
Two-headed Titan Centipede!The eldest brother was swallowed alive!|The Labyrinth|YOUKU MONSTER MOVIE

1 ចំនួនអ្នកទស្សនា· 01/12/23
33 អ្នកជាវ

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Synopsis: The movie recounted a story that took place in a city’s Circle Line subway. Brother Dao, Gao Fei, and Han Xiao, et al, fell into the depths of the ground after a bizarre accident, and then were attacked by a huge monster. Everyone got into panic at first. Seeing their teammates killed one by one, they learned from their mistakes and decided to unite as one to fight against the monster and finally succeeded in escaping.
Director:Wang Zi
Genre: Action/Adventure/ Disaster
【The Labyrinth】The fierce battle against the bloodthirsty centipede in subway | Action/Adventure/ Disaster | YOUKU MONSTER MOVIE

#youkumonstermovie #优酷怪兽制燥 #环线 #The Labyrinth

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