of the Snake Girl 欲蟒歸來 " tells the story of a beautiful python (Yang Mengwei) who travels through time, survives the catastrophe of life and death, and becomes a snake fairy. Then, she came to her sister's house, where she went through a series of emotional entanglements with her brother-in-law (Zhao Moyan), and finally found out that the housekeeper (Jin Mengmeng) was actually her brother-in-law's sister. After Yang Xueer discovered their sinister plot, she has been looking for evidence, and finally, she killed Zhao Moyan. But Yang Mengwei was infatuated with her brother-in-law from the start, and she took out the essence of her life to save Zhao Moyan.

故事简介: 电影《欲蟒归来 Return of The Snake Girl》讲述一只美艳的蟒蛇(杨梦薇)穿越时间轮回,顺利度过生死劫,羽化为神,来到姐姐杨雪儿家中,并与姐夫(赵莫言)发生的一系列情感纠葛,最后发现管家(金梦梦)竟是姐夫的亲妹妹,小姑子与姐夫一起潜伏在杨家伺机报仇把杨家人赶尽杀绝。杨雪儿发现阴谋后,一直在寻找证据,最终对赵莫言痛下杀手,然而杨梦薇却对姐夫始终痴情不惜取出自己活命的蛇胆来救下赵莫言。

出品 Studio: 乐影盟文化传媒 Le Ying Meng Media, 凡酷文化 Funcola Media.
制片人 Produced by: 邓象平 Deng Xiangping.
导演 Directed by: 韩明召 Hang Mingzhao.
编剧 Screenplay by: 吴桃之 Wu Taozhi.
主演 Starring: 许喵喵 Xu Miaomiao 蒋德亮 Jiang Deliang, 张艺儿 Zhang Yier, 金小迪 Jin Xiaodi.
题材 Genres: 犯罪 Crime, 玄幻 Fantasy.

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1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, Moxi Shorts Channel 模晰短剧频道:

4, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: Movie "Bye Mr. Loser 屌絲特煩惱" is about a love story of a loser Mu Xiaomu and a goddess Cen Yuanzhi.

故事简介:电影 《屌丝特烦恼 Bye Mr. Loser》亦名《屌丝没有罪》,讲述了屌丝慕小牧与女神岑苑之的爱情和婚姻故事。

出品 Studio: 广州智上力合 Wisdom Union Film.
制片人 Produced by: 罗国家 Luo Guojia, 柳树 Liu Shu.
导演 Directed by: 刘尉央 Liu Weiyang.
编剧 Screenplay by: 刀小刀 Dao Xiaodao.
主演 Starring: 岑雨桥 Cen Yuqiao, 齐迹 Qi Ji.
题材 Genres: 喜剧 Comedy.

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2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, Moxi Movie Trailers Channel:

4, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

4 Views · 1 year ago

[Trailer] Grudge in Old Town 迷罪之古镇怨情 | Drama film 民国剧情片 HD

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4, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The Sci-fi Action Movie "Chase of The Replicants 密道追蹤之秘境邪靈" is about a science fictional story. Two Fishes (Shuang Yu) Town is a joint point for two worlds. When someone passes the mirror field, it will produce a duplicated one. Then all the persons in this town are duplicated ones. When a duplicated one leaves this town, He or she must kill another real one in seven days to survive. For a female one, she can also get pregnant in seven days to survive. Liu Quan is a cowardly clerk and follows his tough boss Xing to collect the payment. When they pass by the town, Liu Quan resisted and killed his boss, then saved an escaping girl, Han Yuer. At this time, Liu Quan has much money and a beautiful girl in his life. But the pursuit from the Two Fishes Town is coming...

故事简介: 科幻动作电影《密道追踪之魔镜邪灵 Chase of The Replicants》讲述了一个发生在双鱼镇的悬疑故事。张航饰演的柳泉本是一个对老板言听计从的下属,却在被老板百般压迫后决定反抗,于是一场危机在双鱼镇悄悄蔓延……

出品 Studio: 临沂极地广告 Jidi Ads. IFG 互联网电影集团
制片人 Produced by: 苏广益 Su Guangyi, 李大鹏 Li Dapeng.
导演 Directed by: 俞岛 Yu Dao
编剧 Screenplay by: 屈骢 Qu Cong
主演 Starring: 张航 Zhang Hang, 张琦 Zhang Qi, 张粟 Zhang Su, 唐昕 Tang Xin, 于果儿 Yu Guoer
题材 Genres: #动作 #Action #科幻 #sciencefiction #科幻片 #动作片 #scifi #scifimovies #actionmovies #actionfilm

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1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official :

4, 模晰青春情感影院 Moxi Youth & Love Theater

5, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The Drama Movie "Female Anchor Events" is about a story of two web online anchors, Liang Sisi, who is a college student, Pure and lovely, open-minded, also a kind girl; Zhang Mengnan, a sexy young woman who just got divorced. They both became new anchors of an evil agent company. When they two became more famous and believe their dreams will be achieved soon. The boss pushed them to a road without return....

故事簡介: 劇情電影《女主播事件 Female Anchor Events》講述梁思思是一名清純可愛的校花大學生,思想開放前衛但心地善良,張夢楠是一個知性性感的離異少婦,獨自照顧著孩子,兩個截然不同的人在過氣主播艾拉的欺騙下成為了網路主播,就在她們以為夢想實現第一步時,她們那看似好人的主播經紀人宋毅,為了自己的利益,將兩人送上了一條不歸路,又把所有的罪證嫁禍給了艾拉,最終艾拉用自殺直播的方式。

出品 Studio: 安徽鼎興 Ding Xing Film
導演 Director: 高海峰 Gao Haifeng
主演 Starring: 王紫怡 Wang Ziyi, 徐菲菲 Xu Feifei, 夏念念 Xia Niannian.
題材 Genres: #劇情 #Drama

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1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, Moxi Movie Trailers Channel:

4, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

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故事简介: 古装玄幻动作电影《封神:画圣归来 Cherish The World》讲述开元年间,“神都”洛阳,先皇武周生前遗物《千里不周山》图隐藏着上古神器“封神笔”所在。唐玄宗命“画圣”吴道玄修复《千里不周山》图,画作却在吴道子手中失窃,寻画过程中得知《千里不周山》与上古神器“封神笔”之间的联系,吴道子在千钧一发之际解开了上古神器“封神笔”的秘密,一场意图颠覆大唐的惊天阴谋。

Synopsis: The fantasy action movie "Cherish The World 封神:畫聖歸來" tells a story in the Kaiyuan period, Tang Dynasty, "the capital of the gods" Luoyang, where the ancient artifact "Fengshen Brush" is hidden in the picture of "A Thousand Miles of Buzhou Mountain", a relic of the former emperor Wu Zetian. Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty ordered Wu Daoxuan, the "painter sage", to restore the picture of "A Thousand Miles of Buzhou Mountain", but the painting was stolen from Wu Daozi. During the process of searching for the painting, he learned of the connection between "A Thousand Miles of Buzhou Mountain" and the ancient artifact "Fengshen Brush". Wu Daozi Unraveling the secret of the ancient artifact "Fengshen Pen" at the critical moment, a shocking conspiracy intended to overthrow Datang.

出品 Studio: 淘梦影业 Tmeng Pictures.
制片人 Produced by: 石秀坤 Shi Xiukun.
导演 Directed by: 秦凯 Qin Kai.
编剧 Screenplay by: 贾夕 Jia Xi
主演 Starring: 龚小钧 Gong Xiaojun, 黄一琳 Huang Yilin, 李肖宁 Li Xiaoning, 张春仲 Zhang Chunzhong, 殷叶子 Yin Yezi, 何中华 He Zhonghua.
题材 Genres: #动作 #Action #玄幻 #fantasy #动作片 #actionmovies #动作电影 #actionfilm

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1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official :

4, 模晰青春情感影院 Moxi Youth & Love Theater

5, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The Romance Movie "Meant to Be 如夢晉陽" is about a love story between Bu Na, who works for a British International Corporation, and Guo Jinyang, who works as a ride-hailing driver.

故事简介: 电影《如梦晋阳 Meant to Be》讲述在英国工作的卜娜娜(吉丽饰演)得知父亲(董祁明饰演)住院,火速赶回太原时却发现是父亲假装生病。娜娜除了业务合作还需要尽快返回英国,否则会被取消无限期居留的资格。郭晋阳(张哲人饰演)是一名专车司机,接连两次都是遇到卜娜娜。晋阳忍耐着娜娜对他的诸多挑剔。甚至还被雇佣扮男友,卜父又藏了娜娜的护照交给晋阳,晋阳是相当尴尬,但为了薪水就硬着头皮答应。卜父患了阿尔兹海默症,娜娜伤心中对晋阳的体贴也颇为感动。娜娜逢场作戏,晋阳纠结之中,还是把护照交给了娜娜。

出品 Studio: 山西电影制片厂 Shanxi Film Studio, 山西天域文化 Tianyu Media, 非比寻常 Phoebe Media.
制片人 Produced by: 王丹婷 Wang Danting, 王高升 Wang Gaosheng.
导演 Directed by: 吴军 Wu Jun.
编剧 Screenplay by: 吴军 Wu Jun, 李梦曦 Li Mengxi, 杨楠 Yang Nan.
主演 Starring: 吉娜 Jina, 张哲人 Zhang Zheren.
题材 Genres: 爱情片 Romance, Love Story.

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1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, Moxi Shorts Channel 模晰短剧频道:

4, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The comedy movie "New Truant Heroes 逃學英雄 2" tells a love story of a loser Yang Xiaoxia and a beautiful model He Chuyao. In a series of coincidences, Yang Xiaoxia is treated as a second-generation rich by a model company. The boss tries to fawn over Yang Xiaoxia with the beautiful female models, to save his company. At last Yang Xiaoxia saved his goddess He Chuyao and they became lovers...

故事简介: 喜剧电影《逃学英雄 2 New Truant Heroes》讲述屌丝杨小夏,因为无法忍受老板的苛刻行为,为公司同事出头被开除。出门碰上小孩落水,英勇救人忘了自己不会游泳,被高富帅—房地产老总之子救起,阴差阳错被当成救人的高富帅。 回家途中被何初瑶认出是救人者。何初瑶一路尾随,杨小夏误以为是抢劫,与何初瑶相识,并发现何初瑶是自己的对门邻居。 杨小夏数次求职失败。无意中闯入地产老板的饭局,被何初瑶模特公司的老板等人误认为是房地产之子,内个高富帅。 杨小夏因为独特血型被游泳馆馆长骗入游泳馆当游泳助理,何初瑶的老板为救公司,让何初瑶等八个模特,借学游泳之名介入游泳馆,对其进行美女轰炸。 杨小夏对何初瑶情有独钟。何初瑶发现杨小夏并非地产老板之子电话通知老板,杨小夏误以为何初瑶嫌弃自己。 游泳馆长为救怪病女儿,竟然绑架众模特进行皮肤移植。在王大厨等人的帮助下,馆长的计划破产。 众模特得救,杨小夏与何初瑶也重归于好。本该皆大欢喜,却没想到,陷入求皮成魔的游泳馆馆长之女,却悄悄潜入了众模特回家的汽车。杨小夏何初瑶发现人数不对,急忙追车,阻止疯女孩。

出品 Studio: 军盾影业 Army Shield Film
制片人 Produced by: 游源 You Yuan.
导演 Directed by: 柳航 Liu Hang
编剧 Screenplay by: 何明明 He Mingming.
主演 Starring: 黄一山 Gabriel Wong, 黄一飞 Jatfei Wong, 吴业晗 Wu Yehan, 张竟成 Zhang Jingcheng.
题材 Genres: #喜剧 #comedy #爱情 #Romance #喜剧片 #comedymovie

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1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official :

4, 模晰青春情感影院 Moxi Youth & Love Theater

5, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: School Youth Movie "The Counter Girl 逆襲校花" is about an inspirational story. Tang Yoyo is a beautiful girl, but she doesn't like school very much, even she is driven out the school. then she realizes that it's the time to study hard to achieve her Tsinghua University dream with the courage of her new teacher, Mr. Yang.

故事简介: 青春校园励志电影《逆袭校花 The Counter Girl》讲述了一个长相甜美的学渣高中女孩唐悠悠,通过很长时间的努力,将成绩提高到3位数,最终考上清华大学的励志青春故事。

出品 Studio: 安徽鼎兴影视 Ding Xing Films
导演 Director: 薛少 Xue Shao
主演 Starring: 周苡萱 Zhou Yixuan, 赵艺霖 Zhao Yilin, 褚毅 Chu Yi
题材 Genres: 青春 Youth, 校园 School, 励志 Inspirational

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6, Moxi Movie Channel English

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The drama movie "The Pilot 飛行員槑舄" is about an ugly pilot Messi (Mei Xi), nickname "Silly Bird" whose biggest dream is to become handsome. One day, he takes a Good Luck Candy, Then he becomes very handsome on the next morning. Beauties, money are now full of his life. But the Good Luck Candy has time limit. Also it changed his body older and older. Finally he realized that he couldn't give up his fly dream. In the last fight, Emergency happened. He tried his best to avoid a disaster.


Studio: Jiasun Keep-up Cultural
Directed by: An Jiaxing
Screenplay by: Guo Ziqian, An Jiaxing
Starring: Cao Tiankai, Liu Xuetao, Wang Chao, Han Xinyu
Genres: Drama

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1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, Moxi Shorts Channel 模晰短剧频道:

4, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The First Run Art Movie "The Third Eye 後窗驚魂之第三隻眼" is about a peeping story. It’s another view of love between modern young people. It's also known as "Butterfly in the Dark"

故事简介: 首映电影《后窗惊魂之第三只眼 The Third Eye》亦名《暗房中燕尾蝶 Butterfly in The Dark》讲述了现代青年男女不同的爱情观。王宇泽饰演的李察,是一个有着社交恐惧症,不愿意与旁人有过多的肢体接触,却通过偷窥来满足自己的内心情感的发泄的可怜人。

出品 Studio: 上海鼎烁影业 Ding Shuo Pictures
导演 Director: 王宾 Wang Bin
主演 Starring: 王宇泽 Wang Yuze, 曹佳慧 Cao Jiahui, 方倪 Fang Ni, 王子行 Wang Zihang
题材 Genres: 文艺 Art, 爱情 Romance LoveStory

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1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, Moxi Movie Trailers Channel:

4, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The Science Fiction Movie "She's from Mars 來自火星的她" is about a love story of indoorsman Mu Hao and AI robot Lamian.

故事简介: 电影《来自火星的她 She's from Mars》讲述曾经经营充气娃娃的公司如今升级为智能情趣娃娃公司,在一次数据监测中发现,宅男慕浩竟然是众多男生中从未拆封过他家产品的人,公司为了得到这类人群的典型数据,派人乔装给慕浩送去了Only AI第2代机器人,那是完美型“情趣”女友机器人,具有A类服务功能,而女友在和慕浩的接触中,由于产生了自主意识而带来巨大危机,这也成为了慕浩与她之间,从排斥到生离死别的浪漫故事的开始。

出品 Studio: 吉诺影视 Gino Film, 互联网电影集团 IFG.
制片人 Produced by: 张萌 Zhang Meng, 陈阳 Chen Yang, 范超 Fan Chao.
导演 Directed by: 赵雁雷 Zhao Yanlei.
编剧 Screenplay by: 贤莹 Xian Ying.
主演 Starring: 罗悠月 Luo Youyue, 刘轩 Liu Xuan, 陈诺 Chen Nuo.
题材 Genres: 科幻 Science Fiction, 爱情 Romance LoveStory, 喜剧 Comedy.

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1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, Moxi Shorts Channel 模晰短剧频道:

4, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The school youth film "Gone for Nothing 青春餵了狗" is about the school life story of four girls: Lu Yan, Mu Ge, Xia Xiaoxiao and Yang Siying.

故事简介: 校园青春电影《青春喂了狗 Gone for Nothing》讲述了时隔十二年后,女主人公陆妍对青春岁月以及那些岁月里陪伴她的姐妹们的无比怀念,借由姐妹之一的夏小小的婚礼,与当年的其他姐妹重聚的故事。录制婚礼VCR时四姐妹都假装矜持道貌岸然,但随着主角陆妍的深入回忆,通过好姐妹帮忙疯狂追初恋时囧态百出接连失败,与最强情敌“杀马特天团”对战等一系列状况后,每个人癫狂的一面显露无余,姐妹间的友谊也进一步加固。经历了成年后的生活压力后,几位美女放下矜持,在好姐妹的婚礼上跳了一场劲爆的钢管舞,重燃青春时的活力。

出品 Studio: 陕西胡桃夹子文化 Netcracker Movie.
制片人 Produced by: 肖月 Xiao Yue.
导演 Directed by: 欧谭凯 Ou Tankai.
编剧 Screenplay by: 卢京 Lu Jing.
主演 Starring: 何蓝逗 He Landou, 杨青竹 Yang Zhuqing, 关畅 Guan Chang, 徐千京 Xu Qianjing,吕鹏 Lv Peng, 戚戚 Qi Qi.
题材 Genres: #青春 #youth #爱情 #Romance #校园 #school

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1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official :

4, 模晰青春情感影院 Moxi Youth & Love Theater

5, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The time-travelling romance movie "My Love from The Star 來自星星的我" tells a story of more than a thousand years ago when the Murong Family of Dayan Empire were hunted down by the rebel army, Murong Xi fled to the forbidden area while the time-space tunnel opened, and an imperial maid rescued him by pushing him into the time-space tunnel, then Murong Xi came to the modern society more than a thousand years later. In order to find a way to restore his country, he accidentally met Tai Xiaomei and got to know her, the owner of the beverage shop. Because he didn't understand the etiquette of modern people, Murong Xi offended Tai Xiaomei and gave her his family heirloom jade pendant to apologize. Tai Xiaomei saw him living on the street homelessly, felt bad, and took him in. In order to annul the marriage contract with Zhang Yang, Tai Xiaomei asked Murong Xi to pretend to be her boyfriend, thus a sweet love story begins...

故事简介: 穿越爱情电影《来自星星的我》讲述一千多年前,大燕慕容家被乱军追杀,慕容曦逃亡至禁地时,时空隧道打开,宫女为救主子而将他推进时光隧道,来到一千多年后的现代社会。为寻找复国之法,他误打误撞认识了饮品店老板泰小妹。因不懂当代人的礼仪,慕容曦冒犯了泰小妹并将家传玉佩送给对方道歉。泰小妹见他流落街头无家可归收留了他。为解除和张扬的联姻,泰小妹请求慕容曦假扮其男友甜甜的恋爱开始了……

出品 Studio: 广东御视猫影 Yushi Maoying Film.
制片人 Produced by: 赵凌彬 Zhao Lingbin.
导演 Directed by: 赵凌彬 Zhao Lingbin.
编剧 Screenplay by: 何欣智 He Xinzhi, 张晏尘 Zhang Yanchen.
主演 Starring: 赵凌彬 Zhao Lingbin, 梁弘立 Liang Hongli, 洪紫婷 Hong Ziting, 李子豪 Li Zihao, 卢星月 Lu Xingyue.
题材 Genres: #爱情 #Romance #穿越 #timetravel

频道内容介绍 Introduction of Channels & Contents
1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official :

4, 模晰青春情感影院 Moxi Youth & Love Theater

5, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The suspense horror film "Recalele 記憶迷宮 Memory Maza" tells a story of Fang Hao (acted by Lu Xin) and his girlfriend Jiang Xia (acted by Sun Shenghao) who got into a car accident on their way to travel to celebrate their engagement. When he woke up, he found himself in a mental hospital. The car accident disrupted Fang Hao's life and confused his memory. Soon, the psychiatrist Wu Zhe (played by Cui Yongxuan) got involved in the whole bizarre incident. In Fang Hao's hypnotic world, the lake of memory finally presented a truth that made him fall into despair.

故事简介: 悬疑恐怖电影《Memory Maza 记忆迷宫 Recalele》讲述为了庆祝订婚,男主人公方浩(芦鑫饰)与女友姜夏(孙晟昊饰)在去旅行的路上突发车祸。而醒来的他,发现自己竟身处精神病院内。车祸的发生,打乱了方浩的生活,让他的记忆变得混乱。不久,心理医生吴哲(崔永炫饰)介入整场离奇诡异的事件之中。方浩的催眠世界里,记忆之湖最终呈现一个让人深陷绝望的真相之中。

出品 Studio: 杭州书琴文化 Shuqin Culture.
制片人 Produced by: 雷晨钰 Lei Chenyu, 柏舒漫 Bai Shuman.
导演 Directed by: 马丁 Ma Ding, 李冠群 Li Guanqun.
编剧 Screenplay by: 张聿 Zhang Yu, 马丁 Ma Ding, 谷欣 Gu Xin.
主演 Starring: 芦鑫 Lu Xin, 孙晟昊 Sun Shenghao, 陈颢文 Chen Haowen, 崔永炫 Cui Yongxuan, 祝昕愿 Zhu Xinyuan.
题材 Genres: #催眠術 #悬疑 #Suspense #恐怖 #Horror #hypnosis

频道内容介绍 Introduction of Channels & Contents
1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official :

4, 模晰青春情感影院 Moxi Youth & Love Theater

5, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The horror movie "The Supernatural Events on Campus 校花詭異事件" is about a campus love story. Susu is the Campus Girl of Huaxi University. One day when Susu was wandering in the park, she found a girl in front of her. But after that girl turned around she found it's an old women's horrible face. Then when Susu was on a tour, she found all ways were closed because of the flood. She had to settle at a mysterious inn where series supernatural events happened. No one at the inn believed her but a photographer Lin Feng. During the days with Lin Feng, Susu found her had fallen love with him and the scenes, the feeling were so familiar. At last, Susu found out the truth...

故事简介: 恐怖和爱情电影《校花诡异事件 The Supernatural Events on Campus》讲述华西学院的苏苏(赵奕欢饰)是一个校花。一天,她行走在校园小径上,看到一个穿着校服的女生走在前面,苏苏追上问路的时候,发现这位女生竟然是一位面容诡异的老妪。此后,苏苏遇到的灵异事件更是层出不穷,尤其是当苏苏有一次旅游遇到山洪封山,不得不住进一家地图上没有的神秘旅店之后。
层出不穷的诡异事件无时无刻不在折磨着苏苏脆弱的神经,可除了摄影师林枫外,根本没有人相信苏苏眼睛里看到的东西。苏苏经历的这些灵异事件真的是在我们熟悉的这个时空中发生的吗? 神秘莫测的结局又揭示出女主角遗忘了一段什么样的经历呢?

出品 Studio: 泽西年代影业 Jersey Film, 模晰文化 Moxi Media.
制片人 Produced by: 刘鸿 Liu Hong, 陈青 Chen Qing, 廖李斌 Liao Libin.
导演 Directed by: 关尔 David Kuan.
编剧 Screenplay by: 梁潇潇 Liang Xiaoxiao,朱孛 Zhu Bei.
主演 Starring: 赵奕欢 Zhao Yihuan, 王一 Wang Yi.
题材 Genres: 恐怖 Horror, 惊悚 Thriller, 爱情 Romance, Love Story.

频道内容介绍 Introduction of Channels & Contents
1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, Moxi Movie Trailers Channel:

4, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The Youth Movie "Footbal Girl 足球寶貝" is about a football dream of a girl Mu Qingyu who just graduated from college. Her mother wants her to become a lawyer. But she wants to be a football player. At last, she achieved her football dream with the support of her boyfriend.

故事简介:电影《足球宝贝 Footbal Girl》讲述了沐清羽在毕业后,家人让她从事律师职业,但是沐清羽的梦想是当一名足球运动员参加一次全国足球比赛,她不顾家人的反对,一直坚持自己的梦想,哪怕是当一名小学的体育老师。一次偶然的机会,让沐清羽和她的队友们加入到比赛中。最后一步一步在比赛中取得了胜利。

出品 Studio: 麦邦影视 Mai Bang Film.
制片人 Produced by: 李作 Li Zuo.
导演 Directed by: 李作 Li Zuo, 李方明 Li Fangming.
编剧 Screenplay by: 鲍远虎 Bao Yuanhu
主演 Starring: 李致君 Li Zhijun, 薛少 Xue Shao, 张彤 Zhang Tong, 金灵 Jin Ling, 孙智熙 Sun Zhixi, 李盈慧子 Liying Huizi
题材 Genres: 青春 Youth/Coming of Age, 励志 Inspirational

频道内容介绍 Introduction of Channels & Contents
1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, Moxi Movie Trailers Channel:

4, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: Adventure Movie "美女蛇島求生 Beauty, Snake Island, Survival" is about a story of two girls, Xiao Mei and Xin Yue who lost themselves in a snake island and tried themselves to escape, after living there for long time.

故事简介:探险电影《美女蛇岛求生 Beauty, Snake Island, Survival》讲述一个十八岁女演员小美一天中午刚拍完戏回家,被两名赌鬼打晕后她绑到了山上。小美醒来后听到两个赌鬼电话中要把她卖给一个七十多岁的老头。小美急中生智逃跑了,两个赌鬼拼命追她,小美掉下深不见底的悬崖。悬崖下面是蛇岛,小美掉在了水里被冲上了岛边。岛上毒蛇遍地,水面看不到边,悬崖高入云端,根本没有出路。在城市长大的她从小到大都是衣来伸手饭来张口,娇生惯养的她在这岛上根本没法自力更生。这岛上荒无人烟,什么吃的都没有,她试着用石头取火,用棍子叉鱼,连续吃了好几天野草,直到自己能叉到鱼后才没吃草。这种日子持续了几个月,当她快要对生活绝望的时候,突然有一不慎从山上掉下来的女子飘在岛上的沙滩边。此后她们俩在这岛上相依为命,这名女子的到来,让小美对生活又有了希望。两人在这岛上呆了好久了,小美跟这名女子提出了心中大胆的想法,决定去森林里找出路,可去了好几次都遇到了毒蛇根本无法前进。小美又和这名女子决定两人游泳游回去,可两个人都不会游泳,对于两个都不会游泳的人来说这真的很困难,更何况这名女子还怕水。在小美的帮助下这名女子终于克服了怕水这个困难,两个人学了半个月才学会游泳,她们游了半个月才逃出蛇岛。她们逃生后成为了很好的朋友,小美经过岛上生活后改变了许多,开始学做饭,不再问父母要钱,努力奋斗自己的梦想。 影片诠释了勇气与坚持的对于人生的重要性,鼓舞广大观众要勇敢面对困难,不要害怕失败,要努力坚持,吃苦耐劳,就一定会成功。影片还鼓舞观众要互帮互助。全以惊险刺激,向大家传递了向上、向善、向美的正能量,诠释了生命的真谛,对当下处在奋斗中的人们的树立正确的人生观具有积极意义。

出品 Studio: 张华丽兄弟影业 Zhang Bros Picture, 包氏影业 Baos Film
导演 Director: 张华丽 Zhang Huali
主演 Starring: 李美春 Li Meichun, 高月美 Gao Yuemei
题材 Genres: 冒险 Adventure

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0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The movie "全能天团 Almighty Team" is about a comedy story. There is a studio in the city that can help people solve problems and fulfill their wishes, such as a husband is ligated and the wife is pregnant, then how to investigate the truth? Someone wants to be the Spider Man to protect his lover as a hero. Some girls wants to marry a perfect prince...The studio is Almighty Team which formed by three handsome boys and three pretty girls. Their objective is to help you to achieve your dreams...

故事简介: 喜剧电影《全能天团 Almighty Team》被誉为青春版的《甲方乙方》。现代都市人的生活,老公结扎老婆却怀孕了,怎样调查真相?有人想一夜暴富,有人想实现当“蜘蛛侠”英雄救美的梦想,还有女孩子想嫁给高富帅又有八块腹肌王子……一切交给“全能天团”,他们是由拥有不同特长的三个帅哥和三个美女组建的点子公司,主营业务帮人约会、替人分手、刑警侦案、驱魔降妖、爱情维修、私人订制、客户公关、代做作业、替人哭坟、以及解决家长里短的邻里矛盾......

出品 Studio: 圈影圈外, 尚佐影视, 唐纹影视, 恒鼎影界.
导演 Director: 洪智育 Hong Zhiyu (中国台湾 Taiwan Chinese).
主演 Starring: 刘一静 Liu Yijing, 芮伟航 Rui Weihang, 王若菲 Wang Ruogei, 李俊墨 Li Junmo, 黄雅知 Huang Yazhi, 邵逸禹 Shao Yiyu.
题材 Genres: 喜剧 Comedy, 青春 Youth.

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1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, Moxi Shorts Channel 模晰短剧频道:

4, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The Movie "The Little Mermaid 神秘人鱼 " is about a fantasy story: Zixi is a mermaid from far ocean. As ocean was polluted, She came to the human world to find a way to become human being...

故事简介: 电影《神秘人鱼 The Little Mermaid》讲述 紫浠是一条来自大海的美人鱼,因为大海被污染,来到了人类的世界,寻找变成人类的方法,她在陆地上以热身教练的身份来隐藏自己,而就在她在陆地上当教练的时候,遇到了呆呆傻傻的阿飞,阿飞看到了紫浠,爱上了她,可是紫浠却一心只想找变成人类的方法,就在阿飞死缠烂打的追紫浠的时候,大海里的另一个族类阿黑也来到了岸上,找寻变成人类的方法的同时,也要杀了紫浠,就在最后一刻,阿黑要杀紫浠的时候,阿飞冲了出来,救了紫浠一命,而紫浠,也变成了人类。

出品 Studio: 安徽鼎新 Ding Xing Film
导演 Director: 薛少 Xue Shao
主演 Starring: 刘小乔 Liu Xiaoqiao, 郜玄铭 Gao Xuanming
题材 Genres: 剧情 Drama, 爱情 Romance, 喜剧 Comedy

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1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

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3, Moxi Movie Trailers Channel:

4, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The Chinese zombie fantasy movie "捉妖道長聯盟之護國寶藏" is about a time-travel story. Shangguan Shiyan got an ancient jade by coincidence. Then this jade carry him to ancient times. So he meets a beautiful girl, Nangong Youyou. Also she told him that he had some mysterious relationship with a mystery treasure. So he was arranged to learn Zombie Skill, then helped a fox spirit and finally defeated Zombie.

故事简介: 僵尸穿越电影《捉妖道长联盟之护国宝藏》讲述 上官石岩在一个偶然的机会在古玩市场得到一块上古玉佩,这块古玉是上古神器,不仅具有一股神奇未知的巨大能量,而且还有过古穿今的能力。上官石岩被上古神器带到一个军阀混战的年代,遇到了一位清纯少女南宫优优,被告知他莫名奇妙的和民王李永昌的宝藏有着神秘联系,紧接着上演学道法,收服性感狐妖,大战青牛怪,师兄姐弟三人围攻僵尸老爷。

出品 Studio: 武汉中天伯乐 Zhong Tian Bo Le Film.
制片人 Produced by: 胡文静 Hu Wenjing.
导演 Director: 刘欢 Liu Huan.
编剧 Screenplay by: 刘欢 Liu Huan.
主演 Starring: 高帆 Gao Fan, 王依彤 Wang Yitong
题材 Genres: #魔幻 #fantasy #僵尸 #zombie #穿越 #timetravel

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1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official :

4, 模晰青春情感影院 Moxi Youth & Love Theater

5, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

0 Views · 1 year ago

[Full Movie] 甜宠精灵 Sweet Love | 甜宠爱情电影 Romance Drama film HD

题材 Genres: #甜宠 #sweet #爱情 #Romance #love

频道内容介绍 Introduction of Channels & Contents
1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official :

4, 模晰青春情感影院 Moxi Youth & Love Theater

5, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The Fantasy Action film "The Demon Hunter 捉妖師" Tells a story in ancient times, Madam Bone, the queen of the Evilkind, started the war to conquer the world. In order to end the war and bring peace, the God sent Warrior Yan Wu to fight against Madam Bone. At last, Warrior Yan Wu sacrificed himself and sealed Madam Bone. Millions of years later, Madame Bone broke the seal and brought about a war again. At this time, A young demon hunter, Lu Xiaoqian, was possessed by the spirit of Warrior Yan Wu and fought against Madam Bone.

故事简介: 玄幻动作电影《捉妖师 The Demon Hunter》讲述上古时期,魔族之王白骨夫人妄图统领三界发动战争,天君为了能够平息战乱,便派战神炎武在赤血崖同白骨夫人激烈一战。最终战神炎武耗尽修为,用元神将白骨夫人封印在赤血崖下。几千万年后白骨夫人冲破了封印,逃向了人间。炎武战神的元神化成了捉妖师陆小阡历经千险找到上古神印崆峒印,最终降服了白骨夫人。

出品 Studio: 陈华影视 Chenhua Film, 上海凡酷文化 Funcola Media.
制片人 Produced by: 詹发盛 Zhan Fasheng, 周雪梅 Zhou Xuemei.
导演 Directed by: 陈华 Chen Hua.
编剧 Screenplay by: 邢栋 Xing Dong.
主演 Starring: 张弟波 Zhang Dibo, 萧萧 Xiao Xiao, 张元洲 Zhang Yuanzhou, 涂玉芳 Tu Yufang.
题材 Genres: 玄幻 #Fantasy, 动作 #Action

频道内容介绍 Introduction of Channels & Contents
1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, Moxi Shorts Channel 模晰短剧频道:

4, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The thriller crime film "Inside The Boys 解剖室靈異事件之男生宿舍" is about a "The Silence of The Lambs" story on campus.

故事简介: 惊悚犯罪电影《解剖室灵异事件之男生宿舍 Inside The Boys》根据贝冢结核病灵异医院恐怖事件改编,讲述了一个医学院版的“沉默的羔羊”故事。在一所结核病医学院附属医院,患严重结核病而死的病人较多,而死后的尸体多数都被送到该医学院做实验,医学院的解剖室更是亡灵的聚集地,阴气甚重,这里不断有各种恐怖灵异事件发生。只要午夜在灵异解剖室作业的人均会遇到各种恐怖事件。此医学院学生林宇为了赶课题研究进度,深夜还在恐怖解剖室实验。之后,各种灵异事件接连上演:某个门窗被封死的房间内总能听到脚步声;在解剖室里经常会听到一个成年男子的声音,却不见其人;林宇几位室友也仿佛身陷咒语:有人刹车莫名失灵;有人无故坠楼;有人莫明晕倒,醒来时却发现自己在解剖室;解剖室里被解剖的尸体深夜自己坐起……这所医学院的灵异传闻逐渐浮出水面,极度恐惧笼罩了每个人的心头……

出品 Studio: 酷锐赫兹影业 CoreBox Movie, 麦奇影业 Magic Film.
制片人 Produced by: 陈明 Chen Ming, 张雨晴 Zhang Yuqing.
导演 Directed by: 战越 Zhan Yue.
编剧 Screenplay by: 危巍 Wei Wei, 正皓 Zheng Hao.
主演 Starring: 陈楚洹 Chen Chuhuan, 黄启航 Huang Qihang, 龚婉怡 Gong Wanyi, 张艺舰 Zhang Yijian, 朱拉拉 Zhu Lala.
题材 Genres: #犯罪 #crime #惊悚 #thriller #犯罪片 #crimemovies #犯罪电影 #thrillermovies #惊悚片 #惊悚电影

频道内容介绍 Introduction of Channels & Contents
1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official :

4, 模晰青春情感影院 Moxi Youth & Love Theater

5, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The western crime film "Kill in the Desert 漠戮" tells a story of a delivery driver, San Ban, who has a poor income and shares a rent with several gangsters, while his girlfriend (Fei Fei) lives in someone else's Golden House. In order to get rid of the current situation, San Ban carefully plans to rob a large amount of cash from a casino. During the robbery, accidents occur frequently. After San Ban kills a man, he flees into the desert with his stupid brother and girlfriend. However, the police and the criminal gangster who lost the gambling money begin to search for him. What will happen in the battle between life and death on the desert highway?

故事简介: 西部犯罪电影《漠戮 Kill in The Desert》讲述送货司机三板,收入不佳,和几个混混合租,女朋友(菲菲)却住在别人的“金屋”里。为了摆脱现状,三板精心策划,抢劫了某赌场的大量现金。行动过程中,意外频频出现。三板儿杀人之后,带着自己的傻子哥哥和女朋友逃进了沙漠里。然而警察和丢失赌金的犯罪团伙都开始了对三板的搜索。沙漠里的公路上,生与死的较量,将会上演怎样的剧情?

出品 Studio: 非比寻常影视 Phoebe Media
导演 Directed by: 常伟 Chang Wei.
编剧 Screenplay by: 常伟 Chang Wei.
主演 Starring: 张昊 Zhang Hao, 高超 Gao Chao, 徐晓龙 Xu Xiaolong, 陈伟 Chen Wei, 郭辉 Guo Hui.
题材 Genres: #西部 #western #crime #犯罪片 #westernmovies #crimemovies

频道内容介绍 Introduction of Channels & Contents
1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official :

4, 模晰青春情感影院 Moxi Youth & Love Theater

5, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The fantasy romance movie "The WeChat Angel 發個微信去天界" is about a campus love story. Jiang He is a freshman, who dreamed of being a superhero since he was a child, until one day, when he was facing a major crisis in his life, he met a Warlock who were silently helping him opened a new door for him. In order to solve his own crisis, Jiang He has a Super WeChat and starts his road of self-salvation. Through Super WeChat, Jiang He can communicate with other worlds, help souls realize their unimaginable or warm-hearted wishes, and earn wish power... In the end, Jiang He successfully gathered enough wish power to solve his crisis, but at the same time he also found that he lost his friends who fought side by side.

故事简介: 校园玄幻爱情电影《发个微信去天界 The WeChat Angel》讲述大一新生江河,从小就做着超级英雄梦,直到有一天,他面临人生一个重大危机时,遇到了一位一直以来都在默默帮助着他的异士,为他开启了一扇新的大门。为了解决自己的危机,江河拥有了一个超级微信,开始他的自我拯救之路。通过超级微信,江河可以沟通异界,帮魂灵们实现一个个或匪夷所思或温情暖心的心愿,赚取愿力……最后,江河成功集够愿力,解决了自己的危机,然而同时他也发现,在晋级的同时,自己也失去了并肩作战的朋友。

出品 Studio: 深圳一树繁花文化传媒 Flowery Film, 互联网电影集团 IFG
制片人 Produced by: 达令一 Da Lingyi.
导演 Directed by: 石晖 Shi Hui.
编剧 Screenplay by: 石晖 Shi Hui.
主演 Starring: 何其炜 He Qiwei, 张冰倩 Zhang Bingqian, 林津伊 Lin Jinyi.
题材 Genres: #爱情 #Romance #玄幻 #Fantasy #校园 #campus

频道内容介绍 Introduction of Channels & Contents
1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official :

4, 模晰青春情感影院 Moxi Youth & Love Theater

5, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The Journey To The West Movie "西遊記之大鬧女兒國 Uproar in Ladies Kingdom" is about a ladies kingdom which was in the west. The Queen of the kingdom was a banshee. She used to absorb men's spirits and semen to keep her young and beautiful. It's a dangerous road for many outside men. This year, the Monk Tang and his disciples come. They were on their way to Old India to worship Gautama Buddha and get the Scripture...

故事简介: 电影《西游记之大闹女儿国 Uproar in Ladies Kingdom》讲述 师徒四人途径西凉境地。一进城就感受到阴森之感。后来经过几次探索之后,悟空发现竟是狐妖作祟,几番周折以后,悟空使记将狐妖捉拿,谁知狐妖竟迷惑八戒,使得八戒与悟空,沙僧相互伤害。不过悟空机智化解,最终打死狐妖救出师傅,从新上路!

出品 Studio: 星火兄弟影业 StarFire Brothers Film
导演 Director: 贾凯 Jia Kai
主演 Starring: 钱雪夷, 苏桐, 李乐, 樊浩, 华峤
题材 Genres: 玄幻 魔幻 Fantasy, 喜剧 搞笑 Comedy, 神话 Myth Mythology, 动作 Action

频道内容介绍 Introduction of Channels & Contents
1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, Moxi Movie Trailers Channel:

4, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The comedy movie "美女食人族" is about an adventure story. Lin Zhihui is a playboy who dates different girls in his life. One day the girls find his secret and throw him into a desert. Then he is captured by a Beauty Tribe and chosen as a toyboy of the young beautiful queen. His mission is to make the queen get pregnant and then sacrifice for it. At last, the beauty tribe is attacked by another savage tribe and all the women are captured. Lin becomes the last hero to save all the beauties.


出品 Studio: 保禄利亚 Bolliya Picture, IFG 星图传媒
导演 Director: 林云翔 Lin Yunxiang
主演 Starring: 郑羲桐 Zheng Yitong、王宇凝 Wang Yuning、何文辉 He Wenhui
题材 Genres: #喜剧 #comedy #探险 #adventure #喜剧片 #喜剧电影

频道内容介绍 Introduction of Channels & Contents
1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official :

4, 模晰青春情感影院 Moxi Youth & Love Theater

5, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The Chinese Movie "我的高考我的班 My School Class" is about an Inspirational school youth story.

故事简介: 校园青春电影《我的高考我的班 My School Class》讲述在某个学校存在一个奇葩班,里面的每个学生都是调皮捣蛋的学渣,但他们每个人也是不可多得的天才,在多次气走班主任之后,在老师韩雨的帮助下,学校为他们找来了无敌的孔孟老师,来引导他们好好学习,在一次次的师生交锋中,孔老师慢慢改变了学生们,让他们明白了自己的问题,都考入自己满意的大学。而韩雨和孔孟的爱情也在隔壁尖子班王老师阴差阳错的帮助和捣乱下修成正果,在学生毕业一年以后结婚,所有人婚礼上重聚,还在婚礼上引出了校长和福利院陈院长两人的爱情,而王老师也在种种误会下被图书馆管理员表白,学生中梁乐乐和陈曦也因为爱情走到了一起。

出品 Studio: 星火兄弟 StarFire Brothers Film
导演 Director: 贾凯 Jia Kai
主演 Starring: 张琛 Zhang Chen, 王金鹏 Wang Jinpeng
题材 Genres: #青春 #Youth #校园 #School 励志 #Inspirational 高考 NEMT, 梦想 Dream

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1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, Moxi New Movie Trailers 2021:

4, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

6, Moxi Movie Channel English

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: the comedy romance movie "Young Boss & Hot Secretary 霸道總裁風流秘書" tells that a loser Mei Youqian was encountered difficulties in starting a business. When he was upset, he ran into an old classmate, also his ex girlfriend,He Peiqi in the street. With her help, Mei succeeded in financing and became a bossy president. After that, he recruited a celebrity secretary. A series of funny stories happened between him and his secretary as well as funny memories between him and his ex.

故事简介: 喜剧爱情电影《霸道总裁风流秘书 Young Boss & Hot Secretary》讲述屌丝梅有钱创业遇困境,落魄时在街上偶遇老同学兼前任何佩琪,在何佩琪的帮助下屌丝融资成功,成为霸道总裁。成为总裁后招聘名流秘书,与名流秘书,前任之前发生扑朔迷迭,高潮迭起的搞笑故事。

出品 Studio: 影匠联盟 Movie Craftsman Alliance, 上海凡酷文化 Funcola Media.
制片人 Produced by: 倪治中 Ni Zhizhong.
导演 Directed by: 廉欣 Lian Xin.
编剧 Screenplay by: 王定邦 Wang Dingbang.
主演 Starring: 萧赫 Xiao Hao, 孙梦纯 Sun Mengchun, 田理 Tian Li, 叶思浵 Ye Sitong.
题材 Genres: 爱情 #Romance, #LoveStory, 喜剧 Comedy.

频道内容介绍 Introduction of Channels & Contents
1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, Moxi Shorts Channel 模晰短剧频道:

4, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

1 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: Suspense Movie "Nightmare of Darkness 黑暗深處驚魂夜 Towards Darkness" is about a movie star, Wu Zihan, was involved into a photo affair, so he asks a crisis public relations expert, Qiao Shen, for help. Under the guidance of Qiao, a hidden case is exposed ...

故事简介: 悬疑电影《Nightmare of Darkness 黑暗深处惊魂夜 Towards Darkness》讲述富二代吴子唅为平息绯闻照片风波,向危机公关专家乔申求助,吴子唅在乔申的引导和逼问之下,心理防线逐渐崩溃,最终坦白了为自身利益杀害女友和无辜女孩儿的犯罪事实,多年来一直跟进此案、逼近嫌疑人的警察在获得确凿证据之后,将吴子唅绳之于法。

出品 Studio: 河南金逸影业 Golden Rabbit Pictures
导演 Director: 玉素 Yu Su
主演 Starring: 林潇 Lin Xiao, 李劲峰 Li Jinfeng, 葛凌芮 Ge Lingrui, 邹洁仪 Zou Jieyi
题材 Genres: 悬疑片 #Suspense

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频道内容介绍 Introduction of Channels & Contents
1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, Moxi New Movie Trailers 2021:

4, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

6, Moxi Movie Channel English

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: Science Fiction Crime Movie “Online Kills 美人清除计划” is about a "live" story. An otaku Haowei abandons himself to "live" when he falls in love. Then he received a message for help online from a girl anchor. Three months later, his best friend Yanting brings his new girlfriend Ruizhu to their dinner. Haowei finds that Ruizhu is the right anchor! but Ruizhu says that she never works as a girl anchor...Haowei decides to investigate the strange thing and A killing plan is waiting for them there...

故事简介: 电影《美人清除计划 Online Kills》讲述太阳粒子爆发,影响地球通信质量。刚刚失恋的男主角浩伟,沉溺于网络直播间、享受着美女主播们安慰的时刻,竟然收到一个美女主播发出的求救讯息!三个月后,浩伟的死党彦廷介绍新女友给浩伟,浩伟惊讶发现,死党的新女友瑞筑正是之前的求救主播!重重谜团,不得其解。浩伟决定一探究竟!然而这一切的真相,源自于太阳粒子爆发引发的时空交错,浩伟收到的讯息来自于未来。被蒙在鼓里的主角们还不知道,更大的危机正在靠近,等待他们的将是一场精心密谋的连环杀人计划……一场直播间绝命救援即将上演!

出品 Studio: 浩宇互动 Grand Universe, 星图传媒 IFG
导演 Director: 焦喆英 Double Chiao(中国台湾)
主演 Starring: 谢坤达 Ken, 翁滋蔓 Smire, 欧弟 O.D (中国台湾) , 安晨芯 Milla An, 马力欧 Mario Pu, 赵正平 David Chao, 沈玉琳 William Shen. 何蓓蓓 Beibei He, 刘堇萱 Albee, 米娜 Mina, 江晏宁 Yarning.
题材 Genres: 科幻 ScienceFiction, 悬疑 Suspense, Crime 犯罪

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频道内容介绍 Introduction of Channels & Contents
1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, Moxi New Movie Trailers 2021:

4, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

6, Moxi Movie Channel English

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The Drama Movie "I Won't Be Pan Jinlian 我不做潘金莲" is about a countryside bride, Xiao Fang, who falls into the trap of a buly, Li Dageng. Finally she escapes that village with the help of a kind villager, Er Bao.

故事简介: 剧情电影《我不做 #潘金莲 I Won't Be Pan Jinlian》讲述年轻貌美的小芳嫁到李家屯村,引起了有钱有势的村霸李大根的注意。小芳的老公和婆婆受到李大根的威逼利诱,竟然放纵李大根。在邻居二宝的帮助和保护下,小芳最终逃出了李家屯。

出品 Studio: 非比寻常 Phoebe Media
导演 Director: 刘俊峰 Liu Junfeng
主演 Starring: 马文慧 Ma Wenhui
题材 Feature: 剧情 #Drama #农村 Contryside

圈影圈外YouTube频道影视上线计划 Updated Release Schedule:

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频道内容介绍 Introduction of Channels & Contents
1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, 圈影圈外短视频频道 Q1Q2 Short Videos Channel:

4, 圈影圈外音乐频道 Q1Q2 Music Channel:

5, 模晰精品电影英语频道 Moxi Best Movie Channel English Sub

6, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The school youth film "Gone for Nothing 青春餵了狗" is about the school life story of four girls: Lu Yan, Mu Ge, Xia Xiaoxiao and Yang Siying.

故事简介: 校园青春电影《青春喂了狗 Gone for Nothing》讲述了时隔十二年后,女主人公陆妍对青春岁月以及那些岁月里陪伴她的姐妹们的无比怀念,借由姐妹之一的夏小小的婚礼,与当年的其他姐妹重聚的故事。录制婚礼VCR时四姐妹都假装矜持道貌岸然,但随着主角陆妍的深入回忆,通过好姐妹帮忙疯狂追初恋时囧态百出接连失败,与最强情敌“杀马特天团”对战等一系列状况后,每个人癫狂的一面显露无余,姐妹间的友谊也进一步加固。经历了成年后的生活压力后,几位美女放下矜持,在好姐妹的婚礼上跳了一场劲爆的钢管舞,重燃青春时的活力。

出品 Studio: 陕西胡桃夹子文化 Netcracker Movie.
制片人 Produced by: 肖月 Xiao Yue.
导演 Directed by: 欧谭凯 Ou Tankai.
编剧 Screenplay by: 卢京 Lu Jing.
主演 Starring: 何蓝逗 He Landou, 杨青竹 Yang Zhuqing, 关畅 Guan Chang, 徐千京 Xu Qianjing,吕鹏 Lv Peng, 戚戚 Qi Qi.
题材 Genres: #青春 #youth #爱情 #Romance #校园 #school

频道内容介绍 Introduction of Channels & Contents
1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official :

4, 模晰青春情感影院 Moxi Youth & Love Theater

5, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The sci-fi romance movie "Over 40 Billion Light Years to See You 跨过400亿光年来看你 Alien Girlfriend" tells a love story of Tang Mengyan and Ye Chenfeng. Tang Mengyan is from the Blue Planet, which is 40 billion light years away, and has been exploring civilization on Earth for 100 years according to the mission of the alien union. When she is about to leave the Earth, she reencounters her former lover, Ye Chenfeng, and they renew their previous relationship, but she has only 10 days left before her return. 10 years later, Tang Mengyan returns to Earth from the Blue Planet and runs a teahouse with Ye Chenfeng. They live a peaceful life together. This time, how far can their love last?

故事简介: 科幻甜宠爱情电影《Alien Girlfriend 跨过400亿光年来看你 Over 40 Billion Light Years to See You》讲述400亿光年外的蓝星人唐梦妍,100年来按照外星工会的任务,在地球上作文明探索。在即将离开地球的时候,重遇前世的爱人叶尘枫,两人再续前缘,但她只剩下10天就必须返回蓝星。10年后,唐梦妍从蓝星返回地球,和叶尘枫共同经营茶馆过着平静的生活,这一次,他们的爱情能走多远呢?

出品 Studio: 浙江昊月堃 Hao Yu Kun Film.
制片人 Produced by: 陈光辉 Chen Guanhui, 赵凌彬 Zhao Lingbing.
导演 Directed by: 赵凌彬 Zhao Lingbing.
编剧 Screenplay by: 何欣智 He Xinzhi, 张晏尘 Zhang Yanchen.
主演 Starring: 曹君豪 Cao Junhao, 朱娅 Zhu Ya, 艾力扎提 Aili Zati, 翟一青 Zhai Yiqing.
题材 Genres: #科幻 #Scifi #甜宠 Sweet #爱情 #Romance LoveStory

频道内容介绍 Introduction of Channels & Contents
1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

4, 模晰电影频道2 Moxi Movie Channel 2 :

5, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The comedy martial arts & love movie "Poison King 毒王千金" is also known as "The Trans Couple 女公子男千金" is about a funny love story. When the son of the Poison Family, Yelv Saleng, was looking for his father, he inadvertently disturbed the revenge plan of the daughter of the Medical Family, Hua Cancan, Then it caused two of them to reverse their genders in the magic circle. The "Poison King's daughter" Yelv Saleng, who is more beautiful than a girl after transgender, has no choice but to reach a cooperation with Hua Cancan, and face the Jianghu battle and enmities...

故事简介: 古装武侠喜剧爱情电影《毒王千金 Poison King》亦名《女公子男千金 The Trans Couple》,讲述毒药世家大公子耶律撒冷在寻找父亲的过程中,无意间扰乱了医药世家千金花灿灿的复仇计划,导致二人在法阵之中性别反转,无法回归各自门派。眼看7天死期将至,门派恩怨再起,变性后比女孩还俊美的“毒王千金”耶律撒冷,不得已与花灿灿达成合作,走上了女装大佬的不归路……

出品 Studio: 九夜文化 Jiu Ye Culture, 丝路花雨影视 Silu Huayu Picture, 好人好事文化 Hoaren Haoshi Culture.
制片人 Produced by: 冀春伟 Ji Chuanwei.
导演 Directed by: 郎之幻 Lang Zhihuan.
编剧 Screenplay by: 火烧云 Huo Shaoyun, 郭园园 Guo Yuanyuan.
主演 Starring: 石凯 Shi Kai, 宋玥 Song Yue, 欧子玥 Ou Ziyue, 范家其 Fan Jiaqi.
题材 Genres: #古装 #爱情 #love #喜剧 #comedy #喜剧片 #喜剧电影 #comedymovie

频道内容介绍 Introduction of Channels & Contents
1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official :

4, 模晰青春情感影院 Moxi Youth & Love Theater

5, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The black humor crime movie "Street Wolf 街狼" tells the story of a small town citizen, Gou Qiang, who lives with his daughter and drives a taxi for a living. He is kind and weak, and lives at the bottom of society like a poor dog. There is no struggle, life is hard but also peaceful. Until one day, an unexpected windfall brought him in trouble, and he was forced to be involved in a fight with three stupid and cruel thieves...

故事简介: 犯罪电影《街狼 Street Wolf》讲述小市民苟强与女儿相依为命,以开出租车为生,他善良软弱,像一只可怜的狗一样生活在社会的底层,安分守己,与世无争,日子虽清苦却也安闲自在。直到有一天,一份意外的飞来横财却给他带来了飞来横祸,他由此被迫卷入了跟三个凶恶残暴笨贼的较量中,在钢筋水泥的城市丛林里,其实他的内心并不是一只温驯的家犬,他的内心始终在咆哮,在恶人面前、在爱女面临生死存亡的紧急关头,他似乎听到了野性的呼唤,突然由一只混迹市井街头的温驯家狗变成了一匹狂暴愤怒的恶狼...

出品 Studio: 河北联华文化 Lianhua Culture.
制片人 Produced by: 周会湲 Zhou Huiyuan.
导演 Directed by: 王冬 Wang Dong.
编剧 Screenplay by: 吴辉 Wu Hui.
主演 Starring: 王喆 Wang Zhe, 祝御铭 Zhu Yuming, 张章 Zhang Zhang, 谢宇迪 Xie Yudi.
题材 Genres: #犯罪 #crime #犯罪片 #crimemovies

频道内容介绍 Introduction of Channels & Contents
1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official :

4, 模晰青春情感影院 Moxi Youth & Love Theater

5, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The action movie "Special Forces Rise 魅影特工隊" tells a story in which a secret agent organization that selects people with outstanding talents to train in secret. After rigorous training and elimination, only five people are left to form the "Phantom" agent team, and complete a series of confidential tasks for the organization. The invincible Phantom strikes! What the "Phantom" did not expect was that a conspiracy was actually emerging. Who is the traitor among both sides? Between personal vengeance and the mission, how should the "Phantom" choose?

故事简介: 动作电影《魅影特工队 Special Forces Rise》讲述了一个秘密特工组织,挑选天赋有过于常人能力的人进行秘密培训,经过严酷培训淘汰后,只剩下五人成立“魅影”特工组为组织完成一系列机密任务,魅影出击,所向披靡!“魅影”却没料到,一个大阴谋正在逐渐浮出水面,敌我双方的内鬼究竟是谁,私人恩仇和任务大局,“魅影”又该如何取舍!

出品 Studio: 北京掌尚娱乐 Palm Entertainment, 霍尔果斯星图影业 Change Star Film, 雲天影業 Yun Tian Film, 倾城雪影業 Qing Cheng Xue Film.
制片人 Produced by: 王天云 Wang Tianyun.
导演 Directed by: 彭艳飞 Peng Yanfei, 张林东 Zhang Lindong.
编剧 Screenplay by: 彭艳飞 Peng Yanfei, 高悟翔 Gao Wuxiang, 由宝儿 You Baoer.
主演 Starring: 崔友斌 Cui Youbin, 伊程Yi Cheng, 金铁峰 Jin Tiefeng, 傅隽 Fu Jun, 曹斐然 Cao Feiran, 包小平 Bao Xiaoping, 杜乔 Du Qiao, 罗红旗 Luo Hongqi.
题材 Genres: 动作 Action.

频道内容介绍 Introduction of Channels & Contents
1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, Moxi Shorts Channel 模晰短剧频道:

4, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The movie "Tomb Raider 摸金" is about an adventure story. Zhang Jianjun invented a metal detector which can locate the gold in deep tombs. A team of tomb raiders found the gold in an ancient tomb but also the devil there, All of them were closed in the cave. The devil has a rule that only one person can survive from there. So the competition of survival begins...

故事简介: 盗墓探险电影《摸金 Tomb Raider》讲述的是发明家张建军发明了金元素探测仪,能够利用黄金反射出来的特定波长判定黄金的位置。他们一行12个人来到一座阴山背后,遭遇了地震,山间露出一道裂缝,他们找到了黄金,但是同样也找到了魔鬼。贪欲诱使人犯了错误,所有人被封死在魔鬼的洞穴,魔鬼下达了一个游戏规则——只能有一个人活着从这里走出去。一场死亡游戏就此展开,影片中结尾高潮部分对人性深刻的解剖,又给人留下非常深刻难忘的印象!

出品 Studio: 大河兄弟 Dahe Film, 星图影业 IFG
制片人 Produced by: 韩文淇 Han Wenqi.
导演 Directed by: 韩汶青 Hank.
编剧 Screenplay by: 姚德亮 Yao Deliang.
主演 Starring: 刘潺 Liu Chan, 李靓雨 Li Liangyu, 白晓磊 Bai Xiaolei, 青旬 Qing Xun.
题材 Genres: 探险 盗墓 Adventure.

频道内容介绍 Introduction of Channels & Contents
1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, Moxi Movie Trailers Channel:

4, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The movie "Tomb Raider 摸金" is about an adventure story. Zhang Jianjun invented a metal detector which can locate the gold in deep tombs. A team of tomb raiders found the gold in an ancient tomb but also the devil there, All of them were closed in the cave. The devil has a rule that only one person can survive from there. So the competition of survival begins...

故事简介: 盗墓探险电影《摸金 Tomb Raider》讲述的是发明家张建军发明了金元素探测仪,能够利用黄金反射出来的特定波长判定黄金的位置。他们一行12个人来到一座阴山背后,遭遇了地震,山间露出一道裂缝,他们找到了黄金,但是同样也找到了魔鬼。贪欲诱使人犯了错误,所有人被封死在魔鬼的洞穴,魔鬼下达了一个游戏规则——只能有一个人活着从这里走出去。一场死亡游戏就此展开,影片中结尾高潮部分对人性深刻的解剖,又给人留下非常深刻难忘的印象!

出品 Studio: 大河兄弟 Dahe Film, 星图影业 IFG
制片人 Produced by: 韩文淇 Han Wenqi.
导演 Directed by: 韩汶青 Hank.
编剧 Screenplay by: 姚德亮 Yao Deliang.
主演 Starring: 刘潺 Liu Chan, 李靓雨 Li Liangyu, 白晓磊 Bai Xiaolei, 青旬 Qing Xun.
题材 Genres: 探险 盗墓 Adventure.

频道内容介绍 Introduction of Channels & Contents
1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, Moxi Movie Trailers Channel:

4, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The movie "Mysterious Savage and Ancient Treasure 神秘野人之上古寶藏"is about an adventure story about the mysterious savage and ancient treasures in a forest.

故事简介: 探险电影《神秘野人之上古宝藏 Savage and Treasure》讲述地质勘查师郑杰,长期在外修路架桥,元旦时他休假来百宝寨旅行却意外发现了上古神灵和神秘宝藏。郑杰一行人在寻宝过程中面临各种艰难险阻,在百宝寨的寻宝过程中,主人公面对盗取宝藏的犯罪份子,不畏强暴,凭着誓与邪恶斗争到底的决心,变得勇敢而强大。

出品 Studio: 武汉眸画影视 Mouhua Film.
制片人 Produced by: 黄中军 Huang Zhongjun, 胡马飞 Hu Mafei.
导演 Directed by: 徐衍 Xu Yan, 耿峥 Geng Zheng.
编剧 Screenplay by: 耿峥 Geng Zheng.
主演 Starring: 王晓东 Wang Xiaodong, 张天怡 Zhang Tianyi, 林航 Lin Hang, 吴兆勇 Wu Zhaoyong.
题材 Genres: 探险 Adventure.

频道内容介绍 Introduction of Channels & Contents
1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, Moxi Movie Trailers Channel:

4, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The War Action Movie "Special Forces 特種兵之戰狼行動" tells Fang Guofeng and Zhang Hanjie were selected into the Special Forces training camp. During their hard training life, they established the deepest friendship and became good brothers. Zhang Hanjie was seriously injured and died in an operation to crack down on an overseas drug trafficking gang.

故事简介: 战争动作电影《特种兵之战狼行动 Special Forces》讲述了方国锋和张汉杰被选入了特种兵训练营,艰苦的训练生活中,两人建立了最为深厚的友谊,成为了出生入死的好兄弟。在一次打击境外贩毒团伙的行动中,张汉杰不幸身负重伤,不治身亡。

出品 Studio: 泼猴影业 Naughty Monkey Picture.
制片人 Produced by: 刘飞 Liu Fei
导演 Directed by: 徐晓 Xu Xiao.
编剧 Screenplay by: 曹世民 Cao Shimin, 季柯甫 Ji Kefu.
主演 Starring: 刘飞 Liu Fei, 季柯甫 Ji Kefu, 李依茜 Li Yiqian
题材 Genres: #动作 #Action #战争 #war #军事 #military

频道内容介绍 Introduction of Channels & Contents
1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official :

4, 模晰青春情感影院 Moxi Youth & Love Theater

5, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The Sci-fi Action Movie "Chase of The Replicants 密道追蹤之秘境邪靈" is about a science fictional story. Two Fishes (Shuang Yu) Town is a joint point for two worlds. When someone passes the mirror field, it will produce a duplicated one. Then all the persons in this town are duplicated ones. When a duplicated one leaves this town, He or she must kill another real one in seven days to survive. For a female one, she can also get pregnant in seven days to survive. Liu Quan is a cowardly clerk and follows his tough boss Xing to collect the payment. When they pass by the town, Liu Quan resisted and killed his boss, then saved an escaping girl, Han Yuer. At this time, Liu Quan has much money and a beautiful girl in his life. But the pursuit from the Two Fishes Town is coming...

故事简介: 科幻动作电影《密道追踪之魔镜邪灵 Chase of The Replicants》讲述了一个发生在双鱼镇的悬疑故事。张航饰演的柳泉本是一个对老板言听计从的下属,却在被老板百般压迫后决定反抗,于是一场危机在双鱼镇悄悄蔓延……

出品 Studio: 临沂极地广告 Jidi Ads. IFG 互联网电影集团
制片人 Produced by: 苏广益 Su Guangyi, 李大鹏 Li Dapeng.
导演 Directed by: 俞岛 Yu Dao
编剧 Screenplay by: 屈骢 Qu Cong
主演 Starring: 张航 Zhang Hang, 张琦 Zhang Qi, 张粟 Zhang Su, 唐昕 Tang Xin, 于果儿 Yu Guoer
题材 Genres: #动作 #Action #科幻 #sciencefiction #科幻片 #动作片 #scifi #scifimovies #actionmovies #actionfilm

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1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official :

4, 模晰青春情感影院 Moxi Youth & Love Theater

5, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The adventure movie "Wild Beast 荒野巨獸" tells the story of the year 2100, in the mysterious wilderness and extreme cold forest area, there are primitive deep forests so dense, and ice and snow so cold that dangers hide inside. In this extremely cold wilderness forest land, a meteorite from the planet Garkal 2 with outer space cosmic power fell down on the ground. This meteorite has a mysterious power that can cause other creatures to mutate. But this power is found and improved by scientists, they can eliminate the mutation power brought by the meteorite and turn it into a solution to solve various diseases of diverse organisms and benefit mankind. The scientific expedition team led by Professor Wen went to this wilderness and extremely cold forest area to find this meteorite to eliminate this crisis, but the evil team led by Lie Kun is also looking for this meteorite for the wealth it would bring. Yet no one thought of the meteorite changing the characteristics of creatures, and these creatures have become extremely dangerous. Can Professor Wen face the double crisis of the evil team led by Lie Kun and dangerous creatures, and find the meteorite to solve this crisis?

故事简介:探险电影《荒野巨兽 Wild Beast》讲述2100年,在神秘的荒野极寒森林地带,到处是茂密的原始深林,和寒冷的冰雪,里面暗藏危机。在这片极寒荒野森林地带有一块带有外太空宇宙力量的加卡尔2号星球的陨石坠落于此,这种陨石具有神秘的力量可以将其他生物变异,但是通过科学家将其找到并技术改良,可以消除陨石带来的变异力量,化为解决多样性生物各种疾病造福人类的解决方案。文教授所带领的科考队前往了这片荒野极寒森林地带寻找这颗陨石来消除这场危机,但是邪恶的烈昆集团也在寻找这颗陨石给他们带来财富,但是谁都没有想到陨石改变了生物的特性,这群生物变的危险重重,文教授他们能否面对邪恶的烈昆集团和危险生物的双重危机,找到陨石解决这场危机?

出品 Studio: 眸画影视 Mouhua Film, 木子弓数字科技 Muzigong Digital.
制片人 Produced by: 孟煜超 Meng Yuchao, 张光辉 Zhang Guanghui.
导演 Directed by: 徐衍 Xu Yan.
编剧 Screenplay by: 殷江将 Yin Jiangjiang, 徐衍 Xu Yan.
主演 Starring: 戴洱滨 Dai Erbin, 张天怡 Zhang Tianyi, 简叶 Jian Ye, 陈传凯 Chen Chuankai, 吴兆勇Wu Zhaoyong.
题材 Genres: 探险 Adventure, 科幻 Science Fiction.

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3, Moxi Movie Trailers Channel:

4, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: Science fiction & action movie "Zombie Requiem 瘋狂吞噬者" is about a story in Gaea planet. After a meteor shower, a mystery virus speads in the city. Then some people were bitten by infected ones. Seven years later, Elpis Safe Haven is set up as the last defence agaist the virus. A survivor Bernie try to find the rescue team and save the world.

故事简介: 科幻动作电影《疯狂吞噬者 Zombie Requiem》 讲述一场流星雨降临在一个名为“盖亚”的星球,全球居民一起见证了百年难得一见的天象奇观,但流星雨过后,一场突然爆发的神秘感染性疾病席卷了整个星球,星球居民被感染后会丧失理智,具有强烈攻击性,而且身上会散发出类似柚子花的香气。在此次灾变中,幸存者伯尼试图找到救援团队拯救星球。

出品 Studio: 翅膀工作室 Wings Studio, 非比寻常影视 Phoebe Media.
制片人 Produced by: 刘美清 Liu Meiqing, 刘文骏 Liu Wenjun
导演 Directed by: 刘文骏 Liu Wenjun
编剧 Screenplay by: 刘文骏 Liu Wenjun, 林俐袁 Lin Liyuan
主演 Starring: 罗然 Luo Ran, 杨涵 Yang Han, 周轩宇 Zhou Xuanyu
题材 Genres: 科幻 Science Fiction, 动作 Action

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1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, Moxi Movie Trailers Channel:

4, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: Chinese New Year Comedy Movie "God of Fortune 財神到" is about two Fortune Gods in heaven offended the Jade Emperor and then they were punished to mortal world without any super power. only when they earn 100 million, they can return to the heaven...

故事简介: 贺岁电影《财神到 God of Fortune》讲述天庭的正财神(利哥饰)、横财神(阿发哥饰)因为触怒玉帝(黄峰饰)被贬下凡尘,失去法力,并且被定下目标,靠自己的劳动赚够一个亿。 正财神(利哥饰)不幸降生在一个贫困小渔村,做了地产公司的一名小职员。他为人朴实善良,时刻劝人靠双手创造财富,然而却不断遭到人们讥讽,处处碰壁。横财神(阿发哥饰)有幸转世做了直播公司老板,成为炙手可热的网红。 少年得志的横财神(阿发哥饰)在奸商高行善(张振宇饰)的串掇下,参与了财神村开发项目投资。然而,眼看他唾手可得一个亿的财富时,却没想到陷入高行善的圈套,沦为一贫如洗的乞丐,他这才痛苦地明白,自己只是被利用的赚钱工具。

出品 Studio: 智上力合影业 Wisdom Union Film
导演 Director: 陈冠华 Chen Guanhua
主演 Starring: 立哥 Bro. Li, 阿发 A'Fa, 岑雨桥 Cen Yuqiao
题材 Genres: 喜剧 贺岁 #Comedy 中国年 #ChineseNewYear

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2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, Moxi New Movie Trailers 2021:

4, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

6, Moxi Movie Channel English

0 Views · 1 year ago

故事简介 Synopsis: 喜剧探险电影《疯狂的契约 Instantly Start》讲述事业有成的男主角彦彬被诊断出不治之症,突如其来的噩耗让他对自己的人生产生了怀疑,一场酒局后,彦彬发现自己和兄弟莫名身处渺无人烟的荒原,在赶回手术台路上发生的一系列奇葩爆笑的故事。

出品 Studio: 创智天娱影视 Creative Fun Film.
制片人 Produced by: 邹超军 Zou Chaojun.
导演 Directed by: 王海 Wang Hai.
编剧 Screenplay by: 王海 Wang Hai.
主演 Starring: 雷牧 Lei Mu, 贾宗超 Jia Zongchao, 吕克·本扎 Luc Bendza, 周文羽 Zhou Wenyu, 柴陆 Chai Lu.
题材 Genres: #探险 #Adventure 喜剧 #Comedy

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1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, Moxi Shorts Channel 模晰短剧频道:

4, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The Wuxia Martial Arts Action movie "Master So, Subduing Dragon Palms 降龍神掌蘇乞兒2" is about a story in Qing Dynasty. Two magistrates of the remote Linjiang County were successively killed by a python, which caused great panic among the public. The imperial guard So Qi'er and Tie Qiaosan were ordered to investigate the python murders in Linjiang county. When they came to Linjiang, they found that the worship of the Python God was popular, and the people were in dire straits. They two were left alone and joined the Beggars' Sect to hide their identity and investigate the case. Later, Tie Qiaosan was trapped by love. So Qi'er was hurt by the Blissful Pill. With their inner faith in justice, they launched a final duel with the killer behind the scenes.

故事简介: 武侠动作电影《降龙神掌苏乞儿2 Master So, Subduing Dragon Palms》讲述了大清年间,偏远的临江县两任县令接连被蟒蛇所害,人心惶惶。御前侍卫苏乞儿和铁桥三临危受命,前往临江县探查蟒蛇杀人案。两人来到临江城,发现当地盛行祭拜蟒神,百姓陷入水深火热之中。两人孤立无援,加入丐帮隐藏身份探案,后来铁桥三为情所困,苏乞儿被极乐丸所害,凭借着内心对正义的信念,两人与幕后黑手展开了最后的决斗。

出品 Studio: 映美传媒 MSI Yingmei Media, 天联影视 Teelian Films
制片人 Produced by: 高锐 Gao Rui.
导演 Directed by: 陈笋 Chen Sun.
编剧 Screenplay by: 陈笋 Chen Sun, 潘健 Pan Jian.
主演 Starring: 林枫烨 Lin Fengye, 于欣妍 Yu Xinyan, 岳鹏飞 Yue Pengfei, 陆超娟 Lu Chaojuan.
题材 Genres: 武侠 Wuxia Martial Arts, 动作 Action.

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1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, Moxi Shorts Channel 模晰短剧频道:

4, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The Movie "The Magic School 2 魔力學院之暗影歸來" is about a fantasy story in a magical school, where generations of elemental magicians were trained. Their mission is to seal the evil Dark Messenger (An Ying). However, there is a traitor in this generation. In order to get more power, the Wind Elemental Magician agreed a soul deal with the Dark Messenger and released it. So the war between the magicians and the Dark Messenger begin...

故事简介: 电影《魔力学院之暗影归来 The Magic School 2》讲述了一座古老而神秘的魔法学院,培育了一代又一代的元素魔法师,他们的使命就是封印邪恶的暗黑使者。然而这一代的元素魔法师中出现了一个叛徒,为了获得更加强大的力量,风之元素魔法师与暗黑使者签订了灵魂契约,将其释放了出来!为了拯救元素失衡的地球,魔法师与暗黑使者的战争拉开了帷幕……

出品 Studio: 方泉影业 Fang Quan Media.
导演 Director: 魏杰 Wei Jie.
编剧 Writer: 魏杰 Wei Jie, 陈雨涵 Chen Yuhan.
主演 Starring: 高成龙 Gao Chenglong, 刘津伶 Liu Jinling, 郜玄铭 Gao Xuan Ming, 张洛晨 Zhang Luochen, 李三帅 Li Sanshuai, 张恩齐 Zhang Enqi.
题材 Genres: 魔幻 #Fantasy Mystery, 青春 #Youth

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1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, Moxi Movie Trailers Channel:

4, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The school youth film "Distract the Attention of Time 分散時間的注意" is also named as "The Best Time 最好的時光", It tells that An Yang, who likes playing basketball, with her naive friend Ye Siyu went to the same high school together. At school, An Yang got to know Han Feng, a handsome boy from school basketball team, and Ye Siyu also became friends with Li Xiang because of basketball. In the later days, the relationship between An Yang and Han Feng became better and better. As a result, the class teacher and parents were afraid of their puppy love and treated them severely. Ye Siyu, who came from a single parent family, also made her life in a mess because her mother was in debt. As a result, the troubles of youth alienated the four happy friends, and their best time was long gone. After graduation, this knot made An Yang to change the past in her novel, so she passed through time and returned to high school again. How to resolve the relationship with Han Feng and how to help Ye Siyu became her redemption.

故事简介: 校园青春电影《分散时间的注意 Distract the Attention of Time》亦名《最好的时光 The Best Time》,讲述爱好打篮球的安阳和天真无邪的闺蜜叶思羽一起考入了同一所高中,在这里,安阳因为篮球结识了篮球校队的帅气男生寒枫,而叶思羽也和活泼的李想成为了朋友。后来的日子,安阳和韩枫的关系越来越好,导致班主任、家长等都害怕他们早恋而严厉对待,而同为单亲家庭的叶思羽也因母亲负债而让生活陷入了一团糟。于是,少年时代的烦恼让四个原本快乐的朋友变得疏远,他们离开了原本属于他们的最好时光。毕业后,这个心结让安阳想在小说中改变过去,于是,她再一次回到了高中时代,而如何化解与韩枫的关系,如何帮助叶思羽,都成了她必须要完成的救赎。

出品 Studio: 宁波懒阳阳影业 Lanyangyang Film, 宁波启亚影视 Qiya Film.
制片人 Produced by: 张丹阳 Zhang Danyang.
导演 Directed by: 张艺旻 Zhang Yimin.
编剧 Screenplay by: 张丹阳 Zhang Danyang, 张艺旻 Zhang Yimin.
主演 Starring: 懒阳阳 Lan Yangyang, 姚远 Yao Yuan, 郑晓甫 Zheng Xiaofu, 洪奕昕 Hong Yixin.
题材 Genres: 青春 Youth, 校园 School, 穿越 Time-Travel.

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1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, Moxi Shorts Channel 模晰短剧频道:

4, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The Gangster Movie "Happy Ghost and Gangster 開心鬼大戰古惑仔" is about the following story of Young and Dangerous Series. When Jiao Pi left Chen Haonan, He fight for the position with his brother Zhao Zixiong. Boss Yu of the Society was hurt in an assassination and resigned as Board President. So many persons fought for this position. Old men pushed Zhao Zixiong into killing Jiao Pi, Jiao Pi's soul went into a star-crossed woman and fought back for revenge.

故事簡介: 黑幫喜劇電影《開心鬼大戰古惑仔 Happy Ghost and Gangster》 承襲 90年代 經典香港古惑仔系列風格,講述蕉皮 離開 陳浩南 後跟好兄弟趙子雄一起拼搏上位,成為了新社團的主力軍。偏趕上話事人被暗殺,社團內互相猜忌爭奪權位,趙子雄為當老大狠心殺死蕉皮。蕉皮的冤魂在開心鬼的幫助下,利用一個苦命女人的肉身復活,搖身一變成了大姐大,找趙子雄復仇,卻沒想到他和趙子雄只不過是長老們爭權奪利的玩偶。螳螂捕蟬黃雀在後,身為妖魔化身的話事人死而復生,誓要消滅所有 對老大位置有所覬覦的人。愛恨情仇,兄弟情義,穿越百年的恩怨,霎時間江湖風起雲湧,人鬼大戰一觸即發。

出品 Studio: 軍盾影業 Army Shield Film
制片人 Produced by: 優優 You You, 解煥梅 Xie Huanmei
导演 Directed by: 柳航 Liu Hang
编剧 Screenplay by: 三不 San Bu
主演 Starring: 吳業晗 Wu Yehan, 朱永棠 Jason Chu, 黃一飛 Jatfei Wong, 駱應鈞 Felix Lok, 徐少強 Norman Chui, 尹揚明. Yeung Ming Wan, 黃一山 Gabriel Wong, 柳航 Liu Hang.
题材 Genres: 黑幫 Gangster, 喜劇 Comedy, 動作 Action.

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1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, Moxi New Movie Trailers 2021:

4, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

6, Moxi Movie Channel English

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: Comedy film "Super Cockroach 像小强一样活着" is about a story of Zhang Xiaoqiang who was born in a cheating family. One day he comes to the city and makes a living with his partner Si Mao and Cui by short-con. they have to face a policelady Liu Ying who caught Zhang Xiaoqiang some times. Then they all are involved into a gang's business. Finally Zhang Xiaoqiang and Liu Ying fight together and defeat the gang, they both fall into love too.

故事简介:喜剧电影《像小强一样活着 Super Cockroach》讲述张小强(赵英俊饰)出生于骗子世家,他的母亲(方青卓饰)是一位退隐江湖的老骗子,而他的爷爷张老三更是40年代上海滩最伟大的骗子头儿。家族的智慧基因遗传给了小强,他擅长装哭、扮可怜、编造悲惨的童年故事、煽动不明真相的群众等旁门绝技。一个偶然的机会,小强进了城,他跟四毛、小翠等一帮街头混混一起装乞丐、吃白食,在城里游刃有余地施展自己的才华,并与一位冤家对头——小女警刘颖(孟霞饰)斗智斗勇,一次小强歪打正着救下了受黑帮胁迫的吴大成(那威饰)以及刘颖,一不留神当上了“见义勇为英雄”,从此开始倒霉不断:一个极品恐龙吴小月缠上了他,继而陷入向黑帮老大李太太(金巧巧饰)一伙讨债的纠纷,并卷入涉黑团伙争夺旧城改造项目的事件。危急关头,小女警刘颖被迫与小骗子张小强携手建立统一战线。那么,小强这位现代版的韦小宝、江小鱼能够使用那些下三滥招数度过一场场生死劫难吗?

出品 Studio: 泽西年代影业 Jersey Film
导演 Director: 关尔 David Kuan
主演 Starring: 赵英俊 Zhao Yingjun, 金巧巧 Jin Qiaoqiao, 孟霞 Meng Xia, 那威 Na Wei
题材 Genres: 喜剧 Comedy

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6, Moxi Movie Channel English

0 Views · 1 year ago

故事简介 Synopsis: 黑帮动作电影《痞子大叔 Black and White, Yoga Little Lolita》讲述吴兵偷了黑恶势力老大东爷的巨款遭追砍,被以宋英琪为首的瑜伽小萝莉误打误撞地救下。 富商王凯钟要开发城中村,东爷承包了拆迁,但他私吞付给村民的拆迁款。吴兵痛打王凯钟并连夜偷走东爷藏在保险柜里的钱,散发给村民。因此被东爷手下的追砍。 东爷要吴兵归还他同时拿走的项链。吴兵逃过东爷手下阿文和王凯钟所雇佣杀手的追砍,发现项链里面竟是偷拍王凯钟的黑幕交易的录像。 宋英琪因吴兵曾从流氓地痞手中救过自己,喜欢上了这位“大叔”。她误以为东爷是要吴兵的命,决定用自己的命去换吴兵的命。 阿文也觊觎着录像,就绑架了宋英琪。为解救宋英琪,吴兵只身赴难。几伙势力云集瑜伽馆,一场混乱的大战一触即发……

出品 Studio: 牦牛映画 Yak Pictures.
制片人 Produced by: 金毅 Jin Yi.
导演 Directed by: 邓安东 Deng Andong.
编剧 Screenplay by: 邓安东 Deng Andong, 林志国 Lin Zhiguo.
主演 Starring: 陈育Chen Yucheng, 柴蔚 Chai Wei.
题材 Genres: #动作 #Action #黑帮 #gangster

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1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official :

4, 模晰青春情感影院 Moxi Youth & Love Theater

5, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The Chinese “Tomb Raider” adventure film “Mojin Returns to The Palace of Eternal Life 摸金校尉之長生殿” is about the last Mojin Commandant in the jianghu, Hu Jianguo, who ran an antique shop with his best friend but was abducted by a mysterious group and asked by them to find the lost Palace of Eternal Life. During the journey, Hu was involved in different powers and faced with dangers and risks in the ancient tomb. Finally, he settled all the difficulties to protect the historical relic and crack down on the illegal tomb raiders.

故事简介: 盗墓探险电影《摸金校尉之长生殿 Mojin Returns to The Palace of Eternal Life》讲述江湖上最后一个摸金校尉传人胡建国,和好朋友胖子开一家古玩店,后来被神秘力量劫持去寻找失落的长生殿,胡建国周旋在诸多势力之中,也在古墓中遭遇各种危机,但是最后都一一化险为夷,也保护了文物,最后回到生活中,打击了犯罪分子。

出品 Studio: 安徽北影人传媒 Anhui Bei Ying Ren Media.
制片人 Produced by: 包磊 Bao Lei.
导演 Directed by: 包磊 Bao Lei.
编剧 Screenplay by: 包磊 Bao Lei.
主演 Starring: 张柯 Zhang Ke, 钱思怡 Qian Siyi, 李拓一 Li Toyi.
题材 Genres: #探险 #adventure #盗墓 #tomb #tombraider

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3, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official :

4, 模晰青春情感影院 Moxi Youth & Love Theater

5, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

2 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: Action Movie "A Better Tomorrow 女人本色" is about a gang story. An Yixin, Pepper, and Qing were three sisters and joined Six Door Gang when they were young. But when they grew up, An Yixin left the gang for a normal life. One night, An Yixin received a call from Qing for help and had to leave this new family. Some years later, when An Yixin was released from prison, Pepper had become the second chief of Six Door Gang. In order to find out the truth of Qing's death, An Yixin chose to cooperate with an agent Lei. The final battle between An Yixin and Pepper is coming...

故事简介: 动作电影《A Better Tomorrow 女人本色》讲述一个黑道姐妹的故事。六道门的三姐妹,情深义重,互相扶持。却不曾想,终有一天为爱反目,分道扬镳。姐姐安易欣离开六道门去过了平静的生活,可好景不长,一个深夜,安易欣收到三妹小青的求救电话,为救妹妹,她离开了好不容易建立起来的家庭,重新步入江湖,身陷牢狱。 出狱之后,二妹小辣椒已经成了六道门的二当家,曾经的陈老大,成了她的傀儡,为探寻小青死亡的真相,出狱后的安易欣选择与警方通力合作,共同发现了小辣椒一直在控制六道门进行毒品交易的可怕真相,也揭露出了小青当年死因的真相。为了揭开了小辣椒掌控六道门之后的丑恶面孔,他们展开了正义与邪恶的较量……

出品 Studio: 山东临沂天空映画 Sky Pictures
导演 Director: 冯超 Feng Chao
主演 Starring: 佘雪娇 She Xuejiao, 何欣烛 He Xinzhu, 黄光亮 Huang Guangliang 崔冬辰 Cui Dongchen
题材 Genres: 黑帮 Gangster, 动作 Action

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6, Moxi Movie Channel English

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The fantasy romance movie "Nine-Tailed Fox 九尾狐傳" tells a story of the fox demon (fairy fox), Xiu, who came into the human world for the first time. She was tricked by the scholar, Jiang Wanyun into believing they had something real between them. Warlock Yan Liuer discovered Xiu's true identity and told Jiang Wanyun, who was afraid of demons and betrayed Xiu. Xiu escaped and became frustrated, she then kept on wandering around the human world. She decided to be ruthless and cold with people until Yan Liuer found Xiu again. Just when Yan Liuer was about to capture Xiu, Wei, a nine-tailed fox full of justice, entered the stage...

故事简介: 玄幻爱情电影《九尾狐传 Nine-Tailed Fox》讲述狐妖阿秀初涉红尘,不谙世事,被书生江晩昀哄骗,阿秀便将这些虚情假意当作了“真心”。法师燕流儿发现阿秀真实身份并告知江晩昀,江晩昀心生恐惧背叛阿秀。阿秀逃走失意流落人间,从此决定以无心对无情,直到燕流儿再度发现了阿秀的身影。就在燕流儿打算擒收阿秀时,满怀正义的九尾狐阿唯出现了……

出品 Studio: 观剧影文化 Guan Juying Culture.
导演 Directed by: 赵天伊 Zhao Tianyi.
编剧 Screenplay by: 许施羽 Xu Shiyu, 阿绿 A'Lv.
主演 Starring: 齐硕 Qi Shuo, 刘薇 Liu Wei, 阳欣珂 Yang Xinke, 戚彩 Qi Cai.
题材 Genres: 古装 爱情 Romance #LoveStory 玄幻 #Fantasy

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1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, Moxi Shorts Channel 模晰短剧频道:

4, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The first-run adventure movie "Centipede King 變異蜈蚣王" is about Zhuo Wei, a reality TV show planner, plans a more interesting and thrilling show, as his previous ones got poor ratings. He invites his friends, Qiu Yi and Zhao Jun, as well as two female participants that are recruited online to join him. Zhuo Wei takes these four people to the Mountain Alin. On the way, Qiu Yi sees the news that an energy plant on this mountain exploded. Meanwhile, Zhuo Wei tells the group some activity parts, informing them that they are going to an abandoned resort hotel. They arrive at Mountain Alin and drive halfway up the mountain to find that the environment is heavily polluted, with an oil barrel filled with gasoline discarded. Qiu Yi guesses that the pollution of the environment is related to the recent explosion. In the darkness unnoticed by these people, a huge centipede is slowly crawling around them ......

故事简介: 首映探险电影《变异蜈蚣王 Centipede King》讲述卓伟是一个真人秀节目的策划人。但是卓伟的节目总是没有收视率。为此卓伟开始策划一场更加有趣、惊险的真人秀节目。卓伟邀请了自己的朋友邱毅、赵军。并在网上招募了两位女参与者。卓伟带着这四人来到了一座阿林山。路上,邱毅看到新闻电视里播放着阿林山一家能源厂爆炸。同时,卓伟告诉了众人节目的一些策划,告知他们要去一间废弃的度假酒。几人来到了阿林山,行至半山腰,发现环境被污染的很严重,半山腰还有装满汽油的废油桶。邱毅猜测环境的污染和最近的能源厂爆炸有关。就在几人不知道的暗处,一只巨大的蜈蚣正在他们的四周慢慢的爬动着……

出品 Studio: 麦邦影视 Maibang Film.
制片人 Produced by: 李作 Li Zuo, 董少波 Dong Shaobo.
导演 Directed by: 薛少 Xue Shao.
编剧 Screenplay by: 鲍远虎 Bao Yuanhu, 汪慧莹 Wang Huiying.
主演 Starring: 浩然 Haoran, 靳小圣 Jin Xiaosheng, 方明 Fang Ming, 马卉 Ma Hui, 李孟茹 Li Mengru.
题材 Genres: 探险 #Adventure.

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1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, Moxi Shorts Channel 模晰短剧频道:

4, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The LGBTQ Art Movie "Hard To Give Up 男舍男分" is about a very good boys' love story of Su He and Er'meng.

故事简介: 男同性恋电影《Hard To Give Up 男舍男分》讲述 著名画家苏荷在启用美院学生尔蒙当模特。画室里的接触,让两人产生了朦胧的好感。可是尔蒙滥赌成性的父亲欠下了巨额赌债,债主老飚逼迫,让尔蒙的生活十分艰辛。然而老飚仍然不断地逼迫和威胁。虽尔蒙争分夺秒地打工挣钱,可距离还清巨额赌债的日子,却遥遥无期。苏荷也很诧异,为什么尔蒙拼命挣钱,家里却还是那么清苦,一直暗恋苏荷的林青青发现了尔蒙得这个秘密。后苏荷跟尔蒙的暧昧关系日渐斗升。而当林青青发现两人越走越近时,心中不快,向好朋友本道、永杰倾诉,也没有解脱之法。后一时冲动之下,假借生日聚会把苏荷约到了酒吧,可是本性善良的她,却最终没有忍心戳穿尔蒙。可是,苏荷终究发现了尔蒙的秘密,并在尔蒙被客人殴打时,救了尔蒙。尔蒙说出了一切,苏荷答应帮尔蒙还上赌债,两个心越走越近,尔蒙看到了生活的曙光,可林青青的一句话,让尔蒙的心落到了谷底,“你真的喜欢男人吗?你们在一起有未来吗?”尔蒙走了,他决定用身体还债。心急如火的苏荷及时赶到,再次救了尔蒙。可是尔蒙并没有欣喜,他问了苏荷同样的问题,苏荷也愣住了,开始思索自己。

出品 Studio: 鑫淼叁艺影视 & Blued
导演 Director: 白璐 Bai Lu
主演 Starring: 华夏 何聪睿 孔雀哥哥 耿博文 刘妍希
题材 Genres: #男同 同性 #LGBTQ

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4, 圈影圈外音乐频道 Q1Q2 Music Channel:

5, 模晰精品电影英语频道 Moxi Best Movie Channel English Sub

6, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The Time-Travel Adventure Movie "Beauty Hunt Down 少女擒兽记" is about a story of a girl, Xiao Xue, a rebel girl who just fought with urban management officers, and then argued with her stepmother. By coincidence, the whole family is transported to primitive time. They are all seperated. Xiao Xue makes friends with an ape man, Hu La who once saved her. At last all members are together but a brutal war breaks out between the ape men...

故事简介:穿越探险电影《少女擒兽记 Beauty Hunt Down》讲述女孩小雪因为和城管冲突被抓进警察局,回家后又和继母发生争吵,阴差阳错下全家人都跟着小雪穿越回了原始时代。一家人分散各处,小雪和从食人族手里救下自己的猿人族“呼啦”成为伙伴,历经生死患难终于找到家人,却引发了猿人族内部的一场疯狂之战……

出品 Studio: IFG 互联网电影集团
导演 Director: 王煦 Wang Xu
主演 Starring: 赵梓含 Zhao Zihan, 沈驰 Shen Chi, 陈馨儿 Chen Xiner, 王苗 Wang Miao
题材 Genres: #探险 #Adeventure #穿越 #TimeTravel

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1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official :

4, 模晰青春情感影院 Moxi Youth & Love Theater

5, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The school youth film "Distract the Attention of Time 分散時間的注意" is also named as "The Best Time 最好的時光", It tells that An Yang, who likes playing basketball, with her naive friend Ye Siyu went to the same high school together. At school, An Yang got to know Han Feng, a handsome boy from school basketball team, and Ye Siyu also became friends with Li Xiang because of basketball. In the later days, the relationship between An Yang and Han Feng became better and better. As a result, the class teacher and parents were afraid of their puppy love and treated them severely. Ye Siyu, who came from a single parent family, also made her life in a mess because her mother was in debt. As a result, the troubles of youth alienated the four happy friends, and their best time was long gone. After graduation, this knot made An Yang to change the past in her novel, so she passed through time and returned to high school again. How to resolve the relationship with Han Feng and how to help Ye Siyu became her redemption.

故事简介: 校园青春电影《分散时间的注意 Distract the Attention of Time》亦名《最好的时光 The Best Time》,讲述爱好打篮球的安阳和天真无邪的闺蜜叶思羽一起考入了同一所高中,在这里,安阳因为篮球结识了篮球校队的帅气男生寒枫,而叶思羽也和活泼的李想成为了朋友。后来的日子,安阳和韩枫的关系越来越好,导致班主任、家长等都害怕他们早恋而严厉对待,而同为单亲家庭的叶思羽也因母亲负债而让生活陷入了一团糟。于是,少年时代的烦恼让四个原本快乐的朋友变得疏远,他们离开了原本属于他们的最好时光。毕业后,这个心结让安阳想在小说中改变过去,于是,她再一次回到了高中时代,而如何化解与韩枫的关系,如何帮助叶思羽,都成了她必须要完成的救赎。

出品 Studio: 宁波懒阳阳影业 Lanyangyang Film, 宁波启亚影视 Qiya Film.
制片人 Produced by: 张丹阳 Zhang Danyang.
导演 Directed by: 张艺旻 Zhang Yimin.
编剧 Screenplay by: 张丹阳 Zhang Danyang, 张艺旻 Zhang Yimin.
主演 Starring: 懒阳阳 Lan Yangyang, 姚远 Yao Yuan, 郑晓甫 Zheng Xiaofu, 洪奕昕 Hong Yixin.
题材 Genres: 青春 Youth, 校园 School, 穿越 Time-Travel.

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1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, Moxi Shorts Channel 模晰短剧频道:

4, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The art romance movie "The Landscape Love 山水戀人" tells a story of Tang Zhishan, a Chinese-Canadian girl, with her assistant Xiaole, who made a special trip back to Tai'an to participate in the Taishan Cooking and Food Contest. Because the contest was about the Chilin fish, Tang Zhishan got to know the local fish farmer Wang Dongxue. With the help of Wang Dongxue, Tang Zhishan successfully won the championship. Later, Tang Zhishan got to know that her strongest opponent, Kong Huimin, was actually the lover of her mother. They were forced to separate forty years ago but they love each other till now.

故事简介: 文艺爱情电影《山水恋人 The Landscape Love》讲述加拿大华裔姑娘唐芷珊带着助手小乐专程赶回泰安参加泰山厨艺美食大赛,因大赛以赤鳞鱼为题,唐芷珊结识了当地的赤鳞鱼养殖户王东学。在王东学的帮助下,唐芷珊顺利取得厨艺美食大赛冠军。后来唐芷珊得知自己最强劲的对手孔惠民,竟是妈妈当年被迫分开的恋人,赤鳞鱼和泰山玉作为爱情线索翻开了这段刻骨铭心的情缘往事。

出品 Studio: 最幕影业 Dream Films.
制片人 Produced by: 徐献峰 Xu Xianfeng.
导演 Directed by: 韩志 Han Zhi.
编剧 Screenplay by: 韩志 Han Zhi, 范文文 Fan Wenwen.
主演 Starring: 范雷 Fan Lei, 王皓 Wang Hao, 徐文彬 Xu Wenbin, 迟蓬 Chi Peng, 小乐 Ezra Sterback.
题材 Genres: #爱情 #Romance #LoveStory

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Trailer | 使命营救 Mission to Rescue 使命營救 | Chinese Special Forces War Action film HD

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0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The romance movie "Fake Prince and Princess 1 假鳳虛凰" is about a comedy love story: Ye Qingge, the "Prince" of Xuan Station, and Su Yu, the "Princess" of Bei Chu Station, get married for political. When they know some skeletons in the closet of each other, their funny marriage life begins, from hurting each other to allies, then falling in love. On the other side, Xie Qingyun, the boyfriend of Ye Qingge in childhood appears, with a secret of Qingge and the last Palace Intrigue history...

故事简介: 古装喜剧爱情电影《假凤虚凰 1 Fake Prince and Princess》讲述 大宣国太子叶清歌与北褚国公主苏域,出于结盟原因成为夫妻,在揭开对方不可告人的秘密后,这一对欢喜冤家就此开始了貌合神离的夫妻生活。从开始的互相伤害,到利益同盟,再到渐生真情,俩人的感情不断升温。另一边,当叶清歌的“青梅竹马”谢清运出现,则再次让“太子夫妇”的感情变得更加混乱。此外,随着两国之间陈年往事被揭开,上一辈的仇恨又让叶清歌和苏域开始了一段凄美虐恋。

出品 Studio: 云端传媒 Cloud Media.
制片人 Produced by: 魏童声 Wei Tongsheng.
导演 Directed by: 何佳男 He Jianan.
编剧 Screenplay by: 仇星 Chou Xing.
主演 Starring: 赵予熙 Zhao Yuxi, 刘济恺 Liu Jikai, 董子鸣 Dong Ziming.
题材 Genres: #爱情 #romance #喜剧 #comedy #古装

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0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The Crime Movie "The Cook 索命廚師" is about a story of a cook, Yan Yifei who avenges his daughter, Yan Zhenzhen and kills the four criminals.

故事简介:电影《索命厨师 The Cook》讲述 严一飞的女儿严真真被侮辱跳楼后,严一飞被陷害入狱,出狱后找到了杀害严真真的四个凶手,也就是严真真的同学,付鹏是第一个被严一飞杀的,放在自己家中,被他妻子发现并报案,关军是第二个,被严一飞带到了废旧仓库折磨一段时间后也被杀害了,杀完这两个后,严一飞到了严真真的墓地,说,一定会给你报仇雪恨的,接下来何义是第三个,虽然何义有保镖,可是还是被严一飞给入室杀害了,而且还被砍掉了双腿,辛宏是第四个,可是准备杀他的时候,警察先他一步控制了辛宏……

出品 Studio: 鼎兴影视 Ding Xing Films
导演 Director: 薛少 Xue Shao
主演 Starring: 何佳伟 He Jiawei, 褚毅 Chu Yi, 刘小乔 Liu Xiaoqiao
题材 Genres: 犯罪 #Crime 侦探 #Detective

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0 Views · 1 year ago

故事简介 Synopsis: First run Movie 电影《慧能大师传奇 Legend of Dajian Huineng》讲述 "禅宗六祖" 慧能大师(the Sixth Patriarch, Sixth Ancestor, Hyeneung, Daikan Enō, Ta4-chien4)的成佛之路。

出品人 Executive Producer: 王晓晴 Wang Xiaoqing
导演 Directed by: 桂振杰 Gui Zhenjie
主演 Starring: 王政 张丽黛尔 任毅 周玉华
题材 Genres: #人物传记 #Biography

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0 Views · 1 year ago

故事简介 Synopsis: 校园惊悚恐怖电影《笔仙惊魂3 Death is Here 3》讲述了一个探险故事。生物系校花高沫陷入一片迷惘与恐惧之中——因为她的眼睛能通灵看到鬼。在学校自习室、女生厕所、图书馆和深夜的校园,她的眼睛总是不期然地撞见一个神秘的红衣生物在游荡。假期来临之际,高沫与海蓝、张宇等一群热爱户外旅行的大学生驴友聚在一起,六名大学生在向导阿吉的带领下开始了刺激的深山之旅……虽然种种死亡的征兆预示着这注定是一场夺命之旅,但众人还是没有听从向导的劝告,在好奇心的驱使下,玩起了一个古老的招灵游戏——笔仙。至此,通向地狱的大门再度被打开,来自异度空间的邪灵带来了死亡的诅咒,杀戮的梦魇正式开始,笔仙的升级诅咒根本无法破除!不死不休。

出品 Studio: 泽西年代影业 Jersey Film.
制片人 Produced by: 刘鸿 Liu Hong, 廖李斌 Liao Libin.
导演 Directed by: 关尔 David Kuan.
编剧 Screenplay by: 梁潇潇 Liang Xiaoxiao, 朱孛 Zhu Bei.
主演 Starring: 余心恬 Yu Xintian, 郭艳 Guo Yan, 郭鑫 Guo Xin, 郎鹏 Lang Peng, 付曼 Fu Man, 薛斐 Xue Fei.
题材 Genres: 惊悚 Thriller, 恐怖 Horror, 探险 Adventure, 青春 校园 Campus.

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故事簡介: 校園青春愛情電影《那年我的初戀》講述高中生沈亦航憑著英俊的外表,在學校學習成績也是非常優異,是當之無愧的校草,捕獲了學校無數的少女,一次偶遇他認識了相貌平平的女同學夏萱,被善良優秀的她深深吸引,為了接近夏萱,通過各種方式使自已出現在她面前,慢慢展開愛慕之心,在一次志願服務外出活動時,沈亦航準備鼓起勇氣表達自己的心意,夏萱卻意外出了車禍,嚴重受傷住院,通過這次意外的改變,夏萱完完全全變了一個人,在出院當天剛好沈亦航的死黨陳越澤轉校過來,遇到了到學校報導的夏萱,陳越澤認定了夏萱為自己追求的女人,不斷製造機會與夏萱接觸並拉上沈亦航陪同,卻因此讓沈亦航也瞭解了陳越澤的內心,在不斷的內心掙扎下沈亦航選擇把他的感情隱藏了起來

出品 Studio: 膠己人影視 Jiao Ji Ren Film, 中潮傳媒 Zhong Chao Media.
製片人 Produced by: 沈超 Chao Shen.
導演 Directed by: 黃藍嘉 Lanjia Wong.
編劇 Screenplay by: 黃藍嘉 Lanjia Wong, 彭微霞 Weixia Pong, 楊仲平 Zhongping Yang.
主演 Starring: 吳一遜 Yixun Woo, 張詠嫻 Dora Chang.
題材 Genres: #愛情 #love #校園 #school #青春 #youth

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4, 模晰青春情感影院 Moxi Youth & Love Theater

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Synopsis: The Mermaid Movie "She's From Another Planet 校花駕到 3 人魚校花" is the third episode of the Series Movie "The School Beauty" which is all about campus love stories. This episode is about a naughty mermaid Sunny who comes to the earth from the ocean, but she lost an important magical scale. By coincidence, it was picked up by Wen Zhengxi, A school prince. Then Sunny and Wen Zhengxi fell into love...

故事简介: 青春奇幻校园爱情电影《人鱼校花》是 “ #校花驾到 ” 系列电影第3部,讲述贪玩的美人鱼公主Sunny偷偷潜入人类世界,不幸丢失了重要的鳞片。为了回到海洋,Sunny不得不上岸一路追寻,被好心人类少女艾米和齐齐从博物馆里救出,又对无意中和鳞片融合的校园男神文正熙展开了轰轰烈烈的追求。在Sunny即将收获爱情,回到海洋的时刻,暗恋文正熙的大姐头罗伊琳却识破了Sunny的人鱼身份,并带着对人鱼有变态嗜好的眼镜老师展开了人鱼抓捕行动,Sunny的性命因此危在旦夕...

出品 Studio: IFG 互联网电影集团
导演 Director: 叶茗 Ye Ming, 林云翔 Lin Yunxiang
主演 Starring: 文卓 Wen Zhuo, 邹杨 Zou Yang, 田晓天 Tian Xiaotian, 曹曦月 Cao Xiyue, 海铃 Hai Ning,程旭 Cheng Xu
题材 Genres: #奇幻 Fantasy, 青春 Younth, #校园 Campus School, 爱情 Romance #LoveStory

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0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The Romance & Action Movie "Bad Cop 不良女警" is about a defiant cop girl Yang Yang. She is sent to campus as an undercover agent. Her mission is to protect the witness, teacher Wu Xie. During the investigation, Yang and Mr. Wu fall in love. Unexpectedly Yang is involved in the Girl Missing Case and she finally finds there is another kidnapper...

故事简介: 爱情动作电影《不良女警 Bad Cop》讲述了“不良女警”杨杨刁蛮刚烈,行事从不循规蹈矩。为调查三位少女失踪案被派驻新加坡联合学院卧底,暗中保护控方证人吴邪。吴邪,性格耿直,与杨杨的刁蛮作风格格不入,两人矛盾不断。但在一次杀手来袭实践中,吴邪舍身相救,从此杨杨对他暗生情愫。可是未料一波未完一波又起,校内发生再次少女失踪事件,并且杨杨也牵涉其中,同时杨杨与吴邪的感情已经升温为情侣关系。可是让杨杨没想到的是,他察觉到少女失踪事件的幕后主使就是吴邪。杨杨职责在身陷入两难之境,可是为了更多人的安危她也不得不选择追查到底。

出品 Studio: 互联网电影集团 IFG.
制片人 Produced by: 魏明 Wei Ming, 龙晓云 Long Xiaoyun.
导演 Directed by: 江凯 Jiang Kai.
编剧 Screenplay by: 管晓杰 Guan Xiaojie.
主演 Starring: 邹杨 Zou Yang, 文卓 Wen Zhou, 李萌萌 Li Mengmeng, 邹新宇 Zou Xinyu.
题材 Genres: #动作 #Action #爱情 #Romance #校园 #campus

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1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official :

4, 模晰青春情感影院 Moxi Youth & Love Theater

5, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: the comedy action movie “黑道三寶 Three Idiots Thieves 俠盜兄弟” tells us a story about three thieves: Niu First, Niu Second and Niu Third. They came to the city because they were worried about their futures. After all, it was not a long-term plan to be thieves. They looked for jobs but failed. Inadvertently they met Meng Xiang and she got them involved in a conflict with fat Shark... Second and Third accidentally picked up an important stuff being traded by a criminal gang. Long Kun and Long Qi led their men to investigate into that. Unexpectedly, the police undercover Gao Cheng took the opportunity and sneaked into the transaction designed by long Kun... At this time, fat Shark told long Kun about the three thieves and Long Kun kidnapped Meng Xiang. After Niu First heard about the news, he went to rescue her. After a desperate fight, Gao Cheng and the police arrested Longkun and got strong criminal evidences with their cooperation.

故事简介: 喜剧动作电影《黑道三宝 Three Idiots Thieves 侠盗兄弟》讲述三名盗贼牛大、牛二和牛三来到了城市里,因为担心偷盗毕竟不是长远之计,三人开始寻找工作,但又无功而返,三人无意间结识了梦香,为了梦香也和肥鲨产生了矛盾……牛二和牛三在无意中捡到了犯罪团伙正在交易的重要物品,龙坤龙麒兄妹带领手下,开始调查失踪物品的下落,可没想到犯罪团伙中的警方卧底“高成”见机行事,在最关键的时候通过巧妙手段,混入了龙坤设计的交易中……此时肥鲨将牛氏三兄弟行踪告诉了龙坤,心狠手辣的龙坤绑走了梦香,牛大听到了梦香被绑走的消息,于是前去营救梦香,一次精彩的殊死搏斗后,牛大一行人配合高成和警方,成功抓获了龙坤等人并掌握了有力的犯罪证据..

出品 Studio: 贵州乐天誉影视 Letianyi Media. 上海凡酷文化 Funcola Media.
制片人 Produced by: 王文涛 Wang Wentao, 张萍 Zhang Ping.
导演 Directed by: 宋彦承 Song Yancheng.
编剧 Screenplay by: 代鑫 Dai Xin, 宋彦承 Song Yancheng.
主演 Starring: 王文涛 Wang Wentao, 张元洲 (网红“王宝强”) Zhang Yuanzhou, 哈松 Ha Song, 陈娇 Chen Jiao, 曹旭 Cao Xu, 菲儿 Feier, 黄益龙 Huang Yilong.
题材 Genres: 喜剧 Comedy, 动作 Action.

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4, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The fantasy romance movie 《妖夢西遊 Dream Journey 蝎精女兒國 The Lady Kingdom》is about a time-travel story in Ladies Kingdoms of Journey To The West. When Monk Tang and his disciples arrive in the Lady Kingdom, the Queen falls in love with Monk Tang and requests him to stay. Monk Tang is so moved and says YES because they have a destined love of nine generations. But Buddha says NO because Monk Tang's destiny is to get the Buddhist Scriptures. Then the world was destroyed and cycled again. A modern girl Barbie was assigned her fate to break this cycle and transported to that time...How can she save the "Journey to The West" mission and the world?

故事简介:穿越神话爱情电影《妖梦西游 Dream Journey 蝎精女儿国》创意来自于西游记中女儿国国王与唐僧的爱情故事——假设唐僧答应女儿国国王留下来会怎么样?因为原本上天就注定唐僧与女王有九世情缘!然而如来佛祖赋予金蝉子(唐僧前世)的转世)要完成取经大业。每一次当唐僧决定留下时,如来佛祖只能用大日如来净世咒将世界重新归零!如何打破这个循环?一个现代女孩芭比需要穿越到其中去打破这个循环并帮助唐僧师徒顺利完成女儿国的渡劫......

出品 Studio: 心暖花开 Blooming Flowers Picture.
制片人 Produced by: 楚人勤 Churen Qin, 杨晓峰 Yang Xiaofeng.
导演 Directed by: 楚人勤 Churen Qin.
编剧 Screenplay by: 李晓晖 Li Xiaohui, 楚人勤 Churen Qin, 孙海洋 Sun Haiyang
主演 Starring: 孙海洋 Sun Haiyang, 付赫安琪 Fuhe Anqi, 李沛槿 Li Peijing, 杨乾龙 Yang Qianlong.
题材 Genres: #journeytothewest #西游记 #Fantasy #神话 #myths #爱情 #romance

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3, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official :

4, 模晰青春情感影院 Moxi Youth & Love Theater

5, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The comedy action movie "The Tricks for The Key 计中计之密钥奇缘" is about a funny story: A billionaire Uncle Ha decides to donate his money to the charity. But his evil son, Harry, doesn't agree. So he sends his men to snatch the key to a safe box. Then different men come to fight for the key, a comedy story begins....

故事简介: 喜剧动作电影《计中计之密钥奇缘 The Tricks for The Key》讲述亿万富翁哈叔决定将自己财产捐赠给慈善机构,然而他不争气的儿子哈瑞却心有不甘,决心派人抢夺保险箱的钥匙。于是各方势力:号称“大盗”的Peter、高利贷公司的老板曹哥、哈叔儿子哈瑞的打手 纷纷出动来争夺这把钥匙......

出品 Studio: 北京永保国际 YongBao Film, 北京壹斗国际 Yidou Film, 北京美影时空 Meiying Film.
导演 Director: 张永保 Zhang Yongbao.
主演 Starring: 叶逢春 Ye Fengchun, 曹汉超 Cao Hanchao, 王时雨 Wang Shiyu, 谢宁 Xie Ning, 孙文雪 Sun Wenxue, 吴荻 Wu Di, 林威 Lam Wai, 陈观泰 Chen Kuan Tai.
题材 Genres: #喜剧 #Comedy #action #动作 #喜剧片 #comedymovie #喜剧电影 #comedyfilm #actionmovies #动作片 #actionfilm #动作电影

频道内容介绍 Introduction of Channels & Contents
1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official :

4, 模晰青春情感影院 Moxi Youth & Love Theater

5, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The movie is adapted from a famous Chinese fairytale "Fairy Couple 天仙配" and all characters were acted by kids. This folk tale is about the love story of Dong Yong and the Princess Seven. The plot of the movie weakens the love between them, and focuses on showing the truth, goodness and beauty of human nature.

故事简介: 神话爱情电影《宝贝有戏之小仙女》亦为少儿演员版的《天仙配 Fairy Couple》,该片改编自董永和七仙女的民间故事,剧情弱化了男女之间的情愫,着重展现人性的真善美。

出品 Studio: 甘肃丝路花雨影视 Silu Huayu Films.
制片人 Produced by: 冀春伟 Ji Chunwei, 戴明明 Dai Mingming.
导演 Directed by: 何立峰 He Lifeng.
编剧 Screenplay by: 赵添田 Zhao Tiantian, 左津 Zuo Jin, 舒洁 Shu Jie, 黄琼 Huang Qiong.
主演 Starring: 钟奕儿 Zhong Yier, 周芷莹 Zhou Zhiying, 陶奕希 Tao Yixi, 周漾玥 Zhou Yangyue, 王梓璇 Wang Zixuan, 郭飞歌 Guo Feige, 赵紫涵 Zhao Zihan, 曹赫文 Cao Hexin, 田蕙铭 Tian Huiming.
题材 Genres: #神话 #fairytales #爱情 #Romance #lovestory

频道内容介绍 Introduction of Channels & Contents
1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official :

4, 模晰青春情感影院 Moxi Youth & Love Theater

5, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The Movie "Find You Finally 謝謝能被你遇見" is about a campus love story. Lan Yu was a slovenly boy. But after he meets a girl Zhang Xueyin, He becomes a very very handsome boy. And more unexpectedly, when Zheng Feng, the brother of Zhang Xueyin, gets into trouble. Lan Yu gives a call to the top rich family…

故事简介: 电影《谢谢能被你遇见 Find You Finally》讲述了一个校园爱情故事。兰屿,一个曾经邋遢的男生,没想到得到爱情滋润后的他却是一个超级大帅哥,更没想到的是,当女朋友张雪尹的弟弟张峰遇到困难时,真实的他却是本市首富的唯一儿子!!

出品 Studio: 索玛文化 Soma Culture.
制片人 Produced by: 黄娟娟 Huang Juanjuan.
导演 Directed by: 梁海 Liang Hai.
编剧 Screenplay by: 梁海 Liang Hai.
主演 Starring: 刘德彬 Liu Debin, 刘泓倩 Liu Hongqian, 高靖函 Gao Jinghan, 陈翔瑞 Chen Xiangrui.
题材 Genres: 校园爱情 Campus Romance, Love Story.

频道内容介绍 Introduction of Channels & Contents
1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, Moxi Movie Trailers Channel:

4, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The Campus Fantasy Movie "超凡校草之贴身校花的秘密" is about a story of a college student with super power - Hua Mingxuan, and the campus belle, Zhao Mengjie, who likes this different boy and launches a strong pursuit of him. Zhao Mengjie’s rich second generation friend, Duhan likes a tough girl Le Man very much. . In order to win the hand of his goddess, he becomes Hua Mingxuan's appentice. Hua Mingxuan meets another girl who has the same ability as himself by coincidence. Then the secret about his life and a mysterious organization behind come out.

故事簡介: 青春玄幻電影《超凡校草之貼身校花的秘密》講述一個魔法校園的故事。一個具有超能力有異於常人的大學生-華明軒,在校園裡並不合群,校花趙夢潔喜歡上了這個花樣美男,並且對他展開了強烈的追求攻勢,趙夢潔的富二代發小——杜翰追求外表文靜嫻雅,實則性格粗曠的樂曼,但是始終不入樂曼的法眼。為了能夠追到樂曼,他發現了華明軒的超能力,於是拜華明軒為師,華明軒又遇到了和自己一樣擁有超強能力的美少女“施施”由此牽扯出了自己的來歷身世和少女背後的神秘組織 。

出品 Studio: 心暖花開 Blooming Flowers Picture.
製片人 Produced by: 楚人勤 Churen Qin, 周家東 Zhou Jiadong, 付萌 Fu Meng.
導演 Directed by: 楚人勤 Chun Ren Qin.
編劇 Screenplay by: 彭仕雄 Peng Shixiong.
主演 Starring: 程紫城 Cheng Zicheng, 鏝熙 Man Xi (SISP女團), 李沛槿 Li Peijing, 張冰倩 Zhang Bingqian.
題材 Genres: 青春 #youth 校園 #campus 玄幻 #fantasy

频道内容介绍 Introduction of Channels & Contents
1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official :

4, 模晰青春情感影院 Moxi Youth & Love Theater

5, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The suspense crime film "The Phantom of the Mountain 孤山魅影" tells the story of Lei, a boy from a single-parent family, who is constantly drawn into bizarre events while searching for the murderer who harmed his grandfather. The people around him were also attacked by mysterious people as the investigation deepened. Lei constantly overcomes his own shortcomings, but gradually realizes that things are not as simple as imagined: a love mystery from many years ago is gradually emerging, facing the law and human feelings, what will Lei do...

故事简介: 悬疑犯罪电影《孤山魅影》讲述身受家庭创伤的雷,在寻找伤害爷爷的凶手时,不断被卷入怪异事件中。他周围的人也伴随着调查深入而遭到神秘人的疯狂袭击。雷不断地克服自身缺陷,却渐渐发现原来事情并非想象的那么简单:一个多年前的情爱谜团渐浮水面,面对法律与人情,雷将何去何从……

出品 Studio: 杭州安迪文化 Andi Culture.
制片人 Produced by: 黎海涛 Li Haitao, 金传扬 Jin Chuanyang.
导演 Directed by: 黎海涛 Li Haitao.
编剧 Screenplay by: 黎海涛 Li Haitao.
主演 Starring: 赵晨东 Zhao Chendong, 林川人 Lin Chuanren, 褚楚 Chu Chu, 徐丹 Xu Dan, 唐伟 Tang Wei.
题材 Genres: #悬疑 #Suspense #犯罪 #Crime

频道内容介绍 Introduction of Channels & Contents
1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official :

4, 模晰青春情感影院 Moxi Youth & Love Theater

5, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The historical war action movie "Mulan Hua 花木蘭" tells the legendary story of a girl warrior Hua Mulan. During the Southern and Northern Dynasties, Roulan invaded the Central Plains. Faced with her elderly father, Mulan Hua decides to join the army instead. A girl who first entered the military camp has many inconveniences in life, but Mulan worked hard and finally protected her country with her fellows.

故事简介: 古装战争动作电影《花木兰 Mulan Hua》讲述南北朝时期正值征兵之际,花家女木兰面对年老的父亲决定代父从军,一位女子初入军营生活方面多有不便,但要强的木兰付出努力加倍训练,将军李戎(李茂 饰)对她很是欣赏,然而,在战争中我方军队寡不敌众时,木兰与李戎里应外合,大破敌军,两人通过战争时日的相处也产生了情愫。

出品 Studio: 海宁臻乐传媒 Zhenyue Media.
制片人 Produced by: 张黎 Zhang Li.
导演 Directed by: 李雨夕 Li Yuxi.
编剧 Screenplay by: 孙金鼎 Zhang Jinding, 陈曦白 Chen Xibai.
主演 Starring: 刘楚玄 Liu Chuxuan, 李茂 Li Mao.
题材 Genres: #动作 #Action #战争 #war #古装 #legend

频道内容介绍 Introduction of Channels & Contents
1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official :

4, 模晰青春情感影院 Moxi Youth & Love Theater

5, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The adventure film "Monster Attack 3 巨獸來襲3" tells the story of a local citizen, Su Jinfeng, who contracted a deserted island in the sea from his village. He has been planting coconut trees and picking coconut fruits on the island for several years. One day, Su Jinfeng suddenly encountered a dinosaur while working in the coconut grove. He was frightened and fled for his life. After that event, Su Jinfeng was puzzled and brooding about the encounter with the dinosaur, and immediately informed the media about the information, hoping to attract attention and solve the mystery of dinosaurs. Media editor Lin Peilun was overjoyed when she heard the news. As a person who works in the media industry, she knew that if what happened was true, the prehistoric civilization of dinosaurs would be an unprecedented major discovery for the contemporary age. She may even be the first to report the incident, which will lead to her winning the Pulitzer Prize, the highest award in journalism. After Lin Peilun reported the matter, she was authorized to conduct an interview and investigation. She also went with several biological experts dispatched by the authority. Lin Peilun and his colleague Huang Minghui, together with biological experts Wu Xinmei, Sun Jialai, and Yi Jiang, rushed to the deserted island. Unbeknownst to them, accidents will frequently occur after their landing on the island. The almost primitive natural environment of the deserted island made it difficult for the group to travel, and they encountered poisonous creatures such as snakes and scorpions; Lin Peilun was stung by a scorpion while rescuing Wu Xinmei, and almost died. After a difficult journey, they finally found the villager Su Jinfeng, Lin Peilun and others took a short rest, then tried to find out about the details with Su Jinfeng, and prepared to do a further investigation...

故事簡介:探险电影《巨兽来袭3 Monster Attack 3》讲述当地百姓苏晋丰从村子里承包了一个海中荒岛,在岛上种植椰树、采摘椰果已有数年之久。这一日,苏晋丰在椰林劳作时突然遭遇了一只恐龙, 惊吓之余逃命而去。事后,苏晋丰对遭遇恐龙一事不得其解、耿耿于怀,随即将此信息告知了一家媒体,希望能够引起关注,破解恐龙之谜。媒体编辑林佩伦得知此消息后大喜过望,作为媒体人她深知,如果情况属实,恐龙这种史前文明对于当代而言将会是一个前所未有的重大发现,她个人甚至可能会因率先报道此事而获得新闻界的最高奖项普利策奖。林佩伦将此事上报后得到采访调查的授权,一同前往的,还有上级部门协调 派遣的几名生物专家。林佩伦与同事黄明辉一起,连同生物专家吴欣美、孙嘉来、奕江共计五人急忙赶赴荒岛。不曾想,登岛之后意外频发,荒岛无人区近乎原生态的自然环境让这一行人行进艰难,更是遭遇了蛇蝎等毒物;林佩伦因救助吴欣美被蝎子蜇伤,险些丧命。经过艰难跋涉,终于发找到了村民苏晋丰, 林佩伦等人稍作休息后与苏晋丰了解详细情况,并准备做进一步的调查......

Studio 出品發行: 纳莱影视 Nalai Pictures.
Produced by 製片人: 苗金光 Miao Jinguang.
Directed by 導演: 苗金仓 Miao Jincang.
Screenplay by 編劇: 苗金仓 Miao Jincang.
Starring 主演: 龙德 Long De, 曹雷 Cao Lei, 王潇淇 Wang Xaioqi, 户元松 Hu Yuansong.
Genres 題材: #探险 #adventure #adventuremovies #探险电影

频道内容介绍 Introduction of Channels & Contents
1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official :

4, 模晰青春情感影院 Moxi Youth & Love Theater

5, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The First-Run Fantasy Action Movie "Taoist Yin 2 Five Tailed Scorpion 燕赤霞之五尾天蝎" is about a story of a famous Chinese Monk/Taoist Yin (Yan Chixia) which is a character in series film "A Chinese Ghost Story". A Yue Ling Village disappeared at a night suddenly. The Court suspects that it was done by the Scorpion Demon. Then the master Ye Tianqing of "Monster Killing Bureau" and Monk/Taoist Yin (Yan Chixia) were sent to investigate this case together. When they try their best to enter this hidden village, they find that all the villagers are preventing their investigation. Then Ye Tianqing and Yan Chixia are getting worse and worse under the provocation of Wizard Black. At last, Yan Chixia finds out the secret of the whole things and defeats the evil again...

故事简介: 首映电影《燕赤霞之五尾天蝎 Taoist Yin 2 Five Tailed Scorpion》讲述月灵山庄一夜之间消失不见,朝廷怀疑是山中天蝎妖兽所为,遂命燕赤霞与”斩妖司“夜天青一同前往查探。燕赤霞等人几经周折,终于找到被隐形结界的月灵山庄。在进一步寻找天蝎妖兽的踪迹时,却遭到山庄村民的阻止。燕赤霞察觉事情蹊跷,潜伏村中继续查探。夜天青被幕后始作俑者黑袍蛊惑,与燕赤霞间关系逐步恶化。不久,燕赤霞发现整个事件背后的秘密,经过一番争斗,将天蝎妖兽封印,并最终摧毁了黑袍覆灭月灵山庄的阴谋

出品 Studio: Ziyang Media 梓阳传媒
导演 Director: 杨朗从 Yang Langcong
主演 Starring: 刘济恺 Liu Jikai, 安帝伊 An Diyi, 张琳悦 Zhang Linyue, 裴蕾 Pei Lei
题材 Genres: #玄幻 魔幻 #fantasy #动作 #action

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2, 圈影圈外电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

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6, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

7, 模晰电影新视点频道 Moxi Movie Highlights Channel

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The fantasy romance movie 《妖夢西遊 Dream Journey 蝎精女兒國》is about a time-travel story in Ladies Kingdoms of Journey To The West. When Monk Tang and his disciples arrive in the Lady Kingdom, the Queen falls in love with Monk Tang and requests him to stay. Monk Tang is so moved and says YES because they have a destined love of nine generations. But Buddha says NO because Monk Tang's destiny is to get the Buddhist Scriptures. Then the world was destroyed and cycled again. A modern girl Barbie was assigned her fate to break this cycle and transported to that time...How can she save the "Journey to The West" mission and the world?

故事简介:穿越神话爱情电影《妖梦西游 Dream Journey 蝎精女儿国》创意来自于西游记中女儿国国王与唐僧的爱情故事——假设唐僧答应女儿国国王留下来会怎么样?因为原本上天就注定唐僧与女王有九世情缘!然而如来佛祖赋予金蝉子(唐僧前世)的转世)要完成取经大业。每一次当唐僧决定留下时,如来佛祖只能用大日如来净世咒将世界重新归零!如何打破这个循环?一个现代女孩芭比需要穿越到其中去打破这个循环并帮助唐僧师徒顺利完成女儿国的渡劫......

出品 Studio: 心暖花开 Blooming Flowers Picture.
制片人 Produced by: 楚人勤 Churen Qin, 杨晓峰 Yang Xiaofeng.
导演 Directed by: 楚人勤 Churen Qin.
编剧 Screenplay by: 李晓晖 Li Xiaohui, 楚人勤 Churen Qin, 孙海洋 Sun Haiyang
主演 Starring: 孙海洋 Sun Haiyang, 付赫安琪 Fuhe Anqi, 李沛槿 Li Peijing, 杨乾龙 Yang Qianlong.
题材 Genres: #journeytothewest #西游记 #Fantasy #神话 #myths #爱情 #romance #穿越 #timetravel

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1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official :

4, 模晰青春情感影院 Moxi Youth & Love Theater

5, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The Wuxia Martial Arts Action movie "Master So, Subduing Dragon Palms 降龍神掌蘇乞兒2" is about a story in Qing Dynasty. Two magistrates of the remote Linjiang County were successively killed by a python, which caused great panic among the public. The imperial guard So Qi'er and Tie Qiaosan were ordered to investigate the python murders in Linjiang county. When they came to Linjiang, they found that the worship of the Python God was popular, and the people were in dire straits. They two were left alone and joined the Beggars' Sect to hide their identity and investigate the case. Later, Tie Qiaosan was trapped by love. So Qi'er was hurt by the Blissful Pill. With their inner faith in justice, they launched a final duel with the killer behind the scenes.

故事简介: 古装武侠动作电影《降龙神掌苏乞儿2 Master So, Subduing Dragon Palms》讲述了大清年间,偏远的临江县两任县令接连被蟒蛇所害,人心惶惶。御前侍卫苏乞儿和铁桥三临危受命,前往临江县探查蟒蛇杀人案。两人来到临江城,发现当地盛行祭拜蟒神,百姓陷入水深火热之中。两人孤立无援,加入丐帮隐藏身份探案,后来铁桥三为情所困,苏乞儿被极乐丸所害,凭借着内心对正义的信念,两人与幕后黑手展开了最后的决斗。

出品 Studio: 天联影视 Teelian Films
制片人 Produced by: 高锐 Gao Rui.
导演 Directed by: 陈笋 Chen Sun.
编剧 Screenplay by: 陈笋 Chen Sun, 潘健 Pan Jian.
主演 Starring: 林枫烨 Lin Fengye, 于欣妍 Yu Xinyan, 岳鹏飞 Yue Pengfei, 陆超娟 Lu Chaojuan.
题材 Genres: 武侠 Wuxia Martial Arts, 动作 Action.

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1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, Moxi Shorts Channel 模晰短剧频道:

4, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The action movie "變形者 The Phantom Killer 幽靈殺手" is about a spy, Hong Qiang, who was ordered to finish a task but was ambushed by gunmen and mercenaries. He survived and became a killer. A female star Li Mengqi was abandoned by her boss and decided to revenge him. Zhang Yongcheng was a stalker and he accidentally followed Hong Qiang. Hong Qiang said that he was a talent scout and was looking for a leading actor for a new movie. Hong Qiang decided to give Zhang Yongcheng an audition opportunity and they snuck into a stranger's home. Zhang Yongcheng found that Hong Qiang did not take anything but to seek the privacy deliberately concealed by the host. Meanwhile, Hong Qiang also reminded Zhang Yongcheng to pay attention to his appearance. Later, Hong Qiang gave Zhang Yongcheng a credit card and asked him to pursue the life he wanted. Zhang Yongcheng started to hang out with his ideal female star, however, he didn't know that he was trapped by someone else.

故事简介: 动作电影《变形者 The Phantom Killer 幽灵杀手》 讲述特工洪强(刘峰超饰)奉命执行任务,却被人伏击,遭到枪手和雇佣兵的围追堵截,大难不死沦为黑户杀手。女明星李梦琪(吴谨西饰)因为换角风波被老板抛弃,决意报复老板。龙套演员张永成(马靖饰)是个跟踪狂,他无意间跟踪了洪强,洪强说自己是个星探,正为一个电影物色男主角。洪强决定给张永成一个试镜的机会,带着张永成潜入了陌生人的家中,但张永成发现洪强根本不取财物,而是寻找主人蓄意掩盖的隐私。同时洪强还提醒张永成要注意仪表。后来,洪强给了张永成一张信用卡,并让张永成勇敢的去追求自己想要的生活。在洪强的影响下鼓足勇气向女明星求爱,完成吊丝逆袭白富美,却不想自己早已掉进了别人设计好的圈套里。

出品 Studio: 盟兄弟影视工作室 Brother Union Studio.
制片人 Produced by: 蔡正琳 Cai Zhenglin, 孟磊 Meng Lei.
导演 Directed by: 刘湛 Liu Zhan.
编剧 Screenplay by: 刘湛 Liu Zhan.
主演 Starring: 刘峰超 Liu Fengchao, 吴谨西 Wu Jinxi.
题材 Genres: #动作 #Action #动作片 #actionmovies #动作电影 #actionfilm

频道内容介绍 Introduction of Channels & Contents
1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official :

4, 模晰青春情感影院 Moxi Youth & Love Theater

5, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The school youth movie "Tennis Girl 網球少女" is about a school girl Deng Jia who is good at study but not good at sports. One day she finds out she loves tennis very much by chance. Then she joins the tennis club and have opportunities to practice tennis with the professinal girl player Wang Xin. After months of hard practicing, She finally defeated Wang Xin and became a professional player.

故事简介: 校园青春电影《网球少女 Tennis Girl》主要讲述了一个身体素质原本并不是很好的学霸少女——邓嘉在学习网球的过程中,通过自己的汗水和韧劲一步步变强,并最终成为职业网球运动员的故事。

出品 Studio: 丝路花雨影视 Si Lu Hua Yu Film, 青岛心暖花开影视 Blooming Flowers Picture.
制片人 Produced by: 耿贺 Geng He, 冀春伟 Ji Chunwei, 刘明 Liu Ming.
导演 Directed by: 楚人勤 Chunren Qin, 孙海洋 Sun Haiyang.
编剧 Screenplay by: 孙海洋 Sun Haoyang, 耿子琪 Geng Ziqi, 郭世豪 Guo Shihao.
主演 Starring: 钱思怡 Qian Siyi 刘诗洁 Liu Shijie, 张天馨Zhang Tianxin, 陈创 Chen Chuang 赵文琪 Zhao Wenqi,
题材 Genres: 校园 School, 青春 Youth.

频道内容介绍 Introduction of Channels & Contents
1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, Moxi Shorts Channel 模晰短剧频道:

4, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official

0 Views · 1 year ago

Synopsis: The Action and Drama Movie "捉姦隊 Mistress Killer 捉姦俠" is about the mistress in modern society. Recently a Kung Fu warrior who focuses on catching mistresses appears in the city. Rumors about him/her spread quickly. Also a lot of mistresses hate him/her very much. One day, the Mistress Killer accepted a mission. but it maked her fall into trouble. The behind boss sets up her and wants to kill her...

故事简介:动作剧情电影《捉奸队 Mistress Killer 捉奸侠》 讲述城市里出现了一个专门捉奸惩恶并被人们称为捉奸侠,关于她的传说四起,同时她也遭到众多小三的记恨。近日,捉奸侠接连遇到不少麻烦事件,又承诺了一桩极为困难的调查事件,殊不知这背后都是有人搞的阴谋。捉奸侠陷入困境,人们纷纷声讨,背后的人要令捉奸侠身败名裂还要置她于死地。就在最危机时刻意,捉奸侠要如何脱离困境…

出品 Studio: 互联网电影集团 IFG.
制片人 Produced by: 魏明 Wei Ming, 龙小云 Long Xiaoyun.
导演 Directed by: 耿磊 Geng Lei.
编剧 Screenplay by: 张君实 Zhang Junshi, 王匡敏 Wang Kuangmin.
主演 Starring: 李萌萌 Li Mengmeng, 齐凌 Qi Ling.
题材 Genres: #动作 #Action #剧情 #drama #动作片 #剧情电影 #动作电影

频道内容介绍 Introduction of Channels & Contents
1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:

2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:

3, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official :

4, 模晰青春情感影院 Moxi Youth & Love Theater

5, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:

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