
Giant snake wrapped around a beauty and ate her| Rising Boas in a Girl's School |YOUKU MONSTER

0 ចំនួនអ្នកទស្សនា· 01/12/23
33 អ្នកជាវ

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【Rising Boas in a Girl's School 巨蛇闯女校】

Starring: Zheng Long / Peng Bo / Shi Xuanru / Cao Tiankai / Pang Yong
Genre: Horror / Adventure

Plot: In a secret snake breeding base on the outskirts of Haixi, the snake gradually mutates due to the high hormone the owner fed them. One day, a ferocious group of snakes escaped from the cage and began to frantically attack the humans in the snake breeding base. At the same time, the snakes also crawled to a flight attendant school not far from the snake breeding base. The school is preparing for the graduation ceremony, and students who do not know that they are about to face danger are still conducting the school's professional skills competition.

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Giant snake wrapped around a beauty and ate her| Rising Boas in a Girl's School |YOUKU MONSTER MOVIE

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