
Saving a Pangolin's Life | Natural World | BBC Earth

0 ចំនួនអ្នកទស្សនា· 22/09/23
33 អ្នកជាវ

What are these incredible scaly creatures and why are they under threat?

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Natural World: Pangolins - The World's Most Wanted Animal
The endearing pangolin is a little-known scaly mammal. Found in Africa and Asia, these shy creatures have an unfortunate tagline - they are the most poached and illegally trafficked animals in the world. Based in Namibia, conservationist Maria Diekmann rescues and rehabilitates her local pangolins. In a bid to better understand the global issues they are facing, we follow Maria to Vietnam, Thailand and China into the very heart of the crisis, where demand for pangolin products is greatest. In what turns out to be an emotional journey, Maria joins forces with a Chinese megastar to build a campaign to bring awareness to the plight of an animal most people have never even heard of.

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