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Underwater Volcanoes - Oases of the Sea | Ocean Documentary

Watch 'Blue Whisper - The Fascinating World Beneath the Waves' here: https://youtu.be/ycS5hskzi5k

Countless marine animals frolic on the steep slopes of underwater volcanoes. In many cases, several are rare species not found elsewhere. This is in part due to the fact that plankton clings to the wall and provides the fish with food in abundance. This documentary shows several of these oases and also examines the impact dive tourism has and whether preventive measures can help to maintain them.
Nature and underwater filmmaker Rolf Möltgen undertakes dives into the mysterious underwater mountain landscapes with marine scientists from all corners of the globe. This journey takes us to Mexico, to snappers, white-tip reef sharks, Galapagos sharks and giant mantas. We visit the Maldives, Colombia and Costa Rica, where the team documents rare species such as deep sea burbots, small tooth sand tiger and dogfish sharks, in depths of more than 300 metres.
The eerie underwater mountain world proves: everyone plays a part in the network of life. Thanks to consistent protective regulations, it has been possible to retain the underwater diversity - especially in the unique oases of the high seas.


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Located just one thousand kilometres off the American mainland lies the crown jewel of the Atlantic Ocean: Bermuda! The Spanish seafarers who were stranded here on the coral reefs, referred to them as "Devilish Islands" but this didn't stop the British, who decided to add the group of islands to the British crown.

To this day, the "British way of life" is celebrated. The locals, resplendent in shorts and kneehigh socks and with military honours, celebrate the Queen's birthday, fight for the survival of an already, ostensibly extinct bird species, cultivate vegetables in communal gardens and get their drinking water form their roofs.


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Saving Amazonia - Part 1: Raids in the Rainforest | Nature Documentary

Watch 'Saving Amazonia - Part 2' here: https://youtu.be/ZS27niLcT2Y

At the age of 27, Ana Rafaela D’Amico is the youngest national park director in Brazil. In order to save the rainforest, she has declared war on the drugs gangs, logging mafia and illegal fishing.

The Campos Amazonicos National Park is like a microcosm of all the problems found in Amazonia: illegal logging, cattle breeding, tin mines – and a drugs route that goes right through the middle of the park. Ana Rafaela has been fighting ardently to preserve the natural surroundings ever since she took over the management of the park a few years ago. She has already achieved a great deal, yet the obstacles the young woman from the city faces remain formidable. For Ana Rafaela nature conservation means a life without compromises, a life which sometimes requires a “cold heart”. She has to confront an invisible enemy: it is a struggle of dangers and bitterly fought successes. The small players she can catch; and has to take away their livelihood, but there is often little she can do against the big players.

And yet, Ana Rafaela’s efforts do bear fruit. Since she has been managing the park, illegal fishing has declined and no new mines have been opened. She believes in her success, and that it is possible to save Amazonia if everyone does their bit. She will not give up – this is the only way she knows.


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#FreeDocumentaryNature #Documentary #Amazonia

Free Documentary is dedicated to bring high-class documentaries to you on youtube for free. With the latest camera equipment used by well-known filmmakers working for famous production studios. You will see fascinating shots from the deep seas and up in the air, capturing great stories and pictures from everything our beautiful and interesting planet has to offer.

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Wild Ones - Episode 1: The Strongest | Wildlife Documentary

Watch 'Wild Ones - Episode 2' here: https://youtu.be/Xz4ElWreGzc

The mighty grizzly bear, the tiny powerful ant, the lunging inimitable crocodile, the
indestructible rhino beetle, the hammering mantis shrimp. Which is the strongest of them

Wild Ones finds inspiration in the rhythms of nature as shown through the wonders of the animal kingdom. It explores different aspects of animal behavior, including hunting techniques and feeding habits, family elationships and defense mechanisms, courtship and mating rituals.


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Free Documentary is dedicated to bring high-class documentaries to you on youtube for free. With the latest camera equipment used by well-known filmmakers working for famous production studios. You will see fascinating shots from the deep seas and up in the air, capturing great stories and pictures from everything our beautiful and interesting planet has to offer.

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Blue Realm - Episode 7: Shark Nation
There's no doubt sharks have an image problem. And they're certainly in trouble globally. The population of some species has declined by more than 90% due to overfishing. But there's still one place in the world where sharks thrive – the Bahamas. Sharks not only prosper there, they are highly protected. It’s illegal to kill them.
Stuart Cove's passion is sharks. Travelling In his private plane, he spreads the gospel of shark advocacy across the Bahamian island chain. And shark tourism is his livelihood. A successful entrepreneur, his main business revolves around scuba diving with sharks. Cove also works with Bahamian and international researchers in their studies of dangerous species such as tiger, hammerhead and bull sharks. And it's a family affair. His teenage children are both certified shark feeders!


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The Sea Eagle - King of the Seas | Wildlife Documentary

Watch 'The Golden Eagle - Master of the Sky' here: https://youtu.be/VwCcAh7FinU

Spectacular pictures, from the Norwegian Lofoten Islands, where the Sea Eagles profit from the hunting success of orcas and hunchbacks and from the swamps in Finland, where the Sea Eagle moves with the wolves and bears in order to also profit from their prey. The documentary presents the different habitats of the Sea Eagle in Europe. Thanks to dedicated conservationists and foresters our forests are again a breeding place for more Sea Eagles than ever before.


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#FreeDocumentaryNature #Documentary #SeaEagle

Free Documentary is dedicated to bring high-class documentaries to you on youtube for free. With the latest camera equipment used by well-known filmmakers working for famous production studios. You will see fascinating shots from the deep seas and up in the air, capturing great stories and pictures from everything our beautiful and interesting planet has to offer.

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When it comes to regulating global temperatures, forget the Amazon Rainforest. It’s the oceans that really deserve the title of lungs of the planet. Their plankton provides us with oxygen. Their currents transport heat from the tropical regions to the poles, acting as an air conditioner. They absorb almost a quarter of the carbon dioxide emitted annually.

But, so much of what they do and exactly how they do it is still unknown. To gain a deeper understanding of the importance of oceans in regulating our climate, we bring you four stories from four different corners of the world. From the seaborne lives of the Bajaus of Asia to the scientific crew of the ‘Tara’ in Greenland. From the meteorological station in Siberia to the fishermen of the gulf- stream. Four people. Four seasons, Four stories told in parallel over 24 hours that reveal the sometimes invisible ties between man and the Sea.


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Free Documentary is dedicated to bring high-class documentaries to you on youtube for free. With the latest camera equipment used by well-known filmmakers working for famous production studios. You will see fascinating shots from the deep seas and up in the air, capturing great stories and pictures from everything our beautiful and interesting planet has to offer.

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The Coast That Keeps On Rising - A Journey Along Sweden's Höga Kusten | Nature Documentary

Watch 'Band of Bears - In the Forests of Scandinavia - Part 1' here: https://youtu.be/j6vM_xlfJjI

Sweden's 'Höga Kusten' or High Coast has been rising by almost one centimetre per year since the last ice age some 10,000 years ago. This has created a hilly Baltic Sea landscape on the Gulf of Bothnia with small and large islands. Untouched nature, dense forests and energetic, rather idiosyncratic islanders have plenty of room there.
Every year at the end of August a biting stench mixes with the fresh Baltic Sea breeze. For weeks the so-called sour herring, Swedish: Surströmming, is fermented in brine. Ruben Madsen is a producer of surströmming and an absolute connoisseur. In his wooden hut on the island of Ulvön he puts the herring in according to a traditional recipe. At the start of the season, the cans are opened for the first time. Lovers of the "stinky fish" then come from all over the world to taste the now world-famous delicacy in cans. Opening the cans of "rotten fish" is considered internationally as a test of courage, people film themselves doing so, the inhabitants of the High Coast can only smile about it.


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Free Documentary is dedicated to bring high-class documentaries to you on youtube for free. With the latest camera equipment used by well-known filmmakers working for famous production studios. You will see fascinating shots from the deep seas and up in the air, capturing great stories and pictures from everything our beautiful and interesting planet has to offer.

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Giving Nature A Voice - Season 1, Episode 1: Water to Dust - The Sad Fate of Lake Turkana | Nature Documentary

Watch 'Giving Nature A Voice - Season 1, Episode 2' here: https://youtu.be/Tv_x2fX2QAA

“Water to Dust” explores the threat faced by Africa’s largest desert lake, Lake Turkana. Its principal water source, the Omo River, has been dammed in neighboring Ethiopia. If the lake dries up, hundreds of thousands of Kenyans will lose their livelihoods as fishermen. Cattle grazing, previously the main activity of pastoral tribes in the region, is now impossible because of spreading deserts and climate change. Will Kenya allow another Aral Sea disaster to happen?


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Free Documentary is dedicated to bringing high-class documentaries to you on youtube for free with the latest camera equipment used by well-known filmmakers working for famous production studios. You will see fascinating shots from the deep seas and up in the air, capturing great stories and pictures of everything our amazing planet offers.

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Animal Special Forces - Episode 2: Navy Seals | Wildlife Documentary

Watch 'Animal Special Forces - Episode 3' here: https://youtu.be/iatZLbSg6Nc

Life began in the water. And for some special forces it remains the ultimate evolutionary proving ground. Highly adapted to their habitat, they’ve become the Navy Seals. From the common pond skater bug to the exotic platypus, these animals rely on sophisticated tactics to glide atop the water’s surface, plunge its deepest depths, and navigate great distances.

Only the best equipped and best trained stand a chance in nature’s relentless battle. In Special Forces, we join the animal kingdom’s most skillful soldiers in the trenches. Some are stealthy assassins. Some set traps. Some are masters of disguise, and some are communications experts, working closely with their squadron or fleet.


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Free Documentary is dedicated to bring high-class documentaries to you on youtube for free. With the latest camera equipment used by well-known filmmakers working for famous production studios. You will see fascinating shots from the deep seas and up in the air, capturing great stories and pictures from everything our beautiful and interesting planet has to offer.

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Germany's Wild Birds - Rulers of the Air | Wildlife Documentary

Birds are truly universal and can be found almost everywhere on our planet!
By monitoring ten interesting bird-watching locations, we document not only the silver herons in the Westerwald, but also the last great bustards in Havelland. Then there are the great crested grebes in their splendid plumages, shown building their nests and during courtship, in an area of extinct volcanoes: the Eiffel.
Add to this, exotic wild birds and colorful parakeets, the newest members of the population in a park in Wiesbaden. We have resting migratory birds, ducks and waders on the west banks of the Steinhuder Lake.
On the border to the Netherlands, in the moorlands near Münster, we find the only wild flamingos in Germany. Equally interesting are the fire geese, avocets and many birds of the coastal region not far from Hamburg harbor. At Federsee Lake in Upper Swabia, we observe the inhabitants of the extensive reed zones: bearded tits. Then we have the birds of fortune, the cranes, which interrupt their long journeys by resting on the Baltic coast. Last, but not least, in the Feldberg lake region we accompany the ranger on an exciting sea eagle excursion. With this film, you are invited to experience a journey through the wonderful world of birds.


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Free Documentary is dedicated to bring high-class documentaries to you on youtube for free. With the latest camera equipment used by well-known filmmakers working for famous production studios. You will see fascinating shots from the deep seas and up in the air, capturing great stories and pictures from everything our beautiful and interesting planet has to offer.

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Wild & Wide Awake : Spring in Europe - Part 1: From the Mediterranean to the Alps | Wildlife Documentary

Watch 'Wild & Wide Awake: Spring in Europe - Part 2' here: https://youtu.be/hwXrRJFn2yA

The first part of the spring journey takes us from the Spanish inland to the rugged Atlantic and to the Mediterranean. While the North is still covered by snow and ice, here, the first signs of the awakening show up. Rabbits with their young, flocks of cranes, colorful bee-eaters, courting bustards as well as extraordinary exotic species – all enjoy the warming sunrays. We travel further, through the French Provence and into the Alps: flamingos perform their bizarre dancing rituals, wild horses storm through the wetland, meanwhile groundhogs wake from hibernation.
On its way to the North, the spring transforms Europe’s landscapes into a blooming garden. It appears in all of its tempers, stormy and misty at times, then again balmy and bathed in light.

It is the most exciting time of the year and we often await it eagerly during the long and gloomy winter months. We think we know what it is like, yet it has many appearances: the spring in Europe.

Europe stretches for over 5000 km South to North, and in the same way as climate and landscapes vary greatly along the way, so does the spring show its different faces all along. We follow it from lowlands to mountains, from the midland to the sea, from the warm Southern countries to the very North.


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Free Documentary is dedicated to bring high-class documentaries to you on youtube for free. With the latest camera equipment used by well-known filmmakers working for famous production studios. You will see fascinating shots from the deep seas and up in the air, capturing great stories and pictures from everything our beautiful and interesting planet has to offer.

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Great Smoky Mountains - A Fairytale World from Once Upon A Time | Wildlife Documentary

Watch 'Yellowstone - The Breathtaking Beauty of America's First National Park' here: https://youtu.be/TDbtv8ktZ_M

Great Smoky Mountains National Park in the southeastern United States, with parts in Tennessee and North Carolina. The park straddles the ridgeline of the Great Smoky Mountains, part of the Blue Ridge Mountains, which are a division of the larger Appalachian Mountain chain. The park contains some of the highest mountains in the eastern United States, including Clingmans Dome, Mount Guyot, and Mount Le Conte. The border between the two states runs northeast to southwest through the center of the park. The Appalachian Trail passes through the center of the park on its route from Georgia to Maine. With 12.5 million visitors in 2019, the Great Smoky Mountains National Park is the most visited national park in the United States.

The park is almost 95 percent forested, and almost 36 percent of it, 187,000 acres (76,000 ha), is estimated by the Park Service to be old growth forest with many trees that predate European settlement of the area. It is one of the largest blocks of deciduous, temperate, old growth forest in North America.

The variety of elevations, the abundant rainfall, and the presence of old growth forests give the park an unusual richness of biota. About 19,000 species of organisms are known to live in the park, and estimates as high as an additional 100,000 undocumented species may also be present.
Park officials count more than 200 species of birds, 50 species of fish, 39 species of reptiles, and 43 species of amphibians, including many lungless salamanders. The park has a noteworthy black bear population, numbering about 1,500.[38] Elk (wapiti) were reintroduced to the park in 2001. Elk are most abundant in the Cataloochee area in the southeastern section of the park.

It is also home to species of mammals such as the raccoon, bobcat, two species of fox, river otter, woodchuck, beaver, two species of squirrel, opossum, coyote, white-tailed deer, chipmunk, two species of skunk, and various species of bats.

Over 100 species of trees grow in the park. The lower region forests are dominated by deciduous leafy trees. At higher altitudes, deciduous forests give way to coniferous trees like Fraser fir. In addition, the park has over 1,400 flowering plant species and over 4,000 species of non-flowering plants.


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Free Documentary is dedicated to bring high-class documentaries to you on youtube for free. With the latest camera equipment used by well-known filmmakers working for famous production studios. You will see fascinating shots from the deep seas and up in the air, capturing great stories and pictures from everything our beautiful and interesting planet has to offer.

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Wild Faces of the Andes - A Unique Nature Paradise | Wildlife Documentary

Watch 'Wild Journey - Chile: Country of Contrasts' here: https://youtu.be/xnCx8tSztzY

With a north-south expansion of more than 7500 kilometres, the chain of the Andes is the biggest mountain range in the world. Peaks of up to 7000 metres in height, do not only offer an imposing view, but also influence the climate highly by being the drainage and meteorological divide all the same. The land in the spheres of the Andes is full of contrasts, a land of fire and ice, of coldness and heat. In the wet and stormy patagonian South, jagged massifs and glaciers prevail, while volcanos, hot springs, geysers and salt lakes dominate the scenery on the dry highland. On the western side of the range, air enriched with moisture provides for lush, lichen-covered enchanted forests, while the eastern side only receives 10 % of the precipitation which supports only semi-arid areas. Starting in Tierra del Fuego in the very South of the American continent, we travel along the Andes towards the North and climb to heights of more than 5000 metres on the bolivian/peruvian Altiplano. Onward, we follow the course of the water downhill to the east and arrive in the Pantanal, the biggest wetland in the world. The waterfalls of the Rio Iguazu, which is a tributary to the huge Rio Parana, which again drains in the Atlantic Ocean at Buenos Aires, represent the awesome grand finale. Extraordinary nature and animal stories – sometimes imposing and fascinating, sometimes funny or exciting – describe in a very touching way creation and fading and life and death in the spheres of the Andes.


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Free Documentary is dedicated to bring high-class documentaries to you on youtube for free. With the latest camera equipment used by well-known filmmakers working for famous production studios. You will see fascinating shots from the deep seas and up in the air, capturing great stories and pictures from everything our beautiful and interesting planet has to offer.

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Wild Holland - Part 2: Land Below Sea Level | Nature Documentary

Watch 'Wild Holland - Part 1' here: https://youtu.be/xadHclTvTik

Wild Holland celebrates the diverse natural heritage of the Dutch rivers and delta region while sketching the cultural and historical context that has played such a vital part in shaping them.
Wild Holland presents a portrait of this unique wetland area of Europe as never seen before; capturing it in an important moment of change, when many of the natural processes, all but strangled by dikes, pumps and canals, are recovering. At a time when new life is flooding back into the delta we experience the resilience and dynamic of nature. The series explores this lush water world through the eyes of five main characters: the white tailed sea-eagle, the beaver, the hare, the stickleback and the large scarce blue butterfly. Each creature gives access to a different facet of the delta.

In the second episode, Below Sea Level, we explore the floodplains, polders and swamp forests of the delta. The latter is home to the majestic white-tailed sea eagle, which after centuries has returned to breed again in the delta. The adjacent floodplains and polders are in turn home to the elusive hare and an extremely rare butterfly, the scarce large blue. The boxing antics and speed of the hare – or cheetah of the polder - are spectacularly captured in ultra slow motion, as are trials facing the young animals growing up. Entering the micro world of the insect, we explore the intricate life cycle of the scarce large blue and its remarkable relationship with ants. In a unique scene deep in the ants nest the chrysalis breaks open allowing the butterfly to scramble to safety.


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Free Documentary is dedicated to bring high-class documentaries to you on youtube for free. With the latest camera equipment used by well-known filmmakers working for famous production studios. You will see fascinating shots from the deep seas and up in the air, capturing great stories and pictures from everything our beautiful and interesting planet has to offer.

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Animal Armory - Episode 6: Chemical Warfare | Animal Documentary

Watch 'Animal Armory - Episode 1' here: https://youtu.be/FhXH6gtjRJE

Within the animal armory, multiple applications of ejection and odour have more than proven their worth. Throughout the ocean the cuttlefish evades its enemies by disappearing behind an ejection of ink. Combining ejection and odor, the skunk can fire its sickening stink with practiced precision. More hunter than scavenger, the hyena employs odour as a means of communication in its complex society. The Musk ox bull uses its heady aroma to mark trails and compete for mates. The tasmanian devil is well known for its foul odor but is now understood to utilize smell in its secretive eco-systems. More aggressive than it appears, the male koala intimidates rivals by marking its territories with secretions from its chest. Both ejection and odor are used to devastating effect by the innovative bolas spider. Finally, the ancient millipede deters and injures would-be predators with a noxious discharge. Animal Armory takes a closer look at these mighty instruments of destruction and the animals that wield them with absolute precision.


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Free Documentary is dedicated to bring high-class documentaries to you on youtube for free. With the latest camera equipment used by well-known filmmakers working for famous production studios. You will see fascinating shots from the deep seas and up in the air, capturing great stories and pictures from everything our beautiful and interesting planet has to offer.

Enjoy stories about nature, wildlife, culture, people, history and more to come.

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Blue Realm - Episode 6: Whale Sharks
They’re not whales at all, but by far the largest fish in the sea. Yet at nearly 50 feet in length and weighing 20 tons or more, they eat only the smallest marine animals. They are not a threat to humans, but their numbers are dramatically shrinking. Like elephants slaughtered for their ivory tusks, whale sharks are relentlessly pursued by poachers. From Africa to Asia, they are targeted for their meat and immense fins.
Whale Sharks: Gentle Giants introduces us to this amazing creature through scientists who are racing against time to save the species. Utilizing space-age technology from NASA and the Hubble Telescope, researchers are able to identify, catalogue and track individual sharks. In Mexico and remote Western Australia, whale shark tourism has proven to be both a blessing and a curse, as more and more boats vie for fewer animals. The program also features the remarkable story of shark cowboys who captured and transported 4 live whale sharks (in customized jumbo jets) to the Georgia Aquarium in Atlanta.


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Magical Oman - Part 1: In Sinbad's Footsteps | Nature Documentary

Watch 'Magical Oman - Part 2' here: https://youtu.be/Uqx1VlHv6zU

The magic of the Orient is not a thing of the past – far from it. Even now, the Sultanate of Oman – legendary home of Sinbad the Sailor – seems like something straight out of ‘Arabian Nights’. It’s a country of exquisite extremes: barren desert and rough mountains meet lush green oases and a picturesque coastline. This is the land of incense, of camel races and Bedouins, traditional bazaars and mighty mediaeval castles – evidence of an eventful and significant trade history. Oman’s climate is exceptionally regional and its population density is low: ideal conditions for an astonishing and unique set of plants and animals to thrive in deserts, mountains, along the coast and the green monsoon-fed hills in the south of the country. The entire spectrum of beauty and diversity of the legendary Orient remain a thriving reality in the small, progressive Sultanate of Oman.

The diverse scenery of Oman’s North includes its coastline with the capital Muscat and the ship-building metropolis Sur, wadis lined with picturesque oases, and the rough landscape of the Al Hajar Mountains. Quaint mountain villages with mud-built houses are home to a traditional honey farm and a hotel. But even the new-built villas scattered in the valleys incorporate traditional craftsmanship, while the goat market in the oasis town of Nizwa continues to attract livestock dealers from all corners of the country. But above all, Oman is a desert nation, home to Bedouins and their camels that populate the endless dunes of Sharqiya Sands.


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Diving With Crocodiles - Africa's Deadliest Animal | Wildlife Documentary

Watch 'The Creepy & Bizarre World of the Okavango Delta' here: https://youtu.be/5MDwmdS_V14

In Africa’s waterways, one predator reigns supreme – the Nile crocodile. One of the biggest and most deadly reptiles on Earth, it commands a fearsome reputation and strikes terror those who share its domain. Countless attacks in which victims are ruthlessly taken from riverbanks or attacked in their canoes leave no doubt that the Nile crocodile may view humans as natural prey. In fact, the animal was recently reclassified as the number one killer of humans in Africa, overtaking the previous record holder, the hippo.

In ‘Diving with Crocodiles’ cameraman and crocodile expert Brad Bestelink undertakes the unthinkable and dives into the waters of the Okavango Delta. Without a cage or any other protection, he gets up close and personal with these fearsome creatures in this groundbreaking film.

Such a feat has never been recorded before. But Brad is well prepared – his decision to take the plunge is the result of many years spent studying crocodile behavior in his native Botswana. His window of opportunity to dive is small and dependent on the seasonal ebb and flow of the Okavango. There are only a couple of months each year when visibility in the delta allows for perfect filming conditions.

This extraordinary film provides all the high drama associated with modern-day exploration, coupled with the exhilaration of interacting with wild animals. The underwater secrets of the Nile crocodile are revealed with unique and compelling footage in the pristine underwater environment of the Okavango delta.


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The Most Emotional Wildlife Moments | Wildlife Documentary

Watch 'Wildlife Laws: Only the Fastest Will Survive' here: https://youtu.be/_m4MHlQHESo

Wildlife filmmakers experience many emotionally touching moments on their expeditions while observing their main characters over a longer period of time. A lucky moment for Oliver Goetzl and Ivo Nörenberg in the Yellowstone National Park: When a wolf appears they give up on a lone newborn bison. But at the very last moment, its mother arrives and saves it. On an expedition in the Himalayas, Henry Mix is able to find Bengal tigers. A kangaroo mother even allows Thoralf Grospitz to film its tiny baby in her pouch.
But they witness sad moments as well: On the Arctic Wrangel Island, Uwe Anders has to watch a snowy owl mother stop feeding one of her two chicks due to the shortage of food that year.

This documentary shows the most touching and the most heart-breaking moments wildlife filmmakers have experienced all over the world.


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Killer Whales - The Amazing Journey of a Young Orca | Ocean Documentary

Watch 'Ocean Stories - The Full Series' here: https://youtu.be/M2Eka0RA7Rw

During four years of shooting in the icy waters that surround the volcanic archipelago of the Crozet Islands, we have followed the trial and tribulations of Delphine, a young female adolescent killer whale. Living and growing within her family group she gradually learns how to find her bearings, how to hunt king penguins or Minke rorquals, and how to get stranded in order to catch sea elephants.
For the first time, divers have dared to swim next to these great predators and have brought back an amazing collection of unique shots. Come and join us in the world of the Crozet Islands and their undisputed masters.


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Great Places of the World - Episode 2: The Vosges Mountains in France | Nature Documentary

Watch 'Great Places of the World - Episode 3' here: https://youtu.be/_SpodJL6cds

The Vosges is a multifaceted low mountain region bursting with life in the summer months. Deer and hedgehogs abound in the forests and stork nests adorn the roofs of the picturesque villages. Here, between sunlit forests, marshy floodplains, and colorful sandstone formations, wilderness still finds space of its own.


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Free Documentary is dedicated to bringing high-class documentaries to you on youtube for free. With the latest camera equipment used by well-known filmmakers working for famous production studios. You will see fascinating shots from the deep seas and up in the air, capturing great stories and pictures of everything our beautiful and interesting planet has to offer.

Nature, wildlife, culture, people from all around the world, history from all around the world: welcome to Free Documentary.

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Newfoundland - On the Shores of Canada's Most Spectacular Coast | Nature Documentary

Watch 'Alaska - The Last Frontier' here: https://youtu.be/wTujSh4fBXk

In Newfoundland, at the easternmost tip of North America, the landscape is pristine, dramatic, and very sparsely populated. In summer, icebergs occasionally drift along the steep cliffs. When the "Titanic" collided with an iceberg and sank just 300 miles off the coast of Newfoundland in 1912, the last radio messages were picked up in a small wooden hut on the Avalon Peninsula.

Today, most Newfoundlanders live on Avalon. There are particularly many seabirds here. In Witless Bay, the newborn puffins are ready for their first descent into the Atlantic. But some stray onto the coastal road, attracted by the lights of the hotels and restaurants. In doing so, they run the risk of being run over. A team of volunteers saves the lives of countless young birds: The Puffin & Petrel Patrol goes out at night dressed in high-visibility vests to collect the puffins. Biologist Sabrina Wilhelm then brings them back to Green Island, home to the largest puffin colony in North America. Here, the birds catch up on what they should have done long ago: the first dive of their lives.


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Forces of Nature - Part 1: The Grand Sweep of Nature | Nature Documentary

Watch 'Forces of Nature - Part 2' here: https://youtu.be/vRXPEeIMV8o

Northern Tibet. The world's highest wilderness. 4000 meters. The Tibetan antelope rules. Their only habitat. Oxygen levels are half of what they are at sea level. Life and death, cruel and delightful. Harshest of lands. Live clings tenaciously. Halfway to heaven - a wildlife paradise.

This original documentary series offers you an unprecedented perspective to observe China.
China covers a vast area of over 5,200 kilometers from east to west, crossing 62 degrees of longitude and five time zones. When the Wusuli River on the easternmost end sees the sky filled with morning glow, the Pamirs on the westernmost end are still in a starry night.

China is home to abundant resources. Diversity defines the basic features of China's natural environment. Temperatures vary from place to place all over China. In winter, it is nearly -50 °C at the coldest place of China, Hanma Nature Reserve in Genhe in Inner Mongolia, while it is over 30 degrees at the Xisha Islands in the South China Sea. It is the only country of the world that has reindeers in the north and elephants in the south. Nobody has ever traveled to all parts of this big Eastern country. The continuous snowy mountains of the Himalaya, the vast shore of the South China Sea, mysterious tropical rainforests, the snowy piedmont of the Changbai Mountains...


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"Cheetahs vs Wildebeest" Clip from full documentary "Cheetahs: Fastest Hunters in Africa". Watch it in full length here:

If cheetahs were race cars - definitely Formula One. Cheetahs are the high-speed hunters of the Savannah. Even though they’re super speedy, and there are few animals they can’t catch, cheetahs rarely attempt to take on larger prey than gazelles or smallish antelopes. But on occasion, the predatory cats reveal a surprisingly different side. In the Northern Serengeti, a group of male cheetahs was discovered and turned all we know about them upside down. Males are usually loners or live in small groups, but here we have five male cats hunting together as one. It is actually the largest alliance of cheetahs ever seen. This film has many stories to tell about the fastest cats in the wild.

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Free Documentary is dedicated to bring high-class documentaries to you on youtube for free. With the latest camera equipment used by well-known filmmakers working for famous production studios. You will see fascinating shots from the deep seas and up in the air, capturing great stories and pictures from everything our beautiful and interesting planet has to offer.

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The Inner Hebrides - Scotland's Island Paradise | Nature Documentary

Watch 'England's Most Beautiful Destination: The Lake District' here: https://youtu.be/4kaiNhj0aHM

The Inner Hebrides surprise with green hills, fine sandy beaches and a mild climate, at least as far as Scottish conditions allow. This is ensured by the currents of the Gulf Stream, as well as the Scottish archipelago being protected by its sister islands, which belong to the Outer Hebrides. More than half of the almost 80 islands are uninhabited. Loneliness has made the people rather inventive.

On Tiree Island, mathematics, history and physics from the mainland arrive in the classroom per mouseclick. Dr Mauvis Gore and Prof. Rupert Ormond cast off from the island of Mull, after setting a course to encounter a basking shark. The cetohinus maximus is the world's second largest fish and the two scientists are absolutely convinced that the waters surrounding the Mull constitute the mating grounds for the basking sharks.

A logistical challenge takes place on the Isle of Easdale each September. Then, around 400 people populate the tiny slate island. Donals "Mellon" Melville organises the World Skimming Championships, a World Cup in jumping stones. This is all about the distance they are thrown and they must only hop above the water twice.


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Elephants - Back to the Wild: Part 1 | Wildlife Documentary

Watch 'Elephants - Back to the Wild: Part 2' here: https://youtu.be/sAvn4OCn-oA

An entire year of the life of orphan elephants is captured on film, where we witness them grow up and be reintroduced into the wild. The film showcases the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust and its breeding and rehabilitation station for elephants. In two episodes, we are taken to two unique locations in Kenya and tell stories of the breeding, release, and conservation efforts of elephants. We use never before seen footage that perfectly shows the coexistence of elephants and the highly emotional relationships that elephant groups maintain. The result is a spectacular look at the wonderful animals and their habitat.


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Serengeti: The Adventure | Wildlife Documentary

Watch 'Cheetahs: Fastest Hunters in Africa' here: https://youtu.be/psPj_hqxp0I

The Serengeti, East Africa's eternal paradise, with its endless expanses and wild animals, makes one feel as though evokes a sense of having arrived in an apparently peaceful corner of the world.

Nature filmmaker Reinhard Radke spent more than two years in the land of the Massai and captured breathtaking images. The documentary accompanies the animal filmmaker at work on his new cinema film "Serengeti" in the Serengeti National Park in Tanzania and illustrates the conditions and the difficulties that can arise when making animal films of this scope and the possibilities provided by state-of-the-art film technology.

Particularly the unique, super slow motion footage
enables zoologists to partake in new fields of research. On the other hand, modern technology is also susceptible to faults and can therefore also hinder the work of an animal filmmaker.


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Yellowstone - The Breathtaking Beauty of America's First National Park | Wildlife Documentary

Watch 'Gates of the Arctic - America's Most Remote National Park' here: https://youtu.be/H_zzJZysj9o

Yellowstone National Park is an American national park located in the western United States, largely in the northwest corner of Wyoming and extending into Montana, and Idaho. It was established by the U.S. Congress and signed into law by President Ulysses S. Grant on March 1, 1872. Yellowstone was the first national park in the U.S. and is also widely held to be the first national park in the world. The park is known for its wildlife and its many geothermal features, especially Old Faithful geyser, one of its most popular. While it represents many types of biomes, the subalpine forest is the most abundant. It is part of the South Central Rockies forests ecoregion.


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Blue Realm - Episode 2: Lions of the Deep | Wildlife Documentary

Since the 1970's, sea lion populations have declined more than 80% along the North Pacific coast. Scientists at the University of British Columbia and the Vancouver Aquarium are working together to help save Canada’s iconic and largest pinniped – the stellar sea lion
To help understand why their numbers are dropping, researchers work with the highly intelligent mammals at a unique floating laboratory. At The Open Water Research Station, free swimming seals and sea lions are observed in their natural habitat. In Alaska, wild stellar sea lions seem to be thriving, but prove to be an aggressive and difficult animal to study and photograph. At the research station, these tame, remarkable animals are providing fresh insights into the fragile ocean food chain of the North Pacific.


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Free Documentary is dedicated to bring high-class documentaries to you on youtube for free. With the latest camera equipment used by well-known filmmakers working for famous production studios. You will see fascinating shots from the deep seas and up in the air, capturing great stories and pictures from everything our beautiful and interesting planet has to offer.

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Spinner Dolphins - Dancers of the Ocean | Ocean Documentary

Watch 'Adventure Ocean Quest: Discovering Another World' here: https://youtu.be/-ppEOgQ10nk

This is the story of the most charismatic inhabitant of the most beautiful island of Brazil: the spinner dolphins from Fernando de Noronha. Famous for their amazing acrobatics, in which spinners may raise more than 3 metres above the water and spin up to 7 times around their bodies, the dolphins are true ocean wanderers. They live in tropical open waters around the world, and some may spend years without ever seeing land. But a population of these dolphins, the Noronha Spinners, behave very differently. Almost every day they visit Noronha and gather in an area considered as the most visited bay by dolphins in the world. But why do these oceanic specialists seem to need the sheltered waters of Noronha so much?

This film reveals, in intimate details, the behaviour of the Noronha spinners, showing what these dolphins do in the sheltered island waters and the spectacular acrobatics they perform. The relationship between the dolphins and the island of Noronha, however, is now threatened by anthropogenic changes and by the growth tourism is bringing to the island, and a dedicated group of researchers created a project in the attempt to study the dolphin’s behaviour and work toward the conservation of the Noronha Spinners.


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Free Documentary is dedicated to bring high-class documentaries to you on youtube for free. With the latest camera equipment used by well-known filmmakers working for famous production studios. You will see fascinating shots from the deep seas and up in the air, capturing great stories and pictures from everything our beautiful and interesting planet has to offer.

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Baby Animals Discovering Their World - Episode 1 | Animal Documentary

Watch 'Baby Animals Discovering Their World - Episode 2' here: https://youtu.be/HAoEYZvkPDw

We find out about the sweetest and most poignant animal baby stories. Whether on land, under water or in the sky - all of the babies in this series will conquer the hearts of all those watching. We accompany the adventures of the animal babies - lovingly cared for and brought up by their keepers. In the most gripping and informative way, both young and old will discover everything there is to know about Hamburg Zoo's toddlers.


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Free Documentary is dedicated to bring high-class documentaries to you on youtube for free. With the latest camera equipment used by well-known filmmakers working for famous production studios. You will see fascinating shots from the deep seas and up in the air, capturing great stories and pictures from everything our beautiful and interesting planet has to offer.

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Matsalu Moose - Wild Giants of the Baltics | Wildlife Documentary

Watch 'Moose - Giants of Sweden's Forests' here: https://youtu.be/mnHLOl5TC1Q

Matsalu National Park on the Baltic Sea is known for being one of Europe’s most important stopover places for migrating birds. However, few know that an exceptionally large moose colony also lives here. For most of the year, these magnificent creatures roam the open marshes in great masses. The flooded wetlands lure the moose with ideal conditions: Rich food, good visibility, and no human hunters. Our story about moose starts at the time when the yearlings are chased away from their mother before she gives birth to the next calf. Their first year of independency is full of new experiences, dramatic or humorous encounters, even conflicts, and finally integration into the world of the adult moose society. The documentary shows moose life at this very special place through the eyes of two yearlings.


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Free Documentary is dedicated to bringing high-class documentaries to you on youtube for free. With the latest camera equipment used by well-known filmmakers working for famous production studios. You will see fascinating shots from the deep seas and up in the air, capturing great stories and pictures of everything our beautiful and interesting planet has to offer.

Nature, wildlife, culture, people from all around the world, history from all around the world: welcome to Free Documentary.

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Wild Ones - Episode 6: Wild Australia | Wildlife Documentary

Watch 'Wild Ones - Episode 7' here: https://youtu.be/ZwuDYCFA-yo

The proud and majestic dingo, the iconic kangaroos, cats that roam wild, the delightfully
bizarre platypus and the unmistakable koala - all call Australia home.

Wild Ones finds inspiration in the rhythms of nature as shown through the wonders of the animal kingdom. It explores different aspects of animal behavior, including hunting techniques and feeding habits, family elationships and defense mechanisms, courtship and mating rituals.


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Blue Realm - Episode 8: Shark Divers
Sharks are BIG business in adrenaline eco-tourism. And some thrill seekers deliberately pursue close encounters with deadly sharks – without the protection of a cage. The bigger and more dangerous the shark, the better.
At Mexico’s Guadalupe Island, guests (including 5 & 7 year old siblings) come face to face with great whites. In the Bahamas, scuba divers pay big bucks to get up close and personal with tiger sharks. But have we taken this risky sport too far? Shark advocates Dr. Erich Ritter and Chuck Anderson have grave reservations about how far we are willing to go for a thrill. And they have intimate knowledge of the subject. Both men were brutally attacked by bull sharks. Shark Divers also examines the controversy surrounding a handful of high-profile attacks in 2008, including the first shark tourist killed while on a shark excursion.


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Adventure Ocean Quest - Special Episode: Discovering Another World | Ocean Documentary

Watch 'Adventure Ocean Quest - Episode 1' here: https://youtu.be/zaY3NrgGLLo

As much as 71% of Earth’s surface is covered by water, representing one of the last great frontiers on this planet. We literally have only scratched the surface of what lies beneath the waves. And even of the species we have found, we know relatively little.

Perhaps the greatest challenge we face in exploring the oceans is to get close enough to marine life to observe undisturbed natural behaviour. This could allow newinsights into life in the oceans, but it is a tall order given the noise disturbance and clouds of bubbles emitted by most diving equipment.

So some scientists have now turned to freediver Frederic Buyle: they want to exploit his noiseless and calm method of diving to approach even shy animals and find explanations to some of the mysteries of marine life. His abilities are remarkable: he can descend to depths exceeding 50 metres and stay there for up to 4 minutes on a single breath.

Responding to calls for help from researchers, Frederic has teamed up with the renowned underwater cameraman Christian Petron. Christian’s vast experience includes working on Luc Besson’s cult-film “The Big Blue” and “Atlantis”, but Frederic’s attempts to freedive with predators like great white sharks test even Christian’s impressive skills.

In each episode, Frederic and Christian work closely with leading scientists trying to find answers to the mysteries of our oceans. To accomplish their task they also turn to locals who know the waters and their wildlife like the back of their hand. Local knowledge can prove invaluable in this game, perhaps even save his life.

Adventure Ocean Quest combines science, nature and adventure in a way that is enthralling and captivating, yet informative. Frederic’s extraordinary abilities and experiences wow the viewer, while his close teamwork with renowned scientists gives unprecedented insights into the secrets of life in the oceans. This series allows the audience a window into the very real challenges of accessing and studying underwater life. It is a stunning aquatic spectacle and a rollercoaster ride of discovery and personal experiences that keeps viewers glued to their seats.


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Follow Your Cat - What Felines get up to When They Leave the House | Nature Documentary

Watch 'Wildlife Takeover: How Animals Reclaimed Chernobyl' here: https://youtu.be/XaUNhqnpiOE

Do you know your cat? When she is not purring on your living room sofa - do you know where she roams? Do you know where she wanders off once she leaves the premises? No? Well, would you like to?

Follow us while we follow cats on their hunting grounds for mice and birds. Experience the double life of your domestic tiger... She will lead you on adventures that you never thought were possible. With a behavioural scientist that specializes in cats and modern technology we follow the cat on their wanderings into the wild. She maps their routes, unveils their secret favourite places, chronicles their territorial conquests, and shows us the entertaining habits of this enigmatic creature.


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#FreeDocumentaryNature #Documentary #Cats

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Saving the Wild - Part 2: Rhinos | Wildlife Documentary

Watch 'Saving the Wild - Part 1' here: https://youtu.be/4HIvP6nN0vo

Nkomazi Game Reserve in South Africa is home to some amazing wildlife, but poachers have attacked. In a matter of weeks, poachers have reduced the number of
rhino here to just five. Unable to protect them, reserve management have reached out to conservation group Elephants Rhinos and People (ERP)for help. The ERP team captures and translocates the reserve’s remaining rhinos to a top-secret rhino sanctuary where they will be protected with heavily armed guards.

Meanwhile in Dinokeng Game Reserve, an emergency team has been called to a suspected rhino breakout. An electric fence is down. An adult male rhino is on the loose. Using tracking technology, the escaped rhino is located. The team must act swiftly save the rhino whom, in its panic has slammed and wedged himself into a small grove of trees, he’s barely breathing and in a critical state.

In another reserve we meet Seha, the sole survivor of a vicious poaching attack that left him with gaping wounds extending to his nasal cavities. After life-saving surgery and some healing, it’ time to relocate Seha from his small yard to a rhino sanctuary. But he’s a stubborn Rhino and he’s not going to make the move easy for the team from Saving the Survivors.

As an anti-poaching tactic, many rhino populations are being dehorned by vets in the hope that it will increase their chances of survival. A large team has been gathered in order to dehorn a number of southern white rhinos. It takes a highly skilled team with the most experienced wildlife veterinarians in the wold to pull off such an incredible task safely and humanely. Whilst sedated, the vets take the opportunity to do a number of health checks. In this case they want to know if one rhino mother is pregnant again and indeed, there is sign of new life and hope for the next generation of the Southern White Rhino


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Wild Journey - Chile: Country of Contrasts | Wildlife Documentary

Watch 'On the Wild Coasts of Patagonia' here: https://youtu.be/YmaZyVpKQAA

A wild country. A long and narrow strip of life, where our team will share with you images never before seen of the more than 4500 kilometers of landscapes, valleys, forests and deserts of Chile.

In this intimate and classic journey we are privileged witnesses of magical moments of nature, from a cougar mother playing tenderly with her cubs on the Patagonian steppes, to the short lived desert flowering where, thanks to this unique event, different creatures modify their habits, taking advantage of the opportunity that the flowers give them.
We will also get up close with the Degu, a beautiful rodent with a brush tail. We will discover the intimacy of a Vampire bat cave, and we will see blue whales under the waters of our rolling seas.

A small sample of the enormous natural beauty of this country where day after day life tries to find food, protection and reproduction.


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Italy - Tales from the Beautiful Country | Nature Documentary

Watch 'Wild Gibraltar - Where Africa & Europe Meet' here: https://youtu.be/1rs81zEG74k

In ten coastal areas of Italy, we encounter people that have a very special relationship with their region. All of them love their country, their traditions and their work.
We met with enthusiasts and hedonists that permitted us to take a glimpse into their everyday lives. Young Italians, who have rediscovered nature and its treasures. Others, that preserve the beauty, archaeologists that apply whole new methods, farmers that only cultivate that which the soil needs. Fishermen, who fish in the same way as it was done a century ago and tough, young men who play and dance the Tarantella. Dolphins, giant sea turtles and pink flamingos, which are researched, nursed back to health or simply observed. Cave explorers, sail makers and coffee specialists are also part of the big picture.
Flying drone cameras provide birds-eye views and are an important element of the films. The results are spectacular images from completely different angles which provide us with landscape overviews and detailed insights, the likes of which have never been seen before.


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Grand Canyon - The Jaw-Dropping Beauty of America's National Park | Wildlife Documentary

Watch 'Great Smoky Mountains - A Fairytale World from Once Upon A Time' here: https://youtu.be/QRjBlFLb324

Hardly any other natural wonder on earth is more impressive than the Grand Canyon. Over millions of years, the Colorado River has dug up to 1,600 meters deep into the rock and created a gorge that is almost 30 kilometers at its widest point. To protect large parts of the canyon, the US government established a national monument in 1908, which became Grand Canyon National Park in 1919. In 1979, UNESCO finally declared the Grand Canyon a World Natural Monument.


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Moose - Giants of Sweden's Forests | Wildlife Documentary

Watch 'Norway: Land of Fjords, Islands and Vikings' here: https://youtu.be/Ap8R03CffZU

Moose are an iconic species and of great importance to Sweden. That is why the country counts on a very special expert - the moose detective. Recently, a problem has developed on Öland regarding its moose. For a few years now on the island, the moose calves have been dying shortly after birth. It's a mystery. Every effort is made to save them. The island has called upon the moose detective to investigate. He follows several leads. Soon one of the suspects is identified - climate change.

But it is not easy to convict the culprit. There are other suspects as well, the food shortage for example. Maybe they have joined hands as accomplices.

In Sweden moose are very important. They are game and a magnet for tourists, but they also present a huge danger to traffic and the forestry itself. Equipped with a full team and a lot of high tech devices Fredrik investigates into the habits of moose to protect the population and to keep the potential of conflicts between moose and men as small as possible, all the way from the arctic circle to the island of Öland in southern Sweden. The award winning filmmaker Heiko De Groot tells a crime story with strong and emotional pictures. The scientist becomes a detective who follows his leads and leans from a helicopter with his dart gun like James Bond. It is a thrilling story about the king of the forest.


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Shark Divers - One of the World's Most Dangerous Jobs | Ocean Documentary

Watch 'Rise of the Great White Shark - A History 11 Million Years in the Making' here: https://youtu.be/LAQNoOTGhXc

Shark Divers are people who study, photograph, interact with and even wrestle with some of the most terrifying creatures on earth. A select group of skilled professionals routinely work with, or near the animals out in the wild and in aquariums. This feature-length documentary focuses on this diverse and eclectic group – each with different motives in their unusual fields. Some are adrenaline junkies and many are staunch conservationists. Together, they form a community of people fascinated by sharks. Their enthusiasm (and fear) can be highly contagious! Learn all about the shark divers and the diverse group of graceful and powerful creatures they study – the tiger, lemon, mako, whale and the legendary great white sharks. Shark Divers gets up close and personal with the sharks and divers to share their passion and debunk the myth of the cold-blooded, man-eating shark.


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The Secret Culture of the Apes | Wildlife Documentary

Watch 'Go Ape - The Fascinating World of Primates' here: https://youtu.be/V3auPw3Ee3M

We are on the trail of an enigma: Do chimpanzees really pass on their knowledge and skills to other group members and offspring? Recent research has supported this theory, meaning that man and ape are more similar than we have previously thought. We journey into the forests of Uganda while accompanying primatologists that guide us through their behavioral research on great apes. We observe the creative ways chimpanzees use their tools, along with their understanding of communication skills while foraging and hunting. The researchers use spectacular field experiments to answer the question: Can a previously foreign cultural feature be implemented into a group of chimpanzees? Together with Jane Goodall, whose research and findings on chimpanzees triggered a scientific breakthrough in the 1960s, we set out to find the extent of similarities between man and ape. Using captivating film footage of chimpanzees living in the wild that come nearly face to face with researchers, we show what science has not yet been able to explain.


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The Baltic Coast: Wild Animal Paradise | Free Wildlife Documentary

Watch "The Baltics: Untouched Animal Paradise": https://youtu.be/T-xx7tYUGfM

This documentary presents the natural beauty of the shifting sand dunes of the Curonian Spit, the romantic beaches of the Latvian Baltic Sea and the island worlds of Estonia. Time and again, this deserted and almost untouched nature fascinates. In the winter, ringed seals give birth to their young on the pack ice. In the spring, Konik wild horse stallions fight fierce battles amongst themselves, while colourful European rollers fly through the dune forests. Lynxes wander through the coastal forests and in the orchid meadows turncoats and hoopoes find more than enough food. On the islands around Saaremaa in Estonia, grey seals hunt for fish. They share the archipelago with Europe’s largest tern, the Caspian tern.


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The Sumatran Tiger - The Last of Their Kind | Free Wildlife Documentary

Watch: "Swamp Tigers: Rare Footage of the Royal Bengal Tiger" https://youtu.be/pebAilYAGm8

In January 2009 a resin tapper is brutally attacked and killed in the forests of Sumatra’s Jambi Province. In the following months there are 7 more deaths, each more gruesome than the last. The culprit is a 200 lb Sumatran tiger, a critically endangered species.
But this isn’t the only crime here. Over 60% of Sumatra’s rainforest has disappeared in the last 25 years, cleared by global paper companies and for oil palm plantations and leaving behind a biological desert. Man is not normally on the menu for these tigers but the destruction of their habitat and prey means this majestic predator has been left with no choice. With less than 400 Sumatran tigers left in the wild it is expected to be the first predator to go extinct this century.
But hope lies with a small group of dedicated individuals. In a race against the clock specially trained forest rangers must find the man-eater before local hunters do. With so few left in the wild Indonesia’s Taman Safari must breed a pure bloodline of Sumatran tigers to save the species from extinction. As time rapidly runs out Zoological Society of London’s Tom Maddox must find a solution to the tiger conflict to save humans from tigers and tigers from humans.
This film reveals two top predators living on the same piece of land. It is the story of powerful creatures pushed to the brink and the humans that risk everything to save them.


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Gates of the Arctic - America's Most Remote National Park | Wildlife Documentary

Watch 'Majestic Bears of Alaska & British Columbia' here: https://youtu.be/aj76L7k8H5U

Gates of the Arctic National Park and Preserve is an American national park that protects portions of the Brooks Range in northern Alaska. The park is the northernmost national park in the United States, situated entirely north of the Arctic Circle. The park is the second largest in the US, slightly larger in area than Belgium. Gates of the Arctic was initially designated as a national monument on December 1, 1978, before being redesignated as a national park and preserve upon passage of the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act in 1980.
A large part of the park has additional protection as the Gates of the Arctic Wilderness that adjoins the Noatak Wilderness. They form the largest contiguous wilderness in the United States together.
Fauna include brown bears, black bears, muskoxen, moose, Dall sheep, timber wolves, wolverines, coyotes, lynxes, marmots, porcupines, river otters, red and Arctic fox species, beavers, snowshoe hares, muskrats, bald eagles, golden eagles, peregrine falcons, ospreys, great horned and northern hawk-owls. More than half a million caribou, including the Central Arctic, Western Arctic, Teshekpuk, and Porcupine herds, migrate through the central Brooks Range twice yearly, traveling north in summer, and south in winter. Caribou are important as a food source to native peoples. The park is the northernmost range limit for the Dall sheep. About 132 brown bears reside in the park and preserve, based on a density of about one bear per 100 square miles.


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Race of Life - Episode 9: Defensive Strategies | Wildlife Documentary

Watch 'Race of Life - Episode 10' here: https://youtu.be/WL1WidjQLAs

Some have powerful strides and flashing teeth, some employ poisons and trickery, so we know for sure that predators are well equipped for survival. But this episode reveals the unique ways in which animals protect themselves. Obviously, being able to flee a predator is the choice of many prey animals but there are also very interesting methods of defense which involve deception and chemistry. These include using toxic chemicals, camouflage, and mimicry. Insects that look like leaves, snakes that play dead, fish that fly, and toads with poisonous skin, these animals are among the many creatures that defend themselves in fascinating ways. Almost every animal is hunted as food by some other kind of animal and has developed ways to defend itself against predators. The relationship between predator and prey is a bit like an evolutionary arms race. As soon as one develops a weapon or defense mechanism, the other is working on an adaptation that allows them to circumvent that mechanism. Common defense mechanisms include claws, teeth, camouflage, poison, mimicry, and adaptations like echolocation. Some animals will spray toxic or foul smelling liquids at predators. Many animals have developed sophisticated defense mechanisms to help them avoid predation. Similar kinds of defenses have evolved in different species with slight variations. From the vice-like jaws of the hyena to the gunshot speed of the frog, from the strong-as-steel silk of the spider to the hypnotic patterns of the zebra, and the awesome antlers of the deer. A strong defence is key to winning the race of life


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Free Documentary is dedicated to bring high-class documentaries to you on youtube for free. With the latest camera equipment used by well-known filmmakers working for famous production studios. You will see fascinating shots from the deep seas and up in the air, capturing great stories and pictures from everything our beautiful and interesting planet has to offer.

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Greenland - An Icy and Magical World | Nature Documentary

Watch 'Iceland - Home of Europe's Strongest Horses' here: https://youtu.be/2nJMWXyQpZc

Fjords, glaciers and the highest mountains in the Arctic: Greenland's east, with its spectacular nature, is one of the most sparsely populated regions on earth. Here, people live in almost complete seclusion and rely on helicopters for supplies. Despite the harsh conditions, the residents lovingly cultivate their traditions and thoroughly enjoy their leisure time outdoors, even when temperatures sink to minus 20 degrees.


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Free Documentary is dedicated to bring high-class documentaries to you on youtube for free. With the latest camera equipment used by well-known filmmakers working for famous production studios. You will see fascinating shots from the deep seas and up in the air, capturing great stories and pictures from everything our beautiful and interesting planet has to offer.

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Croatia's Secret Animal Paradise | Nature Documentary

Watch 'Wild Germany: The Mecklenburg Lake Plateau' here: https://youtu.be/yF1C35-wP6o

Every year in the middle of Croatia, like clockwork, nature repeats itself: after the annual snowmelt, a huge flood wave spills out of the Alps toward Zagreb and Belgrade. This leads to an increase in the River Sava's water levels of some ten meters. The contents of more than ten billion bathtubs floods an area the size of Lake Constance, often for months on end, yet the Croatian and Serbian capitals are spared a flood disaster. One of the reasons for this is the fact that the Sava is able to flow unhindered. The annual floods create a natural retention reservoir for flood control: bordering the Sava is a natural paradise, exceptional in Central Europe. In the species-rich, alluvial flood plains of the last major meadow landscape of the continent, enormous predatory fish like the catfish lie in wait for prey. Fish catch birds. Birds catch fish. Horses bath in the waters. A riotous paradise with an abundant and diverse animal life. A rare view that shows what natural floodplains mean, when nature takes precedence over profit.


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World of the Wild - Episode 2: Africa's Savannah | Wildlife Documentary

Watch 'World of the Wild - Episode 3' here: https://youtu.be/ncUTfpRvykU

In this episode:
African grasslands support vast and diverse wildlife. Due to the open and uncovered nature of grassland, predators are much easier to spot, giving smaller animals a chance to run away, hide and survive.

World of the Wild is a deeper journey into the crucial, fragile interdependence between animal life and the environment. Guided by the most up-to-date research we travel through jungles, forests, mountain ranges, deserts, and oceans to discover animals, their habitats, and the environment that sustains them. Their behavior, and ability to develop, survive and adapt to a changing environment are evident.


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This foray through northern realms of our planet above the polar circle takes us to a part of our world especially affected by climate change. The often-cited adaptability of animals could also enable them to survive under new conditions. The camera team made this foray through the polar region, from Canada to Norway, to document that, which in the opinion of many nature researchers, will no longer be visible in 30 to 50 years' time.

Following the observation of ice bear mother with her young in Canada's Wapusk National Park at Hudson Bay, is a herd of harp seals on the ice during the breeding season. The Arctic Ocean ringed seals in Hudson Bay, on the other hand, prefer solitude. Should the offspring be born in an extremely cold night, they often freeze to death. Their bodies sink to the seabed at the beginning of spring when the pack ice thaws. Scavengers like the rare Greenland shark, who sees them as a welcome snack, quickly eats them. Underwater footage of this process also attempted by our camera team, very rarely succeeds.

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#FreeDocumentaryNature #Documentary #TheWildNorth

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Blue Realm - Episode 3: Humpbacks in danger: From Tonga to Antarctica
Singing louder than any animal on earth, humpback whales are famous for their haunting songs and jaw-dropping acrobatics. They were hunted to the brink of extinction until a moratorium on killing them was implemented in the 1960s. But after finally rebounding in numbers, whaling nations are exploring ways to re-open the hunt. In Antarctica, Japan is targeting minke, fin, and now... humpbacks.
The tiny island nation of Tonga in the remote South Pacific is a haven for the magnificent mammals. With few natural resources or other means of income, the country is considering opening its waters to foreign whaling fleets in exchange for hard currency. The merits and legitimacy of scientific whaling by Japan and other nations is hotly debated. The iconic species is a favorite of whale watchers from Alaska to Mexico and the stage is set for an epic battle between whalers and conservationists. Humpbacks: From Tonga to Antarctica also features Paul Watson of the Sea Shepherd Society.


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Coyotes vs. Wolves - An Unequal Battle in Yellowstone National Park | Wildlife Documentary

Watch 'Yellowstone - The Breathtaking Beauty of America's First National Park' here: https://youtu.be/TDbtv8ktZ_M

The coyote evolved in North America, where it competed with the wolf, and had learned to contend with his larger cousin. In the 1920s, however, all wolves were extirpated from the American West and from Yellowstone National Park by the Government. The coyote then became the top predator in Yellowstone.
But in 1995, wolves were reintroduced into the Park. The coyote had been the top predator in Yellowstone when the wolves were gone. But now that the wolf has returned, the coyote has become the underdog.
Nevertheless, the coyote is a survivor! It continues to thrive in Yellowstone. This is the story of how coyotes and wolves learned to co-exist again.


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Capri and the Amalfi Coast | Nature Documentary

Watch 'The Gorgeous Wildlife of the Mediterranean' here: https://youtu.be/jVn8ZXaditg

The rich and famous have a penchant for finding the most beautiful places and claiming it for their own. Capri has been a playground and popular hideaway since ancient times and has remained one to this day, with thousands if not millions of tourists visiting every year. But Capri’s most famous spot is not on the island, but below it: La Grotta Azzurra!

When the sea is calm, Roberto rows tourists into the "Blue Grotto" in a tiny boat and serenades his guests; the acoustics naturally phenomenal, he hopes for generous tips. There is competition among the paying guests, rumors circulating that some nationalities are more generous than others. Nobody wants to look like a cheapskate, much to Roberto’s delight.


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Ocean Stories - The Fascinating World of Life Underwater | Ocean Documentary

Watch 'Adventure Ocean Quest: Discovering Another World' here: https://youtu.be/-ppEOgQ10nk

Part 1 - 00:00:00
Is there any truth in the legend that Sperm whales, the largest carnivores on earth, live in the depth of the Mediterranean? And what about the monk seals, one of the most endangered mammals on earth? Very little is known about the elusive seals that once populated most beaches from Greece to Spain.

Part 2 - 00:50:06
The Ocean Sunfish or Mola is the biggest and one of the most weird bony fish in the Pacific as well as in the Mediterranean Sea, normally living in the unreachable deep sea. In Florida we meet the massive but gentle Manatees, and see how they live, and how they are endangered.

Part 3 - 01:39:17
About 10 years ago Ute Margreff got to know the female solitary dolphin Mara -- it was the start of an unusual friendship. In the Pacific Northwest, Florian Graner found his private paradise close to Seattle, where he dives into a world inhabited by sea lions, giant octopuses and orca whales.

Teeming with marine wildlife, our oceans are full of fascinating stories – like that of the sperm whale, the biggest predator on earth, that lives in the Mediterranean alongside the elusive monk seal. Underwater filmmaker Thomas Behrend takes us to the habitat of the ocean sunfish with the help of a high-tech submarine camera. And while giant octopuses and manatees are the heroes of another story, a marine biologist tells us about her unique friendship with a dolphin on the Irish coast


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Ravens - Intelligent Rascals of the Skies | Free Wildlife Documentary

Hardly any other species of bird has preoccupied mankind quite as much as corvids. They are exceptionally curious, teachable and intelligent birds. Ravens are the only birds that not only use tools, but also make them themselves.
Many live in close, social structures and remain with one partner throughout their lives. This HD production presents many new and fascinating insights into the world of corvids: Alpine choughs in the winter world of the high mountains, rook colonies in towns, or the small, intelligent jackdaw, jays, hooded crows and of course, the king of the corvids, the northern raven. The raven is not just the world's largest songbird, but increasingly continues to surprise science due to its extraordinary intelligence.


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There's no reason for anyone to rush in Wales - if only there wasn't the tide that keeps everyone on their toes: from the cockle collector, the Punch & Judy puppeteer on the beach, to the female parish priest of Saint Cwyfan, the little "Church in the Sea". If her sermon is too long, the entire congregation is stuck on the church island.

Countless Hollywood films have been shot on the spectacular Welsh coast, but the Mars robot, which moves across the beach at Clarach Bay, is real. The landscape is reminiscent of the red planet - a perfect test mission for the Mars mission planned by the European Space Agency, or ESA.


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Wild Ones - Episode 3: Most Dangerous On Land | Wildlife Documentary

Watch 'Wild Ones - Episode 4' here: https://youtu.be/vFkTG4if2QA

With their golden fur, regal mane and fearsome presence lions are known as the ‘King of Beasts’. Lions have been celebrated throughout history for their majesty, courage and strength. Kings and Queens have taken the Lion as a symbol of dominance and leadership. The largest of all the carnivores on the African plains, lions are smaller and faster than the tigers of Asia.

Wild Ones finds inspiration in the rhythms of nature as shown through the wonders of the animal kingdom. It explores different aspects of animal behavior, including hunting techniques and feeding habits, family elationships and defense mechanisms, courtship and mating rituals.


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Germany's Wild Reservoirs | Wildlife Documentary

Watch 'The Lueneburg Heath: Germany's Manmade Wildlife Paradise' here: https://youtu.be/_vpiuULdRRs

Nowhere in Germany does it rain as much as here: The 'Bergisches Land' in North-Rhine Westphalia.
More than 130 years ago, people began to build dams - mainly for flood protection and as a drinking water reservoir. They all have one thing in common: they change the character of a river enormously. As a result, completely diverse ecosystems have developed: where the dipper once dived for insect larvae, cormorants, and gray herons now fish, swans and coots cavort. In recent summers, even greater challenges have emerged: the effects of climate change - from extreme drought to destructive floods.

On a smaller scale, a rather industrious dam master is operating flood protection: The Beaver. However, the water masses of the Wupper tore away half of his majestic timber castle - and the four young beaver kids were not seen again afterward. Did they survive? Not everyone can cope with the constant change in the dams, but they still remain an important wonder of engineering for many: for us humans as well as for a number of animals. By combining water management, ecological requirements, and tourism a worthwhile goal is possible: Because for the Bergisches Land, its dams are among the most valuable and popular infrastructures that the region has to offer.


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Race of Life - Episode 12: The Race Underfoot | Wildlife Documentary

Watch 'Race of Life - Episode 13' here: https://youtu.be/9d8j7HTGEx8

In this episode we explore the Race of Life on a small scale but no less competitive or cruel for all that. Insects burrow through the ground, hop and sing in the trees, and dart and dance in the air. They come in many different colors and shapes. There are many reasons why insects are so successful at surviving. Their ability to survive in all kinds of temperatures and environments. A strong, hard but flexible shell called an exoskeleton covers their soft organs and is resistant to chemicals, water and physical impact. Their wings give them the option of flying away from dangerous situations or toward food or mates. In this episode: Dragonflies hover like helicopters over ponds and lakes, then suddenly dart away, pursuing prey or other dragonflies. The monarch butterfly goes through a miraculous metamorphosis, changing from an egg to a hungry caterpillar to a quiet pupa and emerging as a beautiful winged adult. The praying mantis is a master of disguise. Its green body, wings and legs merge into the green, leafy background so carefully it seems to be part of the grass. Perched at an angle, with its spiny forelegs raised in a prayerlike pose, the mantis sits in still rigidness - until another insect such as a fly comes too near and is suddenly captured and devoured. Ants, like bees, hornets and wasps, are social insects and live together in colonies in many-chambered nests. Whatever it takes, to stay in the race.


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The Vltava - River of Gold in the Heart of Europe | Nature Documentary

Watch 'Alpine Rivers: The Cradle of Life' here: https://youtu.be/jpmVInEOS9c

In the Bohemian Forest lies the source of the Vltava River. Fed by its tributaries of the Cold and Warm Vltava, Czech Republic’s longest river starts its course meandering through the Sumava moorland, taking on the characteristic dark yellow color that makes it almost look like liquid gold. But there is even more to its epithet of the 'Golden River'. The Vltava has been inspiration for poets, architects and composers. Along its riverbanks, numerous historical sites bear witness to the long and rich history of the country. And it is spanned by 18 bridges while running through the 'Golden City' of Prague – the country’s capital with its ocean of golden roofs and walls made of yellow shimmering sandstone.

On most of its course, the Vltava runs quietly along, but every now and then it reveals its wild character, bursting its banks and thus in places being tamed by a unique cascade of reservoirs and dams. But apart from that, it runs freely in its natural riverbed, providing a home for a wide range of wildlife. Among others, the spotted suslik and penduline tit have settled in, and with a little bit of luck you may even find lynxes and wolves roaming the territory along this exceptional river.


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Wildlife: Episode 2 - Crocodiles, Alligators, Caimans & Gharials | Wildlife Documentary

Watch 'Wildlife - Episode 3: Kangaroos' here: https://youtu.be/QDrSuudakBE

Crocodiles might induce fear, but these commanding reptiles also deserve respect and admiration. This documentary takes you into their watery realm to catch these apex predators in their element. More than 20 species of Crocodilians can be found lurking the waterways of 91 countries… including other members of this group like Alligators, Caimans and Gharials. From formidable Saltwater Crocs to petite Dwarf Caimans, discover there’s more to these primeval beasts than teeth, scales and intense stares.


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Wildlife Instincts - Episode 4: Chameleons - Designed to Hunt | Free Documentary Nature

Watch "Wildlife Instincts: A Family Bond - Dingoes": https://youtu.be/NQEp4bwz_qo

Madagascar is home to a huge array of chameleons. The extraordinary lizards have evolved into many different shapes and forms on the isolated island.
Over millions of years Madagascar’s chameleons have become expert insect hunters. Their remarkable tongues act as natural catapults and can stretch to twice the length of the chameleon’s body.
The isolated island is home to the smallest chameleon on earth. At just 2.5 cm in size the miniscule lizards eke out a living on the forest floor. These tiny chameleons give hindsight into the evolutionary path that chameleons have undertaken.
Eggs are laid on the forest floor and hatch as the dry season commences. The tiny chameleon hatchlings enter the world alone and must learn life lessons with no paternal guidance.


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Band of Bears - In the Forests of Scandinavia - Part 1 | Wildllife Documentary

Watch 'Band of Bears - Part 2' here: https://youtu.be/t763aFsGg7g

High up in Europe’s north lies the kingdom of the brown bears: hidden in the forests of Finland, Sweden and Norway, many thousands of bears live to this day. In the middle of winter, when outside, veritable tons of snow blanket their caves, the females give birth to their cubs. For months, the bear cubs remain close to their mother and are warmed and suckled, before the triplets begin to discover their world outside of the cave. Together with the three cubs – the "band of bears" – this exceptional nature film takes us on a journey of discovery in Scandinavia’s wild forests – in the homes of the mighty moose and clever wolves, to the rare forest reindeer and hovering, flying squirrels.


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Free Documentary is dedicated to bring high-class documentaries to you on youtube for free. With the latest camera equipment used by well-known filmmakers working for famous production studios. You will see fascinating shots from the deep seas and up in the air, capturing great stories and pictures from everything our beautiful and interesting planet has to offer.

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World's Fastest Predators - Episode 3: The Jungle | Wildlife Documentary

Watch 'World's Fastest Predators - Episode 4' here: https://youtu.be/tDRtspjNaZQ

They can accelerate faster than a Ferrari, strike with 10 times the g-force of a space shuttle and outmaneuver a fighter jet! Take a journey across deserts, dense jungle and murky lagoons and see how predators and prey run, swim and fley for their lives. This documentary series captures every movement in high definion - at 1000 frames-per-second you won't miss one graphic detail of this fast paced world!

In this episode:
Enter the lush and shadowy wild, where baboons rule the day, leopards own the trees, and African Goshawks reign over the skies. The world's jungles host some of the fastest animals on the planet. Vipers literally strike at lightning speed, spiders leap toward their prey at distances 70 times their body length and, with the flick of their tongue, chameleons snatch their targets at speeds of 900mp/h. This is one high-speed trek you don't want to miss.


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Blue Realm - Episdoe 10: Miracle Vernom
Miracle Venom explores the strange, and often bizarre world of the oceans most venomous animals. Follow Dr. Glen Burns as he handles deadly Sea Snakes with only his bare hands. You'll be amazed at how a small Cone Snail hunts, paralyses and then eats it's prey alive.
The waters of Papua New Guinea and Australia's Great Barrier Reef harbour an exceptional variety of venomous fish and invertebrates.The poisons of these animals are some of the most lethal known to man.They also, however, hold enormous potential in the development of therapeutic drugs.


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Dogs - How the Wolf became Man's Best Friend | Nature Documentary

Watch 'How the Wolf is Reconquering the Earth' here: https://youtu.be/enF14DRWF3E

This documentary takes an intensive look at the relationship of humans and dogs – the special bond, but also the problematic and contradictory nature of our relation with each other, from earliest domestication up until today.


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The Baltics: Untouched Animal Paradise | Free Wildlife Documentary

Watch "The Baltic Coast: Wild Animal Paradise": https://youtu.be/MNnVC3oPZC8

The wide, often untouched wilderness of the Baltic hinterland is home to many animals. More than 350 brown bears live in the primeval forests of Alutaguse. In the spring, the Soomaa National Park transforms into a huge lake. Europe's widest waterfall is located in Latvia. In the beginning of May, vimba bream follow the course of the River Venta. The hardly 50-centimetre-long fish have to overcome a 400-metre-long rock barrier in order to reach their spawning grounds.
The Baltics are rich in superlatives: a fifth of the world's spotted eagle stocks breed here. One of the largest courtship arenas for snipes is located here in the floodplains of Latvia. More than 1000 wolves go on the hunt in Latvia's forests. Lithuania is the land of storks - with over 13.000 pairs, no other region in the Baltic States has more white storks.


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Dinofish - Hunting the Living Dinoaur | Ocean Wildlife Documentary

Watch 'The Creepy & Bizarre World of the Okavango Delta' here: https://youtu.be/5MDwmdS_V14

In December 1938, a living fossil appeared in the small coastal town of East London, South Africa. A trawler docks with a specimen never seen before. It is a large blue fish with limb-like fins, armored scales and a tail that no living fish possesses. It's a Coelacanth.
This prehistoric fish is thought to have died out along with the dinosaurs in the great extinction, yet it has lain hidden deep in our oceans, undisturbed and undetected for 70 million years - a living fossil.
The discovery of the Coelacanth caused a sensation in the scientific world. It is thought to be a direct relation to the fish credited with growing legs and coming ashore nearly 400 million years ago. It is these evolutionary steps, which lead to amphibians, reptiles, and mammals, including man. Could this recent discovery be the missing link in our own evolution?
A new research team led by Dr Richard Pyle prepares to once again make human contact with these ancient creatures, but the divers must endure intense training and planning for such a technical and dangerous deep dive.
Dr. Pyle uses specialized diving equipment and technology to drop to depths of over 380ft, into an area known as the Twilight Zone. It is at this depth he has unearthed and documented hundreds of new fish species and where he plans to find the Coelacanth.
After a once in a lifetime experience in Sodwana, huge numbers of Coelacanths begin to appear off the coast of Tanzania. Advanced DNA research reveals that these Coelacanths may not be strays but a genetically distinct, reproducing group - a new species.

Richard dispatches a reconnaissance team to Tanzania to investigate.

Their chances of finding the Coelacanths are slim but if they are successful, it will open a new chapter in the Coelacanth story and take us one step further in understanding and learning from this living fossil.


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Glacier Bay National Park - Pristine Beauty in Alaska's South | Wildlife Documentary

Watch 'Gates of the Arctic - America's Most Remote National Park' here: https://youtu.be/H_zzJZysj9o

Located at Alaska's most south-easterly point is a natural refuge: Glacier Bay National Park. An unspoiled wilderness of breathtaking beauty, where nature's entire repertoire is represented: snow-capped mountains, fjords, forests, beaches, bays and above all glaciers, in addition to a significant number of wild animals.
Glacier Bay is a paradise for researchers. There is hardly anywhere else in the world where wild animals can be observed in their unspoiled habitats. Biologist Chris Gabriel has documented the migration of the humpback whale for more than 30 years and can distinguish the animals by their caudal fins. Park Ranger Tania Lewis however, has to negotiate the mountains in order to encounter her fosterlings: she has been monitoring the bear population in Glacier Bay since 2001. The photographer Kim Heacox is continually in search of the most impressive motifs of the park and catches them on camera.
Glacier Bay is one of the last wild and unspoiled natural paradises on earth; a natural work of art which represents fascination and challenge for both man and animal.


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The North Sea - Nature Paradiese in the Heart of Europe | Ocean Documentary

Watch 'Underwater Volcanoes - Oases of the Sea ' here: https://youtu.be/09kdtQifW-g

The North Sea stands for storm floods, vast tidal landscapes, high dunes and rugged coasts; it’s also one of the most important intersections for bird migration. All year round, her beaches attract not only holidaymakers but also countless seals. The North Sea is extraordinarily varied and surprisingly unknown, her diversified underwater world often hardly accessible. In over 2000 days of shooting above and below the water, the team has collected footage of the rarely filmed and spectacular: only a few days every year, basking sharks, at up to seven metres long the second-largest fish in the sea, surface off the white cliffs of Dover. In the Norwegian fjords lurks the even rarer Greenland Shark. They age anciently and skulk their way through the ice-cold deep sea mostly blind. Every spring in Holland, massive squids meet up to mate and spawn.

The German North Sea also has much to offer: one can encounter porpoises, the smallest of all the whales, off the island of Sylt, with its young. They are mostly mistaken for dolphins and are extremely difficult to film. On the beach of Helgoland, grey seals stage their spectacular fighting on a few days each year. And last but not least: the Wadden Sea. It is among the most productive environments on earth. In spring and autumn, flocks of migratory birds stage breathtaking air-shows over the North Sea – like we’ve never seen before.


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Race of Life - Episode 3: The Great Desert Race | Wildlife Documentary

Watch 'Race of Life - Episode 4' here: https://youtu.be/5pgA9pNi2BA

Deserts are dry. Deserts are extreme. True deserts get less than 18 cm of rain per year. True deserts have very few plants. Semi-desert habitats have enough rainfall to support more plant and animal life. Either way, deserts are not easy places for animals to live. Desert animals have evolved to handle the desert's heat and lack of water. They have adapted their bodies and behaviors to the desert climate. Most can survive on small amounts of water and many get all of their water from their food. Some drink maybe once a week and travel considerable distances to find isolated waterholes and springs. Large animals seek shade during the hottest part of the day. Some animals dig a hollow depression into the ground and lie in the cooler soil while others are nocturnal. Many reptiles and other animals protect themselves from the extreme temperature by spending their time in burrows. The scorpion is one of the most ancient creatures on earth, in existence since life first crawled out of the sea. One look and you can see why they’re born survivors. Not only are their bodies armoured against the desert heat – and other predators – but all scorpions have pincers at the front and a poisonous sting at the end of their tail. Rattlesnakes can be two meters long. They’re fast, tough and with a deadly venom, making them one of the most dangerous snakes in the world. But nobody seems to have told the Roadrunner, who regard rattlesnakes as quite suitable prey.


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South Tyrol - In the Kingdom of the Alpine Ibex | Wildlife Documentary

Watch 'The Swiss Alps: Wild Animal Paradise' here: https://youtu.be/1FQS-eVf31Y

Following the trails of the Alpine Ibex and other animals who find refuge in the wild mountains of south tyrol. The Alpine ibex is a species of wild goat that lives in the mountains of the European Alps.
After being extirpated from most areas by the 19th century, the Alpine ibex was successfully reintroduced to parts of its historical range. All individuals living today descend from the stock in Gran Paradiso National Park in Aosta Valley and Piemonte (Italy), a national park created to help the ibex thrive. The species is currently listed as of least concern by the IUCN, but went through a population bottleneck of fewer than 100 individuals during its near-extinction event. This has led to very low genetic diversity across populations.


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Furious Fifties - Summer in the Wild South Atlantic | Wildlife Documentary

Watch 'Ocean Stories' here: https://youtu.be/M2Eka0RA7Rw

Albatrosses and Rockhopper penguins share the same land during a short Summer. Yet, two different destinies await their offspring.

Here is another touching story about Life. It is the mating season on the Falkland Islands. On this small patch of land in the South Atlantic, different species are racing against time in order to give birth and breed their chicks or cubs. Although they are a few centimeters apart and they are both birds, albatrosses, and penguins do not share the same destiny: the former are the princes of the sky whereas the latter are great swimmers.


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Keas - New Zealand's Witty Daredevills | Nature Documentary

Watch 'Magical Moors - A Mysterious World Full of Life' here: https://youtu.be/LxYT7QMT_pA

There are parrots that totally break the stereotypes: the keas in New Zealand just love snow and the cold, harsh mountain climate. To survive here, these mountain parrots have developed exceptional intelligence and resourcefulness. However, for quite some time now, the mountains have been attracting humans and other animals, too – and this has opened a new playground for the birds’ intellectual abilities. They explore and investigate, they burn with curiosity and never get easily ambushed. But despite their extraordinary wit, they are in danger – no one knows how long the species will manage to survive.


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Inside the Secret World of the Manta Ray | Ocean Documentary

Watch 'Ocean Stories - The Fascinating World of Life Underwater' here: https://youtu.be/M2Eka0RA7Rw

Manta rays are giant ocean wanderers, weighing up to two tons. With the largest brain-to-body size of any living fish, these mesmerizingly graceful creatures are very smart. They curiously interact with people, travel vast distances, and show surprisingly complex behavior. But mantas are under threat, and this is at a time when they could be key indicators of our rapidly changing world.

Join Australian biologist Dr. Kathy Townsend and her PROJECT MANTA team on their journey to manta hotspots in Mexico, Micronesia, the Maldives, and Australia’s Great Barrier Reef where they discover breathtaking feeding frenzies and rare mating rituals.


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Lemmings - Little Giants of the North | Wildlife Documentary

Watch 'Band of Bears - In the Forests of Scandinavia' here: https://youtu.be/j6vM_xlfJjI

To this day, we have been fascinated by the story. Every few years, thousands of small rodents gather in the Arctic regions, blindly following a leader to the edge of a cliff where they eventually fall into the sea, ”just as the lemmings do”. Today we know that the notion of lemmings crashing to their death is a myth perpetuated by a Disney documentary and the “suicides” were completely fabricated.
However, researchers know for a fact that extreme fluctuations in lemming populations are present in Scandinavia. One year there are thousands recorded while the next hardly one is in sight; but this is only due to the mass migration of the rodents due to overpopulation, forcing them to search for new habitats by swimming through rivers and crossing roads. Nothing seems to be able to stop the lemmings! Many of them may drown…
The award winning film crew of Wild Tales Productions have followed these animals for several years. Now they will get a chance to witness and film the comeback of many large predators with top-notch latest camera technology. We will also get an intimate look into the family life of the Arctic foxes filming their amazing “castles” where many females raise their cubs together during lemming years like in a “fox kindergarten”.
This is the time to tell the real story of the lemmings, foxes and the Arctic wildlife.


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Wildlife Takeover: How Animals Reclaimed Chernobyl | Wildlife Documentary

Where humans move out, wildlife moves in…
What would happen if the world were suddenly without people – if humans vanished off the face of the earth? How would nature react - and how swiftly?

On the edge of Europe, a deserted location reveals the surprising answer. An abandoned village can change in a very short time into a sanctuary for plants, birds and animals. Shy and rare species, some thought to be on the brink of extinction are found in robust good health.

This is Chernobyl, deserted by people after the worst nuclear disaster in history and now reclaimed by a remarkable collection of wildlife and the descendents of pets that were left in the city when the people went away.
This film unmasks the surprising faces of the new inhabitants. In houses where people once lived and laughed, unexpected wildlife is making itself at home. The adventures of a likeable cast of non-human characters give viewers a rare glimpse into an alternative world. Here wild animals face challenges in an environment totally outside their experience, while once-domestic species must rediscover their wild natures within.

Where is this place of abandonment and sanctuary? The location is well known and draws a cloud of uncertainty over the future for these animal characters.


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Baby Animals Discovering Their World - Episode 6 | Animal Documentary

Watch 'Baby Animals Discovering Their World - Episode 7' here: https://youtu.be/jR4BX7l4cxE

We find out about the sweetest and most poignant animal baby stories. Whether on land, under water or in the sky - all of the babies in this series will conquer the hearts of all those watching. We accompany the adventures of the animal babies - lovingly cared for and brought up by their keepers. In the most gripping and informative way, both young and old will discover everything there is to know about Hamburg Zoo's toddlers.


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Alpine Lakes - An Enchanting Underwater World | Nature Documentary

Watch 'Alpine Rivers: The Cradle of Life' here: https://youtu.be/jpmVInEOS9c

This is a nature documentary, which leads us into the fascinating world of deep mountain lakes. We conquer ice palaces of unsuspected beauty. In the freezers, in which elves, fairies and mountain trolls once did their mischief, we move, using a special breathing technique and with special cameras in search of nocturnal hunters, whose eyes are equipped with residual light amplifying receptors.


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Blue Realm - Episode 11: Manatees and Dugongs in Danger
Each year, hundreds of critically endangered manatees are killed in U.S. waters by boats, disease and cold weather. 2006 was the worst year on record for manatee deaths – 416 animals perished. With only a few thousand remaining in the wild, mostly in heavily developed Florida wetlands, the clock is ticking in efforts to save this amazing mammal from extinction.
Another rare species and close relative of manatees is the dugong. Dugongs cling to survival in a few isolated corners of the globe. In marine sanctuaries in Abu Dhabi, the bizarre animals have been notoriously difficult to find, let alone photograph. Manatees and Dugongs features exclusive HD imagery of the mammals in the wild and examines efforts of scientists to protect the two species. The program also includes thrilling captures and field exams of manatees in Florida


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England's Most Beautiful Destination: The Lake District | Free Nature Documentary

For anyone looking for England's most beautiful view, here is where to strike gold: the Lake District. Framed between gently rising mountains of England's northwest, lay dozens of lakes with crystal clear water.
Apart from the magnificent view, at the Honister Pass the brave at heart can experience the breathtaking excitement of the mountains.
Visitors hover over the gorge on a steel cable. The zip wire is the at-traction of the mountain, which houses an old, yet still active slate mine. The Lake District has profited from slate for many years and the majority of the roofs of the region are covered with it. In the old town-ship of Grasmere, the grey of the houses contrasts with the green of the landscape - a wonderfully idyllic spot.

On the western border of the Lake District, Muncaster Castle stands out between the mountains. The undead are said to walk through the walls after sunset and visitors have told of the inexplicable wailing of a child, seemingly emanating from the walls.
The Penningtons have lived here since 1208 - and with them, their strange company.


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Oahu - The Heart and Soul of Hawaii | Nature Documentary

Watch '8000 Miles to Alaska: A Journey Along the Longest Border in the World ' here: https://youtu.be/nvp9X3PC08k

Oahu island is the economic and cultural centre of the Hawaiian archipelago, as well as being a paradise for surfers, active holidaymakers and freedom lovers. The island is home to more than half of all natives and almost eight million foreign guests annually. Anyone searching for peace and seclusion won’t find either in Honolulu or Waikiki. Traffic congestion and a backdrop of skyscrapers belong to the town panorama. Hip cafes, galleries and young fashion firms have settled here, adding a new and modern flair to the capital. Cindy’s Lei Shoppe, the Chinatown florists, has been here for more than 30 years. This is also because the so-called Leis, the tradition of floral decoration, usually offered as a flower necklace or as a headdress, is still an important part of Hawaiian culture. Keone Nunes is well-known for his traditional tattooing skills, whereby the so-called Kakau Tattoos are virtually hammered into the skin with a hippo tooth. But Oahu is also an island of overwhelming natural beauty and a fascinating diversity on the smallest of places ...


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Blue Realm - Episode 1: Shark Business
Shark Business unravels some of the mysteries surrounding sharks with controversial behaviorist Dr. Erich Ritter. You'll witness divers testing the limits of shark-human interaction outside of cages with dangerous sharks such as lemon, bull and even great white sharks!
Recount the events that led to the attack that almost killed Dr. Ritter. Witness a feeding Frenzy of over 100 reef sharks in the Bahamas, and see a diver literally ride a Great White Shark in Gansbai, South Africa! This episode has shark action like you have never seen before!


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Everyone needs a place to live, but some aren't happy with the great outdoors, they look for some home comforts - they use extraordinary specialist building skills to construct the perfect home. Homes have many uses. They can prove a bolthole to escape predators, a safe nursery in which to raise young, a food store and a shelter from bad weather.

Animals of many shapes and sizes build their own homes. Perhaps the biggest construction projects are those undertaken by ants. Hundreds of thousands work together to construct their home.
Small mammals are expert diggers. Meerkats and hamsters both excavate elaborate tunnels where they can stay out of harm's way and raise their young, though the hamster likes to work alone while the meerkats prefer to have the company of an entire clan.

When it comes to making a nursery, it’s birds who steal the show. In just a few days they can construct a basket of twigs - a nest that can support their growing family and keep them out of harm's way.
There is one other good builder in the animal kingdom - us. Did we learn our skills from the animal home builders?

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#FreeDocumentaryNature #Documentary #AnimalEngineers

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Stories of the Mediterranean Forest - Episode 5 | Free Documentary Nature

Watch 'Stories of the Mediterranean Forest - Episode 6' here: https://youtu.be/PYMjHX8qGWw

The Mediterranean Basin is one of the planet’s most biologically rich and complex regions.
The crossroads of Europe, Asia and Africa is considered to be one of Earth’s biodiversity hotspots. A vast number of both animal and plant species unique to the region live in its various habitats.
The Mediterranean Basin is located in one of the planet’s temperate zones. The subtropical climate makes it colder and wet here in winter, hot and dry in summer and mild and rainy in autumn and spring. Occupied by human beings for more than 8000 years, the Mediterranean Basin has experienced dramatic changes to its forest and woodland areas, but nevertheless, they are still among the most diverse on the planet. From marshlands to high mountain ranges, from forests of holm and cork oaks to oak and pine forests high up in the mountains. All of them are home to thousands of animal and plant species, whose paths cross on their adventures through life. And each one of them has a story to tell…


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Wildlife - Episode 6: Bears | Wildlife Documentary

Watch 'Wildlife - Episode 1: Tiger, Lion, Leopard & Jaguar - The Four Big Cats' here: https://youtu.be/UiFjONQDHNM

Venture into the wild to meet the amazing Bear family … some of the largest, strongest mammals roaming the planet. JUST BEARS explores their world, getting up close and personal with the eight fascinating species that make up this group. Dog-like muzzles, thick coats of fur and large paws with long claws are just a few of many common traits exhibited by these awesome beasts. From the daunting Polar Bear of the Arctic to the remarkable Sun Bear from Southeast Asia, watch their daily lives unfold.


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Baby Animals Discovering Their World - Episode 2 | Animal Documentary

Watch 'Baby Animals Discovering Their World - Episode 3' here: https://youtu.be/EvsZ0QFzdFg

We find out about the sweetest and most poignant animal baby stories. Whether on land, under water or in the sky - all of the babies in this series will conquer the hearts of all those watching. We accompany the adventures of the animal babies - lovingly cared for and brought up by their keepers. In the most gripping and informative way, both young and old will discover everything there is to know about Hamburg Zoo's toddlers.


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Alaska - The Last Frontier | Nature Documentary

Watch '8000 Miles to Alaska: A Journey Along the Longest Border in the World' here: https://youtu.be/nvp9X3PC08k

Gigantic fjords and over 5,000 small islands: In Alaska's south there's a lot of wilderness and little civilization. The region between the capital Juneau and the Canadian border is also known by locals as the "Last Frontier", the last outpost.


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#FreeDocumentaryNature #Documentary #Alaska

Free Documentary is dedicated to bring high-class documentaries to you on youtube for free. With the latest camera equipment used by well-known filmmakers working for famous production studios. You will see fascinating shots from the deep seas and up in the air, capturing great stories and pictures from everything our beautiful and interesting planet has to offer.

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Sea of Snakes - In the Realm of the Deadly Niue Sea Krait | Wildlife Documentary

Watch 'Adventure Ocean Quest: Discovering Another World' here: https://youtu.be/-ppEOgQ10nk

Polynesian sea gods, a mysterious sea snake and a young scientist risking his life to collect its deadly venom – the intriguing discovery of a unique creature never filmed before.

The journey untangles the incredible ways of the “Niue Sea Krait”, a unique snake species, amazingly adapted to life in the sea and on land. This extremely venomous snake has long been part of the island’s life and legends, yet it has remained a mystery to the outside world.

A fascinating story with groundbreaking discoveries against a scenery which is simply breathtaking.

This deadly creature’s pristine marine habitat features crystal clear waters, coral reefs, undersea mountains and bubble caves teeming with tropical fish, dolphins, turtles and sharks.

Dr. Bryan Fry, an international authority on venom research, takes a very up close and personal look at this little known creature – witnessing its baffling behaviour for the first time, milking its deadly venom, and revealing the island’s legends.


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#FreeDocumentaryNature #Documentary #SeaSnakes

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Ayeyarwady - Life Along Myanmar's Great River - Part 2: From Mandalay to the Delta | Nature

Watch 'Ayeyarwady - Life Along Myanmar's Great River - Part 1' here: https://youtu.be/tQWNvVe_no0

Myanmar is dominated by the mighty Ayeyarwady River. The river, which is over 2170 km long and spans the entire country, is the country's lifeline and main transport artery. Since time untold, it has shaped the cultural development of the region.

Nearby the former royal capital of Mandalay lies the village of Kyauk Maung, the nation's ceramics centre. Here, the ceramics dealer Ma Pa Hlaing loads her goods onto a ship that will spend almost the next two months travelling downriver.
It is the "Mya-Ayeya", the largest vessel on the Ayeyarwady, a floating supermarket that travels up and down Burma's great river four times a year. Consisting of two barges secured to a 100-year-old, two-story ferry, the "Mya-Ayeya" is a familiar sight to every child. Ma Pa Hlaing has always sold her wares on the floating supermarket.
When the boat approaches a village, the "market boat song" sounds out from the ship's loudspeakers. Then the market is held until ten o'clock at night – a sensation for the nearby villages. Unfortunately, word has it that the government wants to retire the market boat – with the opening of Myanmar, the focus is now on road construction.
Finally, the market boat arrives at her home port. Yangon, called Rangoon by the former colonial powers, is the largest city in the country. The historic colonial old town is located directly at the harbour, or "Downtown". Nowhere else in the world are there as many colonial structures found in such a small area as here, most of them in prime locations. Many are still in use as schools, hospitals or courts. But investors from all over the world are buying them up – they want to tear these colonial heirlooms down to build high-rises and skyscrapers. The film roams through Yangon with the young architect Claire, a heritage preservation consultant for a government that has little experience in monument protection.
The film leaves Yangon in the company of a small puppet troupe. Just before the mouth of the Ayeyarwady, the river branches off into a network of small rivers and channels: the Ayeyarwady delta area, a unique world of water. And there, where the longest arm of the river meets the Bay of Bengal, stands the last golden pagoda of the Ayeyarwady River, the Maw Tin Pagoda. Once a year, the great temple festival is held here


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Baby Animals Discovering Their World - Episode 5 | Animal Documentary

Watch 'Baby Animals Discovering Their World - Episode 6' here: https://youtu.be/NE6NUlZzCCU

We find out about the sweetest and most poignant animal baby stories. Whether on land, under water or in the sky - all of the babies in this series will conquer the hearts of all those watching. We accompany the adventures of the animal babies - lovingly cared for and brought up by their keepers. In the most gripping and informative way, both young and old will discover everything there is to know about Hamburg Zoo's toddlers.


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Free Documentary is dedicated to bring high-class documentaries to you on youtube for free. With the latest camera equipment used by well-known filmmakers working for famous production studios. You will see fascinating shots from the deep seas and up in the air, capturing great stories and pictures from everything our beautiful and interesting planet has to offer.

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Adventure Ocean Quest - Episode 4: The White Sharks of Guadalupe | Ocean Documentary

Watch 'Adventure Ocean Quest - Episode 5' here: https://youtu.be/GRmbFgOw55g

The White Sharks of Guadalupe: Up to 7 metres of muscle and teeth, packed into an agile and streamlined body that can weigh in at 2250kg – this is the great white shark, one of the most infamous hunters on Earth. But the reality is that these sharks may disappear from our oceans altogether within the next 20 years. Their terrifying reputation is part myth, part reality, rooted in their instinct to hunt and kill whatever looks like a good prey animal … and that can include human beings. But how far is their killer-reputation justified? Are great white sharks really the blood-thirsty loners we imagine them to be?


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#FreeDocumentaryNature #Documentary #AdventureOceanQuest

Free Documentary is dedicated to bring high-class documentaries to you on youtube for free. With the latest camera equipment used by well-known filmmakers working for famous production studios. You will see fascinating shots from the deep seas and up in the air, capturing great stories and pictures from everything our beautiful and interesting planet has to offer.

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In the Feeding Grounds of the Humpback Whales | Ocean Documentary

In the warm Pacific just off the coast of Maui, a humpback whale mother has paired and given birth to her baby. Now the time has come, whereby she has to take her baby on a 5.500-kilometre-long journey to the feeding grounds off the coast of Alaska. The mother has already lost 30% of its weight, but she still has to constantly feed her calf.

Their destination is in Alaska's south, where the whale mother will hunt herrings with the other humpback whales. Together they create so-called air nets and surround the herrings: This is known as bubble net feeding. Orcas go fishing here for herrings, too, but also hunt down whale calves.

Again and again, prior to each bubble net, one can hear the humpback whales singing. This is drowned out only by the sounds of thousands of seagulls that nest in the cliffs close by. Employing various tricks and much to the consternation of the humpback whales, puffins and northern sea lions attempt to benefit from the prey in the bubble net.
In the south of the bay, belugas have arrived at the salmon rivers, in order to hunt salmon. We manage to dive and capture them on camera.
In contrast to the humpbacks, they are extremely tame and enjoy con-tact with humans. A unique cat-and-mouse game begins.


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Free Documentary is dedicated to bring high-class documentaries to you on youtube for free. With the latest camera equipment used by well-known filmmakers working for famous production studios. You will see fascinating shots from the deep seas and up in the air, capturing great stories and pictures from everything our beautiful and interesting planet has to offer.

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Titans of the Deep - The Fascinating World of Whales | Ocean Documentary

Watch 'Ocean Stories' here: https://youtu.be/M2Eka0RA7Rw

More than 50 million years ago, the ancestors of the Whales and other Cetaceans returned to the ocean. This might seem like a backward step: how could a mammal breathe, give birth, suckle its young, sleep, and feed underwater? Nonetheless, they succeeded in conquering the depths of the whole planet. To survive, they developed mysterious means of communication and new hunting techniques.
Whale song, tail-slapping by Sperm Whales, Dolphins whistling: what are these giants of the deep saying through these enigmatic sounds? How do the Orcas of the Valdes Peninsula learn to beach themselves to catch prey, the only Whales to have mastered this technique? Such behaviors remain fascinating mysteries, and our quest to unravel them takes us from Polynesia to Florida, from Mexico to Argentina.
Thanks to recent discoveries, and in the company of François Sarano, oceanographer and former companion of Jacques Cousteau, we discover these giants of the oceans and the secrets to their survival.


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Free Documentary is dedicated to bringing high-class documentaries to you on youtube for free with the latest camera equipment used by well-known filmmakers working for famous production studios. You will see fascinating shots from the deep seas and up in the air, capturing great stories and pictures of everything our beautiful and interesting planet offers.

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In the Wilderness of the Carpathian Mountains | Wild Slovakia | Wildlife Documentary

Watch 'Croatia's Secret Animal Paradise' here: https://youtu.be/vQDPgnpZWN4

Brown bears, wolves, lynx, eagles… where are these carnivores still regular inhabitants? Where can you find mountainous regions undiscovered by mass tourism? Just where is this place where untamed rivers run through endless alluvial forests, where eagles, storks and rare flowers thrive? In Slovakia, in the eastern part of Middle Europe, untouched wilderness and an astonishing fauna and flora still exist. Lying in the heart of Europe, Slovakia features natural landscapes, mountains, medieval castles and a surprisingly large biodiversity. The film stops at all the top wildlife spots and habitats of this fairly small country. Here you can meet the large mammals such as deer, bears and wolves and large birds of prey. But have you ever heard of the Blue slug or the Tatra chamois? Small predators such as the Ant-lion with its deadly trap, playful ground squirrels within the old walls of Spis Castle and the European bison on the Ukrainian border are just some of the special cast of this film.


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The Gorgeous Wildlife of the Mediterranean | Wildlife Documentary

Watch 'Wildlife Instincts: Survival Techniques - Iguana vs. Basilisk' here: https://youtu.be/4Ya0Niw0Rx8

The contours of the Mediterranean have changed during the course of its history. Near Gibraltar, Africa was once connected to the European continent. When the land bridge at Gibraltar collapsed, the Mediterranean basin filled up again. The Suez Canal is today connected to the Red Sea. This route enables animals to reach the Mediterranean, where they cause problems.


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#FreeDocumentaryNature #Documentary #Mediterranean

Free Documentary is dedicated to bring high-class documentaries to you on youtube for free. With the latest camera equipment used by well-known filmmakers working for famous production studios. You will see fascinating shots from the deep seas and up in the air, capturing great stories and pictures from everything our beautiful and interesting planet has to offer.

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The Wonderful Wildlife of Sardinia | Free Nature Documentary

Sardinia has always been the epitome of pure wilderness, an emerald of volcanic origin in the Mediterranean. 1900 meters of coastline and an infinite maze of offshore islands. But Sardinia also has other facets: green valleys, rugged mountains, murmuring brooks, mysterious ruins and a unique fauna.

Just off of Sardinia's coast is an untouched underwater paradise - uniquely beautiful, but also dangerous. Pilot whales, dolphins and mobula rays populate the waters at Capo Testa in the north of the island. In the west, the lagoons of Cabras represent a wild landscape of lakes in which thousands of flamingos live and hunt the red brine shrimps. In addition to the flamingos, grey and purple herons and little egrets breed here. Thousands of bats have found refuge in the craggy mountain world of the Supramonte and Gennargentu, with their countless grottoes and caves.

In the sea we can observe the mass mating of sea slugs, and thanks to our camera robots and submersible boats we were able to observe beard worms with luminous red gills, as well as bright yellow tree corals in the area surrounding the hypothermal lava holes.

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#FreeDocumentaryNature #Documentary #SardiniaWildlife

Free Documentary is dedicated to bring high-class documentaries to you on youtube for free. With the latest camera equipment used by well-known filmmakers working for famous production studios. You will see fascinating shots from the deep seas and up in the air, capturing great stories and pictures from everything our beautiful and interesting planet has to offer.

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Adventure Ocean Quest - Full Series | Ocean Documentary

Watch 'Ocean Stories - Full Series' here: https://youtu.be/M2Eka0RA7Rw

Episode 1: Shark Paradise of Polynesia - 00:00:00
Episode 2: The Giants of Rurutu - 00:51:08
Episode 3: Fragile Mediterranean - 01:41:16
Episode 4: 24 Hours on the Reef - 02:31:33
Episode 5: The Great White Sharks of Guadalupe - 03:31:54

One of the great challenges we face in exploring the oceans is to get close to marine life without disturbing it. Enter freediver Frederic Buyle, whose noiseless diving lets him approach even shy animals. Buyle, who can descend 50 meters in a single breath and stay there for up to four minutes, teams up with underwater cameraman Christian Petron. Whether in Polynesia, Mexico, or the Mediterranean, they work closely with scientists and locals to find answers to the mysteries of our oceans.


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Free Documentary is dedicated to bringing high-class documentaries to you on youtube for free with the latest camera equipment used by well-known filmmakers working for famous production studios. You will see fascinating shots from the deep seas and up in the air, capturing great stories and pictures of everything our extraordinary planet offers.

Weird and wonderful stories about nature, wildlife, culture, people, places, customs, and history from everywhere.

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