
Wildlife Instincts | The Bizarre Underwater World of Noto Peninsula | Free Documentary Nature

0 ចំនួនអ្នកទស្សនា· 19/09/23
33 អ្នកជាវ

Wildlife Instincts: The Bizarre Underwater World of Noto Peninsula | Wildlife Documentary

Watch 'Wildlife Instincts: Mandrills - Battle of the Alphas' here: https://youtu.be/ng5MNVwsgX0

When winter comes to Noto, a peninsula that juts north into the Sea of Japan, strange and bizarre creatures can be found in its waters. Among them, the blanket octopus spreads its billowing membrane as it flees from predators. Also featured are spawning deep-sea fish, a 4-meter long giant octopus, mysterious deep-sea oarfish, and even giant squid. Baby fish are a must-see as well. In the harsh winter, our underwater camera follows the amazing life and behavior of these so-called "monsters."


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