
Reefs of Steel | Blue Realm | Free Documentary Nature

2 ចំនួនអ្នកទស្សនា· 19/09/23
33 អ្នកជាវ

Blue Realm - Episode 9: Reefs of Steel
Around the globe, thousands of decommissioned naval vessels rot in dockyards. What can you do with these toxic time bombs? One solution is to clean them well, blow them up and sink them! Providing shelter and breeding grounds, countless fish and invertebrates colonize steel hulls.
In the Cayman Islands, the USS Kittiwake met a watery grave and quickly transformed into a vibrant artificial reef. In the Florida Keys, dozens of purposely sunk ships are a beacon to marine life, and to scuba divers. It seems like a win-win-win situation - for the environment, for divers and for cash strapped governments. But supporters face tough opposition on many fronts. After years of struggle, Canada's newest artificial reef project - the HMCS Annapolis, is nearing completion. But will protesters get their way and scuttle the sinking?


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