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電影《黑洞之狼入室》物慾嬌妻被同夥霸占,忍辱負重助夫殺敵 | 黑幫犯罪片 HD

0 Views· 22/09/23
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故事簡介: 黑幫犯罪電影《黑洞之狼入室 Black Hole》講述了女主角盧燕是一名話劇演員,身材豐滿,容貌姣好,在一次落水中被王強救起,並結為夫妻。由於盧燕是一個愛慕虛榮,極度奢侈的人,王強為了給盧燕買好車以及滿足她更多的金錢慾望,決定夥同流竄犯張大貴,通過內線消息裡應外合搶劫賭頭陸老五的賭資抽頭,在搶劫成功後,張大貴黑吃黑,想獨吞劫資並強佔盧燕,張大貴真的能如願嗎?王強將會如何反撲?最終鹿死誰手呢?

Synopsis: Gangster and Crime movie "Black Hole 黑洞之狼入室" tells the story of Lu Yan, a good-looking drama actress with a sexy figure, who was rescued by Wang Qiang after falling into the water and got married later. Lu Yan being a vain and extremely extravagant person caused Wang Qiang to team up with wanted criminal Zhang Dagui in order to buy a fancy car for Lu Yan and satisfy her desire for more money. Through inside information, he robbed the gambling head Lu Laowu’s criminal fund. After they pulled off the robbery, Zhang Dagui decided to betray Wang Qiang, keep the money all to himself, and sexually assault Lu Yan. Can Zhang Dagui really achieve his wish? How will Wang Qiang counterattack? At the end, who will have the upper hand?

Studio 出品發行: 寧夏柒樂影業 Qile Pictures
Directed by 導演: 米可 Mi Ke
Starring 主演: 李依馨 Li Yixin, 肖宗靈 Xiao Zongling, 馬亮 Ma Liang
Genres 題材: 黑幫 #gangster 犯罪 #crime

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