
ស្នេហ៍ដំបូងម្តងទៀត ភាគ4 | Movie review | សម្រាយរឿង | Kdrama

1 意见· 08/01/24
33 订户

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👉 ABA: 001 670 786
ឈ្មោះគណនី៖ Sarith Channimol
(I'll put your name on the endscreen) 🙏🙏🙏

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Longing heart

6.9/10 IMDb

Director: Min Yeon-Hong
Writer: Kim Hee-Ran (webcomic), Kim Byung-Gwan (webcomic)
Network: OCN
Release Date: January 8 - January 30, 2018

*Disclaimer: I do not own any videos and images in this video, nor intend to steal the owner's copyrighted materials. I or this channel does not claim any right over them. I just edited and published it to the audience for entertainment purposes only.

- To contact for copyright issues
Email: channimolsarith@gmail.com
Please don't give a copyright strike to my channel. Instead please ask me to remove your movie clips, I will remove them immediately or you can raise a copyright claim to get the advertisement revenue. I am satisfied to give the revenue to you.

#tinydrama #moviereview #myfirstlove #longing heart #សម្រាយសាច់រឿង #សម្រាយរឿងកូរ៉េ


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