
Jersey - Sunny Island in the English Channel | Free Documentary Nature

1 ចំនួនអ្នកទស្សនា· 19/09/23
33 អ្នកជាវ

Jersey - Sunny Island in the English Channel | Free Nature Documentary

Jersey - the Channel Island is one of the areas under british rule that can boast the most hours of annual sunshine. Not that Dave Cowburn cares very much. He works in the dark, cool ducts of an old bunker from World War II. Here he breeds turbot and is very successful at it, too.
The "Jersey Royal", the regal potato, has been grown on the island since 1880, fertilized with seaweed from the surrounding ocean. In the third generation, Christine Hellio manages approximately 20 hectares on the coast. "The potato is our most important export commodity", she says. It is harvested by hand, as machines cannot be used on the steep fields. The price is quite regal, too: One kilogram costs 6 Euros.
Hugh Gill is one of around 240 voluntary police officers on Jersey. The Honorary Police is regarded as the oldest organised police system in the world. Hugh works for them for one week every month. On the green lanes, the streets of Jersey, the speed limit is 15 miles per hour.
Jersey has an immense tidal range and with up to 13 metres difference, it is the world's third largest. This is good for a rarity: the Ormer - one of the world's most expensive species of snail.


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