
White Wolf - Life & Death of the Hayden Valley Pack | Part 1 | Free Documentary Nature

0 ចំនួនអ្នកទស្សនា· 19/09/23
33 អ្នកជាវ

White Wolf - Life & Death of the Hayden Valley Pack | Wildlife Documentary

Watch 'White Wolf - Part 2' here: https://youtu.be/UICxPn6Ry1I

For ten years two wolf packs have struggled to survive in Yellowstone’s Hayden Valley. The alpha female of the Hayden Valley Pack is the White Wolf of our recording of her life as a puppy until her death. This covered a ten year period, a unique document of a wild animal over her entire life time.

Ten years after wolves were reintroduced into Yellowstone Park in 1995, White Wolf’s pack is the first pack to den in Hayden Valley. Although the valley is rich in ungulates for eight months, the harsh winter drives most of the elk and bison down to lower elevations. The pack must find a way of securing food in the most severe conditions. There is ample prey in Yellowstone Park – in fact the elk
herds had grown so large that they were having a negative impact on the plant ecology of the Park. The return of wolves would do a great deal to correct that imbalance.


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