
How to be Invisible Online (and the hard truth about it)...

2 ចំនួនអ្នកទស្សនា· 30/08/23
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Don't be fooled ... Occupy The Web (OTW) tells us the hard truth about being anonymous online. The brutal truth: Will using your neigbors wifi keep you anonymous? Can you hide from the NSA? Can you hide from Google and other companies? Will Tor help you? Will Proxy Chains help? Which phone do you need to use - Android or iPhone or something else? Which operating system - Windows, macOS or Linux? What is the truth? What do you need to use?

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// Occupy The Web books //
Linux Basics for Hackers: https://amzn.to/3JlAQXe
Getting Started Becoming a Master Hacker: https://amzn.to/3qCQbvh
Top Hacking Books you need to read: https://youtu.be/trPJaCGBbKU

// Other books //
The Linux Command Line: https://amzn.to/3ihGP3j
How Linux Works: https://amzn.to/3qeCHoY
The Car Hacker’s Handbook by Craig Smith: https://amzn.to/3pBESSM
Hacking Connected Cars by Alissa Knight: https://amzn.to/3dDUZN8

// Occupy The Web Website / Hackers Arise Website //
Website: https://www.hackers-arise.com/?afmc=1d
OTW Mr Robot series: https://www.hackers-arise.com/mr-robot

Want to learn more from Occupy the Web? You can join his classes using these links:
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Interested in sponsoring my videos? Reach out to my team here: sponsors@davidbombal.com

// MENU //
00:00 - Coming up
00:51 - Don't use the nighbour's wifi
03:02 - OccupyTheWeb books
03:44 - How to remain anonymous on the internet // The NSA is watching
09:56 - Be careful of your browser
13:35 - Turn off cookies
15:41 - ProxyChains and Tor demo
22:10 - The FBI story
25:30 - ProxyChains and Tor demo continued
28:36 - How to remain anonymous
33:05 - Using Starlink
36:18 - Recommended operating systems
38:34 - Untraceable phones (burner phones)
40:05 - VPN vs Tor // Don't trust free proxies
42:29 - Don't keep systems together
44:24 - Recommended e-mail service
46:53 - Bitcoin is traceable
47:58 - Anti-forensics // How to clean systems
50:41 - Recommended search engines
51:34 - Have different identities/systems
52:26 - Conclusion

proxy chains
tails linux
invisible online
hide identity
kali linux
online privacy
internet security
online privacy and security
online privacy tips
online privacy guide
internet security tutorial

Please note that links listed may be affiliate links and provide me with a small percentage/kickback should you use them to purchase any of the items listed or recommended. Thank you for supporting me and this channel!

Disclaimer: This video is for educational purposes only.

#wifi #iphone #android


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