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0 Views · 1 year ago

L’alliance des anges, saison 2! De retour à l'école pour une nouvelle année, les anges et démons se retrouvent avec de nouveaux humains, de nouvelles règles et surtout de nouveaux pouvoirs. De nouveaux ennemis apparaissent, des ennemis puissants qui détiennent la mère de Raf dans un sommeil artificiel. Ainsi ils menacent de lui faire du mal pour que Sulfus leur obéisse. Ils le forcent à ignorer Raf pour que celle-ci ait le cœur brisé, ensuite ils l'obligent à séduire son amie Dolce.

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#angels#Lalliancedesanges #mondoworld

0 Views · 1 year ago

L’alliance des anges, saison 2! De retour à l'école pour une nouvelle année, les anges et démons se retrouvent avec de nouveaux humains, de nouvelles règles et surtout de nouveaux pouvoirs. De nouveaux ennemis apparaissent, des ennemis puissants qui détiennent la mère de Raf dans un sommeil artificiel. Ainsi ils menacent de lui faire du mal pour que Sulfus leur obéisse. Ils le forcent à ignorer Raf pour que celle-ci ait le cœur brisé, ensuite ils l'obligent à séduire son amie Dolce.

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#angels#Lalliancedesanges #mondoworld

0 Views · 1 year ago

L’alliance des anges, saison 2! De retour à l'école pour une nouvelle année, les anges et démons se retrouvent avec de nouveaux humains, de nouvelles règles et surtout de nouveaux pouvoirs. De nouveaux ennemis apparaissent, des ennemis puissants qui détiennent la mère de Raf dans un sommeil artificiel. Ainsi ils menacent de lui faire du mal pour que Sulfus leur obéisse. Ils le forcent à ignorer Raf pour que celle-ci ait le cœur brisé, ensuite ils l'obligent à séduire son amie Dolce.

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#angels#Lalliancedesanges #mondoworld

0 Views · 1 year ago

ANGEL'S FRIENDS español | temp 1 cap 2 | Volando con sus propias alas | Cuatro demonios y cuatro ángeles son enviados a la Tierra para recibir unos cursos cuyo objetivo es convertirse en ángeles o demonios de la guardia.

Para ello tienen que asistir a las clases en una ala del colegio terrenal desconocida para los humanos donde estudian para convertirse en ángeles o demonios de la guarda. Cada uno de las cuatro parejas formadas por un ángel y un demonio reciben un ser humano. Estos —ángeles y demonios— tienen que aprender a comunicarse con los humanos y guiarles, sin tocarlos jamás. Sulfus, un demonio, y Raf, un ángel, se enamoran...


0 Views · 1 year ago

Золушка мультфильм для детей | серия 1 | Милая, трудолюбивая девушка живет со злой мачехой, которая тиранит ее и заставляет работать по дому с утра до вечера. К счастью, ей на помощь приходит фея-крестная и скромная замарашка превращается в прекрасную принцессу и выходит замуж за самого настоящего принца.

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#Золушка #мультик

0 Views · 1 year ago

Последний из могикан | мультсериал | Знаменитый индейский следопыт Хоки, спасает дочерей капитана Форт Вильема Генри. Он храбрый и мудрый человек, который осознает всю глупость и абсурдность войны.

Эта история борьбы индейцев Северной Америки под натиском «цивилизации». Несовпадение культур зачастую ведет к недоверию и ненависти. Если люди когда-нибудь будут жить в мире друг с другом, они должны будут научится уважать друг друга, несмотря на их различая.

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#Последнийизмогикан #мультсериал

0 Views · 1 year ago

Cendrillon série d'animation française ép 13 | Après le départ de son père, Cendrillon est soudainement arraché du monde tranquille familier. Sa belle-mère et demi-sœurs imposent à l'orphelin les tâches domestiques les plus pénibles. Cendrillon, toutefois, ne se désespèrent pas et plusieurs amis qui les soutiennent toujours réussi à lui remonter le moral..

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0 Views · 1 year ago

Прекрасный Восток, изобилие колдовства и тайн, где магия древности тесно переплелась с настоящим, а благородство и зависть гуляют рука об руку. Какие загадки и опасности готовит он? Юный принц Фархат при помощи верных друзей ищет кусочки кристалла Шаримана, чтобы собрать их воедино и освободить из плена родителей. По всем частям света проходит их необыкновенное путешествие, полное колдовства и тайн. Но на каждом шагу подстерегают ловушки коварного демона Эгохана, который готов на все, лишь бы заполучить могущество волшебного кристалла. Удастся ли принцу выйти победителем из этой жестокой и коварной схватки?..

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0 Views · 1 year ago

Dobrodružné příhody lva Simby a jeho přátel. Bílá vlčice se ujala tří lvíčátek, kterým zabil otce tygr Šer Chán. Simba a jeho bratři v její noře našli novou rodinu...

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0 Views · 1 year ago

L’alliance des anges, saison 2! De retour à l'école pour une nouvelle année, les anges et démons se retrouvent avec de nouveaux humains, de nouvelles règles et surtout de nouveaux pouvoirs. De nouveaux ennemis apparaissent, des ennemis puissants qui détiennent la mère de Raf dans un sommeil artificiel. Ainsi ils menacent de lui faire du mal pour que Sulfus leur obéisse. Ils le forcent à ignorer Raf pour que celle-ci ait le cœur brisé, ensuite ils l'obligent à séduire son amie Dolce.

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#angels#Lalliancedesanges #mondoworld

0 Views · 1 year ago

Римский император Адриан состарился, и среди его приближенных усиливается борьба за власть. Но ничто подозрительное не должно быть замечено среди свободных граждан Рима, в то время как ужасные заговоры разворачиваются в тени императорского трона. В центре заговора — Канидия, злая жрица бога Анубиса, вместе с преданным ей Катилиусом, который добивается доверия Императора и хочет жениться на его дочери, чтобы стать преемником трона, но сначала им нужно избавиться от Маркуса, племянника Адриана и единственной надежды Рима!

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0 Views · 1 year ago

Друзья ангелов мультфильм для детей | Группа ангелов (Раф, Ури, Мики и Сладкая) и группа демонов (Сульфус, Кабале, Кабирия и Гас) спускаются на Землю, чтобы начать своё обучение.

Ангелы должны научиться вдохновлять людей на хорошие поступки и быть настоящими ангелами-хранителями, а демоны — научиться искушать людей смертными грехами и быть демонами-искусителями. Существует также особый запрет на прикосновение к противнику — ВЕТО. Ангелы и демоны сражаются за своих подопечных - смертных учеников Золотой Школы. Кто победит в вечной битве Добра и Зла? Ангелы? Демоны? А может быть, дружба или… любовь?

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#Друзьяангелов #мультсериал

0 Views · 1 year ago

L’alliance des anges, saison 1! Quatre démons et quatre anges sont envoyés sur Terre pour suivre une formation qui devrait les conduire à terme à devenir des anges et des démons gardiens. Pour ce faire, ils doivent assister aux cours dans l’aile d'une école où les humains ne viennent pas. Chacun des quatre couples formés par un ange et un démon reçoivent un être humain. Anges et démons doivent donc apprendre à communiquer avec les humains et pour les guider ou les tromper dans leur vie quotidienne, sans jamais les toucher.

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#angels#Lalliancedesanges #mondoworld

0 Views · 1 year ago

L’alliance des anges, saison 1! Quatre démons et quatre anges sont envoyés sur Terre pour suivre une formation qui devrait les conduire à terme à devenir des anges et des démons gardiens. Pour ce faire, ils doivent assister aux cours dans l’aile d'une école où les humains ne viennent pas. Chacun des quatre couples formés par un ange et un démon reçoivent un être humain. Anges et démons doivent donc apprendre à communiquer avec les humains et pour les guider ou les tromper dans leur vie quotidienne, sans jamais les toucher.

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#angels#Lalliancedesanges #mondoworld

0 Views · 1 year ago

Прекрасный Восток, изобилие колдовства и тайн, где магия древности тесно переплелась с настоящим, а благородство и зависть гуляют рука об руку. Какие загадки и опасности готовит он? Юный принц Фархат при помощи верных друзей ищет кусочки кристалла Шаримана, чтобы собрать их воедино и освободить из плена родителей. По всем частям света проходит их необыкновенное путешествие, полное колдовства и тайн. Но на каждом шагу подстерегают ловушки коварного демона Эгохана, который готов на все, лишь бы заполучить могущество волшебного кристалла. Удастся ли принцу выйти победителем из этой жестокой и коварной схватки?..

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0 Views · 1 year ago

Что там на горизонте? Флинн и Алисия, капитаны пиратских кораблей Авроры и Эльдорадо, только что окончили школу пиратов и вступили между собой в борьбу за общую цель: сокровища капитана Баракуды — самого ужасного пирата всех морей. Флинн при помощи своей пиратской команды хочет вернуть звезду острова Дельфина — амулет своей родины, а Алисия, управляя командой невероятных монстров, пытается доказать своему отцу, что стала настоящей пираткой.

0 Views · 1 year ago

L’alliance des anges, saison 1! Quatre démons et quatre anges sont envoyés sur Terre pour suivre une formation qui devrait les conduire à terme à devenir des anges et des démons gardiens. Pour ce faire, ils doivent assister aux cours dans l’aile d'une école où les humains ne viennent pas. Chacun des quatre couples formés par un ange et un démon reçoivent un être humain. Anges et démons doivent donc apprendre à communiquer avec les humains et pour les guider ou les tromper dans leur vie quotidienne, sans jamais les toucher.

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#angels#Lalliancedesanges #mondoworld

0 Views · 1 year ago

L’alliance des anges, saison 2! De retour à l'école pour une nouvelle année, les anges et démons se retrouvent avec de nouveaux humains, de nouvelles règles et surtout de nouveaux pouvoirs. De nouveaux ennemis apparaissent, des ennemis puissants qui détiennent la mère de Raf dans un sommeil artificiel. Ainsi ils menacent de lui faire du mal pour que Sulfus leur obéisse. Ils le forcent à ignorer Raf pour que celle-ci ait le cœur brisé, ensuite ils l'obligent à séduire son amie Dolce.

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#angels#Lalliancedesanges #mondoworld

0 Views · 1 year ago

Что там на горизонте? Флинн и Алисия, капитаны пиратских кораблей Авроры и Эльдорадо, только что окончили школу пиратов и вступили между собой в борьбу за общую цель: сокровища капитана Баракуды — самого ужасного пирата всех морей. Флинн при помощи своей пиратской команды хочет вернуть звезду острова Дельфина — амулет своей родины, а Алисия, управляя командой невероятных монстров, пытается доказать своему отцу, что стала настоящей пираткой.

0 Views · 1 year ago

L’alliance des anges, saison 2! De retour à l'école pour une nouvelle année, les anges et démons se retrouvent avec de nouveaux humains, de nouvelles règles et surtout de nouveaux pouvoirs. De nouveaux ennemis apparaissent, des ennemis puissants qui détiennent la mère de Raf dans un sommeil artificiel. Ainsi ils menacent de lui faire du mal pour que Sulfus leur obéisse. Ils le forcent à ignorer Raf pour que celle-ci ait le cœur brisé, ensuite ils l'obligent à séduire son amie Dolce.

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#angels#Lalliancedesanges #mondoworld

0 Views · 1 year ago

L’alliance des anges, saison 2! De retour à l'école pour une nouvelle année, les anges et démons se retrouvent avec de nouveaux humains, de nouvelles règles et surtout de nouveaux pouvoirs. De nouveaux ennemis apparaissent, des ennemis puissants qui détiennent la mère de Raf dans un sommeil artificiel. Ainsi ils menacent de lui faire du mal pour que Sulfus leur obéisse. Ils le forcent à ignorer Raf pour que celle-ci ait le cœur brisé, ensuite ils l'obligent à séduire son amie Dolce.

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#angels#Lalliancedesanges #mondoworld

0 Views · 1 year ago

Большинство детей не равнодушны к приключениям мореплавателей и пиратов, и вот, у них есть шанс оказаться в этом сказочном мире. Мультипликационный сериал Монстры и пираты - итальянская детская анимация о морских путешествиях, героями которых стали двое юных пиратов. Они только что закончили престижную школу, в которой проходят обучение будущие морские разбойники.

Повествование мультфильма идет о том, как недавние выпускники - Алисия и Флин отправляются в открытое море, с целью найти сокровища, которые спрятал, известный всем морям, кровожадный пират. Флин со своими пиратами ведет свой собственный корабль, мечтая вернуть своему родному острову его старинный талисман. а Алисия - свой, управляя при этом командой монстров.

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0 Views · 1 year ago

ROI LION SIMBA dessin animé complet en francais | Suite à la mort de son père, Simba se doit de reprendre le trône afin de devenir le Roi de la savane. Pour l'aider dans son périple, des fées lui confient le pouvoir de la grande ourse.

Notre jeune lionceau entouré de son fidèle ami Bimbo, jeune faon destiné à devenir le roi de la forêt, mais aussi de Bagherra, Baloo, Kaâ et bien d'autres, rencontreront de nombreux pièges du vil tigre Sher-Khan...

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#simbafr #mondosimba #leroilion #mondocartoons #mondoworld

0 Views · 1 year ago

Ein neugeborener Junge wird im Dschungel verloren und wird von einer Familie von Wölfen angenommen. Von diesem Punkt an wird er als Mowgly bekannt. Mowgly wird von seiner Mutter geliebt und Wolf als Bruder von den Wolfswelpen akzeptiert. Mowgly hat zwei außergewöhnliche Lehrer : Bagheera , einen Panther , der eine lange Zeit unter den Menschen gelebt hat , und Baloo ; eine sehr freundliche Bär. Mowgly wird von der ganzen Gemeinde und vor allem " Akela " Der alte Weise , die ihn leiten wird akzeptiert.

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0 Views · 1 year ago

ROI LION SIMBA dessin animé complet en francais | Suite à la mort de son père, Simba se doit de reprendre le trône afin de devenir le Roi de la savane. Pour l'aider dans son périple, des fées lui confient le pouvoir de la grande ourse.

Notre jeune lionceau entouré de son fidèle ami Bimbo, jeune faon destiné à devenir le roi de la forêt, mais aussi de Bagherra, Baloo, Kaâ et bien d'autres, rencontreront de nombreux pièges du vil tigre Sher-Khan...

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#simbafr #mondosimba #leroilion #mondocartoons #mondoworld

0 Views · 1 year ago

Dobrodružné příhody lva Simby a jeho přátel. Bílá vlčice se ujala tří lvíčátek, kterým zabil otce tygr Šer Chán. Simba a jeho bratři v její noře našli novou rodinu...

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0 Views · 1 year ago

Simba, der Löwenkönig, befindet sich vor seine Kinder getötet. Tiger Shere Khan, wird über den Thron übernehmen. Junge Simba, zusammen mit seinen Schwestern in ein Rudel Wölfe, das Mowgli'ego angehoben getroffen. Wölfe und andere Tiere - Schlange Kaa, Baloo der Bär, Panther Baghera und Eule Augustine - Lehrer und Betreuer unglückliche Waisen... Die Serie zeigen wenig Simba wurde ein Löwe und wie war der Shere Khan Schicksal... Machen Sie mit den Abenteuern von Simba und seine Dschungeltierfreunde in diesem unterhaltsamen Animationsfilm für Ihre Kinder und Familie.

0 Views · 1 year ago

Cendrillon série d'animation française ép 7 | Après le départ de son père, Cendrillon est soudainement arraché du monde tranquille familier. Sa belle-mère et demi-sœurs imposent à l'orphelin les tâches domestiques les plus pénibles. Cendrillon, toutefois, ne se désespèrent pas et plusieurs amis qui les soutiennent toujours réussi à lui remonter le moral..

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0 Views · 1 year ago

ROI LION SIMBA dessin animé complet en francais | Suite à la mort de son père, Simba se doit de reprendre le trône afin de devenir le Roi de la savane. Pour l'aider dans son périple, des fées lui confient le pouvoir de la grande ourse.

Notre jeune lionceau entouré de son fidèle ami Bimbo, jeune faon destiné à devenir le roi de la forêt, mais aussi de Bagherra, Baloo, Kaâ et bien d'autres, rencontreront de nombreux pièges du vil tigre Sher-Khan...

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#simbafr #mondosimba #leroilion #mondocartoons #mondoworld

0 Views · 1 year ago

Большинство детей не равнодушны к приключениям мореплавателей и пиратов, и вот, у них есть шанс оказаться в этом сказочном мире. Мультипликационный сериал Монстры и пираты - итальянская детская анимация о морских путешествиях, героями которых стали двое юных пиратов. Они только что закончили престижную школу, в которой проходят обучение будущие морские разбойники.

Повествование мультфильма идет о том, как недавние выпускники - Алисия и Флин отправляются в открытое море, с целью найти сокровища, которые спрятал, известный всем морям, кровожадный пират. Флин со своими пиратами ведет свой собственный корабль, мечтая вернуть своему родному острову его старинный талисман. а Алисия - свой, управляя при этом командой монстров.

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0 Views · 1 year ago

Большинство детей не равнодушны к приключениям мореплавателей и пиратов, и вот, у них есть шанс оказаться в этом сказочном мире. Мультипликационный сериал Монстры и пираты - итальянская детская анимация о морских путешествиях, героями которых стали двое юных пиратов. Они только что закончили престижную школу, в которой проходят обучение будущие морские разбойники.

Повествование мультфильма идет о том, как недавние выпускники - Алисия и Флин отправляются в открытое море, с целью найти сокровища, которые спрятал, известный всем морям, кровожадный пират. Флин со своими пиратами ведет свой собственный корабль, мечтая вернуть своему родному острову его старинный талисман. а Алисия - свой, управляя при этом командой монстров.

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0 Views · 1 year ago

Jednoho dne najde moudrý panter Baghíra hluboko v džungli malé miminko a ujme se ho. Odnese ho na vychování vlčí rodině, která se o chlapečka stará, jako by šlo o jejich vlastní mládě. Jmenuje se Mauglí... Tak začíná neuvěřitelný případ lidského mláděte, které se uprostřed džungle cítí jako doma a zažívá tu nejrůznější dobrodružství. Po jeho boku vždy věrně stojí medvěd Balú, obrovský had Khaa a další přátelé.

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L’alliance des anges, saison 1! Quatre démons et quatre anges sont envoyés sur Terre pour suivre une formation qui devrait les conduire à terme à devenir des anges et des démons gardiens. Pour ce faire, ils doivent assister aux cours dans l’aile d'une école où les humains ne viennent pas. Chacun des quatre couples formés par un ange et un démon reçoivent un être humain. Anges et démons doivent donc apprendre à communiquer avec les humains et pour les guider ou les tromper dans leur vie quotidienne, sans jamais les toucher.

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#angels #Lalliancedesanges #mondoworld

0 Views · 1 year ago

L’alliance des anges, saison 1! Quatre démons et quatre anges sont envoyés sur Terre pour suivre une formation qui devrait les conduire à terme à devenir des anges et des démons gardiens. Pour ce faire, ils doivent assister aux cours dans l’aile d'une école où les humains ne viennent pas. Chacun des quatre couples formés par un ange et un démon reçoivent un être humain. Anges et démons doivent donc apprendre à communiquer avec les humains et pour les guider ou les tromper dans leur vie quotidienne, sans jamais les toucher.

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#angels #Lalliancedesanges #mondoworld

0 Views · 1 year ago

ABRAHAM dessin anime PARTE 2 | Ancien Testament | Abraham est la figure centrale du Livre de la Genèse. Abraham fait partie des premiers patriarches de la Bible.

Dans le Livre de la Genèse, son nom est initialement Abram (« le Père est exalté ») puis devient Abraham, ce qui signifie « père d'une multitude de nations »

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#ancientestament #mondoworld

0 Views · 1 year ago

Ein neugeborener Junge wird im Dschungel verloren und wird von einer Familie von Wölfen angenommen. Von diesem Punkt an wird er als Mowgly bekannt. Mowgly wird von seiner Mutter geliebt und Wolf als Bruder von den Wolfswelpen akzeptiert. Mowgly hat zwei außergewöhnliche Lehrer : Bagheera , einen Panther , der eine lange Zeit unter den Menschen gelebt hat , und Baloo ; eine sehr freundliche Bär. Mowgly wird von der ganzen Gemeinde und vor allem " Akela " Der alte Weise , die ihn leiten wird akzeptiert.

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0 Views · 1 year ago

Dobrodružné příhody lva Simby a jeho přátel. Bílá vlčice se ujala tří lvíčátek, kterým zabil otce tygr Šer Chán. Simba a jeho bratři v její noře našli novou rodinu...

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0 Views · 1 year ago

ROI LION SIMBA dessin animé complet en francais | Suite à la mort de son père, Simba se doit de reprendre le trône afin de devenir le Roi de la savane. Pour l'aider dans son périple, des fées lui confient le pouvoir de la grande ourse.

Notre jeune lionceau entouré de son fidèle ami Bimbo, jeune faon destiné à devenir le roi de la forêt, mais aussi de Bagherra, Baloo, Kaâ et bien d'autres, rencontreront de nombreux pièges du vil tigre Sher-Khan...

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#simbafr #mondosimba #leroilion #mondocartoons #mondoworld

0 Views · 1 year ago

Dobrodružné příhody lva Simby a jeho přátel. Bílá vlčice se ujala tří lvíčátek, kterým zabil otce tygr Šer Chán. Simba a jeho bratři v její noře našli novou rodinu...

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0 Views · 1 year ago

Le jeune prince Farhat retourne aux Emirats après avoir étudié à Oxford. Ici, il est joyeusement réuni avec son fidèle majordome, Ben, son ombre ludique et méchante, sa douce mère Dolunai et son père royal, D'Emir Yassir. D'émir est aux prises avec la perfide Rashid, président de la société Petroglobe, qui a l'intention de forer pour l'huile dans une partie interdite du désert où le cristal magique connu sous le nom Shariman a été maintenu pendant les temps anciens, apparemment pensé à être perdu pour de bon , grâce à la démon diabolique Egokhan.

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0 Views · 1 year ago

L’alliance des anges, saison 1! Quatre démons et quatre anges sont envoyés sur Terre pour suivre une formation qui devrait les conduire à terme à devenir des anges et des démons gardiens. Pour ce faire, ils doivent assister aux cours dans l’aile d'une école où les humains ne viennent pas. Chacun des quatre couples formés par un ange et un démon reçoivent un être humain. Anges et démons doivent donc apprendre à communiquer avec les humains et pour les guider ou les tromper dans leur vie quotidienne, sans jamais les toucher.

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#angels#Lalliancedesanges #mondoworld

0 Views · 1 year ago

L’alliance des anges, saison 1! Quatre démons et quatre anges sont envoyés sur Terre pour suivre une formation qui devrait les conduire à terme à devenir des anges et des démons gardiens. Pour ce faire, ils doivent assister aux cours dans l’aile d'une école où les humains ne viennent pas. Chacun des quatre couples formés par un ange et un démon reçoivent un être humain. Anges et démons doivent donc apprendre à communiquer avec les humains et pour les guider ou les tromper dans leur vie quotidienne, sans jamais les toucher.

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#angels #Lalliancedesanges #mondoworld

0 Views · 1 year ago

„Le dernier des Mohicans” est une histoire fixé à l'époque des guerres coloniales en Amérique du Nord viennent les aventures de la frontière héros Hawkeye et les nobles guerriers Uncas et Grand Serpent, les derniers survivants de les nobles descendants des Mohicans.

Dans le contexte de la guerre sanglante qui sévit dans les forêts et sur les rives des Grands Lacs, le chasseur anglais et les deux Mohicans se trouvent impliqués dans un conflit avec le chef féroce Huron, Magua, et dans une histoire d'amour impossible avec le jeune anglais femmes Cora et Alice, les filles du colonel Munro, barricadés dans Fort Henry et assiégée par les Français.

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#LeDernierdesMohicans #mondocartoons

0 Views · 1 year ago

ROI LION SIMBA dessin animé complet en francais | Suite à la mort de son père, Simba se doit de reprendre le trône afin de devenir le Roi de la savane. Pour l'aider dans son périple, des fées lui confient le pouvoir de la grande ourse.

Notre jeune lionceau entouré de son fidèle ami Bimbo, jeune faon destiné à devenir le roi de la forêt, mais aussi de Bagherra, Baloo, Kaâ et bien d'autres, rencontreront de nombreux pièges du vil tigre Sher-Khan...

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#simbafr #mondosimba #leroilion #mondocartoons #mondoworld

0 Views · 1 year ago

Dobrodružné příhody lva Simby a jeho přátel. Bílá vlčice se ujala tří lvíčátek, kterým zabil otce tygr Šer Chán. Simba a jeho bratři v její noře našli novou rodinu...

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0 Views · 1 year ago

„Le dernier des Mohicans” est une histoire fixé à l'époque des guerres coloniales en Amérique du Nord viennent les aventures de la frontière héros Hawkeye et les nobles guerriers Uncas et Grand Serpent, les derniers survivants de les nobles descendants des Mohicans.

Dans le contexte de la guerre sanglante qui sévit dans les forêts et sur ​​les rives des Grands Lacs, le chasseur anglais et les deux Mohicans se trouvent impliqués dans un conflit avec le chef féroce Huron, Magua, et dans une histoire d'amour impossible avec le jeune anglais femmes Cora et Alice, les filles du colonel Munro, barricadés dans Fort Henry et assiégée par les Français.

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#LeDernierdesMohicans #mondocartoons

0 Views · 1 year ago

Film Приключения маленького львенка Симбы и его друзей. Львенок такой же отважный и добрый, как его отец — великий Симба. Если надо придти на помощь или развеселить малышей, Симба всегда к вашим услугам. Отправляйтесь в это увлекательное путешествие вместе с веселой компанией. У Вас есть уникальная возможность обрести новых преданных и настоящих друзей!

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4 Views · 1 year ago

An enormous ruby mounted in a mosaic representation of a tiger is stolen by some thieves unaware that the heist of this precious gem would reawaken the forces of the wicked priest of the goddess Kalì – Suyodhana! Meanwhile, back at the palace of Kiltar, the sword of Sandokan shatters! Our hero, along with his faithful sidekick Yanez, thus sets out for Madras to find a replacement for the shattered sword - only to be captured! And who has been tracking our heroes all along, but the very one responsible for Sandokan and Yanez’s previous adventure in which they sought “Nandaka” – the perfect sword – who, but the wicked Suyodhana?

0 Views · 1 year ago

After Farhat and his friends reconstructed an ancient magical crystal called the Shariman it started to feed their country with powerful bright energy. But there are mysteries hidden in the power of this crystal that our friends did not expect… Fahrat once again will have to face new challenges in the season 2 of the famous series full of adventures!

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0 Views · 1 year ago

The watch is upgraded in the forest around the princess's castle. King Brion's soldiers constantly patroll the full breadth of the forest. Brion's armed knights teach the people the rudiments of war. King Brion orders that sacks of grain, fruit and other food products that can be stored should be placed in underground caves which are intercommunicating thanks to the digging work of the hares, rabbits, moles and other burrowing animals. King Brion wants to be absolutely certain that he has ample supplies for his subjects should they have to undergo a long siege by the forces of evil.

0 Views · 1 year ago

Hundreds of years ago, the inhabitants of a pacific town where kidnapped by a supreme and evil mind to be transported to planets used as incubation machines, where they would be mutated into monstrous viruses in order to conquer the Earth. Today, the Earth is sick, pollution and human beings have allowed viruses to arrive and spread. Each virus has different characteristics and super powers: they transform themselves, they multiply, they mutate and they fuse to become more powerful. However, they still keep a piece of humanity which sometimes prevails. The clamorous finding of a genial scientist, allow five guys to have a special DNA to become anti-virus. The only one condition to allow transformation is that they get in physical contact with the viruses. With their agility, bravery, cleverness and their super powers, they will save the world.

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0 Views · 1 year ago

Free Cartoons in English | Mr. Toti Season 2 Episode 8 | Mr. Toti and a magic torch | Funny Adventures Toon

Mr. Toti awakens children's imagination, teaches proper behavior, imparts knowledge, and above all, entertains. The main character is Mr. Toti, a finger-sized man who searches for treasures in a mine hidden beneath the floor. He always finds a treasure that helps solve a problem on the island.

🎩 Mr. Toti season 1:
🎩 Mr. Toti season 2:

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@CartoonChannel- is a fantastic YouTube channel for kids, full of magical cartoons for kids, series for kids and full cartoon movies. Animation from all over the world, thousands of episodes, endless adventure! Check out our playlists choose your favourite cartoon and language. Enjoy watching!

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0 Views · 1 year ago

“Simba Junior” is our Little King Lion’s second adventure. This time Simba and friends go to New York on the lookout for Winner the Dog, who has been kidnapped. However, right there in “The Big Apple”, we find Winner has since become the coach and trainer of a soccer team set to participate in the first ever “Animal Soccer World Cup”. On each team are animals typical of the nations they represent. This is sure to be the most extraordinary and unforgettable tournament ever played in the whole wide world!

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0 Views · 1 year ago

Following a brief journey on horseback, during which Creighton speaks to Kim about his friendship with the boy’s father, they reach a great colonial residence in the outskirts of Delhi. The town house’s immense gardens border on the jungle. Elsa is awaiting their arrival. It is a surprise for Kim to discover that the girl he had fought in Umballa is the daughter of the Colonel, but Elsa’s surprise is greater when her father tells her that Kim was the child she spent her early childhood with. The Colonel shows Kim a portrait of his wife with baby Elsa in her arms. He tells Kim about the happy period in which both the women, Elsa’s mother and Kim’s mother, used to take their children out for a walk in the town house gardens. Kim asks the Colonel lots of questions since he wishes to recover every instant of that long-forgotten past. But when Creighton begins to talk about the past, Elsa interrupts him furiously. Her grief over her mother’s death has still not been appeased and remembering the past still causes her pain. From that moment on, Elsa has a hostile and evasive attitude towards Kim. As if his presence in the town house were reawakening memories that she would rather forget. Creighton has to leave and return to his duties while the two youngsters are entrusted to Mr. Barney, Elsa’s guardian.

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0 Views · 1 year ago

Cartoons for children - SISSI The Young Empress 👑 season 2 ep. 8 - animated series for kids in English 🎀 The adventures of Sissi 👸 the charming young Empress of Austria, the free-spirited young lady who resists etiquette, and the duties of the court to follow her heart. 💟

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👸 Sissi adventures, season 1:
👸 Sissi adventures, season 2:
👸 Sissi adventures, season 3:

🎬Check out our playlists:
👑 Sissi Jeune Imperatrice en francais:
🦁 The jungle book series:
🎦 Full movies for kids:
👶 Playtime Buddies - cartoons in English:
🐉 Beast keeper animated series:

Elizabeth, by all called Sissi, lives happily in the charming Possi castle in Bavaria. She loves her family, as well as all animals and is a free and rebellious spirit. It all starts on the day that her sister Nene is convened by the Emperor’s mother, to become the bride of his son Franz, but instead Franz falls in love at first sight with Sissi. And so begins the most romantic love story of all times.
The story is a mixture of adventure, love and intrigue but also of Magic and Mystery. Sissi in fact finds a magic bracelet, thanks to which she can live exciting adventures saving her animal friends!

@CartoonChannel- Fantastic channel full of magical cartoons for kids. Animation from all over the world, thousands of episodes, endless adventure! Check out our playlists and choose your language. Enjoy!

#MondoWorld #sissi #cartoons #cartoonsforkids #cartoonsinenglish #mondocartoons #sisi2

0 Views · 1 year ago

Cordall continues to run as he carries little Rakhall to safety. After having crossed icy lands, they then encounter a mammoth which belongs to a patrol sent to search them out and lead them to the city of the dinosaurs where their arrival is expected. After a short journey, they reach the sumptous, sparkling Foxiland, which is even more splendid all that surrounds it. They then get their first glance of the Royal Palace where they are expected. While Rakhal finally rests in a bed, Cordall meets his old friends: Myellin, the wise old owl, and Chaca, the funny, but powerful troll who governs the city. Both are anxious to know if Rakhal is really the child of the fifth prophecy.

0 Views · 1 year ago

Cartoons for children - SISSI The Young Empress 👑 season 2 ep. 7 - animated series for kids in English 🎀 The adventures of Sissi 👸 the charming young Empress of Austria, the free-spirited young lady who resists etiquette, and the duties of the court to follow her heart. 💟

💚 Click and GET NOTIFIED about new cartoons:
👸 Sissi adventures, season 1:
👸 Sissi adventures, season 2:
👸 Sissi adventures, season 3:

🎬Check out our playlists:
👑 Sissi Jeune Imperatrice en francais:
🦁 The jungle book series:
🎦 Full movies for kids:
👶 Playtime Buddies - cartoons in English:
🐉 Beast keeper animated series:

Elizabeth, by all called Sissi, lives happily in the charming Possi castle in Bavaria. She loves her family, as well as all animals and is a free and rebellious spirit. It all starts on the day that her sister Nene is convened by the Emperor’s mother, to become the bride of his son Franz, but instead Franz falls in love at first sight with Sissi. And so begins the most romantic love story of all times.
The story is a mixture of adventure, love and intrigue but also of Magic and Mystery. Sissi in fact finds a magic bracelet, thanks to which she can live exciting adventures saving her animal friends!

@CartoonChannel- Fantastic channel full of magical cartoons for kids. Animation from all over the world, thousands of episodes, endless adventure! Check out our playlists and choose your language. Enjoy!

#MondoWorld #sissi #cartoons #cartoonsforkids #cartoonsinenglish #mondocartoons #sisi2

0 Views · 1 year ago

Prince Rakhal– accompanied by his convoy of the five knights of nature – return to the Royal palace in the land of dinosaurs. They escort Ari – the young son of Rakhal and Kindra, known by all as the child of the fifth prophecy who is to be crowned king of the Lands Forgotten in Time and the Land of Dinosaurs. Suddenly… without warning and with furious anger, the forces of evil– led by the wicked Maya and her allies – attack the palace and attempt to capture the young king.

0 Views · 1 year ago

Cartoons for children - SISSI The Young Empress 👑 season 2 ep. 5 - animated series for kids in English 🎀 The adventures of Sissi 👸 the charming young Empress of Austria, the free-spirited young lady who resists etiquette, and the duties of the court to follow her heart. 💟

💚 Click and GET NOTIFIED about new cartoons:
👸 Sissi adventures, season 1:
👸 Sissi adventures, season 2:
👸 Sissi adventures, season 3:

🎬Check out our playlists:
👑 Sissi Jeune Imperatrice en francais:
🦁 The jungle book series:
🎦 Full movies for kids:
👶 Playtime Buddies - cartoons in English:
🐉 Beast keeper animated series:

Elizabeth, by all called Sissi, lives happily in the charming Possi castle in Bavaria. She loves her family, as well as all animals and is a free and rebellious spirit. It all starts on the day that her sister Nene is convened by the Emperor’s mother, to become the bride of his son Franz, but instead Franz falls in love at first sight with Sissi. And so begins the most romantic love story of all times.
The story is a mixture of adventure, love and intrigue but also of Magic and Mystery. Sissi in fact finds a magic bracelet, thanks to which she can live exciting adventures saving her animal friends!

@CartoonChannel- Fantastic channel full of magical cartoons for kids. Animation from all over the world, thousands of episodes, endless adventure! Check out our playlists and choose your language. Enjoy!

#MondoWorld #sissi #cartoons #cartoonsforkids #cartoonsinenglish #mondocartoons #sisi2

0 Views · 1 year ago

ANGEL'S FRIENDS season 2 episode 22 | THE GORTH CASTLE PART TWO | After the Summer vacations, Angels and Devils return to the Golden School to begin the second year of their stage, there new Earthly Ones are given to them.

Meanwhile Sulfus is blackmailed by two masked eternals who hold in their possession Raf's mother: Angelie . In order to make sure Sulfus doesn't try to escape their control, a mysterious girl: Blu , watches over him. Raf and Sulfus' love is highly tested with the appearence of these new enemies and more mysteries about Raf's past are revealed.

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#mondoworld #mondocartoons #angelsfriendsen

0 Views · 1 year ago

ANGEL'S FRIENDS season 2 episode 31 | FRIENDSHIP PROOF PART ONE | After the Summer vacations, Angels and Devils return to the Golden School to begin the second year of their stage, there new Earthly Ones are given to them.

Meanwhile Sulfus is blackmailed by two masked eternals who hold in their possession Raf's mother: Angelie . In order to make sure Sulfus doesn't try to escape their control, a mysterious girl: Blu , watches over him. Raf and Sulfus' love is highly tested with the appearence of these new enemies and more mysteries about Raf's past are revealed.

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#mondoworld #mondocartoons #angelsfriendsen

0 Views · 1 year ago

ANGEL'S FRIENDS season 2 episode 44 | AND IF THEY WOULD WIN PART TWO | After the Summer vacations, Angels and Devils return to the Golden School to begin the second year of their stage, there new Earthly Ones are given to them.

Meanwhile Sulfus is blackmailed by two masked eternals who hold in their possession Raf's mother: Angelie . In order to make sure Sulfus doesn't try to escape their control, a mysterious girl: Blu , watches over him. Raf and Sulfus' love is highly tested with the appearence of these new enemies and more mysteries about Raf's past are revealed.

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#mondoworld #mondocartoons #angelsfriendsen

0 Views · 1 year ago

Cartoons for children - SISSI The Young Empress 👑 season 2 ep. 4 - animated series for kids in English 🎀 The adventures of Sissi 👸 the charming young Empress of Austria, the free-spirited young lady who resists etiquette, and the duties of the court to follow her heart. 💟

💚 Click and GET NOTIFIED about new cartoons:
👸 Sissi adventures, season 1:
👸 Sissi adventures, season 2:
👸 Sissi adventures, season 3:

🎬 Check out our playlists:
👑 Sissi Jeune Imperatrice en francais:
🦁 The jungle book series:
🎦 Full movies for kids:
👶 Playtime Buddies - cartoons in English:
🐉 Beast keeper animated series:

Elizabeth, by all called Sissi, lives happily in the charming Possi castle in Bavaria. She loves her family, as well as all animals and is a free and rebellious spirit. It all starts on the day that her sister Nene is convened by the Emperor’s mother, to become the bride of his son Franz, but instead Franz falls in love at first sight with Sissi. And so begins the most romantic love story of all times.
The story is a mixture of adventure, love and intrigue but also of Magic and Mystery. Sissi in fact finds a magic bracelet, thanks to which she can live exciting adventures saving her animal friends!

@CartoonChannel- Fantastic channel full of magical cartoons for kids. Animation from all over the world, thousands of episodes, endless adventure! Check out our playlists and choose your language. Enjoy!

#MondoWorld #sissi #cartoons #cartoonsforkids #cartoonsinenglish #mondocartoons #sisi2

0 Views · 1 year ago

Cartoons for children - SISSI The Young Empress 👑 season 2 ep. 9 - animated series for kids in English 🎀 The adventures of Sissi 👸 the charming young Empress of Austria, the free-spirited young lady who resists etiquette, and the duties of the court to follow her heart. 💟

💚 Click and GET NOTIFIED about new cartoons:
👸 Sissi adventures, season 1:
👸 Sissi adventures, season 2:
👸 Sissi adventures, season 3:

🎬Check out our playlists:
👑 Sissi Jeune Imperatrice en francais:
🦁 The jungle book series:
🎦 Full movies for kids:
👶 Playtime Buddies - cartoons in English:
🐉 Beast keeper animated series:

Elizabeth, by all called Sissi, lives happily in the charming Possi castle in Bavaria. She loves her family, as well as all animals and is a free and rebellious spirit. It all starts on the day that her sister Nene is convened by the Emperor’s mother, to become the bride of his son Franz, but instead Franz falls in love at first sight with Sissi. And so begins the most romantic love story of all times.
The story is a mixture of adventure, love and intrigue but also of Magic and Mystery. Sissi in fact finds a magic bracelet, thanks to which she can live exciting adventures saving her animal friends!

@CartoonChannel- Fantastic channel full of magical cartoons for kids. Animation from all over the world, thousands of episodes, endless adventure! Check out our playlists and choose your language. Enjoy!

#MondoWorld #sissi #cartoons #cartoonsforkids #cartoonsinenglish #mondocartoons #sisi2

0 Views · 1 year ago

Cartoons for children - SISSI The Young Empress 👑 season 2 ep. 6 - animated series for kids in English 🎀 The adventures of Sissi 👸 the charming young Empress of Austria, the free-spirited young lady who resists etiquette, and the duties of the court to follow her heart. 💟

💚 Click and GET NOTIFIED about new cartoons:
👸 Sissi adventures, season 1:
👸 Sissi adventures, season 2:
👸 Sissi adventures, season 3:

🎬Check out our playlists:
👑 Sissi Jeune Imperatrice en francais:
🦁 The jungle book series:
🎦 Full movies for kids:
👶 Playtime Buddies - cartoons in English:
🐉 Beast keeper animated series:

Elizabeth, by all called Sissi, lives happily in the charming Possi castle in Bavaria. She loves her family, as well as all animals and is a free and rebellious spirit. It all starts on the day that her sister Nene is convened by the Emperor’s mother, to become the bride of his son Franz, but instead Franz falls in love at first sight with Sissi. And so begins the most romantic love story of all times.
The story is a mixture of adventure, love and intrigue but also of Magic and Mystery. Sissi in fact finds a magic bracelet, thanks to which she can live exciting adventures saving her animal friends!

@CartoonChannel- Fantastic channel full of magical cartoons for kids. Animation from all over the world, thousands of episodes, endless adventure! Check out our playlists and choose your language. Enjoy!

#MondoWorld #sissi #cartoons #cartoonsforkids #cartoonsinenglish #mondocartoons #sisi2

0 Views · 1 year ago

ANGEL'S FRIENDS season 2 episode 26 | SPRING DANCE PART TWO | After the Summer vacations, Angels and Devils return to the Golden School to begin the second year of their stage, there new Earthly Ones are given to them.

Meanwhile Sulfus is blackmailed by two masked eternals who hold in their possession Raf's mother: Angelie . In order to make sure Sulfus doesn't try to escape their control, a mysterious girl: Blu , watches over him. Raf and Sulfus' love is highly tested with the appearence of these new enemies and more mysteries about Raf's past are revealed.

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#mondoworld #mondocartoons #angelsfriendsen

0 Views · 1 year ago

ANGEL'S FRIENDS season 2 episode 30 | GUILTY AND INNOCENT PART TWO | After the Summer vacations, Angels and Devils return to the Golden School to begin the second year of their stage, there new Earthly Ones are given to them.

Meanwhile Sulfus is blackmailed by two masked eternals who hold in their possession Raf's mother: Angelie . In order to make sure Sulfus doesn't try to escape their control, a mysterious girl: Blu , watches over him. Raf and Sulfus' love is highly tested with the appearence of these new enemies and more mysteries about Raf's past are revealed.

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#mondoworld #mondocartoons #angelsfriendsen

0 Views · 1 year ago

Hundreds of years ago, the inhabitants of a pacific town where kidnapped by a supreme and evil mind to be transported to planets used as incubation machines, where they would be mutated into monstrous viruses in order to conquer the Earth. Today, the Earth is sick, pollution and human beings have allowed viruses to arrive and spread. Each virus has different characteristics and super powers: they transform themselves, they multiply, they mutate and they fuse to become more powerful. However, they still keep a piece of humanity which sometimes prevails. The clamorous finding of a genial scientist, allow five guys to have a special DNA to become anti-virus. The only one condition to allow transformation is that they get in physical contact with the viruses. With their agility, bravery, cleverness and their super powers, they will save the world.

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ANGEL'S FRIENDS season 2 episode 43 | AND IF THEY WOULD WIN PART ONE | After the Summer vacations, Angels and Devils return to the Golden School to begin the second year of their stage, there new Earthly Ones are given to them.

Meanwhile Sulfus is blackmailed by two masked eternals who hold in their possession Raf's mother: Angelie . In order to make sure Sulfus doesn't try to escape their control, a mysterious girl: Blu , watches over him. Raf and Sulfus' love is highly tested with the appearence of these new enemies and more mysteries about Raf's past are revealed.

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#mondoworld #mondocartoons #angelsfriendsen

0 Views · 1 year ago

ANGEL'S FRIENDS season 2 episode 33 | FRIENDS FOREVER PART ONE | After the Summer vacations, Angels and Devils return to the Golden School to begin the second year of their stage, there new Earthly Ones are given to them.

Meanwhile Sulfus is blackmailed by two masked eternals who hold in their possession Raf's mother: Angelie . In order to make sure Sulfus doesn't try to escape their control, a mysterious girl: Blu , watches over him. Raf and Sulfus' love is highly tested with the appearence of these new enemies and more mysteries about Raf's past are revealed.

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Cartoons for children - SISSI The Young Empress 👑 season 2 ep. 11 - animated series for kids in English 🎀 The adventures of Sissi 👸 the charming young Empress of Austria, the free-spirited young lady who resists etiquette, and the duties of the court to follow her heart. 💟

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👸 Sissi adventures, season 1:
👸 Sissi adventures, season 2:
👸 Sissi adventures, season 3:

🎬Check out our playlists:
👑 Sissi Jeune Imperatrice en francais:
🦁 The jungle book series:
🎦 Full movies for kids:
👶 Playtime Buddies - cartoons in English:
🐉 Beast keeper animated series:

Elizabeth, by all called Sissi, lives happily in the charming Possi castle in Bavaria. She loves her family, as well as all animals and is a free and rebellious spirit. It all starts on the day that her sister Nene is convened by the Emperor’s mother, to become the bride of his son Franz, but instead Franz falls in love at first sight with Sissi. And so begins the most romantic love story of all times.
The story is a mixture of adventure, love and intrigue but also of Magic and Mystery. Sissi in fact finds a magic bracelet, thanks to which she can live exciting adventures saving her animal friends!

@CartoonChannel- Fantastic channel full of magical cartoons for kids. Animation from all over the world, thousands of episodes, endless adventure! Check out our playlists and choose your language. Enjoy!

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0 Views · 1 year ago

“Simba Junior” is our Little King Lion’s second adventure. This time Simba and friends go to New York on the lookout for Winner the Dog, who has been kidnapped. However, right there in “The Big Apple”, we find Winner has since become the coach and trainer of a soccer team set to participate in the first ever “Animal Soccer World Cup”. On each team are animals typical of the nations they represent. This is sure to be the most extraordinary and unforgettable tournament ever played in the whole wide world!

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0 Views · 1 year ago

Cartoons for children - SISSI The Young Empress 👑 season 2 ep. 2 - animated series for kids in English 🎀 The adventures of Sissi 👸 the charming young Empress of Austria, the free-spirited young lady who resists etiquette, and the duties of the court to follow her heart. 💟

💚 Click and GET NOTIFIED about new cartoons:
👸 Sissi adventures, season 1:
👸 Sissi adventures, season 2:
👸 Sissi adventures, season 3:

🎬Check out our playlists:
👑 @mondoworldfr8051 - Sissi Jeune Imperatrice en francais:
🦁 The jungle book series:
🎦 Full movies for kids:
👶 Playtime Buddies - cartoons in English:
🐉 Beast keeper animated series:

Elizabeth, by all called Sissi, lives happily in the charming Possi castle in Bavaria. She loves her family, as well as all animals and is a free and rebellious spirit. It all starts on the day that her sister Nene is convened by the Emperor’s mother, to become the bride of his son Franz, but instead Franz falls in love at first sight with Sissi. And so begins the most romantic love story of all times.
The story is a mixture of adventure, love and intrigue but also of Magic and Mystery. Sissi in fact finds a magic bracelet, thanks to which she can live exciting adventures saving her animal friends!

@CartoonChannel- Fantastic channel full of magical cartoons for kids. Animation from all over the world, thousands of episodes, endless adventure! Check out our playlists and choose your language. Enjoy!

#MondoWorld #sissi #cartoons #cartoonsforkids #cartoonsinenglish #mondocartoons #sisi2

0 Views · 1 year ago

ANGEL'S FRIENDS season 2 episode 18 | IMPRISONED PART TWO | After the Summer vacations, Angels and Devils return to the Golden School to begin the second year of their stage, there new Earthly Ones are given to them.

Meanwhile Sulfus is blackmailed by two masked eternals who hold in their possession Raf's mother: Angelie . In order to make sure Sulfus doesn't try to escape their control, a mysterious girl: Blu , watches over him. Raf and Sulfus' love is highly tested with the appearence of these new enemies and more mysteries about Raf's past are revealed.

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ANGEL'S FRIENDS season 2 episode 25 | SPRING DANCE PART ONE | After the Summer vacations, Angels and Devils return to the Golden School to begin the second year of their stage, there new Earthly Ones are given to them.

Meanwhile Sulfus is blackmailed by two masked eternals who hold in their possession Raf's mother: Angelie . In order to make sure Sulfus doesn't try to escape their control, a mysterious girl: Blu , watches over him. Raf and Sulfus' love is highly tested with the appearence of these new enemies and more mysteries about Raf's past are revealed.

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0 Views · 1 year ago

After Farhat and his friends reconstructed an ancient magical crystal called the Shariman it started to feed their country with powerful bright energy. But there are mysteries hidden in the power of this crystal that our friends did not expect… Fahrat once again will have to face new challenges in the season 2 of the famous series full of adventures!

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ANGEL'S FRIENDS season 2 episode 20 | GROUP PROJECTION PART TWO | After the Summer vacations, Angels and Devils return to the Golden School to begin the second year of their stage, there new Earthly Ones are given to them.

Meanwhile Sulfus is blackmailed by two masked eternals who hold in their possession Raf's mother: Angelie . In order to make sure Sulfus doesn't try to escape their control, a mysterious girl: Blu , watches over him. Raf and Sulfus' love is highly tested with the appearence of these new enemies and more mysteries about Raf's past are revealed.

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ANGEL'S FRIENDS season 2 episode 48 | DARKLIGHT FLY PART TWO | After the Summer vacations, Angels and Devils return to the Golden School to begin the second year of their stage, there new Earthly Ones are given to them.

Meanwhile Sulfus is blackmailed by two masked eternals who hold in their possession Raf's mother: Angelie . In order to make sure Sulfus doesn't try to escape their control, a mysterious girl: Blu , watches over him. Raf and Sulfus' love is highly tested with the appearence of these new enemies and more mysteries about Raf's past are revealed.

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4 Views · 1 year ago

In order to feed his family, a man catches a fighting fish that has leapt out of a pond, but the man’s children remind him that it’s bad luck to eat a fighting fish. The family hurries back to the pond with the fish, but when they get there, they realize the fish is sick. Grandma advises her two grandchildren to collect some special leaves that will save the creature’s life. Thanks to the courage of both children, the fish’s health is restored, and it vows to use its magic powers to help the family should the need arise. Later, a severe storm destroys the family’s fields, and the fighting fish uses its magic to revive vegetable plants of every kind and size ergo saving the humans from possible starvation. All the members of the family take part in a solemn ceremony to give thanks to the gods, and their benefactor, the fighting fish.

0 Views · 1 year ago

ANGEL'S FRIENDS season 2 episode 19 | GROUP PROJECTION PART ONE | After the Summer vacations, Angels and Devils return to the Golden School to begin the second year of their stage, there new Earthly Ones are given to them.

Meanwhile Sulfus is blackmailed by two masked eternals who hold in their possession Raf's mother: Angelie . In order to make sure Sulfus doesn't try to escape their control, a mysterious girl: Blu , watches over him. Raf and Sulfus' love is highly tested with the appearence of these new enemies and more mysteries about Raf's past are revealed.

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0 Views · 1 year ago

ANGEL'S FRIENDS season 2 episode 32 | FRIENDSHIP PROOF PART TWO | After the Summer vacations, Angels and Devils return to the Golden School to begin the second year of their stage, there new Earthly Ones are given to them.

Meanwhile Sulfus is blackmailed by two masked eternals who hold in their possession Raf's mother: Angelie . In order to make sure Sulfus doesn't try to escape their control, a mysterious girl: Blu , watches over him. Raf and Sulfus' love is highly tested with the appearence of these new enemies and more mysteries about Raf's past are revealed.

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0 Views · 1 year ago

Two little birds are rescued and adopted by an oak tree that raises them with great and loving care. Unfortunately, Mother Oak is attacked by a swarm of parasites and falls sick. A wise, old female turtle that lives in the ocean then tells the little birds where to find a medicine that will heal Mother Oak. The remedy is the extract of a flower that can only be found on the peak of a tall, snow-capped mountain. The birds set out for the mountain, but along the way, are caught in severe storm causing them to be separated from each other. One of the birds continues to climb the mountain, but when the other one finds itself alone, it gives up. In the meantime, Dr. Woodpecker tries unsuccessfully to treat Mother Oak, but when the two little birds don’t come back, the doctor decides to go look for the miraculous flower himself. On the mountain peak, the doctor finds one of the two little birds with the extract that will heal the oak tree. Mother Oak recovers, and the little bird that gave up then apologizes to his mother and brother for giving in too hastily.

0 Views · 1 year ago

ANGEL'S FRIENDS season 2 episode 27 | DISHARMONIC VIBRATION PART ONE | After the Summer vacations, Angels and Devils return to the Golden School to begin the second year of their stage, there new Earthly Ones are given to them.

Meanwhile Sulfus is blackmailed by two masked eternals who hold in their possession Raf's mother: Angelie . In order to make sure Sulfus doesn't try to escape their control, a mysterious girl: Blu , watches over him. Raf and Sulfus' love is highly tested with the appearence of these new enemies and more mysteries about Raf's past are revealed.

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0 Views · 1 year ago

After having been separated from Richard who has set out on a long journey, Snow White tries to live happily in the castle. However, Chrystel, having since discovered that her beauty is now dwarfed by that of the girl, is put into such a state of anguish that she commissions a hunter named Samson to kill Snow White. The next day she enacts her evil plan by persuading Snow White to take a walk in the woods with the hunter to see a newborn fawn. But when they reach the woods, the hunter then has second thoughts as to whether he will assassinate Snow White, as he realizes that had his daughter Louise lived, that she would now be about the same age as the princess…. And so, with this thought in mind, the hunter then saves the life of Snow White when she is attacked by a wild bear. Having accomplished this, the man then allows Snow White to go free, having revealed her stepmother’s diabolical plan, and having convinced her not to return to the castle. Her heart overflowing with sorrow, Snow White starts to run through the wood as fast as she can without paying any attention as to which direction she is headed, for she realizes that it would not be safe to return to the castle.

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ANGEL'S FRIENDS season 2 episode 34 | FRIENDS FOREVER PART TWO | After the Summer vacations, Angels and Devils return to the Golden School to begin the second year of their stage, there new Earthly Ones are given to them.

Meanwhile Sulfus is blackmailed by two masked eternals who hold in their possession Raf's mother: Angelie . In order to make sure Sulfus doesn't try to escape their control, a mysterious girl: Blu , watches over him. Raf and Sulfus' love is highly tested with the appearence of these new enemies and more mysteries about Raf's past are revealed.

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0 Views · 1 year ago

In an immense cave furnished with every luxury, Maya, Tanatos, Barbarian, Sterminio and Magic are seated around a richly set table, while men in hoods and skeleton-men fill their cups with wine. In the back of the cave, we see Rakhal inside a cage with heavy iron bars. Rakhal watches them as they toast their victory and divide up the world. In the meantime, Sir Braveheart mounted on his beautiful and very fast snail covered with wide very colourful stripes, is headed toward Maya's ruined castle in search of clues. In the cave, the five evil beings, after having spent much energy arguing over who should get the most credit for having captured Rakhal, fall into a drunken sleep on the table. Rakhal waits for the servants and guards to fall asleep as well, and then, using his special powers, disappears. In the abandoned cavern close to the one in which Aurora is held, the five little dinosaurs are keeping watch over Rakhal's body, completely still, and in a lotus position.

0 Views · 1 year ago

While flying over Transylvania, a storm causes Felix to land on the roof of Dracula’s castle. A bat named “Bat” then shows up who believes Felix is the real first real vampire she’s ever met. Felix cannot convince Bat otherwise, and reaches the entrance of the castle. Then, a strange butler leaves Bat and Felix in a chamber… where our friends get locked in! That night, Felix is disturbed by three eerie figures that disappear into some hidden passageways. Our rabbit searches for their hideout, but his search leads him to a trap door, sending both him and Bat down into a coffin where they are greeted by a young vampire that wants to play with them. Other vampires soon emerge… but they aren’t affected by Felix’s garlic necklace at all… could they really indeed be vampires? Perhaps they could use some sun! An appointment with the dentist to remedy his hosts’ poor dental hygiene is booked, and the castle finally gets cleaned up. After the quasi-vampires bid Felix a happy good-bye, their butler drives him to Münster to be reunited with Sophie.

0 Views · 1 year ago

ANGEL'S FRIENDS season 1 episode 51 | FINAL CLASH | Four Angels (Raf, Uri, Sweet and Miki) and four Devils (Sulfus, Cabiria, Kabale and Gas) are sent to Earth, in an unused area of the Golden School, where they learn everything they need to become Guardian Angels and Guardian Devils.

The Angels and Devils are required to form pairs as part of their education, each of which will have to deal with a human being, known as Earthly Ones, and help them choose between the right and wrong way in life without being discovered...

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0 Views · 1 year ago

ANGEL'S FRIENDS season 1 episode 47 | WAR ATMOSPHERE | Four Angels (Raf, Uri, Sweet and Miki) and four Devils (Sulfus, Cabiria, Kabale and Gas) are sent to Earth, in an unused area of the Golden School, where they learn everything they need to become Guardian Angels and Guardian Devils.

The Angels and Devils are required to form pairs as part of their education, each of which will have to deal with a human being, known as Earthly Ones, and help them choose between the right and wrong way in life without being discovered...

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0 Views · 1 year ago

Cartoons for children - SISSI The Young Empress 👑 season 2 ep. 10 - animated series for kids in English 🎀 The adventures of Sissi 👸 the charming young Empress of Austria, the free-spirited young lady who resists etiquette, and the duties of the court to follow her heart. 💟

💚 Click and GET NOTIFIED about new cartoons:
👸 Sissi adventures, season 1:
👸 Sissi adventures, season 2:
👸 Sissi adventures, season 3:

🎬 Check out our playlists:
👑 Sissi Jeune Imperatrice en francais:
🦁 The jungle book series:
🎦 Full movies for kids:
👶 Playtime Buddies - cartoons in English:
🐉 Beast keeper animated series:

Elizabeth, by all called Sissi, lives happily in the charming Possi castle in Bavaria. She loves her family, as well as all animals and is a free and rebellious spirit. It all starts on the day that her sister Nene is convened by the Emperor’s mother, to become the bride of his son Franz, but instead Franz falls in love at first sight with Sissi. And so begins the most romantic love story of all times.
The story is a mixture of adventure, love and intrigue but also of Magic and Mystery. Sissi in fact finds a magic bracelet, thanks to which she can live exciting adventures saving her animal friends!

@CartoonChannel- Fantastic channel full of magical cartoons for kids. Animation from all over the world, thousands of episodes, endless adventure! Check out our playlists and choose your language. Enjoy!

#MondoWorld #sissi #cartoons #cartoonsforkids #cartoonsinenglish #mondocartoons #sisi2

0 Views · 1 year ago

ANGEL'S FRIENDS season 1 episode 48 | ULTIMATUM TO THE EARTH | Four Angels (Raf, Uri, Sweet and Miki) and four Devils (Sulfus, Cabiria, Kabale and Gas) are sent to Earth, in an unused area of the Golden School, where they learn everything they need to become Guardian Angels and Guardian Devils.

The Angels and Devils are required to form pairs as part of their education, each of which will have to deal with a human being, known as Earthly Ones, and help them choose between the right and wrong way in life without being discovered...

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0 Views · 1 year ago

ANGEL'S FRIENDS season 2 episode 24 | LOVE AND HATE PART TWO | After the Summer vacations, Angels and Devils return to the Golden School to begin the second year of their stage, there new Earthly Ones are given to them.

Meanwhile Sulfus is blackmailed by two masked eternals who hold in their possession Raf's mother: Angelie . In order to make sure Sulfus doesn't try to escape their control, a mysterious girl: Blu , watches over him. Raf and Sulfus' love is highly tested with the appearence of these new enemies and more mysteries about Raf's past are revealed.

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0 Views · 1 year ago

ANGEL'S FRIENDS season 2 episode 16 | NOBODY IS PERFECT PART TWO | After the Summer vacations, Angels and Devils return to the Golden School to begin the second year of their stage, there new Earthly Ones are given to them.

Meanwhile Sulfus is blackmailed by two masked eternals who hold in their possession Raf's mother: Angelie . In order to make sure Sulfus doesn't try to escape their control, a mysterious girl: Blu , watches over him. Raf and Sulfus' love is highly tested with the appearence of these new enemies and more mysteries about Raf's past are revealed.

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#mondoworld #mondocartoons #angelsfriendsen

0 Views · 1 year ago

Cartoons for children - SISSI The Young Empress 👑 season 2 ep. 3 - animated series for kids in English 🎀 The adventures of Sissi 👸 the charming young Empress of Austria, the free-spirited young lady who resists etiquette, and the duties of the court to follow her heart. 💟

💚 Click and GET NOTIFIED about new cartoons:
👸 Sissi adventures, season 1:
👸 Sissi adventures, season 2:
👸 Sissi adventures, season 3:

🎬 Check out our playlists:
👑 Sissi Jeune Imperatrice en francais:
🦁 The jungle book series:
🎦 Full movies for kids:
👶 Playtime Buddies - cartoons in English:
🐉 Beast keeper animated series:

Elizabeth, by all called Sissi, lives happily in the charming Possi castle in Bavaria. She loves her family, as well as all animals and is a free and rebellious spirit. It all starts on the day that her sister Nene is convened by the Emperor’s mother, to become the bride of his son Franz, but instead Franz falls in love at first sight with Sissi. And so begins the most romantic love story of all times.
The story is a mixture of adventure, love and intrigue but also of Magic and Mystery. Sissi in fact finds a magic bracelet, thanks to which she can live exciting adventures saving her animal friends!

@CartoonChannel- Fantastic channel full of magical cartoons for kids. Animation from all over the world, thousands of episodes, endless adventure! Check out our playlists and choose your language. Enjoy!

#MondoWorld #sissi #cartoons #cartoonsforkids #cartoonsinenglish #mondocartoons #sisi2

0 Views · 1 year ago

ANGEL'S FRIENDS season 2 episode 45 | BROTHERS IN WAR PART ONE | After the Summer vacations, Angels and Devils return to the Golden School to begin the second year of their stage, there new Earthly Ones are given to them.

Meanwhile Sulfus is blackmailed by two masked eternals who hold in their possession Raf's mother: Angelie . In order to make sure Sulfus doesn't try to escape their control, a mysterious girl: Blu , watches over him. Raf and Sulfus' love is highly tested with the appearence of these new enemies and more mysteries about Raf's past are revealed.

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0 Views · 1 year ago

The Lion King is shot by poachers in the presence of his three cubs as part of Shere Khan the Bengal tiger’s plot to overthrow the king from his throne. Young Simba – son of the Lion King – suspects something strange, and subconsciously senses that the Tiger will one day be his greatest enemy. Simba and his two sisters are adopted into a wolfpack (the same pack that had previously raised Mowgly the man-cub). The wolves and the other animals of the Jungle will teach our friends everything they need to know. The series shows how little Simba became a lion and what was the Shere Khan's fate...
Join in the adventures of Simba and his jungle animal friends in this entertaining animated feature for your kids and family.

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0 Views · 1 year ago

Prince Rakhal– accompanied by his convoy of the five knights of nature – return to the Royal palace in the land of dinosaurs. They escort Ari – the young son of Rakhal and Kindra, known by all as the child of the fifth prophecy who is to be crowned king of the Lands Forgotten in Time and the Land of Dinosaurs. Suddenly… without warning and with furious anger, the forces of evil– led by the wicked Maya and her allies – attack the palace and attempt to capture the young king.

0 Views · 1 year ago

ANGEL'S FRIENDS season 2 episode 23 | LOVE AND HATE PART ONE | After the Summer vacations, Angels and Devils return to the Golden School to begin the second year of their stage, there new Earthly Ones are given to them.

Meanwhile Sulfus is blackmailed by two masked eternals who hold in their possession Raf's mother: Angelie . In order to make sure Sulfus doesn't try to escape their control, a mysterious girl: Blu , watches over him. Raf and Sulfus' love is highly tested with the appearence of these new enemies and more mysteries about Raf's past are revealed.

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0 Views · 1 year ago

ANGEL'S FRIENDS season 2 episode 21 | THE GORTH CASTLE PART ONE | After the Summer vacations, Angels and Devils return to the Golden School to begin the second year of their stage, there new Earthly Ones are given to them.

Meanwhile Sulfus is blackmailed by two masked eternals who hold in their possession Raf's mother: Angelie . In order to make sure Sulfus doesn't try to escape their control, a mysterious girl: Blu , watches over him. Raf and Sulfus' love is highly tested with the appearence of these new enemies and more mysteries about Raf's past are revealed.

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0 Views · 1 year ago

ANGEL'S FRIENDS season 1 episode 24 | REVENGE OF THE ANGELS | Four Angels (Raf, Uri, Sweet and Miki) and four Devils (Sulfus, Cabiria, Kabale and Gas) are sent to Earth, in an unused area of the Golden School, where they learn everything they need to become Guardian Angels and Guardian Devils.

The Angels and Devils are required to form pairs as part of their education, each of which will have to deal with a human being, known as Earthly Ones, and help them choose between the right and wrong way in life without being discovered...

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Showing 421 out of 422