
Unpredictable people are disregarding other's lives for money | Rat Disaster | YOUKU MONSTER MO

2 ចំនួនអ្នកទស្សនា· 01/12/23
33 អ្នកជាវ

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【Rat Disaster 狂鼠列车】

Director: Lin Zhenzhao
Starring: Yin Zhaode / Xia Yiyao / Jiang Yongbo / Cheng Junwen / Zhu Ya / Chu Yu He / Musa / Lu Yu / Xu Wei / Yang Yongfeng / Wang Xinsen / Deng Wei / Zhang Lei
Genre: Disaster / Horror

Plot: Su Zhenghuai (Yin Zhaode), a lowly clerk in the Ministry of Health, takes his eldest daughter Su Ting (Xia Yiyao), and son Su Yuesheng (Chu Yuhe) to the provincial capital to visit relatives and meets his long-lost second daughter Su Ling (Zhu Ya) on the train. In order to save their youngest son and the many bitten passengers, Su Zhenghuai and Su Ting decide to venture to the Xiao Baihe Hospital to get medicine, thus starting an extreme escape.

ENGSUB【Rat Disaster】Crazy rats have taken over this train! | Disaster / Horror | YOUKU MONSTER MOVIE

#youkumonstermovie #优酷怪兽制燥 #狂鼠列车 #RatDisaster #灾难 #恐怖 #惊悚

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