
Gorillas: The Gentle Giants | Free Documentary Nature

2 ចំនួនអ្នកទស្សនា· 19/09/23
33 អ្នកជាវ

Gorillas: The Gentle Giants | Wildlife Documentary

Watch 'Go Ape - The Fascinating World of Primates' here: https://youtu.be/V3auPw3Ee3M

More than 3000 western lowland gorillas live in the Central African Republics Dzanga-Sangha National Park. They are the lesser-known relatives of the well-researched mountain gorillas. Animal videographer Thomas Behrend has followed Makumba the silverback and his family wherever they went for several months. Including some very rare footage, the film enables an insight into the life of a lowland gorilla family, as well as the people studying them. During his stay in the jungle, Behrend captured touching scenes of the life of the gorillas on camera, from frolicking offspring to the silverbacks frustration with his disobedient "wife". He too discovered the peculiarities of life in the jungle: the ubiquitous humidity, irritating mosquitoes and forest elephants that break into the camp at night.


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